What is Irina Skvortsova doing now. Bobsletik Irina Skvortsova: biography, achievements and interesting facts. "I got used to be one"

What is Irina Skvortsova doing now. Bobsletik Irina Skvortsova: biography, achievements and interesting facts.
What is Irina Skvortsova doing now. Bobsletik Irina Skvortsova: biography, achievements and interesting facts. "I got used to be one"

At the opening of the Olympics in Sochi, worldwide fame launched this girl for the second time. As in the first, she did not strive for such glory and did not do anything for her. However, it is not an example better than the dying victim of a terrible accident on the German Sanno-Bobslena highway. 25-year-old Irina Skvortsovai survived the real hell before being in the bed of honor at the opening of the Olympics in Sochi, and only the one who does not know what she passed can be envied.

And everything began everyday and simply. Ira was born in Moscow at the degree of Soviet times, he was engaged in an early athletics from an early age, he filed hope, speaking at domestic competitions and even coming to the youth World Championship, where 200 meters running out.

After school entered the institute, but the sport did not leave. However, Ira did not work in the number of the best Russian sprinters. But here just passed the set in the experimental bobslery group "Sochi-2014", and Irina decided to try himself in a new sport.

Russia is not Germany, and we have no bobslene traditions. Therefore, the heads of the Federation sought reserves in other sports disciplines. For example, now the legendary pilot Alexander Zubkov In his youth was Sannik and competed with no less legendary Albert Demchenko. Partner Zubkov Alexey Voevoda He was a multiple world champion in arm wrestling.

Russian coaches have decided that potentially strong overclocking can be obtained from athlete sprinters, who did not have a quarry on the "main profile". It was among those who were in Bobslene Irina Skvortsova.

Irina Skvortsova, July 2013 Photo: RIA Novosti


As if her career, it makes no sense to guess. She ended, practically not started. On November 23, 2009, Russian Bobsleists conducted training on the highway in German KoeniGsee. Another descent conducted a female crew in the composition Hope Filinand Irina Skvortsova. Due to the error in piloting Bob turned over. For this sport, the usual thing is: this has happened many times even with the world champions and the Olympic Games. The girl's coup was not injured.

But at that moment, when they still remained in the reversed beob, on the highway, gaining speed, already flew the male crew Evgenia Pashkovand Andrei Matyushko. To stop the bob on the highway was impossible, and he literally hit the girls.

The main blow was on Irina Skvortsova. Thrilling from the back is not protected by anything. Actually, to call it omission does not turn the language, since such collisions on the track can not occur in principle.

However, on this day, in violation of all rules and norms, German judge Peter Helle He released a new crew on the track, without waiting for the finish line of the previous one. What an eclipse happened in the head of this person is unknown. But this step was led to terrible consequences.

When Irina was taken from an ice yellow and passed and transmitted to doctors who were attended to be horrified: the wounds of the athlete were monstrous. It seemed that she would live no more than a few hours. The doctors of the clinic, where they delivered Irina Skvortsov, did not eat illusions either. Significantly later they will say that one person out of one person survives with such injuries.

Frames of a terrible accident bypassed the whole world, and news about the state of the health of Russian bobskets was at the top stitching.

Called forecasts

Despite unfavorable forecasts, Ira continued to fight for life. With the doctors, she walked her literally on a centimeter: almost there is no chance, there is little chance, 50 to 50. And one day, German doctors said: it is incredible, but the Russian athlete will live.

But the struggle just began. The German doctors intended to be an embellished right leg, but Irina declined. Surprising her persistence, the doctors began to look for ways to avoid amputation and, ultimately, found. I had to remove two thirds of the muscles of the damaged limb, she lost sensitivity, but still Ira did not lose her at all.

Then the German eskulapses stated: you live, Irina, you will, the leg will remain with you, but you will have to move to you only in a wheelchair. However, after a few months, the Germans again abuned - the stubborn Russian moved already with the help of crutches, leaving the stroller aside. Ira explained to his decision, I simply explained - I live in Russia, and there it is not very little on the wheelchair, and there is no attention to the attention too much.

