What is the conscience literary definition. What is conscience. Definition of the word "conscience"

What is the conscience literary definition. What is conscience. Definition of the word
What is the conscience literary definition. What is conscience. Definition of the word "conscience"


And so conscience - what is it? Let's see for a start that wiki thinks about it:
Conscience - the ability of the person to independently formulate moral duties and implement the moral self-control, to require them to fulfill their fulfillment and evaluate the actions performed by it; One of the expressions of the moral identity identity. It is also manifested in the form of a rational awareness of the moral importance of the actions accomplished, and in the form of emotional experiences - the feelings of guilt or "remorse of conscience" [the source is not specified 1736 days], that is, binds together the mind and emotions.

To some extent really, it is.
But let's look deeper on it, removing all the developments and raids.

We all know, there is a certain rod in man, not in vain say - a person does not change, indeed, the rod, he is given one for life, and does not change. But sometimes we hear how someone from friends tells us that a common acquaintance, what he was well done, he changed (and maybe in ...

There were Darwinists who argued that conscience is an excessive feeling from which to get rid of. It is interesting to bring Hitler's words, which, as you know, was one of the thinkers of social darvinism (the teaching, according to which the patterns of natural selection and the struggle for the existence, applicable, according to Charles Darwin, are distributed to human society): "I exempt a person From the degrading chimera, which is called conscience. " And further…

In Dr. Greek. Mythology S. receives fantastics. The image in the form of an image of Erinia, the goddesses of curse, revenge and punishment, pursuing and punishing criminals, but speakers as well-being (Eurminov) in relation to repentant. In ethics, the problem of personal S. first put Socrates, which considered the source of the article. Man's judgments His self-knowledge (dr. Greek ...

There was one ancient wisdom in the people: "Conscience, though without teeth, and the soul can gnaw."

And so it turned out that they began to forget these words, like many other important things. Only here our ancestors did not know the proverbs about the conscience. They knew because the Russian people will disappear without her, and he will not be happiness.

So, what proverbs about conscience and debt should every person know? Why do they need him? And what is the conscience in general?

It so happened that every person has its own conscience. "Why is that?" - you ask. Yes, because each person works in different ways. Some are brought up in good families and teach good and order, and others are in evil. Therefore, growing, people have a different idea of \u200b\u200bmorality, respectively, and their conscience is different.

If you believe psychologists, then conscience is moral and ethical rules that define the inner world of the individual. Violation of these unwritten laws leads to the fact that a person begins to experience ...

What is conscience and what does it mean to live on conscience?

Most people have a certain inner censor that helps distinguish positive and negative aspects in life. It is important to learn to listen to the voice inside ourselves and follow his advice, and then he will serve as a guide into a happy future.

What does conscience mean?

There are several definitions of such a thing: so, conscience consider the ability to independently identify their own responsibilities on self-control and evaluate perfect actions. Psychologists, explaining what conscience is in their own words, give such a definition: this is an internal quality that gives a chance to understand how well the person is aware of its own responsibility for the perfect act.

To determine what conscience is, it is necessary to note the fact that it is divided into two types. To the first one includes actions that a person performs, having a certain moral oppression. The second type implies emotions that are experiencing ...

Always talk about conscience, sometimes not even understanding what they mean by this concept. Let's see what conscience is. The conscience is often compared with the compass that the travelers are necessary so as not to get into trouble. It looks like this is a simple device with a magnetized arrow, always indicating north. But if it works correctly and if they use it with a detailed map, you can avoid troubles. It is very similar to conscience. If she is properly trained, she will defend us, but only if we respond quickly to its warnings.

Different opinions about conscience

Without conscience, we would disappear. There are many theories regarding the definition of conscience. For example, the Bible explains what conscience is. Literally this word means "knowledge of oneself." This ability to know ourselves is given to us from God. It turns out, we can see ourselves from the side and evaluate our actions, solutions and feelings. Conscience not only promotes our joy, but maybe much ...

