Functionality of the body physical performance. Physical activity and physical performance. The concept of physical performance. Performance and impact on her various factors

Functionality of the body physical performance. Physical activity and physical performance. The concept of physical performance. Performance and impact on her various factors
Functionality of the body physical performance. Physical activity and physical performance. The concept of physical performance. Performance and impact on her various factors

Physical qualities

The concept of "physical qualities" determines the main parties to the motor activity, which are manifested in the form of endurance, power speed, coordination abilities, dexterity, flexibility. Physical qualities in the process of human vital activity are developing in accordance with the morphofunctional changes in the individual. So flexibility reaches the best indicators at 12 to 14 years, force - at 25 - 30 years. However, these and other qualities are developed at the expense of physical exercises in accordance with the requirements of the chosen sport. Apparently, this can be explained by the terms "Education" and "Development" term applied relative to the physical qualities.

Famous physical qualities (speed, strength, endurance, coordination, dexterity) depend on the level of functionality and determine the motor capabilities of the athlete, being in a state of complex interaction. The execution of any specific work in the Favorite form is the ultimate account is characterized by the level of special physical performance, including the above physical qualities. At the same time, each of the physical qualities emphasizes only the private manifestation of working capacity, which is an integral indicator of physical abilities.

Physical performance

The term "physical performance" is widely used in sports literature. However, there is no generally accepted definition, although it is known that physical performance is proportional to the number of external motor activity that a person is capable of performing with high intensity.

In sports, when performing training and competitive exercises, the athlete uses the energy potential at the limit of human capabilities. Potential opportunities represent a set of physiological, ergometric, biochemical indicators that characterize physical performance.

Under the concept of "physical performance" means the potential human ability to show a maximum of physical efforts in the form of labor or sports activities. The essence of working capacity is the aggregate human ability to fulfill physical work, strictly specific in shape, character and varieties without reducing its effectiveness. In fact, the ability of a person to fulfill each specific type of work individually found its expression in such concepts as "force, speed, endurance, coordination, flexibility", each of which allocates only the private manifestation of the physical performance of an athlete. "Physical efficiency" is an integral indicator of physical qualities that can be considered as components characterizing physical performance as a whole.

Physical performance in the age aspect is constantly increasing and significantly increasing under the influence of physical exercises, sport, sports experience and sports skills.

There is a direct relationship between physical and mental performance, which is advisable to be considered in unity, as the physical capabilities of the individual (performance) stimulate both mental activities, coencing its level of physical performance. Analysis of physical and mental performance, physical qualities, their significance in theoretical and practical plan allows you to assess physical performance as a dependency on the state of health, which is the main prerequisite for its study on a global scale, in contrast to other physical qualities.


1. The concept of performance and its types

3. Factors defining the health status

6. Troying and overwork

7. Psychophysiological foundations of the rational regime of the day and prevention of fatigue


List of sources used


The study of psycho-physiological factors determining the possibilities of the body is based on the concept of human performance - the functional properties of the human body needed to perform a specific work.

Performance is the socio-biological properties of a person who reflects its ability to perform a specific work during a given time with the necessary level of efficiency and quality.

From a physical point of view, this means that the human body must withstand certain loads - physical, neuropsychic and emotional, increase and maintain the intensity of physiological processes in the engine, nervous system, blood circulation organs, respiratory organs, and thereby ensure normal The flow of work.

Performing any work for a long time is accompanied by the fatening of the body, manifested in reducing human performance.

Improving the organization and service of jobs is inextricably linked with the improvement of working conditions under which the combination of elements of the production environment affecting the health and performance of a person, the development of his personality and the results of labor.

1. The concept, essence and types of human performance

Human performance is the ability to maintain and functioning the body in optimal working condition to maximize the contribution to the result of the working system through physical or information work. This contribution of a separate employee to the overall result of the Group is agreed with all this with the requirements for performance, which direct this group and the environment, for example, the family for its achievement.

Operation is measured by quantitative and temporal factors, also covers the benefits of the results. At the same time, the requirements for working capacity are not always directed to a person as part of the working system, and on the working system, in general, with its biological, organizational, technical and social components.

Requirements for performance are opposed to the proposal of working capacity, which consists of its working capacity and readiness for work.

Human performance covers both the maximum performance in a brief segment of time and not a high long-term performance, which can be placed over a long time. In general, talking about working capacity, we are talking about the total level of disposable individual prerequisites for health, which can be applied to implement performance requirements. Profitability is not a constant value. It is determined by numerous conditions that change over time, and can interact with each other. This includes, for example, the constitution of the body, gender, experience, main abilities, knowledge and acquired skills.

Performance represents the productive power of the person, which it can position. This formulation does not fully describe a fully human proposal of health, since it depends on whether a person is ready under these conditions is able to apply these abilities in whole or in part. Readiness for work is indicated as an opportunity or also the readiness of the implementation of this productive power.

Physical performance - the ability of a person to perform the desired work with the smallest physiological costs with the highest results. Performance is divided into common and special.

General physical performance This is the level of development of all organism systems (IPC, digestive and excretory systems), all physical qualities. The faster the athlete goes to the desired level of preparedness, the easier it is to keep the level of health.

Special physical performance is the level of physical qualities and those functional systems that directly affect the result in a favorite sport. Units of measurement, norms and factors in each sport are individual.

Fatigue is a temporary decline in performance, which is accompanied by a subjective feeling of fatigue and is a protective reaction of the body, saving it from exhaustion and overwork. The fatigue of the central nervous system occurs when impulses are accelerated or participated. Peripheral fatigue of working muscles occurs in three reasons:

1) lack of oxygen;

2) clogging with decay products;

3) exhaustion of energy resources.

2. Psychophysiological foundations of the formation of mental and physical performance

Performance fatigue psychophysiological body

The functional activity of a person is characterized by various motor acts: a reduction in the muscles of the heart, the movement of the body in space, the movement of eyeballs, swallowing, breathing, and a motor component of speech, facial expressions.

The development of muscle functions is greatly influenced by the forces of gravity and inertia, which muscle is forced to constantly overcome. An important role is played by the time during which muscle contraction is deployed, and the space in which it occurs.

It is assumed and a number of scientific works prove that labor has created a person. The concept of "labor" includes various types of its. Meanwhile, there are two main types of human labor activities - physical and mental work and their intermediate combinations.