Irina Skvortsova during training in Studio VGTRK, July 2013 Photo: RIA Novosti

Compensation and conscience

While Irina fought for his life, no less hot battles were walking around her name. At first, in great and strong Russia, they could not find funds to pay for the treatment of a mutilated athlete. Then, when the money was collected by common efforts, it turned out that the "well-wishers" spinning around the girl herself around the girl around the girl, which expected well earn her trouble. At the end of this, the process associated with the official establishment of the culprit of the accident was stretched for long months. Only in October 2010, the German court found the guilty judge Peter Helly, fined him to 3,600 euros. This court decision made it possible to apply to the German Union Bobsley and Skeleton. It was not about the thirst for profit and not about revenge, but about banal justice - huge bills for treatment hung a stone on Irina stone.

The process ended with the World Agreement only in November 2013, that is, four years after a terrible accident. The German side agreed to pay 650 thousand euros, who went to pay for the rehabilitation and treatment of an athlete.

The clinic in Munich Irina left in the spring of 2010, over 4 months moved more than fifty operations. Then there was a rehabilitation period in Germany and, finally, returning home in September 2010. However, the word "home" in this case conditionally - the girl replaced the German clinic on the Russian, continuing the exhaustive rehabilitation course.

The judge Peter Helly did not apologize to Irina. Probably, in the lexicon of German bobslene judges, there are simply no words "conscience" and "shame". Or maybe Mr. Hell decided that 3600 euros of the fine closed this story for him once and for all.

Ira and President

Over time, the name of the Irina disappeared from the pages of the press, which she herself was only glad. In February 2011, she came to the fatal route for her in Koenijsee to cheer for his teammate. There were rumors that the girl is going to go to the Paralympic Sport, but Irina said, as cut off: "This is not mine."

She finished the university and began to work on television, twice led the ceremony awarding the best journalists in Russia. In a beautiful girl, few people learned the unfortunate, semi-bombing bobslet, whose photos had shielded the whole world in 2009.

In 2014, Irina Skvortsova became one of the first participants of the Olympic Fire Relay in Sochi. The best reward for her was that they did not pay much attention to her participation - it means that her desire for normal life had his fruits.

However, the new splash of popularity of the Irina's restore is quite unexpected. In the Olympic Sochi, the girl was invited to receive to the head of the Ministry of Transport Vitaly Mutko. After receiving, his participants were taken to the Fisht Stadium, where the opening ceremony of the Olympiad was to take place. There, the guard politely spent Iru into her place, without specifying who would be her neighbor. When the sitting nearby reported that the free place was reserved for the President of Russia, the girl decided that she was simply played. But in a few minutes, Putin really appeared, who said hello, asked the well-being of Skvortsova and what she is doing now.

Irina in the first minutes was in a lung shock, but then took himself in hand. And just a few minutes later, for three billion people on planet Earth, she became a "girl next to Putin."

Main victory

In this smiling beauty, few of the uninitudes could learn Russian bobslet, whose life four years ago literally hung in the hairs. And this is the biggest victory of Irina Skvortsova.

She continues to be treated. A month ago, she suffered another operation, which was not entirely successful. Now ahead is a new surgical intervention, but this Irina is absolutely not frightened. Irina Skvortz has a great desire to be realized in journalism as it was not possible to realize in sports. And knowing this girl's character, you can not doubt that she will achieve her.

Schedule of the Olympic Games 2014 in Sochi

The exact date and time of the start of all official ceremonies and competitions of the Winter Olympics.

The domestic bobsletic Irina Skvortsov was used to steadily to endure all the difficulties that met on her life path, and overcome them. Because of the judicial mistake, which took place in the real tragedy, the girl's full life had to leave the sport and begin to fight for his own life. She survived and with dignity suffered this harder period of his life.

Start of sports career

Skvortsova Irina Olegovna was born on July 17, 1988 in the most ordinary Moscow family. From the early years, she began to devote himself to sports. Initially, Irina was actively engaged and succeeded in running on sprint distances, fell into the Moscow national athletics national team. In its composition she participated in the Summer Olympics in the run of 200 meters. Then, Irina for the first time truly felt a feeling of excitement and pride, victory. These sensations predetermined what she dedicate her life to the sport.

Study and sport

In the children's and youth years, Irina easily combined numerous training and school training. Sometimes, of course, due to the lack of time, she had to be absent in certain lessons, but due to their organization she easily filled the gaps in knowledge. After graduating from school, the athlete successfully passed the exams and entered the Russian State University of Physical Culture.

