Ox and Pig (Boar): compatibility of men and women in love. Ox Man - Pig Woman (Boar)

Ox and Pig (Boar): compatibility of men and women in love.  Ox Man - Pig Woman (Boar)
Ox and Pig (Boar): compatibility of men and women in love. Ox Man - Pig Woman (Boar)

If you know what sign your potential partner was born under, you will be able to determine the future of your relationship, as well as avoid possible problems and difficulties. This information will be very useful for you and will allow you to achieve success on the love front.

People born in the year of the Pig are very smart, honest and conscientious. People around you may consider you slow and even stupid because you take a lot of time to make any decision, but these people are completely wrong. Before taking any action, you carefully consider all the possible consequences, so in most cases you make the best, the only correct decision. Of course, sometimes you miss the opportunities that open up to you precisely because of your inability to quickly decide on something.

You prefer to draw up an action plan in advance, and then persistently and consistently adhere to this plan, moving towards the goal that you have set for yourself. In relationships, you show the same determination and consistency. You are romantic and will gladly show your partner many pleasant signs of attention that indicate your affection for her. You are a true peacemaker who hates quarrels and conflicts and always strives to find some kind of compromise. This personality trait will prove to be very useful for you in a love relationship because it will help you avoid arguments and disagreements with your partner.

You have a certain weakness for luxuries and various pleasures of life. You should exercise caution in this matter and ensure that the situation does not get out of control. You need a partner who is not afraid to intervene in some cases and curb your impulses.

People born in the year of the Ox are considered incredibly stubborn, and they have earned this reputation for good reason. Before making any decision, the Ox woman will carefully analyze all possible options - just like you. Having made a decision, a representative of this sign will never change it; she will adhere to the chosen point of view no matter what. Because of her habit of thinking about her every step for a long time, she often misses the opportunities that open up to her - in this you are similar to her. Neither of you likes to take risks and will never become a gambler.

Oxen love to work hard and provide for their family. If you marry a representative of this sign, she will make a significant contribution to your family budget, because she really likes to work hard. Oxen do not show a penchant for romantic gestures and surprises - this fact may disappoint you a little. However, at the same time, the Ox woman is devoted to her partner and very reliable, you can really rely on her.

It is not easy to piss off a bull, but if you do manage to do this, beware! Your outstanding talents as a negotiator and peacemaker will be very useful if you yourself anger your Ox partner or someone else does it. It takes some time to create anger in her soul, but once the fire of negative emotions flares up, it really is not easy to extinguish.

You both enjoy quiet evenings at home in each other's company, but you require much more communication than your partner. You should bring your life partner out into the world from time to time - this way you can get her out of the swamp of everyday household routine. She may not understand or share your love of parties, socializing with friends, and luxuries, but she will not envy or resent your fun and will support you in all your endeavors.

One of the most important aspects of this relationship is the Ox partner's inability to betray or deceive. And this is very good for you, because you are somewhat naive and gullible, and that is why many people try to use you for their own purposes. If you marry a representative of this sign, you can be sure that she will never break your heart.

A woman born in the year of the Ox completely suits your lifestyle and temperamental characteristics. Most likely, you will be able to build a stable, long-term relationship with her.

A family union in the compatibility of an Ox man and a Pig (Boar) woman is quite promising, since in it, each spouse reveals and enhances the best qualities of the other. The seriousness, focus on success and good manners of the Ox man allow the Pig (Boar) woman to show her devotion, even sacrifice, as well as her ability to endure difficulties and hardships.

In addition, the Pig (Boar) woman can create the family comfort that the hard-working Ox man needs, and his protection and care will be necessary for her psychological stability. her husband’s needs, helps him be less secretive and stubborn, and he, in turn, likes her sensuality, sociability, ability to understand the situation and find the necessary connections that will help him in his career.