Physical work is "the type of human activity, whose features are determined by a complex of factors that distinguish one type of activity from another associated with the presence of any climatic, industrial, physical, information and such factors." The fulfillment of physical work is always associated with a certain weight of labor, which is determined by the degree of involvement of skeletal muscles and reflects the physiological value of predominantly physical exertion. According to the severity, physically light labor, moderate, heavy and very heavy, distinguish. Ergometric indicators (external work, displaced goods, etc.) and physiological (energy levels, heart rate, heart rate, other functional changes) serve as criteria for assessing gravity of labor.

Mental work is "a human activity for the conversion of a conceptual model of reality formed in its consciousness by creating new concepts, judgments, conclusions, and on their basis - hypotheses and theory." The result of mental labor is scientific and spiritual values \u200b\u200bor solutions that are used to meet public or personal needs through the management effects on the tools. Mental work acts in various forms depending on the type of conceptual model and goals that face the person (these conditions determine the specifics of mental labor).

Mental performance changes and within a week. On Monday, there is a stage of work, on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday - high performance, and developing fatigue comes on Friday and Saturday. That is why on Sunday should pay more attention to physical training and sports. They reduce fatigue.

Mental labor representatives are combined into separate groups. Such groups seven:

1. Independents, economists, accountants, office workers, etc. Works are mainly carried out in a predetermined algorithm. The work proceeds in favorable conditions, a small neuro-emotional tension.

2. Conductors of institutions and enterprises of large and small groups, teachers of secondary and higher education. It is characterized by irregular load, the need to take non-standard solutions.

3. Accident workers, designers, creative workers, writers, artists. Their work has the creation of new algorithms, which increases the degree of neuro-emotional stress.

4.Group of persons working with machines, equipment. The so-called operator work. High concentration of attention, instant reaction to signals. Different degree of mental and neuro-emotional tension.

5. Supporters, controllers, collectors, etc. They are characteristic of high neuro-emotional stress and local muscle tension.

6.Medican workers. Their work is associated with a large responsibility and high neuro-emotional tension, especially surgeons and ambulance staff.

7. In this group, students and students of various educational institutions are combined. Their work requires memory, attention, mental processes, because They constantly perceive new information in large numbers. They are inherent - restriction of motor activity, a large voltage of the highest departments of the central nervous system, mental and emotional stress.

The nonspecific peculiarities of mental labor include reception and processing of information, comparison of the information obtained from the person stored in the memory, its transformation, determination of the problem situation, the problem permission and the formation of the goal of mental labor. Depending on the type and methods of transformation of information and solutions, the reproductive and productive (creative) types of mental labor differ. In the reproductive types of labor, pre-known transformations with fixed algorithms of action (for example, countable operations) are used, in creative labor algorithms are either unknown at all, or are in vague form.

As a person assessment of himself as a subject of mental labor, the motives of activity, the significance of the goal and the labor process is the emotional component of mental labor. Its effectiveness is determined by the level of knowledge and the ability to implement them, human abilities and its volitional characteristics. With high tensions of mental labor, especially if it is associated with a shortage of time, there may be phenomena of mental blockade (temporary braking of the mental labor process), which protect the functional systems of the central nervous system from disagreement.

One of the most important characteristics of the personality is intelligence. The condition of intellectual activity and its characteristic is mental abilities that are formed and develop throughout life. Intellect manifests itself in cognitive and creative activities, includes the process of acquiring knowledge, experience and ability to use them in practice.

Another, no less important side of the individual is an emotional-volitional sphere, temperament and character. The ability to regulate the formation of a person is achieved by training, exercise and upbringing. And systematic exercise classes, and even more so training sessions in sports have a positive impact on mental functions, from children's age form mental and emotional resistance to tense activities. Numerous studies to study the parameters of thinking, memory, stability of attention, the dynamics of mental performance in the process of industrial activity in adapted (trained) to systematic physical exertion of individuals and in non-adaptive (untranslated) indicate that the parameters of mental performance directly depend on the level of general and special physical fitness. . Mental activity will be less affected by adverse factors if it is purposefully applied to the means and methods of physical culture (for example, physical culture pauses, active leisure, etc.).

The school day in most people is saturated with significant mental and emotional loads. Forced working pose, when the muscles holding the torso in a certain condition, long time is strained, frequent violations of the labor and recreation mode, inadequate exercise - all this can cause fatigue that accumulates and goes into overwork. So that this does not happen, one type of activity is necessary to replace others. The most effective form of rest with mental labor is active rest in the form of moderate physical work or exercise classes.

In theory and methods of physical education, methods of directional impact on individual muscle groups are developed and on whole systems of the body. The problem is the means of physical culture, which directly affect the preservation of the active activity of the human brain at tense mental work.

Exercise classes are noticeably affected by the change in mental performance and Sensotoricks in first-year students, to a lesser extent among students of the second and third courses. Freshmen are more tired in the process of training activities in adaptation to university learning. Therefore, for them, physical education classes are one of the most important means to adapt to the conditions of life and training in the university. Classes of physical culture increase the mental performance of students of those faculties, where theoretical classes prevail, and less - those in the curriculum of which practical and theoretical classes alternate.

Large prophylactic importance and independent student classes with physical exercises in the day. Daily Morning Charging, Walk or Fresh Jogging is favorably affected by the body, increase muscle tone, improve blood circulation and gas exchange, and this has a positive effect on improving the mental performance of students. An active holidays in the holidays are important: students after relaxing in a fitness camp are starting a school year, having a higher performance.

At the same time, with an increase in the physical or mental load, the amount of information, as well as the intensification of many types of activity in the body, develops a special state, called fatigue.

The fatigue is "a functional state, temporarily arising under the influence of long and intensive work and leading to a decrease in its effectiveness." The fatigue manifests itself in the fact that the strength and endurance of the muscles decreases, the coordination of movements is worsening, energy costs increase when performing the work of the same character, the speed of processing information slows down, the memory deteriorates, the process of focusing and switching attention is hampered by the theoretical material.

3. Workability factors

At each moment, efficiency is determined by the impact of various external and internal factors not only separately, but also in their combination. These factors can be divided into three main groups:

1st - physiological character - health, cardiovascular system, respiratory and others;

2nd - physical character - degree and nature of the illumination of the room, air temperature, noise level and others;

3rd - mental nature - well-being, mood, motivation, etc.

1. Duration of the daylight. With a short lighting day (winter, autumn) in the evening, a person feels natural fatigue. This is a factor on which we are not able to influence. It is necessary to organize your working day in such a way that the most responsible affairs are performed in the morning. No wonder the Chinese wise people advised to go to bed in winter earlier, but to get up later that the body had time to go to the energy at night. In contrast, in the summer you need to go to bed later, and get up before.