During the training period, Irina decided to move away from lessons athletics (in the rank of the master of sports) and to do another sport - Bobsley. Gradually, studied at the university became a minor business, and after receiving the hardest injury, at all ceased to be interested in an athlete. In the future, Irina Skvortsova passed the exams, defended her thesis and graduated from training at the university at the chosen direction.

Career in Bobsleye

Despite the lack of big victories in athletics, this decisive girl decided to participate in the new sports selection stage, whose organizers were representatives of the Moscow Experimental Team, called Sochi-2014. Irina Skvortsova, an athlete, was surprised herself that she was successfully passed. A year later, she was enrolled in the main composition of this team, where she was assigned the role of accelerating. According to the recognition of the Irina itself, at first workouts, she fell in love with the speed and drive of this sport. She was attracted by sharp descents, the bending track fascinated, feeling that you are flying. The tragic accident, which will be told later, did not have any influence on the feelings of Irina to this sport. After a long treatment and formation on the feet, Irina did not throw bobslem classes, fond of other varieties of extreme sports. She also said that she was attracted by mountain skiing, figure skating and even boxing. However, a serious injury, transferred to her not so long ago, allows her to admire this not as an active participant, but as a third-party viewer. Irina is a master of sports on Bobsley.

Scary accident

Despite the dedication that Irina demonstrated during training sessions, it was not destined to become an outstanding bobslet. The reason for this was the tragic confluence of circumstances, because of which Irina Skvortsova was barely left. The accident happened in November 2009 on the German highway in Königsze, where the team's training races were planned, which was a member of Skvortsov. According to the stories of the athlete itself, the training took place as usual, her crew was at the start in anticipation of the Judge. After receiving the Bob signal from him, in which Irina was located, started. The gross violation made by the judge led to the fact that, together with Bob Irina, a male crew was left on the track, as a result of which two shells faced. The circumstances have developed in such a way that besides the Skvortsova, which received numerous fractures and cuts, as well as a serious injury of the right leg, none of the other athletes seriously suffered.

Recovery period

After what happened to the bobslet, Irina Skvortsov was taken to the local hospital, and then transported to the clinic of the city of Munich, located at the university. As the girl itself says, transporting it to Russia, based on her state, was unsafe for her. The life of the athlete was threatened. Finding Irina in the Munich clinic lasted for about four months, during which time the victim Irina moved more than fifty operations, most of them were aimed at restoring the injured legs. Cash aimed at its treatment was going through donations of those who were not indifferent to the grief, which happened to the athlete. In a special open account for 3 months, the sum of over half a million rubles has accumulated. The Government of the Russian Federation also helped the funds of the affected bobslet.

Period of complete rehabilitation

In the spring of 2010, the Russian athlete was redirected to the local rehabilitation center. According to the recognition of the medical workers themselves, they were admired by the Spirit and the patience of the girl. They confirmed the uniqueness of the case, because usually such injuries are accompanied not only by long physical recovery, but also moral. For this reason, Irina Skvortsova left Bobslei, and also completely completed the athlete's career. However, contrary to the most rainbow forecasts of doctors, the girl managed to stand again on his feet. In the early autumn of 2010, she finally returned to Russia, and almost immediately sent it to the Federal Medical Biophysical Center. Burnazhan. In it, she was engaged in fulfilling the rehabilitation procedures that doctors recommended to her, every day overcoming unbearable physical pain. In small steps, she approached victory, to a personal victory. Progress in recovery appeared very soon. Initially, she moved movement on a wheelchair, and soon she bought crutches and began to move with their help. After a while and they no longer needed.

Long trial

After the tragedy happened, who almost took the life of a young athlete, a period of a complex and protracted trial was occurring. The accused was the arbitrator Peter Helly, who was admitted to the rude miscalculation. The end of the process has arrived in November 2013, it lasted for more than four years. Based on long investigations, the court decided to recognize the referee guilty and appointed a Schvorts penalty in the form of compensation, amounting to 650 thousand euros. However, Irina insisted on a greater amount of 3 million 600 thousand euros along with his lawyer. Money received in the form of compensation also went to therapeutic and restoration activities. But still, Irina was satisfied with such an outcome of the trial, because the main thing - she was able to stand up again. However, the girl remained a precipitate from the fact that Peter Helly did not realize the consequences of his negligence, did not apologize to her personally, did not express the words of condolences.