"You do not have conscience!", "Conscience would like!", "Conscience is the best controller." "Remorse". These and many other statements about conscience we have more than once and did not hear in life. So what is conscience? What are we needed for? How to find out if we have it or not, and how not to lose it?

The conscience is a kind of regulator of our relationship with the surrounding people. In this case, this regulator has its own. The conscience of man is the concept of purely individual, there is no reference to it, it is impossible to measure it and say: "My conscience is more than yours." It all depends on how much a person is able to regulate its moral and ethical behavior, the norms of which each different and depend on the upbringing, social environment, personal qualities, and life experience. At the level of feelings, conscience helps us assess the fallacy or loyalty of actions or actions.

What is conscience: conscience in life examples

Conscience has a strong impact on our life and can ...

In the footsteps of discussions

Conscience brief summary of the same discussion

Which of us is not familiar with your inner voice, called a conscience, which then blames us from the inside and oppresses, then gives a sense of joy and satisfaction for the prejudiced!?! This is our internal controller and judge, incorruptible and impartial. Just like the hungry can not convince himself that he is fed up, and the work is frightened - to convince himself that he is cheerful and full of strength and energy, and we cannot convince themselves what they did well and right when the conscience Suchs us in what we did badly.

I. What is conscience?

1. Defining dictionaries:
Dictionary Ushakov: Conscience - an internal assessment, the inner consciousness of the morality of their actions, a sense of moral responsibility for their behavior.
Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: Conscience - the moral consciousness of a person, expressed in the assessment of their own and other people's actions, on the basis of a certain criterion of good and ...

1) conscience - - category of ethics, expressing the ability of the personality to carry out a moral self-control, to determine from the position of good and evil the attitude towards their own and foreign actions, behavior lines. C. Removes its estimates as it were, regardless of practical. Interest, however, in reality, in various manifestations of S. person reflects the effect on it of the CONKR. Historic., Social-class. living conditions and upbringing. C. does not generate, but only fixes and reproduces those values \u200b\u200band evaluations, which are produced in societies. Practice, and therefore depends ultimately from the class. and societies, human accessories. Scientific Atheism acts as against nihilistic. Relations to S., considering it creatures, a feature of the spiritual appearance of the personality, and against the attitude towards it as an unchanged and infallible judge given to us by God. With the move of social and cultural progress Intellect. Honesty as one of the requirements of C. Magnifies, faith, as not logic. and actual. Justifications, as well as ...

Since the news - the ability of the human spirit to distinguish between good and evil, the consciousness of good and evil (St. Ignatius Bryanchaninov), a natural law that requires an inheritance of life (St. Avva Dorofey).

Conscience is the desired or active force (ability) of the human spirit, indicating a person on good and requiring its execution. Being closely connected with a mind and feeling, conscience has a practical character and can be called practical consciousness (St. Feofan Removenizer). If the mind knows, and feelings are felt, then conscience as an active force, determines the type of spirit of the Spirit in relation to a reasonable reason and feeling feelings.

In the word "conscience" the root of "news" together with the "CO" particle indicates "Co-Communication" and "Co-action". Human conscience initially acted not alone. In a person, she acted together with God himself, who lives in the human soul ...

Social Psychology. Dictionary under. ed. M.Yu. Kondratieva

Conscience - the personality ability to carry out moral self-control, independently formulate moral responsibilities for themselves, to require them to fulfill their implementation and evaluate the actions performed; One of the expressions of the moral identity identity. FROM….

Large Dictionary of Esoteric Terms - Editorial D.M. Stepanov A.M.

(Russian, joint news, summarized knowledge). 1. The feeling and consciousness of moral responsibility for their behavior and actions before himself, in front of the surrounding people, the society of moral principles, views, beliefs. 2. In the occult - manifestation in the individual criteria ...

Philosophical Dictionary

(joint knowledge, to know, know): the ability to realize his duty and responsibility to other people, independently evaluate and control their behavior, to be a judge to their own thoughts and ...

What is conscience?

What is conscience and can you be guided by your conscience with confidence? How did the conscience trained in the Bible help make the right decisions in life?