2. Emotions during the day. It does not matter that we are important with us, as we treat it. This statement has the most direct relation to performance in the afternoon. We attach a strong emotional color to events that forget about a few days. Having cooled coffee, the inability to reach the phone to the colleague, the crowd and swear in public transport and as a result, the entire rest of the day passes under the "minus" sign. And we are already waiting - we do not raise when the day is over, and we will survive on the sofa in front of the TV. Of course, to maintain a positive mental mood - the task is very complicated. Someone helps a hobby, reading interesting books, meditation, or just self-control - no matter how, but you need to learn to control emotions. If we do not control emotions, then emotions control us, and under such a guide it is hard to succeed.

3. Power. If you simplify, the human body can be compared with the engine. The engine cannot develop all the power on gasoline diluted with water and the body cannot be operational, getting poor nutrition. The stock of energy that has accumulated overnight is spent in the first half of the day, and the fatigue feels in the evening. To avoid this, there should be a complete breakfast and lunch (between 13 and 15 hours) consisting of carbohydrate foods (juice, fruits, vegetables, cereals and potatoes). These products are just fully digest and start to give their energy in the afternoon, which will help to avoid fatigue in the evening. A few words about stimulants received widespread - coffee, tea, cigarettes, energy drinks. The principle of operation they are the same - there is a sharp stimulation of the body for a short time (0.5 - 1.5 hours), and then the recession of performance is even lower than the level that was. Another problem - the body gets used to them, and over time we begin to react weaker. Therefore, stimulants are not solving the problem of evening fatigue. It is better to use - Apple, Raisins, Kuragu, Banana, Herbal tea with honey as a short-term energy source.

4. Violation of the energy movement in the body. According to Eastern medicine, the energy obtained with breathing and food is circulated by energy channels (meridians). Disorders in the circulation of this energy and leads to various problems - in particular to increased fatigue. First of all, energy is observed in the joints. To normalize the movement of energy and increase performance, it is necessary to increase the exercises, kneading the main joints from work home. It is necessary to pay the greatest attention to the legs and spine. The simplest and proven exercise is squeezing. Raise your hands up and try to reach the ceiling, first upright up, and then a little left and the right.

5. Bad rest at night. Our well-being and efficiency today, directly depends on how we slept at night. Many people's mistake is an attempt to increase the working day at the expense of sleep. This trick nature may not suffer for a short time, and then it is embodied in a constant semi-alone state in the afternoon. Before conducting experiments with a duration of sleep, you must remember the rule - each person sleeps a certain individual number of hours within a month. If we stay at night today, then in two days the body steals at least 2 hours of working time.

Constant fatigue in the afternoon suggests that a person does not comply with the rules of the body's life and first of all it is necessary to carefully analyze his routine of the day, and not enough for medicines and stimulants.

4. Psychophysiological mechanisms for the formation of a behavioral act, the structure of the behavioral act and motor qualities

The behavioral act of any degree of complexity begins with the stage of afferent synthesis. The fact is that the excitation in the central nervous system is caused by an external stimulus, does not act in isolated. It certainly comes into subtle interaction with other afferent excitations that have another functional meaning. The brain produces an extensive synthesis of all those signals of the outside world, which enter the brain on numerous sensory channels. And only as a result of the synthesis of these afferent excitations, conditions are created for the implementation of a certain purposeful behavior. What behavior will be carried out depends on which processes will be separated during the stage of afferent synthesis. The content of the afferent synthesis, in turn, is determined by the influence of several factors: motivational excitation, memory, installation afferentation, start-up affamentation.

Motivational excitation appears in the central nervous system with any need for animals and a person. The specificity of motivational excitation is determined by the features that cause its needs. Motivational excitation plays a special role in formatting afferent synthesis. Any information coming into the central nervous system is correlated with the currently dominant motivational excitation, which is like a filter that selects the desired and discarding the not necessary for this motivational installation.

Afferent synthesis also includes the use of memory machine. It is obvious that the functional role of launcheling and laying irritations to a certain extent is due to the past animal experience. This is a kind of memory, and individual, acquired as a result of training. At the stage of afferent synthesis of memory, it is those fragments of past experiences that are useful, need for future behavior.

Thus, on the basis of the interaction of motivational, sleep arousal and memory mechanisms, the so-called integration or readiness for certain behavior is formed. But so that it is so transformed into targeted behavior, it is necessary to effect on the part of the starting stimuli. Starting afforentation is the last component of the afferent synthesis.

The completion of the stage of afferent synthesis is accompanied by the transition to the decision step, which determines the type and direction of behavior. The decision step is implemented through a special and very important stage of the behavioral act - the formation of the action acceptor apparatus. This is a device programming the results of future events. It actualized innate and individual memorial memory in relation to the properties of external objects capable of satisfying the emergence of the emergence, as well as the methods of action aimed at achieving or avoiding the target object. Often, the entire search path in the external environment of the respective stimuli is programmed in this apparatus.

Before targeted behavior begins to be carried out, another stage of the behavioral act is developing - the stage of action program or efferent synthesis. At this stage, the integration of somatic and vegetative excitations to a holistic behavioral act. This stage is characterized by the fact that the action has already been formed as a central process, but it is not yet implemented.

The following stage is the execution of the behavior program. Efferent excitement reaches actuating mechanisms, and the action is carried out.

Thanks to the results of the results acceptor, in which the goal and methods of behavior are programmed, the body has the ability to compare them with incoming afferent information about the results and parameters of the acting action, i.e. with reverse affamentation. It is the results of comparison that determine the subsequent constructing of behavior, or it is adjusted, or it stops, as if the final result is achieved. Therefore, if the alarm on the perfect action is fully consistent with the prepared information contained in the action acceptor, the search behavior is completed. The appropriate need is satisfied and the animal calms down. In the case when the results of the action do not coincide with the action acceptors, and their mismatch arises, approaches approximately research. As a result, all the afferent synthesis is reinsured, a new solution is made, a new acceptor of the results of the action is created, a new program of action is being built. This happens until the results of the behavior become the properties of the new action acceptor. And then the behavioral act ends the last authorizing stage - the satisfaction of needs.

In the structure of the behavioral act, according to PK Anokhin, these experiences arise as a result of comparing reverse affamentation with an acceptor action. In cases of mismatch, emotional experiences arise with a negative sign. In the coincidence of the parameters of the results with the expected emotional experiences are positive.

