Twin flames: a life-changing encounter. The True Meaning of Twin Flame Signs and Symbols Twin Flame

Twin flames: a life-changing encounter.  The True Meaning of Twin Flame Signs and Symbols Twin Flame
Twin flames: a life-changing encounter. The True Meaning of Twin Flame Signs and Symbols Twin Flame

"The Flame Twins. What kind of theory and view is this?”

This theory is of an esoteric direction. You can read more about this on esoteric sites. And I don’t know what else can be added to this. I can draw some parallels between traditions and theories. And I can give a completely different perspective on this issue, for example, to remove the charm of this theory.

The esoteric direction speaks of fiery twins as one soul that was divided and incarnated in two different bodies, male and female. But since they are one soul, these two are perfect for each other. They are indeed very similar, but not externally, but internally. A strong attraction flares up between them, they can become a couple. But they may not be together. It all depends on their tasks that they implement.

Very romantic and beautiful concept. The two find and remain together forever. A lot of different beautiful stories have been invented and films made about this. She is loved very much by all lovers and romantics, everyone who suffers from unrequited love and those who dream of strong love forever. And it's really beautiful! - That's very beautiful! And when you are in love and this love is mutual, then the two of you experience very subtle and beautiful states. This is a very subtle and sublime pleasure from each other, from a feeling of unity. It is no coincidence that many people strive for it.

In the Vedic scriptures there are many descriptions of various worlds in the Universe. These worlds are different types or levels of consciousness. And so, there are the worlds of hells, pretas, the world of ancestors, the world of nagas, people, asuras, danavas, samsaric gods, demigods, apsaras, sages, gods, etc. there is a world that (I don’t remember its original name, unfortunately) represents the world of lovers. In this world there are consciousnesses that are very attached to each other and to the pleasure of Love for each other. They have a subtle form (the body is not physical) and enjoy spiritual communication with each other.

They are so strong that they practically form a single whole. And they can stay in this world for a very, very long time. But their stay in it is not eternal. Since they ended up in this world, thanks to trends and attachments in their consciousness. As soon as the supply of such karma comes to an end, they are reincarnated in other worlds, depending on the trends in consciousness. And there are a lot of these trends and they appear as they mature.

And so, it seems to me that what they say about fiery twins is very similar to this dimension of lovers. But about the division into two halves - this is very romantic, and it is quite possible that such a thing exists in the Universe. But I don’t remember this in the Vedic texts, but they talk about powerful beings who are able to emanate several of their parts (avatars) at the same time.

And the division into man and woman is the original principle of the Universe. Purusha and Prakriti, Shiva and Shakti, Yin and Yang, etc. This is essentially just a division into polarities. And these polarities are constantly striving for reunification. But only the feeling of Love truly reunites, since it reunites at the most subtle level of the soul.

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Meeting this soul will change your life, you will discover yourself - true, real, happy. How to recognize a twin flame? All of us as humans dream of sincere, supportive, trusting, joyful and happy relationships. This is exactly the kind of relationship that develops between people whose souls are twin flames. With such a meeting, the intensive development of the soul of a person in incarnation begins.

Meeting a twin flame helps us remember who we really are, but does not necessarily lead to a romantic relationship. You may be the same gender as your twin soul, or you may be 50 years apart in age, or you may both already be in a relationship. You can become best friends, work colleagues, or go in different directions along the path of fate, but this meeting will definitely affect you: it will make you more present, centered and, when you go through all the trials, happy.

How to recognize a twin flame?

You will feel it. Seriously, meeting twin flames is like both the elements and magic - you can't help but notice half of your soul. But it can be difficult to believe and realize something completely incredible: the lack of duality, recognition and unconditional love that you can experience for a complete stranger can puzzle and shock anyone. That's why in this article you will find 23 signs that you have met your twin flame. Perhaps they will help your brain adapt to the life-changing encounter when it happens, or understand that you have already been through this experience.