Walking along a lively street, you pass by an elegantly dressed woman who, without noticing, drops a bundle of money. Leaning to raise this
put, you see how a woman hastily sits down in an expensive car.

What do you do? Are you angry with her or quickly hide money in your pocket?

It depends on your conscience. What will she tell you? More importantly: can you trust her? Can you guide your conscience with confidence?

Conscience is a natural sense of belief that is good and evil, fair and unfair, which is moral and immoral. In the Bible, the principle of operation of conscience is described in the message to Romans 2:14, 15 with these words:

"For, when pagans who do not have the law are legitimate, then, without having the law, ...


Back in ancient times, the philosophers and wise men reflected about this voice: where does he come from and what is his nature? Various assumptions and theory were put forward. Special problems, the availability of this voice created philosopams and scientists of "New Time", which see the creature in man only material and deny the existence of the soul.

There were Darwinists who argued that conscience is an excessive feeling from which to get rid of. It is interesting to bring Hitler's words, which, as you know, was one of the thinkers of social darvinism (the teaching, according to which the patterns of natural selection and the struggle for the existence, applicable, according to Charles Darwin, are distributed to human society): "I exempt a person From the degrading chimera, which ...

Conscience relates exclusively to the inner moral and moral concepts. It implies the ability of a person to evaluate its behavior, its motives, internal desires from the standpoint of awareness of their own imperfection. The conscience of man is always a conversation alone with himself, so it eliminates the presence of such categories as shame and fear that are more than the external response to the inconsistency of generally accepted standards. The feeling of its imperfection and dissatisfaction with himself leads to a person to moral experiences known as "Ukole conscience" or "Flour of conscience".

In Christianity, conscience is one of the gifts, data to man by God. This is good for a person, since it does not give a person to finally minimize the path of sin. Christians are prescribed to teach their conscience, which means to conduct constant reflections on the compliance of their actions with Christian morality.

If incorrect behavior leads a person to the "turbulent conscience", opposite the successful ...

Conscience call some moral tension, the experience of a person for the words and actions. At the same time, the problem of conscience may affect not only their own actions and words of a person, A and the actions of someone else, and the meaning of the word conscience is distorted from one individual to another.

Definition and types

Determine what conscience is immediately not easy. The thing is that the problem of conscience is centuries-old and psychologists, the philosophers of each period somewhat in their own way determined this word.

What means conscience from a psychological point of view: this is the quality of a person who says that he is able to be responsible for his actions and words. Philosophers have a sense of conscience defined as a moral self-consciousness that distinguishes the bad and good, as well as a prompting person to do good deeds.

V. Dal gave conscience. Such a definition is an inner consciousness, a secret corner of the soul, where Sammood comes over each action and phrase, sharing them on good and bad, as well as a feeling capable of generating love for good and disgust for evil.

Honor and conscience inherent in moral people who adhere to the principles of justice and life rules. If the conscience nibbles man, it means that he made an act, which himself cannot approve.

If she is never tormented by a person, he says him as a soulless. So if you return the words and actions back back, why do you need conscience, and is it necessary at all, or there are motives and ways to get rid of the conscience?

Concept in religion

In Christian terminology, this word consists of the Commonwealth and lead. This means what it means to live on conscience in Christianity - to live, bringing the society to live with him. Deep believing people often say that if the conscience is tormented - this is the voice of God blames us for some non-casing.

Why is it all different?

When the conscience is tormented, a person is engaged in self-confidence and self-keeping, strokes and shakes himself, again and again scrolling in the head of the act as a subject of injections. Some people she does not torment and never suffer, because they do not realize that their actions cause someone harm.

In fact, to have such moral feelings are characteristic of people who are brought up by a certain scheme of delimitation of good and evil. The so-called measure in their consciousness is formed to the mature age, through which they determine the color of their and other people's actions. Such a raying scheme is very common: we often hear how little children say that to tear the leaves on the trees is bad, and share the toys - well.