Light and television activities

Alternatively, all the difficulties and trials that fell on this young girl, Irina Skvortsova about life did not respond badly, she did not lose their best optimism. After the long rehabilitation process, the athlete began to receive invitations to all kinds of information publications. Later, Irina Skvortsov was invited to work on television. The first place of work on the new field was the morning show "Army Store" overlooking "First Channel". Soon she received an invitation from another federal television channel "Russia 1". Today Irina occupies the editor's position on this channel and in the future is going to become a leading news. According to the representatives of the television channel themselves, Irina Skvortsova will soon be the commentator Viktor Guseva in the news of the news channel. Two times with him, the girl was the leading annual award ceremony of sports journalists.

It was one of the first athletes who carried the torch on the relay of the Olympic Fire on the Games in Sochi.

Meeting with the Russian President

Regardless of the fact that Bobsletik Irina Skvortsova is no longer a athlete, it does not lose touch with the world of sports. At the end of 2011, 2011 she arrived in Königsze, to the place that radically changed her life to support the Russian bobslene national team on the world championship. By the time the track where the tragedy occurred was already reconstructed.

How changed the life of Bobslet Irina Skvortsova?In 2014, at the opening ceremony of winter games in Sochi, she was in the bed for honorable guests next to the President of the country Vladimir Putin. It was a real surprise, because initially she was invited to receive a reception to the Minister of Sports Vitaly Mutko, from where she proceeded to the Fisht Stadium, and I did not believe that a long time, which was next to her, reserved for the Russian president. A few minutes before the start of the ceremony, Vladimir Putin really appeared, he asked Irina about his own behavior, about the current role of activity, wished success in the present and the future.


Skvortsova Irina Olegovna

Public figure

Journalist. Public figure.
Russian athlete. Masters of sports on air athletics.

Irina Skvortsova was born on July 17, 1988 in the city of Moscow. Actively engaged in sports from early childhood, ran into sprint tracks, as part of the Moscow-based Athletic team took part in the Summer Games of students and in the youth world championship. He has the title Master of Sports on Athletics. After graduation, in 2005 he entered the Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sports, Youth and Tourism.

In 2008, I decided to try myself in Bobsley, the selection was selected to the Experimental team "Sochi-2014", a year later, in the quality of an accelerant made his way into the main structure. However, the bobslet's career lasted long, at the World Cup, as in the European Cup, the athlete did not have time to hold a single check-in.

During training descents on November 23, 2009, an incident was happened in the St. Bobslena highway in German Königssee - the judge gave the team to start the male decend to Evgeny Pashkov and Andrei Matyushko with a green signal at the start, with the result that they hit the full speed to the started a little earlier , on a red signal, an overwhelmed female crew of the Hope of Filin and Irina Skvortsova. As a result of the collision, Skvortsov received the most severe injuries, was delivered to the local hospital, and then to the university clinic in Munich. Irina stayed in her for four months, moved more than fifty more complex operations, including on a particularly affected right leg. To assist in the treatment and subsequent rehabilitation of athletes, a cash collection was organized, for three months, more than 500 thousand rubles arrived at specially open accounts.

In 2012, he graduated from the Russian University of Physical Culture, Sports, Youth and Tourism. In 2013, he entered the Pedagogical Institute of Physical Culture and Sport MGU.

In November 2013, it was reported that the trial in Germany on an incident with Irina Skvortsovaya ended with a global agreement, according to which Irina will receive from the German Union Bobslei and Skeleton (BSD) compensation in the amount of 650 thousand euros. Money due to the athlete went to pay for expensive operations and related rehabilitation courses.

After the injury was not able to continue the classes of Bobslem, but found herself in television journalist. For some time she worked on the first channel in the program "Army Store", in 2012 passed to the "Russia-1" channel - currently working as an editor, is preparing to become a leading news. Twice was the co-host ceremony of awarding sports journalists.

In 2014, entered the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation. Was the Deputy Chairman of the Commission for Health, Physical Culture and Popularization of Healthy Lifestyle

It was one of the first Torchs of the Fire Relay of the Winter Olympic Games 2014. And at the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games was in the bed of honorable guests near the Russian president.

... Read more\u003e

The world of Bobsley still has not yet forgotten what happened on November 23, 2009. And I should not forget. That day it happened that it was impossible to imagine before: during the training of Russian athletes on the highway two Bob collided on the track.