Purposeful behavior - the search for a target object that satisfies the need is prompted not only by negative emotional experiences. The ideas about those positive emotions, which, as a result of the individual past experience, are associated with an animal and person's memory to receive a future positive reinforcement or award that satisfies this particular need. Positive emotions are fixed in memory and subsequently arise every time as peculiar ideas about the future with the emergence of the appropriate need.

Thus, in the considered structure of the behavioral act, the main characteristics of behavior are clearly presented: its focus and active role of the subject in the process of building behavior.

Behavior in a probabilistic environment.

Understanding that the animal and man, as a rule, act in a constantly changing environment, prompted researchers to study the ability of the nervous system to reflect the probable characteristics of reality.

The ability of a living organism to predict the likelihood of upcoming events is shown in many experiments on rats, cats, monkeys and man. At the same time, researchers emphasize the special role of the front sections of the new bark. So, after damage to the frontal fractions of monkeys, the violation of the reflection of the probable characteristics of the medium is maintained for three years, while a similar defect arising after bilateral removal of the parietal bark disappears after one month and a half.

Researchers suggest that increased distractions for insignificant events, which is observed in patients with a tumor in the frontal bodies of the brain, may be associated with violation of probabilistic prediction mechanisms.

Numerous data show that the reflection of the probabilistic structure of the medium is one of the important mechanisms of the brain. The functions of this mechanism are distributed between different brain structures. Probabilistic characteristics of reality on a row with its other parameters are highlighted by the nervous system and are fixed in the memory of an animal and humans.

This circumstance gives the basis of researchers to believe that the prediction mechanism in the structure of the behavioral act should be based taking into account both the image of the "probability environment" and the "probability of achieving the goal".

Neural behavior mechanisms.

The transition of researchers to study neural behavior mechanisms opens up broad prospects for understanding the appointment of individual structures of the brain and the organizational act itself.

Any behavioral act represents the integration of congenital and acquired components, whose ratio depends on the degree of its complexity. The behavioral act, which is mainly predetermined by heredity, genetic memory, has a simpler structure.

At the neuronal level, it can be represented as integrating sensory and command neurons that implement a motor act through a motionon pool. The effects of motivational and non-specific excitation on such a system are implemented through modulating neurons.

The structure of the behavioral act. Neural behavior mechanisms.

1. Functional systems:

A) concept of functional system PK Anokhina;

B) "The functional system is the unit of integrative activity of the whole organism";

2. Stages of the behavioral act:

A) stage of afferent synthesis;

B) decision-making;

C) acceptor results action;

D) efferent synthesis;

E) formation of actions and evaluation of the result.

3. Behavior in a probabilistic environment.

A) probabilistic prediction;

B) the reflection of the probabilistic environment structure;

C) Approximately research activities.

4. Neural behavior mechanisms.

5. Phase changes in working capacity

Human performance, even under normal conditions, fluctuates during the working day. The following stages of performance are distinguished:

1) generating;

2) optimal performance;

3) fatigue;

4) the final impulse (with high motivation).

Phase mobilization. Man involuntarily mobilizes to get started. All organism systems are included in the "mobilization". This is especially manifested in intellectual, emotional and volitional spheres. Thus, energy resources are activated, the function of long-term and RAM, mental "playback" of the permission of the most likely problem situations arising at the beginning of work, planning tactics and behavior strategies.

Overragrance, psychophysiological state may be adequate and inadequate specifics of the upcoming activities. In the first case, it is called readiness status. In the second case, as a rule, two states are distinguished. With the imbalance of the processes of excitation and braking in favor of the latter there is a state of pre-person apathy. The second option is characterized by a significant predominance of the excitation process - this is the state of the pre-school fever.

The degree of application adequacy depends mainly on two factors: the qualification of the employee and its psychophysical state (background) preceding the mobilization phase. Against the background of monotony, suggestions, fatigue and overwork, as a rule, there is a state of pre-train apathy. The states of mental tension can provoke the occurrence of a pre-successful fever.

The occurrence time (duration) and the intensity of the attendance state depends on the level of qualifications, the individual characteristics of the nature preceding the state of the employee, the complexity and significance of the upcoming activities.

High qualifications, weakness and mobility of the nervous system, the large intensity of the background state contributes to the rapid mobilization and short-term response. The complexity and especially the importance of the upcoming work, on the contrary, are factors of an earlier occurrence of a surrender. It is known that performance in the upcoming activity largely depends on the ratio of the intensity of the attendance and nature of the upcoming activities. High levels favors performance in intensive, short-term and operational activities. Low level is more optimal for low-intensity, operational and durable work. At the same time, for highly qualified professionals, the most optimal is the high level of intensity of the attendance.

The primary reaction phase may occur at the beginning of the activity and is characterized by a short-term decline in almost all indicators of the psycho-physiological state. This phase is the result of external braking caused mainly by changing the nature of the information and its unpredictability.

With adequate ones and in highly qualified specialists, this phase, as a rule, does not occur. It does not appear in the process of performing operational and simple intensive activities. The occurrence of this phase contributes to a high level of anxiety in their disposal and anxiety as an identity property.

Phase hypercompensation. This phase also occurs in the initial period of work and is characterized by finding the energy optimal mode of activity. If in the previous phase, the humanism and psyche of a person is prepared for a common algorithm of work, then in this phase, through the struggle of unconscious installations to maximize and economy, there is an excessive adaptation to specific activities, the formation of a clear dynamic stereotype. Unlike the previous phase, this phase always exists, but at highly qualified workers it lasts a short time. High mobility of the nervous system also contributes to the speed of its passage. The end of the hypercompensation phase indicates the end of the work stage.

Phase compensation (optimal performance). All performance indicators of activity increase and stabilize, which is achieved by the balanced activity of plants for the economy and mobilization of efforts. The level of work of various systems is optimal, necessary and sufficient mobilization of basic and compensatory mechanisms has already been implemented. The mobilization of functions resulting from previous phases will fully compensate for the minimum funds increased requirements for activities. In this phase, a stable and balanced ratio between energy costs and rehabilitation processes is achieved. Recovery processes in accordance with temporary and intensive requirements are fully compensated for energy costs. Labor efficiency during this period is the greatest.