But such education is capable of making a child happy in the future only if the values \u200b\u200band definitions of good and evil from their parents were not distorted. If these concepts were vaccinated in a distorted form or were not vaccinated at all, it is possible that in adult life a person lives without giving a report before honor and conscience.

What do you mean to have a conscience?

To the question: "Do you need conscience?" You can answer only in the affirmative. A man conscience serves fair, but also the ruthless measure of his work. If the conscience nibbles, it means that made does not match your own ideas about good or neutral actions.

If you submit that honor and conscience are not inherent in any person on Earth, it can be safely argued that chaos will begin. Everyone will do absolutely random things: go and kill the offender, who for others is a family breadwinner and a beloved relative, to steal from someone's money, perhaps the last, intended for food or treatment. In the end, you will appoint a meeting and not to come, offend or hit - all this would be everywhere, because no one would say that these actions are disgusting and unfair in relation to others.

Sigmund Freud briefly described this quality. He believed that it would be born in infancy: the child depends on the parental love and comes in line with the measure of good and evil, so that this love does not lose.

It follows from this that conscience appears precisely in childhood, and parents and environment play an important role in its formation. Multiple studies have proven that the conscientious person becomes the one whose parents in childhood did not beat him for misconduct, but expressed their grief of his behavior. In adult age, this person is responsible for every word and does everything accordingly.

Tormenting conscience

Definitions of this word mass, and among these definitions there is one stable - tormenting and ricking. What to do a person who torments conscience? First of all, rejoice for yourself. This means that you can clearly see the problem and know what they did and why they lost peace of mind.

Sometimes candid conversations about the problem are needed. For example, parents, sisters and brothers, close friends, spouses are people who need to take you anyone, and therefore listen if you have tortured your own conscience.

If the loss of equilibrium is caused thanks to the cases or words that murdered another person, it is necessary to ask him for forgiveness. The accepted apologies will be a real balm for a hectic soul.

Do not try to drain such feelings or define somehow differently, written by fatigue or nervousness. If you get the honor to confess to your deed yourself, it will be much easier to live.

The tormenting act is not always equivalent to those sensations that have committed. For example, some greatly exaggerate the deed - such a situation is well described in the short story of Anton Chekhov "Death of the official." A person can simply bring himself to hysterics when there are no objective reasons for this.

The most effective is still a dialogue with an offended person. Remember that the frank apology is not a humiliation or infringement of pride, but shows you as a person of highly moral and educated, which can answer for his words and actions.

Differences from honor

Honor, conscience, wine, debt is only a brief list of terms and conditions that are often identified. Honor and conscience - the concepts are close enough, but they have certain differences, and indigenous.

The latter we measure our own actions in relation to others. This is a certain inner judge of all words and actions that brought someone joy, and someone is grief. In accordance with this, the soul becomes good and easy, and otherwise - torments conscience.

Honor is the measure of behavior towards himself. There is a steady expression: it is lower than my honor and dignity. This means that a person cannot do in a certain way, without vulnerays his own feelings.

It is worth noting that the honor imposes significantly greater responsibility. The honor is a number of tough rules and principles in which a person is raised from childhood. It does not mean to put yourself above others, on the contrary, is to know its place among people and belongs to itself more stricter than others.

Most people have a certain inner censor that helps distinguish positive and negative aspects in life. It is important to learn to listen to the voice inside ourselves and follow his advice, and then he will serve as a guide into a happy future.

What does conscience mean?

There are several definitions of such a thing: so, conscience consider the ability to independently identify their own responsibilities on self-control and evaluate perfect actions. Psychologists, explaining what conscience is in their own words, give such a definition: this is an internal quality that gives a chance to understand how well the person is aware of its own responsibility for the perfect act.

To determine what conscience is, it is necessary to note the fact that it is divided into two types. To the first one includes actions that a person performs, having a certain moral oppression. The second type implies emotions that are experiencing an individual as a result of committing certain actions, for example,. There are people who, even after committing bad things, do not worry at all and in such a situation they say that the inner voice is sleeping.

What is conscience on Freud?