Ox man and Pig (Boar) woman – compatibility

The compatibility of a pair of male Ox and female Pig (Boar) is slightly above average. They may be attracted to each other, but they will still have disagreements. In order to create a strong, happy union, both will have to work on the relationship. But with effort, the couple can quickly achieve harmony. Their compatibility is based on the partners’ ability to accept each other as they are and to patiently accept other people’s shortcomings. According to the Eastern horoscope, age plays a big role in this pair. The older the partners, the more they strive to preserve the union, and live not only by passions, but also by reason. In general, these relationships are based on feelings. After all, the Pig (Boar) woman is very sensitive and lives in accordance with her nature. Her sincerity and spontaneity can stir up in the Ox man those feelings that he did not even suspect he had in himself. He is inspired by the spontaneity and honesty of the Pig (Boar) woman, and she, in turn, will appreciate his fortitude, reliability and stability. In addition, the Ox man, thanks to his organizational qualities, will bring order to a woman’s life. Together they will change for the better. the Ox man will learn to show emotions and feelings that will give impetus to further development, and the Pig (Boar) woman will become more confident in herself, feel the inner core and next to this man she will feel like behind a stone wall.

A man from the general mass of people does not make a strong impression at first glance. She has an underdeveloped sense of humor and in a conversation it is not immediately possible to recognize him as a pleasant interlocutor. But as soon as the conversation turns to a serious topic, everyone immediately reveals extensive knowledge and a sharp mind. By the way, the Ox man is also attracted to other people mainly by knowledge and a desire to increase intellectual abilities. He loves clarity and simplicity in actions and words. And in general he believes that actions speak louder than any words, and his actions confirm this. and a practical person. He gives all his strength for the prosperity of his family, business or country as a whole. The measure of success for him is his family. A house, wife and children are a long-term and stable investment of capital, time and effort. The Ox man is not romantic and does not like it when people flirt with him. What he values ​​in women, first of all, is their position in society and their business qualities. And he is of little interest in their inner, spiritual world. And he can become truly happy in love only when he meets a well-educated girl, a good and thrifty housewife, who can calmly endure his attacks of rage.

A woman born with an easy-going, good-natured character. She will always come to the rescue and becomes a faithful friend for both women and men. A woman born in the year of the Pig (Boar) is loved by everyone because she is helpful, polite, friendly, touching, calm and has fantastic charm. The Pig (Boar) woman often resembles a child in her behavior, because she knows how to enjoy everything around her, is cheerful and cheerful, and has a positive attitude towards each person individually and the world as a whole. Her friendliness attracts people and makes her a company favorite. In love, the Pig (Boar) woman is rather shy and reserved. She hides her true feelings and prefers to remain passive until she is sure that the man loves her too. She does not know how to be cunning or cunning, for her there are no vicious relationships, and love is something ideal. The Pig (Boar) woman does not like to argue and unquestioningly recognizes her husband’s authority. She can rightfully be considered one of the best candidates for a wife for most men.

An Ox man and a Pig (Boar) woman, as a rule, fall in love with each other at first sight. The Ox man cannot resist the charms of the Pig (Boar) woman. Their relationships are always full of romance, tenderness, passion, beautiful courtship and experiences of the whole gamut of feelings. They don't want to be apart even for a minute and don't miss any opportunity to hug or kiss. The first love very quickly gives way to an irrepressible passion that overwhelms both of them. They feel good together and every day they discover more and more pleasant facets in each other. It is worth noting that such behavior is uncharacteristic of the absolutely unromantic and “dry” Ox man. It rarely manifests itself, and in this case, it is facilitated by the sensual Pig (Boar) woman. She has a very strongly developed emotional sphere, which dominates the rest. She literally infects those around her with her sensuality and provokes them to show emotions. The Ox man understands perfectly well that next to this woman he behaves differently than he is used to, but he cannot do anything about it, and he does not want to. He likes to reveal unknown facets of his inner world. It often happens that after meeting, these two move away from friends and acquaintances because they want to enjoy each other’s company.