The higher the qualification of the employee, the longer this phase continues. In addition, its duration may depend on the conformity of the specifics of the activity and the peculiarities of the nervous system. In monotonous, operational and simple and non-intensive conditions, compensation phase is longer in persons with an inert and weak nervous system. In operational and difficult work or activities requiring maximum and long-term mobilization, the advantage on the side of persons with a strong nervous system and low anxiety. The same refers to the work related to risk.

In the process of training specialists and their training, it is necessary to create such conditions so that the duration of this phase is maximum. Its greatest duration is achieved when the employee has 30% of the time directly occupied by the execution of employment.

The subcompensation phase occurs both with a decrease in the intensity and complexity of activity and when they are raised. In this phase, the level of reserve performance is gradually starting.

With a certain increase in the intensity and complexity of activity, the optimal level of operation ceases to be provided. There is a peculiar restructuring of the operation of functional systems: mobilization of the most specific functions is maintained by attenuating controls for less important functions. Externally, this phase is characterized by selectively increasing or maintaining the most significant and low decrease in secondary performance indicators of activity, i.e. More economical use of performance reserves. Further continuation of the activity in this mode leads to an increase in fatigue, against the background of which the level of reserve performance is increasingly used. Phase subcompensation goes into its extreme stage. The inclusion of backup compensatory mechanisms provides only the preservation of the most important performance indicators with a significant deterioration of all less important. This phase occurs and longer lasts at highly qualified specialists and persons with a strong nervous system.

The phase of the final impulse arises when the work ends in the optimal performance phase or in the subcompensation phase. It is characterized by urgent mobilization through the motivational sphere of the additional forces of the body, an emotional lift, a swelling of a feeling of fatigue and improving performance. The stronger the social and material incentives, the more pronounced the phase of the final impulse, changing the natural dynamics of the performance caused by the growth of fatigue. With the continuation of the work, the auxiliary energy reserves are depleted and the next phase is developing.

Phase decompensation. In this phase, the level of reserve performance ceases to meet the basic requirements of activity. Not only minor, but also the main performance indicators. She comes in two cases. In the first case, with a sharp increase in the intensity or complexity of activity, the state of emotional tension may occur. The deterioration of the main performance indicators is not so much due to the exhaustion of reserve performance, as caused by excessive emotional excitation. This condition is characterized by such a degree of emotional response, which determines the temporary decrease in the stability of specific mental processes and professional performance, and such a degree, which contributes to the emergence of the phase of the breakdown. The state of emotional tensions more often occurs in persons who are distinguished by increased anxiety, the weakness of the nervous system.

In another case, with a long continuation of work in the previous phase, the decompensation phase occurs already due to the exhaustion of the level of reserve performance. The growth of fatigue leads to a steady deterioration of the functioning of systems, the indicators most important for this type of labor are reduced. This phase is characterized by both pronounced vegetative violations - the increase in pulse and respiration, and the impaired accuracy and coordination of movements, the appearance of a large number of errors in the work, which already underlie more pronounced deterioration of attention, memory, thinking. The leading motivation changes, the main one becomes the motive of termination of work. With the continuation of the work, this phase can go to the separation phase.

The phase of the breakdown is characterized by a significant disorder of regulatory mechanisms of the reduction level of health. There is inadequateness of the body's reaction and psyche on the signals of the external environment. There is a sharp drop in performance, up to the impossibility of continuing work. Disruption of vegetative functions and internal organs can lead to a fainting state and disrupting adaptation mechanisms. The human body comes to the state of overwork and requires a long rest or even treatment.

Depending on the complexity of the labor and psycho-physiological characteristics of a person, the first phase (workshop) lasts from 10-15 minutes to 1-1.5 hours.

The second phase (sustainable performance) lasts 2-2.5 hours.

The third phase (recession) lasts about an hour.

After the lunch break, the workload phase lasts 5-30 minutes, the stable performance phase is 2 hours, the responding phase is 1-1.5 hours. 10-15 minutes before the end of the work, a short-term surge of working capacity may be observed.

Allocate weekly phases of efficiency. The first phase (workability) includes Monday, the second phase (sustainable performance) is Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, the third phase (recession) - Friday, Saturday.

Daily phases of efficiency:

The first phase lasts from 6 o'clock. Morning up to 15 hours. The day is divided into three phases: 6-10 hours., 10-12 hours., 13-14, 15 hours.

The second phase continues from 15 to 22 hours., It is divided into three phases: 15-16 hours., 16-19 hours., 19-22 hours.

The third phase lasts from 22 hours. Nights up to 6 hours. Morning, divided into phases 22-23 hours., 23-24 hours., 1-6 o'clock.

Critical clocks are: 2nd, 3rd, 4th hours of night, when the level of marriage is significantly increasing in the volume of production, injuries, emergency situations

6. Troying and overwork

Fatigue is a temporary decrease in performance caused by previous activities. It is manifested in a decrease in muscle strength and endurance, an increase in the number of erroneous and unnecessary actions, changes in heart rate and respiration, an increase in blood pressure, processing time of incoming information, the time of visual and motor reactions. In total, the processes of attention, its stability and switchability are weakened, exposure, perseverance, reduced memory capabilities, thinking. The severity of changes in the state of the body depends on the depth of fatigue. Changes may be absent with insignificant fatigue and acquire an extremely pronounced character at deep stages of the body's fatigue. Subjectively fatigue is manifested in the form of a sense of fatigue that causes the desire to stop working or reduce the load value. Three stages of fatigue distinguish. In the first stage, labor productivity is practically not reduced, the feeling of fatigue is expressed insignificantly.

The first, the initial stage is characterized by the fact that constant increase by increasing the volitional voltage of the excitation level of all central (cortical, subcortical, spinal) structures of the engine device ensures the recruiting of additional neuromotor units and thus compensates for the reduction of the size of the contractile effect of the most easily tired (from the composition involved In the performed activity of the neuromotor pool) fibers in working muscles.

In the second stage, labor productivity is significantly reduced, the feeling of fatigue is pronounced brightly. The second stage of fatigue is characterized by the active braking of muscle activity by the program-control mechanism (the acceptor of the results of the action according to PK Anokhin) in the presence of a high level of activation of all the central structures of the engine system and the availability of certain reserves in the muscular system creating the opportunity to continue to continue Muscular work.