A well-known psychologist believes that every person has a superego, which consists of conscience and ego ideal. The first is developing as a result of parenting and the use of different punishments. Conscience according to Freud includes the ability to self-criticism, the presence of certain moral prohibitions and the appearance of a sense of guilt. As for the second leaving - ego ideal, it arises as a result of approval and positive evaluation of actions. Freud believes that the superago is fully formed when the parental control was replaced by self-control.

Types of conscience

Perhaps many will surprise the fact, but there are several types of this internal quality. The first type is a personal conscience that is narrowly controlled. With its help, a person determines what is good, and what is bad. The following concept of conscience of collective covers the interests and actions of those who are not exposed to personal type. It has limitations because it concerns exclusively people entering a specific group. The third type - spiritual conscience does not take into account the restrictions of the elevated types.

What do you need conscience?

Many at least once in life asked this question, so if there was no inner voice, then a person would not distinguish what actions are good, and what are bad. Without internal control, for the right life, I would have to have an assistant who would guide, gave advice and helped to make the right conclusions. Another important point regarding why the conscience is needed is - it helps a person to understand life, get the right benchmark and realize himself. It is worth saying that it cannot be separated from morality and morality.

What does it mean to live on conscience?

Unfortunately, but not all people boast that they live according to the rules, forgetting about this quality and betrayed themselves. Thanks to this inner quality, a person commits certain actions, realizing that well, and what is bad, and also knows such concepts as justice and morality. A person living in convictions conscience is able to live in truth in love. For him, such qualities as deception, betrayal, insincerity, and so on are unacceptable.

If you live according to the rules, it means that you need to listen to your own soul, which will allow you to choose the right direction in life. In this case, a person will not take actions for which he will later feel shame and guilt. To understand what a pure conscience is, it is worth noting that in the modern world to find people with such a feature difficult, since many situations and temptations are found in life when simply cross the line. The formation of this quality directly affects parenting and a close environment from which a child can take an example.

Why do people do not conscience?

Modern life is simple, it is impossible, since almost daily people meet with different temptations and problems. Although many people know how to deal with conscience, sometimes people move the face. The reason why the conscience disappeared, has a causal nature. In most cases, a person crosses his own beliefs to satisfy their ambitions. It is still possible to push the mercenary goals, the desire does not stand out from the crowd, protect against the attacks of others and so on.

What is a calm conscience?

When a person lives according to the rules, aware of the righteousness of his own duties and does not harm anyone with his actions, they talk about such a thing as "calm" or "clean" conscience. In this case, the individual does not feel or does not know any bad deeds. If a person chooses to live according to conscience, he must always take into account not only his own position, but also an opinion, and the state of others. Psychologists believe that confidence in the purity of their conscience is hypocrisy or indicates blindness in relation to their own mistakes.

What is a unclean conscience?

The complete opposite of the previous definition, as the unclean conscience is an unpleasant feeling resulting from the commission of a bad act, which becomes the cause of bad mood and experiences. The unclean conscience is very close to this concept as a sense of guilt, and her person feels at the level of emotions, for example, in the form of fear, anxiety and other discomfort. As a result, a person is experiencing and suffering from different issues within himself, and listening to the inner voice, compensation for negative consequences.

What is the flour conscience?

Making bad actions, a person begins to worry about the fact that he hurt the surrounding. Flies of conscience - a sense of discomfort that appears due to the fact that people often expose to themselves the overestimated requirements that do not correspond to their essence. The right internal qualities are brought up in childhood, when parents praise for good, and for bad things they scold. As a result, in a person, a certain fear of being punished for perfect unclean acts remains and in such a situation, they say that the conscience is tormented.

There is another version that conscience is a kind of tool that measures the true measure of things. For the correct decisions, a person gets satisfaction, and for bad things torments a sense of guilt. It is believed that if people do not have such discomfort at all, then this. Scientists have not yet been able to determine, because of which there may be no sense of shame and guilt, so it is the opinion that the whole fault of the improper education or factors of biological order.

What if you are tormented by conscience?