The Pig (Boar) woman never tires of admiring her chosen one and supports him in everything, and the Ox man, in turn, takes care of his trusting, naive and defenseless girlfriend. Together they are capable of much. The Ox man becomes the head of the family and takes full responsibility for providing for the family. He knows how to earn money, and the Pig (Boar) woman knows how to spend it correctly or invest it wisely. In addition, the Pig woman is an excellent housewife. Her house is always warm and cozy, and there is a wide variety of pickles prepared by her on the table. The Ox man greatly appreciates her ability to create the comfortable conditions necessary for him. He always runs away from work with joy, because he knows that a loving wife, a delicious dinner and relaxation after his hard work are waiting for him at home.

Gradually, as the relationship develops, when the passion subsides, the partners begin to notice each other's shortcomings.

The main difficulties in this couple may arise if the Pig (Boar) woman has fun and leads an idle lifestyle while the Ox man works hard. Also, the Ox man is irritated by noisy feasts and a large number of guests, which the Pig (Boar) woman loves very much. He prefers to spend his evenings quietly, thinking about something of his own. But in this case it is very easy to come to a compromise. For example, agree to receive guests at a certain time. This will not be a surprise for the Ox man, and the Pig (Boar) woman will be able to lead a more orderly life.

Ox man and Pig (Boar) woman - compatibility in love

The sexual compatibility of a pair of male Ox and female Pig (Boar) is at a high level. They feel so good together that at first passion will overwhelm both of them. They will enjoy closeness with each other all their free time, completely forgetting about relatives, friends and work. Many hot nights will pass before they quench their passion and can return to a normal active life.

Advice from “Moon Today” for the couple Ox Man and Pig (Boar) Woman

An Ox man and a Pig (Boar) woman can create a strong, happy family union, but each person is individual, and only he himself is responsible for his own happiness. Mutual understanding between these spouses is achieved through deep feelings, but this does not relieve them of the need to change. So, the Pig (Boar) woman will have to get used to the stability and regularity of her existence, and the Ox man will have to be ready for change. Both need to learn this lesson to find harmony in their relationship.

It is also important that the Ox man accepts his other half with all its shortcomings, learns to be patient and not try to redo it. And, besides, control your pressure on her and not go too far. And the Pig (Boar) woman, in turn, must understand that for the Ox man, comfort in the house, peace, order and cleanliness are very important. And the Pig (Boar) woman must make every effort to satisfy this need of her husband.

Make it a rule in the evening after dinner to discuss how your day went. In such relaxed atmosphere You can understand each other better, learn about experiences or joys. This is important because harmony paired with will be as long as the spouses do not hide anything. If you manage to maintain a reverent attitude towards each other, then you will be able to overcome any, even the most difficult, obstacles and life circumstances. By harmoniously complementing each other, giving the necessary support and understanding, everyone will gain the opportunity for powerful personal and spiritual growth. The Ox man will help the Pig (Boar) woman become more organized and disciplined, and the Pig (Boar) woman will show the Ox man that by showing your emotions and feelings, you can make life brighter and richer, and those around you happier.

The Pig wants to be the most cunning, but in reality he can only show off his frivolity. Therefore, Vol must always be on guard. According to the Pig compatibility horoscope, they really like each other and especially value honesty in a partner. The Boar always acts as a fighter, and the Ox is distinguished by its exceptional peacefulness, this is their strength. But this union is not without disagreements, because the Boar is a glutton by nature, and the Ox cannot allow such wastefulness.

They are pleased with different things - one is content with little, and the other desires abundance. The Ox is an excellent economist, and the Pig is wasteful and cannot live without comfort, which becomes the cause of mutual reproaches. But this, one might say, is where their disagreements end, since Pig has a well-developed sense of proportion. And if he feels that he is tired of Vol, he will instantly fall silent.

Pig Man and Ox Woman

Compatibility between a Pig man and an Ox woman is based on a romantic relationship with each other. It is very likely that they will have love at first sight and even fatal passion. The main thing in a relationship is feelings and everything connected with them.