In the third stage, labor productivity can be reduced to zero indicators, and the feeling of fatigue is strongly pronounced, preserved after rest and sometimes even before the resumption of work. The specific moment of termination of the activity is determined by the program-control mechanism in accordance with the nature of motivation and some other conditions for the implementation of this activity. This stage is sometimes characterized as a stage of chronic, pathological fatigue, or overwork. Overwork manifests itself in a decrease in labor productivity, creative activity and mental performance, incidence growth. There is a change in the periodicals of products of biologically active substances. There are 4 degrees of overwork: starting, easy, expressed and severe. Measures to combat them should correspond to the severity of psycho-physiological manifestations. So, starting overwork is well compensated for a clear regulation of labor and recreation time. The easiest degree of overwork is effectively removed during the period of the next vacation during its rational use. Pronounced overwork requires urgent treatment in the sanatorium, and a severe destruction requires treatment under the clinic. Depending on the nature of the labor, physical and mental fatigue distinguish. Functional human activity systems reflect the integration of central and peripheral structures and mechanisms that determine the effective achievement of useful labor results. Tlytival is associated with certain changes arising both in the efferent and central links of these functional systems. In the historical terms were the first to be developed the theories of the fatigue of the peripheral link. Schiff's theory associated the development of fatigue with the insufficiency of energy reserves - glycogen, fatty acids (exhaustion theory). The theory of Fervorn bind the development of fatigue with a lack of oxygen (the theory of stroke). Pfluguer explained the fatigue in the muscles of lactic acid or fatigue toxins (clog theory). Modern studies give reason to believe that all the above reasons for fatigue may occur with intense physical work. As a result, the muscle may be observed the process of disagreement of electromechanical conjugation.

When working with small and medium intensity, fatigue is developing in the central link - in the synapses of the spinal centers of working muscles, as well as in the cells of the large brain cortex forming arbitrary (workers) movements. These provisions were reflected in a variety of variants of the central nervous theory of fatigue. According to one of them, a huge flow of signals from working muscles, visual, auditory and other analyzers comes to neurons of the large brain cortex. At the same time, these neurons act metabolites from working muscles, reducing their lability. The combined effect of these factors leads to the oppression of the activity of neurons of the cortical department of the motor analyzer. Development of braking in the central control mechanisms leads to significant shifts in the state of regulatory systems on the periphery, in the effectors.

There are two types of work - physical and mental; And the dispute about which of them is easier, completely inappropriate. The fatigue on mental work may be no less, and sometimes more than with physical. And, undoubtedly, both of these activities are important and useful.

What affects the level of human performance

Work - This is an exercise by a cell, organ, system of organs or the organism of the functions of them. The intelligent man performs, as a rule, socially useful work. Scientific and technical progress has changed the nature of the person's work. A mental labor came to replace heavy physical work. And physical, and mental work is aimed at performing certain tasks, various processes are involved in the fulfillment of each type of activity. "Most modern workers perform tasks that require recognition of images, quick receiving and processing information, as well as the ability to develop plans and make decisions," writes a well-known work physiologist G. Ulmer (1997). And it imposes a serious imprint on human health.

Performance - This is the ability of a person to perform the maximum possible amount of operation throughout a certain (specified) time and with certain efficiency. Performance, like work, is divided into mental and physical. Based on the above definition, the mental performance of a person is the ability to perform a certain amount of work requiring significant activation of the neuropsychiatric sphere. The physical performance of a person is the ability to perform the highest possible amount of physical work by activating the musculoskeletal system. Naturally, physical performance depends on the state of the nervous system innervating the musculoskeletal system.

What affects performance and how to improve the efficiency of the work performed? The main factor, which affects the performance of a person, is, first of all, his state of health. Also mental and physical human performance depends on the level of training, experience, physical and mental state. An important indicator of the working capacity of a person is his tendency to this work (i.e. talent), motivation to work and related to the work of emotion, environmental state, organization of labor. In person's performance, the optimal organization of the workplace is played by an extensive role that allows you to maintain the necessary position of the body and its segments to perform work.

Below you will learn what kind of work are, and which mechanisms are involved in their implementation.

Types of work: physical and mental human performance

Mental work is associated with thinking and with a self-split speech, as a person does not deal with specific objects, phenomena or alive organisms, but with their defining characters or concepts. Mental work includes receiving and processing information, its comparison with information stored in memory, transformation of information, identify problems and ways to solve them, forming a goal.

Mental performance is associated with mental and emotional components. The mental component is associated with human intellectual abilities, it requires thinking and concentrating attention. The emotional component includes human self-esteem as a subject of mental labor, assessing the significance of the goal and means. The emotional component causes the occurrence of numerous positive and negative emotions, which is manifested by clear reactions of the autonomic nervous system and changes in human mood. Emotional loads and mental overload stimulate the sympathetic part of the autonomatic nervous system, which is manifested by an increase in the pulse and respiration frequency, a minute volume of the heart and respiration, reinforced by sweating ("reaction of struggle and escape").

Physical work is associated with the activities of the musculoskeletal system, skeletal muscles are performed the main role. If, thanks to the reduction of the muscle, the position of the body is changing, then the resistance force is overcome, that is, overcoming operation is performed. Work in which the power of the muscles is inferior to the action of gravity and retained cargo is called inferior. In this case, the muscle functions, but it is not shortening, but, on the contrary, it is lengthened, for example, when it is impossible to raise or retain a body on weight, having a very large mass. Despite the effort of the muscles, it is necessary to lower this body on some surface. Holding work is performed if, thanks to the reduction of muscles, the body or cargo is held in a certain position without moving it in space, for example, a person keeps the cargo without moving. At the same time, the muscles are declining isometrically, that is, without changing their length. The muscle contraction force balances the body and cargo. When the muscles, shrinking, move the body or its parts in space, they perform overcoming or inferior operation, which is dynamic. Static is the holding work at which there is no movement of the entire body or its part. With static work, the muscles are reducing isometrically, while the distance is not overcome, but the work is carried out.

Energy costs of the body and the physiological need of a person in energy

Performing work requires energy costs. The overall need of a person in energy is the amount of the main and working exchanging. The energy costs of the human body with the main exchange is the amount of energy spent by the body in full peace conditions for maintaining life. In men, the energy costs of the body averages 1 kcal per 1 kg of body weight of 1 h (4.2 kJ). In women - 0.9 kcal (3.8 kJ). The working exchange is the amount of energy spent to perform any external work. The total daily physiological need of a person in energy during mental work is equal to 2500-3200 kcal (10 475-13 410 kJ). With mechanized work or light neverthern work - 3200-3500 kcal (13,410-14,665 kJ). With partly mechanized work or non-mechanized work of moderate severity - 3500-4500 kcal (14,665-18,855 kJ), with severe neverthentic physical work - 4500-5000 kcal (18,855-20,950 kJ).