Crew Hope Filin and Irina Skvortsova turned over because of the piloting error, and released next bob Evgenia Pashkov and Andrei Matyushko crashed into an unprotected back accelerating. Skvortsova received the hardest injuries and barely survived. Five years later, the Championship says that it became with the main defendants of the sad story.

Irina Skvortsova

The life of Irina was divided into two halves. "To" - she is a successful and promising athlete who has ceased to the Russian national team and prepared for his first official start. "After" - the victim of the tragedy, almost died of injuries. Many days German doctors fought for the life of the girl. She suffered dozens of operations, almost lost her leg, but, contrary to all negative forecasts, was smoked. The girl predicted the balance of life in a wheelchair, however, and here she managed to surprise all skeptics, putting on the crutch. Of course, in Sport Skvortsov will never return, but by returning to normal life - on the right track.

Now Irina works in the field of television journalist. According to her own recognition, she never thought about his career in this area, because he was afraid of cameras and sophists, but after the injury still decided to try his strength. Two years ago, the girl received a higher education, acquired a private car. And during the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games in Sochi, he again chained all attention. Many wondered: what kind of girl sits next to Vladimir Putin? And when they found out, they were surprised: smiling blonde did not like the sacrifice of the tragedy at all. I really want to believe that all the worst in her life remains behind.


Skvortsova accepted all the strength of the strike in the collision. Nadezhda Filina, Pilot Bob, practically did not suffer. Ears passed in a couple of weeks, only the psychological consequences of the accident remained. But with them, Filina was able to cope: before the end of the year she returned to training, and in January 2010 he went to the start. Some outstanding results did not manage to show any outstanding results, and later lost competition for a place in the national team faster compatriots. In 2011, she held its last race in the international arena, and soon completed the sports career.

There is no doubt that Evgeny Pashkov and Andrei Matyushko, whose crew crashed into the Skvortsov, still remember what happened then. There are no guilt in the accident - bobsleists cannot track what is happening on the track, it should do judges. Evgeny and Andrei, fortunately, cost without heavy injuries - only bruises and bruises. At the development of a career athletes, that incident, if it affected, except psychologically.

"Hell continued to work as a judge at large competitions on Bobslej and Skeleton, and before Irina did not even apologize."

Pashkov is still in the national team, and it may well claim the third pilot in the absence of Zubkov. Matyushko also retrained to the pilot, but his affairs are not so smoothly: the coaching headquarters of the national team recalls only from time to time.

Peter Helle

The life of the German judge, by the fault of which the tragedy occurred (it was he who released the crew of Pashkov and Matyusko on the track), that tragedy did not change too much - at least externally. Peter They were found guilty that he released Bob on the Red Light, but he himself did not repent in his own. Yes, and the punishment for the broken life turned out to be symbolic - 3600 euros. At the same time, the German federation of Bobsley, for example, paid 650 thousand euros victim, which went to pay expensive treatment. Hell continued to work as a judge at large competitions on Bobslej and Skeleton, and before Irina did not even apologize.


Initially, the coordinator of the Russian national team took initially after the accident. Nina Griffinstein. She officially became a guardian of the athlete and helped eliminate the problems with which Irina and her mother could not deal with the challenge of the German language independently. However, both parties were unhappy with cooperation. Skvortsov accused Griffinstein in lies and fraud with 400 thousand euros, allocated by the Government of Moscow. Nina's herself believes that he did not receive sufficient remuneration and gratitude for his work, moreover, the court ordered it to abandon the financial requirements for Skvortsova.

Five years later, Nina Griffinstein did not move away from Bobsley: she is closely communicating with his family Alexander Zubkov And represents their interests in Germany. And the work of Skvorts to a positive decision of the court brought the German lawyer Konstantin Ginzburg - A leaving from Russia, whose practice has since increased.


"There are no other, and those distant," one can say about the leaders of Russian Bobslei, who occupied responsible posts in November 2009. Trainer Vladimir Lyubitsky In 2010, entered the headquarters Oleg Sokolova., and two years left the national team in connection with the arrival of there Pierre Luders. The second president of the Federation Nikita Music Now also far away from the Russian national team, and in general from Bobsley.

"When Skvortsova returned to the German track in 2011, he no longer found acquaintances."