The Pig man lives by feeling and with his sincerity is able to reveal the strongest emotions in the Ox woman, which she did not even suspect. It is not surprising that she will like this man, because at first she will not understand what is happening, then she will become somewhat confused and eventually give up.

Together they will enjoy intimacy for a long time: they really feel good together, because every day each of them reveals themselves and their partner more and more, while new discoveries are joyful and pleasant. So, at the beginning of a relationship, they will most likely become unavailable to their acquaintances and friends, because they will simply want to spend every free minute with each other.

Of course, over time passions will subside and some stability will appear. At this moment, negative character traits of the partner will begin to appear. The Ox woman will continue to be inspired by the spontaneity and honesty of the Pig man, and he will appreciate her fortitude and reliability.

The Ox woman is an excellent organizer and will be happy to help restore order in the life of the Pig man. Together they will develop well, as the Pig man will find a core and support, and the Ox woman will learn to show emotions and feelings, which will become a subsequent impulse for the further development of awareness.

Pig Woman and Ox Man

Compatibility between Pig woman and Ox man is based on the partners’ ability to accept each other as they are and to patiently accept other people’s shortcomings. The relationship is likely to begin with romance and continue with fatal passion and serious affection.

The basis of the relationship will be feelings, because the Pig woman is very sensitive and lives in accordance with her nature. Her sincerity is capable of raising to the top the strongest emotions of the Ox, who previously did not even know about their existence. It is not surprising that he will be attracted to this woman and he will be forced to surrender under her spell.

The relationship will bring real intimacy to this couple: they feel good together, because every day they discover more and more new facets in themselves and in their partner, and these discoveries are very joyful and pleasant. Maybe even at the beginning of the relationship they will distance themselves from their friends and acquaintances, simply because they don’t want to leave a place where it’s so cozy and warm. Of course, as the relationship develops, the passion will subside and a certain stability will appear in the relationship. Then the partner’s shortcomings will begin to appear.

The Ox man is inspired by the spontaneity and honesty of the Pig woman, and she, in turn, will appreciate his fortitude and reliability. The organizational skills of the Ox man will help bring order to the life of the Pig girl. Together they will change for the better: the Ox man will learn to show emotions and feelings, which will give a new impetus for further development, and the Pig woman will gain core and support.

Larisa Tsareva

The Pig and the Ox cannot be called an ideal couple, but they have a lot in common. Feelings can flare up between these signs of the Chinese horoscope at the first meeting, and their romance often ends in marriage. The union does not promise to be cloudless; people will have to go through tests, colliding with their characters. And if they can overcome some of their selfish traits, they will be very happy together.

Compatibility horoscope for Ox and Pig (Boar) in love according to the eastern horoscope

Each sign of the eastern horoscope is endowed with its own unique set of characteristics. Let's find out what qualities the Ox and Pig have and how favorable their love relationship can be.

Pig character

Boars are very honest and straightforward. Before they promise or decide anything, they carefully weigh and analyze everything. And these qualities are very similar to Bulls. But unlike the latter, Pigs are open and sociable. They love big companies and do not feel timid when they find themselves in the center of attention.

People born under the sign of the Pig are very peaceful. They try in every possible way to avoid conflicts, quarrels, scandals, know how to compromise and forgive easily. A good disposition and a tendency to trust people sometimes plays a cruel joke on them - some simply take advantage of it.

In the labor sphere, the sign is ambitious and purposeful. Pigs can achieve a high position in the career ladder, but money is not a priority for them in life. For people of this Zodiac, the most important thing is family and close people, because it is from this area that they draw the bulk of their vital energy. They do not like loneliness, so they value and cherish relationships.

Among the Boars there are many creative personalities, peacemakers and philanthropists

Ox character

Bulls are fighters for truth and justice. They are persistent, hardworking, reasonable and, like Pigs, are not inclined to make rash decisions and commit impulsive actions. But unlike Pig, they are less tolerant of people and love to rule and manage more.