Anatomical and physiological variations characterize the value or function of one or another muscle. Anatomical diameter is an area of \u200b\u200bperpendicular long axis of the cross section of the muscles in its particular area. The physiological variation is the sum of the cross-sections of all muscle fibers forming the muscle. The first indicator characterizes the magnitude of the muscle, the second is its strength. The absolute power of the muscle is calculated by dividing the mass of the maximum cargo (kg), which can lift the muscle to the area of \u200b\u200bits physiological diameter (cm2). This indicator in humans for different muscles ranges from 6.24 to 16.8 kg / cm2. For example, the absolute force of the calf muscle is 5.9 kg / cm2, the three-headed shoulder muscles - 16.8 kg / cm2, the two-headed shoulder muscles - 11.4 kg / cm2. The voltage developed by reducing one muscle fiber varies in the range of 0.1-0.2 g.

The reduction range (amplitude) depends on the length of muscle fibers. In the spindle and ribbon muscles, the fiber is longer, and the anatomical and physiological differences coincide, therefore the power of these muscles is not very large, and the amplitude of the reduction is large. In the cider muscles, the physiological diameter is much more anatomical and, accordingly, their strength is greater. Due to the fact that muscle fibers of these muscles are short, the amplitude of their reduction is small.

Performance indicator: human resource efficiency (efficiency) of a person at work

One of the performance performance indicators is a useful coefficient that indicates which part of the energy spent turns into energy that provides useful external work:

The efficiency (efficiency) coefficient of a person is equal to the energy spent on the external work, divided into generated energy and multiplied by 100%.

A person has a beneficial activity coefficient of man's muscle, can reach 35%. The efficiency of the body in general and human efficiency at work in various types of muscular activity is low. It varies from 3 to 25% from 3 to 25%. With a frequent repetition of one and the same work, a working dynamic stereotype is developing - a system of reflex reactions that are formed with the constant repetition of the same stimuli. Reflex reactions acquire the nature of automatic, so the work becomes more energetically economical and less tedious, does not require constant attention and focus.

Causes and factories of temporary decrease in the mental and physical performance of the body

Causes the reaction of all organs and systems. With heavy loads there is a decrease in performance, as a person is tired. In the currently shrinking muscle, the blood flow increases more than 20 times, the metabolism is activated. With a moderate physical activity in the muscle, aerobic metabolism dominates, during hard work, part of the energy is released anaerobically, that is, without using oxygen. As a result of this, lactic acid is formed in the muscles. This is one of the factors of reducing performance: with the accumulation of significant amounts of lactic acid in muscle fibers, muscle fatigue develops. In physical work, the frequency of heart abbreviations increases, the impact volume of the heart, blood pressure, the intake of oxygen intake. With a light and moderate physical work with a constant load for 5-10 minutes, the heart rate increases, after which it reaches a constant level, or a stationary state that does not lead to human fatigue within a few hours. After 3-5 minutes after the completion of such work, the heart rate is normalized. With severe work, the stationary state does not occur, the physical performance is reduced, the fatigue is developing, the heart rate increases, and after the cessation of hard work, the period of restoration of the normal heart rate lasts a few hours.

Each person has its own individual limit of fatigue in physical and mental work, the difference for each individual is sometimes very significant. After this limit, there is a decrease in the health of the body as a whole, the person can no longer fulfill its work effectively. The limit of tedious work is divided into two levels of health. The work that a person can perform within 8 hours without the development of signs of muscular fatigue is considered easy, it is below the limit. Above it is the area of \u200b\u200bmaximum performance, the performance of such a work is significantly limited in time. A decrease in mental and physical performance occurs as the duration of work increases. Training improves human performance.

How to determine the limit of tedious dynamic work? One of the important indicators is the frequency of the pulse, which remains constantly during operation, without increasing due to fatigue. In untranslated people aged 20 to 30 years, it does not exceed 130 blows in 1 min, less than 5 minutes after the termination of the work, the pulse rate becomes less than 100 shots in 1 min; At the age of 31 and 50 years old, exceeds 130-140 beats in 1 min, the pulse rate becomes less than 100 shots in 1 min. Only 10-15 minutes after discontinuation. Trained people have a faster normalization of the pulse.

The same applies to the decline in human mental performance - only permanent "brain training" will be able to not tire too quickly.

Fatigue and restoration in physical and mental work

Fatigue - This is a physiological state of a person who comes as a result of intense or long-term work. It is expressed in a temporary decline in performance, which is provoked by the muscular (physical) and neuropsychiatric fatigue. In severe work, they are combined. Fatigue is characterized by a decrease in the strength and endurance of the muscles, a violation of coordination of movements, an increase in energy consumption to perform the same work, disruption, the rate of processing information, concentration, etc. fatigue is subjectively felt by a person in the form of fatigue, in which a person is not able to react normally on incentives. In addition, fatigue is due to insufficient sleep. Fatigue causes a desire to stop working or reduce loads.

The reason for the reduction of working capacity in severe physical work is the accumulation in muscle fibers of some exchange products (for example, lactic acid). Rest, especially active, leads to the restoration of muscle performance. This is due to the removal of lactic acid and the resumption of energy reserves in the muscle. Nervical-mental (central) fatigue caused by a long-intensive mental work, monotonous monotone, noise, poor working conditions, emotional factors, diseases, incorrect or insufficient nutrition, hypovitaminosis.

Frequent neuropsychiatric fatigue leads to the development of chronic fatigue. This state is typically for many people in modern conditions. It leads to the development of cardiovascular diseases, infarction, strokes, neurosis, psychozam, depression, sexual disorders. If, despite the fatigue, work continues, exhaustion occurs. Recall that severe physical and neuropsychiatric loads cause stress (or rather, Distress).

There are sharp and chronic exhaustion. The first is a sharp decline in working capacity during hard work, the second arises due to a long-intensive or too often recurrent hard work. Professional sport, sports competitions and reinforced training often lead to acute and chronic exhaustion. We emphasize: we are talking about professional sports, and not about physical culture, which is useful and absolutely necessary at any age.