The Origin of Twin Flames

Twin flames are two halves of one. This is one soul, divided into two full-fledged souls, but remaining absolutely energetically identical.

In the book Soul Mates and Twin Flames, Elizabeth Prophet quotes the words of the Apostle Paul:

“We are twin flames because we come from the same realm of existence called the white fire body. Only we two came from this One - only we share the unique Divine plan - “male and female”” (Gen. 1:27).

At this starting point of creation, each single consciousness - a monad - contains the seeds of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine, Alpha and Omega, Yin and Yang, opposite poles of one reality. Upon descent into third dimensional reality, these two aspects of one were separated and thus twin flames were created. One of them is the Alpha flame, the other is the Omega flame. Both flames incarnate to live lives separate from each other, but they are always aware on some level of losing an aspect of themselves. Also, at the deepest levels of their souls, they know how to recognize their twin flame.

The Purpose of Twin Flame Incarnation

Typically twin flames do not incarnate together unless they are passing through to Earth for a higher purpose. At this time many evolved twin flames are incarnating to help raise the consciousness of humanity. Typically, when one flame incarnates, the other remains out of form, preferring to energetically support its incarnated twin. When twin flames incarnate together, their union on the physical plane is often chaotic and full of tension: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. Their relationship is very intense. The romantic version of love that we all dream of is truly for twin souls. When twin flames come together, they become mirrors for each other. They are here to reflect each other's flaws and imperfections as the ultimate goal of twin flames is their complete unification on all levels once again, now in embodiment.

Twin Soul Relationships

Twin flames can be of different ages, genders (the same gender is also possible), their geographical location, morals, beliefs, race, income levels may not coincide. And yet this connection is such that their relationship is very much like returning home. The attraction is strong on every level and spiritually they know that they are one. This knowledge helps them overcome many obstacles, most of which are created by conventions, beliefs and the characteristics of their individual perception of the world. As twin souls evolve and expand when they are together, their service here on the planet becomes more global. When they realize it, they grow spiritually faster than when they were separated. Their spiritual gifts are finely tuned: each has a gift that the other does not. They are sensitive to each other's energy flows and mood changes. When they are not together, they do not live to their full potential, as if they “function” in a limited mode. Together they become balanced, full of energy and capable of fulfilling their mission of embodiment to the fullest. Together they become more of who they truly are simply by being in each other's energy.

Caduceus Union

When twin flames are reunited in physical forms, a special awakening occurs. This awakening is only possible when twin flames energetically connect in 3d density. The flames of Twin Alpha and Twin Omega ignite. Prior to this reunion, the flames were dormant. From this ignition a golden spiral arises, which, twisting, illuminates their essence. Some call this spiral a snake. In reality, this is the awakening of the oneness they once shared, which is their Christ Light/monad/"I-presence" awakened into recognition. As they become closer in connection on all levels, these spirals intertwine to form the caduceus - the unification of the Light of Christ. These two flames become one. As they balance more with each other, the spirals of the caduceus become increasingly united until there is no visible separation between them. Twin souls transformed all the inconsistencies and imbalances that separated them and stepped onto the path of Alpha and Omega, returning home as two parts of one whole, reunited in service. The reunion of flames creates the deepest relationship for these two people.

Twin flame: signs of meeting

Until recently, most halves of twin flames did not incarnate at the same time, but came to Earth in turns, supporting each other throughout entire human lifetimes. Now twin partners are incarnating together in larger numbers for a special purpose:

  • help manage and master time lines,
  • protect and increase energy,
  • move our world forward, especially forward in time.

Since soulmate connections are so sought after, familiar and strong these days, sometimes people don't know how to differentiate twin flames from other souls in their immediate group. How to recognize a twin flame in 3d density? The following signs of a twin flame relationship will help you admit something to yourself. Of course, they are not immutable truths - after all, each of us goes through our own personal experience, but they are based on the experience of meetings and relationships of twin souls, and therefore can be useful.