It is difficult to meet a person who could confirm that he never performed bad actions into incision to his beliefs. The feeling of guilt can spoil the mood, not to enjoy life, develop and so on. There are cases when an adult has become more fundamental in the case of morality and then begins to emerge the mistakes of the past and then problems with their own soul cannot be avoided. There are several tips that you need to do if a conscience suffered.

How to develop conscience in man?

Parents must certainly think about how to raise a good person who will know what conscience is, and how to use it correctly. There are many styles of education and if we talk about extremes, it is rigidity and complete permissiveness. The process of forming important internal qualities is based on complete confidence in parents. Of great importance is the stage of explanation when adults are coming to a child, why can something be done, and something is impossible.

If, how to develop conscience, interests adults, then the principle of operation is slightly different. First you need to think and analyze which solutions are good, and what bad. It is worth identifying their cause and consequences. To understand what conscience is and how to develop this quality, psychologists recommend every day at least one positive act, for which it is important to praise yourself.

Get yourself a rule - before you give a promise, think about it well, whether to fulfill it. In order not to torment the feeling of guilt, it is important to restrain this word. Specialists advise learn to refuse people who offer to do something contrary to existing beliefs. Act on conscience, it does not mean doing everything only for others, forgetting about its own life principles and priorities. By truth, you can count on obtaining a result that will satisfy all participants.


1. Concept of conscience

1.1 Conscience and shame

1.2 Frox Conscience Views

2.1 Task for conscience

2.2 Functions of conscience

3. Imperative morality

4. Meaning conscience in pedagogy

5. Functioning conscience



IN maintenance

Conscience is a person's ability to critically evaluate their actions, thoughts, desires. At the same time, a person aware and worries about the unfulfilled debt, unworthy behavior, the assessment of which "exhibits" himself, feels guilty.

Conscience is an internal human controller.

Moral values \u200b\u200boriented man in his behavior. This turns out to be possible not because a person is beneficial or nice to take them into account in his decisions and actions. These values \u200b\u200bfunction in such a way that they influence the will of a person.

Moral values \u200b\u200bare always proclaimed in this form, which indicates the need for their practical embodiment in actions. Following moral values \u200b\u200bis perceived by a person as a debt.

If a person is calm upon non-fulfillment of debt, immoral, it is called "unsubstantiated" - they are not learned, they are not accepted by the soul of the most important moral landmarks. An unscrupulous person holds back only external control, otherwise he will bring harm to others. Such people show their vast maliciousness: steal, lgut, mock others without a branch of conscience.

Psychologists revealed: in families where there are hard external control and cruel punishment, more chances to grow a shameless person. He will go to his goal, neglecting all the moral implications, not paying attention to the suffering of others. At the same time, families where trusting relationships prevail, bring up conscientious children who have high levels of internal self-control and moral reflection.

People growing in the atmosphere of attention and affection, deeply absorb moral norms and ideals, they sympathize with others, perceive their suffering as their own and strive not to do evil.

1. Concept of conscience

Conscience is the moral consciousness of a person, the ability to distinguish good and evil, prompting a person to make a conscious choice in favor of good.

When they talk about freedom of conscience, they mean human rights to confess any religion or not confess any. The concept of conscience reflects the close relationship between ethics and psychology.

Conscience - the feature of the spiritual appearance of the person, expressing its ability to internal evaluation from the standpoint of good and evil their behavior, their feelings, as well as actions, opinions of other people.

The weak development of conscience at the man who, giving himself a report that caused someone material or moral damage, does not blame himself for it, does not have a shame, discontent with himself and the desire to correct the case.

The conscience implies awareness of his debt and responsibility in front of them and other people. In a difficult situation, the conscience causes a person to behave in such a way as not to earn reproach from close people, the whole people.

Conscience is an emotional phenomenon, it manifests itself through deep negative experiences, self-descendants, ukols, through the anxiety and concern of man morality and humanity of their behavior.

Conscience is our inner voice, which then accuses us from the inside and oppresses, then gives a sense of joy and satisfying for the deed. This is our internal controller and judge, incorruptible and impartial. We can not convince themselves that they did well and correctly when the conscience denounces us that we did badly.