It's pretty secretive and reserved personalities extremely rarely showing their feelings and emotions in public. They do not like noisy and large companies, preferring a narrow circle of close people whom they completely trust.

In the work sphere, Oxen are often very successful, they know how to earn money, and like to surround themselves with good, expensive things. Material status is very important for them and is one of the indicators of success in life.

In relationships, Oxen are selective and never do not associate with frivolous people. It is important for them that the chosen one is a match - just as honest, serious and rational. They are sure that a love union is not built on romance and other “vanillas,” but on trust, mutual respect, support and understanding. This approach allows them to create strong marriages. But the other side of the coin is that boredom and routine often creep into their relationships.

Bulls very rarely allow themselves rest, which negatively affects their health and mood.

Love forecast between Pig and Ox

The romantic tandem “Pig – Ox” generally has high compatibility. Pig is one of the few Zodiacs capable of awakening sensuality and awe in Oxen. Very often signs fall in love with each other at first sight and from the first words they find complete mutual understanding.

A union where the guy is an Ox and the girl is a Pig is considered more favorable. A man will become a reliable support for his chosen one, and she will awaken the brightest qualities in him. Their union will be strong and stable.

A love story where the Ox is a woman will face a lot of challenges. The problem is that ladies of this sign like to control everything and sometimes cross the boundaries of their personal space. A patient Pig can “swallow” pressure from his partner for a long time, but if he explodes, then a scandal is inevitable. Difficulties can also be financial: Pigs spend money easily, love to pamper themselves, and Bulls are very economical, sometimes to the detriment of oneself.

If the signs can overcome some differences and learn to hear each other, then their love union may well develop into a happy marriage.

Sexual compatibility

Sex plays a vital role in a relationship for her. When she does not receive dedication from her partner, she becomes disappointed. If in life the Ox is very strong-willed, then in bed he is ready to please his loved one. This behavior favors the Pig, so things develop very well between them. harmonious sexual relationships, full of passion and sensuality.

Marriage compatibility of couples born in the years of the Ox and Pig (Boar)

The forecast for marital relations in a couple where the husband is a Pig and the wife is an Ox is ambiguous. A man is attracted to a woman’s independence and self-sufficiency, but over time, her leadership qualities will begin to hurt his pride. If the spouse takes on the leading role in the family, writes down the rules and demands compliance with them from her husband, then the marriage will threatens to collapse. The Pig is able to endure a lot and give in a lot, but he will not allow his manhood to be belittled and will not allow a woman to completely lead him.

There will certainly be conflicts on financial grounds. The Pig man knows how to earn money, but his wife will always think that he is capable of more. Constant reproaches on her part and dissatisfaction with her husband’s income will not lead to anything good.

For a marriage to be strong, a woman must accept her chosen one as he is and allow him to be master of the house. A lot in such a union depends on the wisdom of the woman.

The Ox woman often prefers a career to everyday life, but her organizational skills allow her to successfully take care of the house

A family in which the man is an Ox and the wife is a Pig has a completely different atmosphere. The roles are correctly distributed in it, and the couple has much less reasons for serious conflicts. The wife gladly accepts the care of her husband, completely giving him primacy in the marriage. Feeling owner and provider, a man awakens powerful creative energy in himself and achieves a lot in life.

The wife easily learns to adapt to her husband, which only pleases the power-hungry Ox. Pigs do not always make good housewives, but the flexible nature of the wife compensates for all the everyday troubles in the marriage.

Friendship between Ox and Pig according to the Chinese calendar

Friendship between Pig and Bull can develop very strong. There is practically no disagreement between them in this area. Both signs value human relationships, have deep respect for loved ones and will always come to the aid of those who need it. Zodiacs can be strong friends, regardless of gender or age. In such a union, they complement each other perfectly and feel like kindred spirits.