23 Signs of a Twin Flame Relationship

1. You had dreams or visions of a person and/or energetic relationship before meeting in this life. Or you found out that you met your energy twin in some other unusual way. For example, Elizabeth Prophet says that after meeting her future husband, she saw his face in the mirror when she looked at herself, and realized that she had met the twin part of her soul in a male body. Some people say that when they looked into the eyes of their energy twin, they felt unearthly love.

2. When you met your partner, you felt as if you were “at home”, as if you had returned to a familiar but long-lost energy. After the meeting, you have "memories" of other times and places with that person that are not part of your current life.

3. Your partner reflects your problems, concerns and shortcomings, but you also complement each other's skills, talents and capabilities. Together you are a complete yin-yang fusion.

4. At least one of the partners has a higher frequency. Perhaps he is from the Indigo and/or Crystal Souls or the first wave of cosmic volunteers. The first wave of space volunteers, as Dolores Cannon recounts in her book Three Waves of Volunteers and a New Earth, were born between the late 1950s and 1960s, coming directly from “The Source,” from other planets or dimensions. They incarnated on Earth to increase the vibrational level of our world, so that souls who have lived on Earth for a long time would get bogged down in karma and forget about their mission, and would not destroy the planet.

5. You may be of different ages, of the same or opposite sex, of different origins and education, and belong to “opposing” religions or cultures. But you feel an incredible unity or an incomparable sense of inseparability with your partner.

6. You sense each other's symptoms, illnesses, and emotions even when you're not around or communicating.

7. You “function” weakened or much less optimally when you are separated from your twin flame. It hurts you physically when you're not together.

8. When you are with your partner and your relationship is in balance, you become stronger, more powerful, and more capable than ever. You feel united in a mission or calling to serve others and the world.

9. Your unconditional love for your partner is unique, unlike anything else. Your partner will likely have a certain habit, quality, or “baggage” that would lead to the end of any other relationship. However, you do not pay attention to this or willingly work on the relationship with this partner, no matter how difficult it may be.

10. You met your partner when one or both of you were in another relationship or, to put it another way, “unavailable.” It is likely that you met when and where you least consciously expected it.

11. You or your partner feared the power of the twin flame connection and ran away from the relationship to avoid feeling overwhelmed and/or vulnerable. It may take years before both of you are in the same place to finally fully accept your relationship.

12. The partner who ran away from the twin flame finally “wakes up” and understands the meaning of what is happening. His or her “aha” moment comes as a result of loss, illness, or other personal disasters. He or she then accepts the fact that there is no other person or priority more important than the twin partner.

13. No matter how many times you break up or break up, it seems that unknown forces bring you together again. You see "signs" and reminders of the twin connection everywhere, and they are calling you to get back together.

14. Your relationships are characterized by extreme highs and lows, including passion and intense pain that you've likely never felt before.

15. To harmonize, to balance karma and each other, you “push each other’s buttons” and test each other’s limits and boundaries like no one else has ever done before or since. However, the maximum heights in relationships consistently get higher.

16. Friends, family members and others in your circle cannot understand the drama of twin flames and do not understand how you feel in this relationship. They are always trying to get you to move towards someone or something else that seems more logical or better for you in theory.

17. The growth you experience, the lessons you learn, and the person you become in your twin flame relationship is a whole other level of development. This happens faster and more powerfully than in any other experience or period of growth in your life.

18. You realize that your previous soulmates or other relationships were preparing you for your twin flame reunion. Your twin flame may even share many of the unusual characteristics of your previous partners or friends.

19. You feel like you've been waiting for this person your whole life. When you look back at your life, you see illnesses, failed relationships, or other situations that manifested themselves because you were still waiting and still looking for “the one.”

20. Even if you are extremely tired of existing in 3d density on Earth, you heal, evolve, mature and move on with life, only to remain with your twin flame partner.