In 2010, after a series of scandals, the president left his post and dedicated himself to business, and came to his place Georgy BedjamovHeading the organization to this day.

Route in Königsee

Changed and the place where the collision occurred. In 2010, the track was closed on the reconstruction - however, a few Skvorts accident. Perestroika plans were approved in 2008. One of the reasons for the changes was the death of German bobsket Ivonne Cernomy In 2004, after departure from the route. The changes were subjected to the plot where Filina made an error in piloting and the crew with the girls turned over. When Skvortsova returned to the German track in 2011, he no longer found familiar turns.

The fact that professional sports is a risk-related occupation, probably, everything. But not everyone is aware of how real athletes are able to cope with the difficulties that collapsed on them. Contrary to terrible diagnosis, forecasts of doctors and unbelief of others. We decided to tell the stories of three Russian athletes - freestyle Mary Commissioner, Snowboarders Alena Alekhina and Bobslet Irina Skvortsova. How girls started a new life after severe damage, got up to their feet, surprised the doctors who were near and helped them, about what there are still exported athletes, and what they want to say others - in the Sportbox.ru materials.

The third story. Power inside

In November 2009, in German KoeniGsee during the official training session, two Bob collided before the start of the second stage of the World Cup due to the error of the judge. Evgeny Pashkov's crew and Andrei Matyushko crashed into an overwhelmed bolide of the Hope of Filin and Irina Skvortsova. The main blow fell on a 21-year-old Skvortsov. The athlete with severe injuries urgently transported to one of the German clinics. One and a half months of Irina was in a state of artificial coma. Doctors fought for the life of the girl, then for keeping her right leg, which most suffered in this accident.

The accident occurred at the end of November, and before April did not leave me confidence that I would return to Sport, Irina admitted. - Everything was planned in the head: two years on recovery, and two more - to have time to prepare for the Olympic Games in Sochi. I really wanted to recover faster and start training. Perhaps it helped stand up. Tell me then the doctors that the bobslem is finished, it would probably be killed me.

- Your loved ones knew that you would not return to the sport?

Doctors communicated with my parents and with psychologists. And those and others were aware of all diagnoses, they knew that I would most likely walk at all - not what to do Bobsel. But not everyone was told me. And only when I myself realized that my career was finished, began to ask for doctors. And then they began to talk to me differently.

- At first, the doctors did not believe that you would generally walk.

Dracker Mahens, who treated me in Germany, after all the more or less improved, admitted that there was only one percent of the hundred to keep my life and save my leg. In my opinion, doctors are still shocked. I come to the clinic, I tell how I feel, and they are surprised - they say how so, the regeneration of nerves continues at the Skvortsova, there can be no such thing! After the accident, I began Gangrena, more than half the muscles of the right leg had to be cut. They said that I could only move on the wheelchair. But some miracle began to "germinate" the nerves. At first I felt the thigh, then the leg below. And then there was hope that I will go again.

Now Irina moves independently with the help of crutches, and sometimes without them. And some time ago I learned how to drive a car and got the right.

Who was near

Over the past four years, a former athlete has undergone more than fifty operations. All this time, her parents, brother and close friends were supported.

After the accident, my father returned to my life. After the parents divorced, ten years old I did not see each other. But when he learned about what happened to me, he came to the clinic, where I was lying. Then he visited several times. Now we continue to communicate, not every day, of course, but convene, we meet. Very supported friends. Sometimes how to start to whine, and I can not stop. I do not understand how they still did not kill me. But I complain mainly on trifles: then go somewhere far tired, then I liked the boy, and I don't. I try to cope with the most deep and serious experiences. Four times two times two only broke. He said and said everything that I had accumulated on my soul. And he said so that I was simply impossible to stop.

Material support

Peter Helly, who was allowed the start of the crew of Pashkov and Matyushko, the court found the guilty of the accident and recited about four thousand euros from him. In addition, it was possible to receive compensation for the German federation of Bobsley.