Famous domestic philologist D.N. Ushakov in its dictionary so describes the concept of "conscience": conscience - an internal assessment, the inner consciousness of the morality of their actions, a sense of moral responsibility for their behavior. And in the FA dictionary Brockhaus and I.A. Efron: Conscience - the moral consciousness of a person, expressed in the assessment of his own and other people's actions, on the basis of a certain criterion of good and evil.

According to V. Gal: Conscience - moral consciousness, moral flair or sense in man; Inner consciousness of good and evil; Cache of the soul, in which the approval or condemnation of each act speaks; the ability to recognize the quality of the deed; a feeling that promises to truth and good, disgusted by false and evil; unwitting love for good and to the truth; Inborn truth, in varying degrees of development.

So, we found out that conscience is a kind of substance that can appeal to our feelings and emotions, will and mind, encouraging us to act in accordance with what we consider good and correct.

1.1 Conscience and shame

Indeed, the experiences of shame and the feeling of conscience are related, but they should distinguish them.

A person conscientious as its self-improvement makes more and higher demands. Pure conscience is the normal state of a person who performs moral debt is a reward for moral efforts. Domestic scientist XX century. G. Bandseladze, believes that without clean conscience, virtue would lose all value.

The conscience is intuitive, it sees what is not yet, therefore, it should "work" before the arrival of the act. Estimation after the offense will be shame. Conscience is included only when a person knows moral norms. If he does not know them and "morally innocent", then the conscience can not speak in it.

The conscience of man is essentially independent of the opinions of others. This conscience differs from another internal control mechanism of consciousness - shame . Shame and conscience are generally quite close.

The conscience is called the "moral principle" or "structure of internal discipline". It is possible to support the position of T. Florenskaya in the difference in shame and conscience: shame - before the other for yourself, the conscience is based on compassion to another due to himself, as a perpetrator of suffering.

In shame, the awareness of his person (as well as close and involved in him) is not recognizable by some adopted standards or expectations of others and, failed. However, the shame is fully oriented to the opinions of other persons who can express their condemnation about the violation of the norms, and the experiencing shame is the stronger than the more important and significant for a person these individuals. Therefore, the individual may experience shame - even for random, unpredictable results of actions or for the actions that it seems normal to him, but which, as he knows, are not recognized as such a surroundings. The logic of shame is approximately as follows: "They think about me so. They are mistaken. And nevertheless I'm ashamed, because I think so about me. "

Shame is an emotional state or a deep human experience, which arises as a result of the inconsistency of its behavior with accepted norms and awareness of the person, that he did dishonestly or ridiculously (the traditional interpretation of dictionaries and reference books).

The logic of conscience is different. The conscience is called the "moral principle" or "structure of internal discipline". It is possible to support the position of T. Florenskaya in the difference in shame and conscience: shame - before the other for yourself, the conscience is based on compassion to another due to himself, as a perpetrator of suffering.

And it was comprehended historically rather early.

Democritus, who lived at the turn of the V and IV centuries. BC also does not know the special word "conscience". But he requires a new understanding of the shameful: "Do not say and do not do anything wrong, even if you are alone with you. Learn is much more ashamed of yourself than others. " And elsewhere: "It should be as much as much as others, and it is not equally bad if it will remain unknown or everyone will recognize anyone. But the most should be ashamed of himself, and the law should be drawn in every soul: "Do not do anything obscene."

The conscience is intuitive, and the person who has "she is," can feel and relies on her in his elections. Such a person always acts deliberately, honestly, without harming himself and the world around.

We talk about it "conscientious person", "lives on conscience."

Conscience can not be taught. Conscience is a personal experience of a mature person. In the process of raising a child, we give him only the prerequisites for the feeling of their conscience. Each person, adult, goes out his way of improvement.

1.2 Types of conscience by E. Frochma

Psychoanalyst E. Fromm believes that conscience is two species - authoritarian and humanistic.