21. You are an “old soul” and this is your last human experience.

22. The more time you and your twin flame spend together, the faster and more fully you will “awaken” to higher consciousness.

23. You have the deep knowledge that your twin partner is your destiny – not only in this time of life, but also when you return “home” and are reunited for eternity.

Not all twin flames incarnate...

A twin flame relationship can involve searching for your twin flame, who may or may not be here in this time and space. A twin flame is literally the other half of your soul that makes you whole, but at the same time, each “twin” is a complete soul. But twin flames can only reunite if both partners are whole. Your previous relationships were also contracts between souls to help you prepare to be with your twin flame. When you meet your twin, you will recognize him immediately.

Some twin flames are not here, not on Earth - they have not incarnated in 3d density. This does not mean that you should not get married or have children because your twin flame, even in the ethereal worlds, wants you to experience everything that can bring you joy and happiness in this life. As well as learn so many life lessons so that they will help your spiritual growth. He or she is still part of your immediate soul group, but has made the decision not to join you in this lifetime. Don't take it personally! They are still with you in heart and spirit.

It is also important to remember that some twin flames remain on the other side to provide you with assistance and spiritual guidance. Some souls chose to come here without their twins because they "heard the call" and they knew they were needed here in this incarnation. One thing to keep in mind is that not everyone in your soul group incarnates at the same time!

P.S. Have you met your twin flame yet? Share how this meeting and relationship surprised you.

Each of us has a twin soul, or twin flame, that was created with us at the very beginning. God created you and your twin flame from a single “white body of fire.” The legend of twin flames said that only highly spiritual people can meet their true soul mate.

What kind of twin soul is she?

You are drawn to this person, but not by passion, but by spiritual closeness, in which case it could be a soul mate. And with a twin flame, everything happens very quickly, sometimes you instantly realize that this is the one, it’s difficult to describe in words, you feel it as much in your heart as in every cell of your body. A twin flame is seen as two halves working together to create oneness. Twin flames form an energetic cocoon, i.e. a single auric egg is the merging of two auras into one. Twin souls very strongly feel the need for each other, because... are one whole, but this connection does not begin to manifest itself immediately.

By merging with your twin flame, achieving the harmony of this fusion, you significantly increase the frequency of your vibration, while simultaneously leaving everything old in the past. The twin soul is the link between individuality and unity. It is like a stepping stone towards unity. If you connect with your twin soul consciously and materially, you will bring about the creation of something new: a third energy is born from their joint action. This energy always helps to increase the awareness of oneness on a larger scale than just the two of them.

Your twin is your benchmark, taking you beyond the limited beliefs you have been fed and accepted in this and previous lives. You are liberated by seeing yourself reflected in your twin; This is just a reminder, it has nothing to do with emotional dependence. Your meeting helps each of you become strong, self-aware individuals expressing your creativity and love on Earth. It helps you step into a higher level of unity while fully preserving and expressing your self, your unique individuality.

What kind of relationship can there be between you?

The relationship between twin souls exists on a higher platform of reality. Their interactions also vibrate much higher as they contact in a way that souls in higher dimensions do. Their one connection serves to elevate them to a higher platform. Thus the combination of their energies lifts them to a higher vibrating existence. This creates a new network for two. These souls were connected together for a much longer period of time than the other souls they came into contact with. The connection is purer due to the resonance between the two of them. Twin souls come together in the lower dimensions for the purpose of support and strengthening, and thus they are devoted to each other, but they also remember how to play well together. Each reality can have its own twin because each reality has a different purpose and exists in different dimensions. A new reality is a rebirth, a new beginning, and thus it can mean a new soul - a twin, if necessary. But it is indeed exactly the same soul energy at the core of all twin soul connections, even if in different forms.

The emotional bonds that exist between twin souls are what I call “otherworldly.” They do not fit into any box of lower levels of reality, or lower level descriptions of how things work in third dimensional society.