The Germans managed to receive compensation only four years old, "Skvortsov explained. - Just for this money now I continue treatment. And the first operations and primary rehabilitation fully paid the Russian side. I don't even know exactly who exactly and how - all financial issues were engaged in brother. And I was treated and tried not to close from everyone. Of course, at first, close attention, which suddenly collapsed on me, scarecrow. But I gave myself aware that if I stop giving an interview, talking to people, everything will soon be safely forbidden about what happened. I had to learn to communicate with journalists, talking to the camera. True, truth, not to deal with publications, who are not the highest reputation, not to give an interview with the "yellow" media. But one unpleasant incident still happened. The journalist literally tightened my words. I then called people, asked why I blame them in my interview. And I could not understand what they were, - was in intensive care, I didn't even have the Internet. After that, I didn't let journalists for myself for a long time.

Russian and overseas medicine

To ensure that Irina Skvortsova rose to his feet, put the strength and European, and Russian doctors. The main treatment of Skvortsov received in Germany. But now the girl helps Moscow doctors.

In the near future I will need to pass the survey - explained Skvortsov. - The regeneration of nerves continues to me until now. It is necessary to talk to the doctors so that they prescribe me drugs to improve the nervous conductivity, and then together with the doctors make the plan for the necessary procedures. I think that I don't even have to lie in the rehabilitation center - you can come to therapy, and then return home. I drive to Germany to operations - I do not think that it makes sense to look for a new doctor if there is a good surgeon, which once has already collected "in parts". So I continue to be treated with him.

Life without sports

- What should I want to devote my life?

That's a very difficult question. I myself often ask him and I can not find a response to him. You know, I loved bobsley so much ... I burned it, lived. Now my life turned over 180 degrees, and I need to look for something new, there would be able to devote all myself. I am wondering a lot, like a lot. But so far it's not that. I really want to do what I would benefit other people. I want to help someone. Because now I understand even more, as it is important when you are ready to stretch your hand.

- It is your active life now - is it to find something "your"?

Apparently, it is. Yes, and I can not sit at home and do nothing. You need to try yourself in different spheres - and suddenly it will be possible to be someone useful. Now I study and engage in public activities. And also - this is already for myself - I make repairs in the apartment. And this some kind of endless process, almost shouted, which is never the idea of \u200b\u200bthis case.

- What specialty receive education?

Sports psychologist. I'm interested. In addition, knowledge of psychology always helps not only in work, but also in everyday life. Although the words "session", as probably every student, I am afraid.

- You participate a lot in various events. Are there any who remembered especially?

I love meetings with children. They ask such questions that put me in a dead end. But it's great! Ask about life, about school, and about how I walked lessons. The guys sincere, you are not waiting for a trick, with them usually easily and interesting to communicate. But what is still a catastrophe for me is public speeches. I am even toasting in the company of friends I'm afraid to talk. And then you have to speak with a speech to unfamiliar people. Hands are shaking, the head begins to hurt - so I worry. Well still, if you warn you in advance that you will need to say. But sometimes they provide a word without warning. But I understand what it is necessary. And I cope. I cook speeches and speaking in front of people.

- And your experience does not help with public speeches as a journalist?

When I tried myself as a journalist, I led the transfer about Paralympians - invited guests to the studio and leaned with them. It was more like an ordinary, live conversation. I almost did not use the questions prepared in advance - more improvised. A public speech before people with a speech is quite another.

- Do not plan to continue the journalist "career"?

Shooting the transfer that I led while suspended. The boss does not say any "yes" nor "no". And I do not sit back, I do other things. If something else will be offered, probably tried. But I would not want a writing journalist. It is too difficult to pass on emotion and intonation letters that arise when you are talking to a person.

- Is there something, whatever you want to achieve in the future?

Of course, I would like to create a family. I would like to have children. You can immediately twins (laughs). Yes, I know I'm crazy.

The most important thing

I am often asked where I take strength. Guys, if I knew, I would have dried this barrel with energy for a long time and a volley. But I do not know. And it often happens that in the evening I go to bed ready to bother and surrender. But in the morning I get up again, we dress and go to do what was planned. There is such a saying "Eyes are afraid, and the hands do." That's probably about me. A lot for these four years was the moments when I fell into panic. The eyes were rounded from horror, the brain was on the verge of an explosion. But I continued to do something, to something to strive with the thoughts that maybe I can be useful to someone. And with the hope that I will find something "your own." If you really left forces, I reminded myself that there is a word "necessary," and did what it is necessary.

- Maybe you saved sports "hardening"? Athletes know what "need", and know how to go to the goal.

The point is not the athlete you or not. Many people who have never engaged in sports, even children, cope with such trials that others retreat. The point is in some force that is inside you.