Compatibility in work between Ox and Pig is also high. The most successful situation is where the Ox occupies a leadership position. The boar is very effective when controlled. He is punctual, efficient, and honest in business. The bull has more pronounced leadership qualities, so he becomes an excellent leader. The signs can make reliable business partners.

Compatibility of Ox man and Pig woman

The couple “he is an Ox, she is a Pig” is quite harmonious and happy. A soft, feminine, sophisticated Pig girl awakens the most tender feelings in her chosen one and inspires him to exploits. Such a woman initially inspires trust in the Ox, which is fundamental for him in any relationship.

Both partners are very reasonable, they are not prone to frivolous actions, they try not to make decisions based on emotions, and these qualities bring them very close. It is very important for an Ox guy to feel himself head in the relationship and the Pig woman fully allows him to do this. She further instills confidence in him, for which he envelops her with his love and care so that she feels completely safe and secure. Such an affair often ends in a strong marriage.

Both signs love children very much and make excellent parents.

Compatibility of Ox woman and Pig man

The love tandem “she is an Ox, he is a Pig” is more complex. There is definitely an attraction between the signs. When they meet, they immediately begin to feel sympathy for each other. The Ox Girl is very restrained by nature and knows how to control her emotions, but the Pig Guy evokes such a whirlwind of feelings in her that she instantly falls under his spell.

A man is attracted to a woman by her intelligence, ability to present herself, seriousness, and self-esteem. Romance between signs can be stormy, passionate. The girl’s demanding and picky attitude can ruin everything. She tends to idealize and control everything. The boar sometimes likes to “break away from the world,” spend time alone with himself, and observe nature. A woman does not always share his idle pastime. By trying to impose her rules on a guy, the lady risks ruining the union. To be together, a lady should be more flexible, feminine, and hurt the male ego less. A man is recommended to show more in some matters toughness and determination.

Spending time together helps improve and strengthen the relationship between Ox and Pig. It’s good if the signs have a common hobby, or they spend their leisure time together more often in nature, take walks, and travel. Such activities will only benefit them.

21 February 2018, 18:44

Compatibility between an Ox man and a Pig woman is based on the partners’ ability to accept each other as they are and to patiently accept other people’s shortcomings. The relationship is likely to begin with romance and continue with fatal passion and serious affection.


The basis of the relationship will be feelings, because the Pig woman is very sensitive and lives in accordance with her nature. Her sincerity is capable of raising to the top the strongest emotions of the Ox, who previously did not even know about their existence. It is not surprising that he will be attracted to this woman and he will be forced to surrender under her spell.

The relationship will bring real intimacy to this couple: they feel good together, because every day they discover more and more new facets in themselves and in their partner, and these discoveries are very joyful and pleasant. Maybe even at the beginning of the relationship they will distance themselves from their friends and acquaintances, simply because they don’t want to leave a place where it’s so cozy and warm. Of course, as the relationship develops, the passion will subside and a certain stability will appear in the relationship. Then the partner’s shortcomings will begin to appear.

The Ox man is inspired by the spontaneity and honesty of the Pig woman, and she, in turn, will appreciate his fortitude and reliability. The organizational skills of the Ox man will help bring order to the life of the Pig girl. Together they will change for the better: the Ox man will learn to show emotions and feelings, which will give a new impetus for further development, and the Pig woman will gain core and support.


It is important that the Ox man learns to be patient and does not try to remake his other half to suit himself in order to make life more convenient. The Pig woman, in turn, should know that for this man, order and cleanliness in the house is extremely important, and he sees his wife as an attentive housewife, so if she wants to stay with him for a long time, she needs to take care of this.

Overall, this is an excellent combination for love relationships and creating a family. The main thing is that the Ox man controls his pressure on his partner and does not go too far, and the Pig woman does not look for pleasure on the side. They will both be very useful to each other, both simply on the material and everyday level, and in teaching the art of love. If they manage to maintain a reverent attitude towards each other, they will be able to overcome even the most difficult obstacles and life circumstances.

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