How to find out your twin soul?

You have a deep, strong and keen devotion to each other.

You feel anxious, distraught, and mortally wounded at the thought of separation. You cannot imagine existing without a twin soul, and the thought and experience of this brings deep pain and sadness that cannot be healed.

You come alive when you are together. Everything is suddenly larger than life, and feelings are wonderfully correct and good in a world of magic, high energy, sudden creativity, with rich and bright colors of a marvelous palette. Any other connections are dull in comparison.

You have an unprecedented heart connection. It is an unprecedented cord that connects your hearts together, and whether you are aware of it or not, you feed each other energy through your heart chakras.

You care immensely for each other's well-being, and always need to know that the other is okay.

You support each other in every possible way, and it's never about you, but about your twin's happiness.

You can communicate telepathically with ease.

You want the same things in life.

When you're in the same space... the same room or even the same city, things happen. Magical synchronicities occur, things manifest out of nowhere, and all your thoughts create the movement of energies in an instantaneous manner.

You smile a lot when you are together, and in addition, you can be depressed at the same time too. Relationships aren't always great between the two of you.

You can't hurt each other's feelings, and if that happens, you make things right immediately.

You don't feel the need to have sex, live together, or start a family. You may not even be physically attracted to each other. You just know that there is a wonderful connection between the two of you, and it has no definition in physical reality. This is a heart connection.

Although twin souls are usually similar in many ways, the ways in which they are different serve to perfectly balance each other. What one lacks, another has in abundance in a completely natural way. So twin souls form a perfect puzzle and complement each other.

Additionally, when twin souls are together, any unbalanced energies within each of them will naturally unfold and come into balance on their own within minutes.

Some pairs of twins before incarnation enter into the following “agreement”: they ask their mentors that after birth protective “shells” (which are layers of lessons and tests) are “inserted” into their biofields for the recognition codes of their twin flame. A difficult concept to explain in “earthly” language, but quite accessible to the soul’s memory.

This means that by vibration this couple will not recognize each other until they go through a series of ego-mind tests together. After successfully completing a series of lessons, protective “shells”, due to the high vibrations of new awareness, are transformed into a component of the energy of creativity, and recognition codes are activated. And here the same recognition of twin souls occurs.

God created us for a purpose. With us moving from the point of creation, learning and growing and evolving in our divinity, returning to our point of origin as perfect beings. At this initial moment of creation, each individual consciousness (Monad) contains the seeds of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine, Alpha and Omega, Yin and Yang, opposite poles of one reality. At the initial stage in 3D reality, these two aspects of one were separated and Twin Flames were created. One is an Alpha flame, the other is an Omega flame. Both twins incarnated to lead lives separately, but always being connected on a subtle plane.

Two souls usually do not incarnate together except for a higher purpose. Now, at this very time, many twin flame pairs are incarnating to assist in the development of the consciousness of humanity.
When twins incarnate to awaken together, it is often a chaotic and stressful process, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Their relationships are always very intense, and it is not always romantic and passion-filled melodrama (although that happens). Two twin souls work together like two mirrors reflecting each other. They reflect back each other's shortcomings.
To achieve their ultimate goal of soul union, Twin Flames must achieve balance on all energy levels. Having achieved harmony at one level, they do not need to work further in this direction.
Two flame souls have many differences, they may be of different ages and the same gender (although sex is possible), different geographical locations, morals, beliefs, race and income. They incarnate specifically to be an agent for the growth and ascension of others. And yet this connection is such that to be a home for each other, where a tired traveler comes after a long journey. Their attachment to each other on all levels is strong, physically and spiritually, they know that they are one. This inner knowledge helps them overcome many barriers, mainly created by conventions of personal or social beliefs.
As twins become more balanced, their awareness and service to the principles of the development of spirit and consciousness on the planet increases and they begin to grow spiritually at a faster rate than when they developed separately from each other.
They discover that their spiritual gifts can be finely tuned to each other. One often gives something to another as a gift that he does not have. They are sensitive to the flow and intensity of each other's energies. Being separate for them now is like functioning at a lower level. After all, together they become more balanced and stronger than they were on their own.
When twins come together in the physical world, a very special kind of awakening occurs. The alpha twin flame and the omega twin flame ignite. Until this reunion, their flames are dormant. Just as a spark from a spark plug in an engine ignites the fuel, a discharge is created, like a double electromagnetic coil of golden light passing through the entire spine. In fact, this is the awakening of the trinity: the light of Christ / the monad / the I presence.
When they become closer in their connection on all levels, then these coils intertwine, their two flames become one. The more they come into balance with each other, the more the coils unite, and grow more and more into each other until they merge completely. This is reunion - they transformed all the imbalances that kept them at a distance from each other, stepped onto the path of Alpha and Omega, reunited in service to humanity and began the journey home as two parts of one whole.
The flame reunion creates a deep connection for these two people.