How to relax and recover after mental and physical work

Restoration of workability - This is the process of gradual return of the body functions to the initial state after termination of work. As the degree of fatigue is reduced, and performance increases. If a person performs the work underlying the limits of its fatigue, it is necessary to rest periodically. How to quickly recover after work to secure your body from the dangerous effects of heavy voltage? It should be emphasized that there are better few short-term breaks for an effective rest than one or two long. Even in a state of complete rest, the skeletal muscle retains its elasticity and a certain degree of voltage. This is called muscle tone. Before recovering after physical work, remember that muscle tone does not cause fatigue. The tone is the normal state of partial reduction in the relaxed muscle, thanks to which it can decline in response to a certain incentive.

Relaxation - This is a state of rest or a special, specially organized type of activity that remove fatigue and contribute to restoring performance. THEM. Siechens in the second half of the XIX century. It established that the work of one muscle groups of the extremities contributes to the elimination of the fatigue of other muscle groups caused by their work. This provision was based on the definition of two types of rest: active and passive. How to relax from mental work and hard physical labor? Active leisure is a rest, during which a person performs a different type of work other than the usual work performed. Restoration during physical and mental work by outdoor activities occurs faster and more efficient than with a passive vacation, when the body is in terms of relative rest. Thus, intensive mental activity should be regularly interrupted by physical activity. Conversely: intensive physical - mental.

We strongly advise the workers of mental labor after 1-1.5 h not to "rest" with a cigarette in the teeth, but to rise by 10-15 floors on the stairs, make 15-20 squats, as many jumps, perform 10-20 exercises with dumbbells.

Exercise workers are appropriate, it is advisable to take a walk or, if possible, take a few minutes with raised legs in the fresh air.

Now that you know about fatigue in physical and mental work and restoring after it, try to organize your work so that the efficiency of your activity is not reduced throughout the work day.

Fitness Sports: Tutorial for Students Shipilina Inessa Aleksandrovna

Physical performance

Physical performance

Physical performance- the ability of a person to perform the desired work with the smallest physiological costs with the highest results. Operations are subdivided by generaland special.

Generalphysical performance is the level of development of all organism systems (IPC, digestive and excretory systems), all physical qualities. The faster the athlete goes to the desired level of preparedness, the easier it is to keep the level of health.

Specialphysical efficiency is the level of development of physical qualities and those functional systems that directly affect the result in a favorite sport. Units of measurement, norms and factors in each sport are individual.

Fatigue- This is a temporary decline in working capacity, which is accompanied by a subjective feeling of fatigue and is a protective reaction of the body, saving it from exhaustion and overwork. The fatigue of the central nervous system occurs when impulses are accelerated or participated. Peripheral fatigue of working muscles occurs in three reasons:

1) lack of oxygen;

2) clogging with decay products;

3) exhaustion of energy resources.

Muscular fatigue is such a condition of the body, in which human performance is temporarily reduced. Reducing performance is the main external manifestation of this state, its main objective sign. However, performance can be reduced not only at fatigue, but also during training in adverse conditions of the external environment (high temperature and humidity, in conditions of high mountains). Tilling is a natural physiological process, the normal state of the body. For an efficient training, it is necessary that a certain degree of fatigue is achieved when performing each exercise. The fatigue is characterized by a subjective sign - fatigue (heaviness in the head, limbs, a fortification of state). Fatigue is a biologically protective reaction of the body, directed against the depletion of the functional potential of the central nervous system. The learning of exercises leads to rapid fatigue, since it is performed exclusively under the control of the cortex of the brain.

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Physical performance is manifested in various forms of muscular activity. It depends on the physical "form" or the readiness of a person, its suitability for physical work, to sports activities. In the concept of "physical performance", and sometimes simply "performance" is invested very different in its volume or meaning. So use the expressions "performance as an ability to physical work", "functional ability", "physical endurance", "labor ability at all", etc.

The term "physical performance" (English Phisical Working Capacity) is currently being taken to designate the potential or real human ability to perform maximum physical efforts in dynamic, static or mixed work.

Without information about the physical performance of the persons under study, it is not possible to judge the state of health, the socio-hygienic and socio-economic conditions of the living of people, about the results of preparation for labor, sports and military activities.

The quantitative determination of physical performance is necessary in the organization of physical education of people of different ages and gender, in selection, planning and forecasting for athletes of training loads, when organizing a motor regime of patients in the clinic and rehabilitation centers, in determining the degree of disability, etc.

Physical performance is an integral expression of human functionality and is characterized by a number of objective factors. These include: the physique and anthropometric indicators; power, capacity and efficiency of energy mechanisms aerobic and anaerobic pathway; power and endurance of muscles; neuromuscular coordination (which, in particular, manifests itself as physical quality - agility); The state of the musculoskeletal system (in particular flexibility). The state of the endocrine system should also be attributed.

In different people, the development of individual components of physical performance is sharply different. It depends on heredity and external conditions; Professions, level or nature of motor activity and sport. The correlation between individual factors varies widely. Undoubted influence on the remaining indicators and performance as a whole has health.

In a narrow sense, physical performance understands as a functional state of a cardiorespiratory system. This approach is justified by two practical aspects. On the one hand, in everyday life, the intensity of physical activity is low and it has a pronounced aerobic character, so the usual daily work limits the oxygen transport system. On the other hand, an increase in the spread of hypertension, coronary disease, myocardial infarction, brain circulation disorders causes focus again on a cardiovascular health aspect. Therefore, with mass and selective studies, it is often limited to the definition of the maximum of the aerobic capacity of the body, which is quite reasonably considered the main fever of working capacity.

Currently, the mandatory definition of "physical performance" is recommended by the relevant documents of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Federation of Sports Medicine (FMS).

In sports practice, they allocate general physical performance and special performance that some specialists are denoted as an indicator of training.

General physical performance is customary to be considered as the ability of a person to carry out the physical dynamic operation of sufficient intensity for a sufficiently long time while maintaining the adequate parameters of the organism's responses.

Indicators of general physical performance largely depend on the overall endurance of the body and are closely related to the aerobic capabilities of the body, i.e. The productivity of the oxygen transport system. Currently, the definition of general physical performance is mandatory in the process of physical rehabilitation to select a rehabilitation program, evaluating its effectiveness, etc.

Special physical performance depends on sports specialization. It is usually determined during a rapid control to assess the level of training, planning a subsequent training step, predicting the growth of sports results, etc. Special physical performance is estimated with the help of special tests of the respective sport specifies, research goals and the level of sports qualifications.

To determine both common and special physical performance, tests for effort or quantitative tests are used. Before testing, it will be necessary to clarify the readings and make sure that there are no contraindications to their conduct.

Sacrut V.N., Kazakov V.N.