Authoritarian The conscience expresses our subordination to external authority. With authoritarian conscience, we are uncrributing the commandments of some external strength, religious or social, and carry out her will, because we are afraid. Submitting authoritarian conscience from fear of punishment, a person follows the commandments that are far from his own interests.

Power pursues their mercenary goals and uses individuals only as a means, forcing them to submissal through the formation of the mechanisms of authoritarian conscience. If a person retreats from the government of power, he feels guilty to her and suffers, fearing the subsequent punishment. But as soon as people understand that the power has lost its strength and can not damage them, they immediately lose their authoritarian conscience and are no longer submitted to the fact that yesterday Roblates and adopted.

Humanistic Conscience according to Fromma is the voice of the person himself, the best started in it, capable of self-development. Humanistic conscience does not give people to be slaves, to obey other people's interests, to spend their life. She calls for self-realization, to embodiment in reality the best forces and opportunities to build their lives in harmony with other people. Sometimes the voice of the conscience sounds indirectly through the fear of old age or death, when a person suddenly understands that he did not take place and did not fulfill the debt to himself.

And so it turned out that they began to forget these words, like many other important things. Only here our ancestors did not know the proverbs about the conscience. They knew because the Russian people will disappear without her, and he will not be happiness.

So, what proverbs about conscience and debt should every person know? Why do they need him? And what is the conscience in general?

What is conscience?

It so happened that every person has its own conscience. "Why is that?" - you ask. Yes, because each person works in different ways. Some are brought up in good families and teach good and order, and others are in evil. Therefore, growing, people have a different idea of \u200b\u200bmorality, respectively, and their conscience is different.

If you believe psychologists, then conscience is moral and ethical rules that define the inner world of the individual. The violation of these unwritten laws leads to the fact that a person begins to feel the feeling of guilt and fear. In common, this is called conscience remorse.

Conscience for the Russian people

Slavs often fame proverbs about conscience and debt. Since they considered spiritual virtues of the most important qualities of man. So, one of their proverbs says: "Good perina is good, that's just without conscience anyway badly sleep." And such examples can be given hundreds, which proves the above words.

But why so? In fact, everything is very simple, the essence of what is happening lies in the fact that the Russian people have long suffered oppression from other countries. Standing at such times helped fraternal cohesion of the entire people. And for this you needed to trust the one who protects your back.

That is why the Russians paid for so much time to bring up the concept of conscience from their children. They were not lazy to create more and more new proverbs about conscience. And those firmly rooted in their heads of descendants. So he was heard in Russia that "Conscience is the eye of God," and who is deprived of it, the road is closed to heaven.

Psychological aspect

As they say, "the soul is not a neighbor - it will not work out with her." Now, many have begun to follow their body, in order to always look young and attractive. But, alas, they completely forget about their spiritual world.

After all, what are the proverbs about conscience? That's right, what needs to be preserved. For example, "Let the dress black, but the conscience is white." Or "with his conscience to live well, just to die with her will be bad." And it must be said that such comments are correct not only from a moral point of view. So, psychologists have repeatedly proved the significance of the harmony of the inner world for a person.

So, consider how the conscience affects our life. It would seem that I closed my eyes to morality - and milking easily its income: deceive people, rake, betray, do the dirtyness and so on. That's just there is one no hope - remorse. And they inevitably leave their mark on the personality of a person.

How else? After all, daily experiences, fear, disappointment and discontent, one way or another, will affect the psyche. Sooner or later this will turn into depression or affects the psychological health of a person. It is about this that we are trying to tell proverbs about the conscience. It is important that we manage to protect your soul from such torments.

The best folk proverbs about conscience

Now, when with the purpose of conscience, it is possible to go directly to the proverbs themselves. Listed them all simply impossible, so we will stop at the best of them:

"For conscience and honor - your head is not sorry to cut off."

"A rich man conscience will not buy himself, but he can lose the old one."

"He has a conscience - as if a jelly breathe."

"The troubled conscience is worth ten executions."

"Menge faith - change and conscience."

"His conscience last year in the bottle suffered."

"The guilty of everything is afraid, and the right nothing is afraid."