Divine flames of Light, energy of Love, pure divided consciousness... The truth about the Twin Flame connection, plus who and what were you before this life?

First of all, I want to thank everyone who writes to me and leaves comments on posts - I am so grateful for your positivity, that you are open and share your experiences!

If you came here to seek help in a difficult situation, know that no matter what happened before, everything can change for the better!

Today I answer what many of you have been asking over the past years:

“What is a Twin Flame? And why are we here?

– Courtney

Answer: To answer this question, we need to go back.

Beyond human names and lives, to the very origins of energy and consciousness. Because at its core, the Twin Flame connection is a spiritual connection - just energy.

Origin of the Twin Flame

Twin Flames are two Souls who were once the same energetic consciousness - which is why they are called "Twin Flames" because their energy can manifest as flashes of Light that resemble flames.

Two parts of one primordial consciousness that chose to split in two to experience the nature of duality, expand learning and evolution of understanding, and ultimately reunite through Love.

Why Twin Flames are attracted to each other like magnets

One of the important things to know about Twin Flames is that they are always the same at the energetic core level because they were originally the same consciousness.

This is what we call the "Twin Flame Soul Song", an identical frequency that no one else possesses - which creates such a magnetic attraction and a sense of mutual deep understanding between Twin Flames.

Although many Twin Flames have different views and may be quite different in terms of age, race and previous experiences, there are always certain commonalities between them, and usually specific additional traits appear when the two of them balance strengths and weaknesses » each other's sides.

Compare this to the physical world of Gemini: two identical babies grown side by side from the same original embryo that split into two instead of one.

Most often, such Geminis grow up to be people so similar to themselves that it is difficult to guess the difference. They are the same somehow.

Like identical human Twins born from a single embryo that separates, Twin Flames are expressions of one consciousness split in two.

Why Twin Flames So Often Have Problems Together

Of all the beings in the Universe, only you and your Twin Flame have the same frequency. This is the core of your essence.

In addition to this, however, you still have the physical body you currently live in, the beliefs, thoughts and habits you acquired during your upbringing, as well as any past lives you may have had.

Because you and your Twin have spent time living on Earth, interacting with others and experiencing ups and downs along the way, you have collected energies that are not in resonance with the fundamental frequency you share.

You could say that your collective “soul song” is out of whack due to the energetic “pollution” you have accumulated. And this is what leads to the flight/pursuit/separation that is so frightening to many...

What is Twin Flame Ascension

So when you come into direct contact with your Twin Flame (even if it's through meditation, sleep, or an astral experience rather than a physical one), your systems switch to "activation" - the grinding process of releasing and clearing this contamination in order to return you to its deeper harmony.

Twin Flame union cannot happen in the lower consciousness of a space of disharmony, so your systems begin to clear out the negativity in an effort to bring you into a state of complete harmony - Unconditional Love.

It involves a period of “awakening” to your deeper Soul identities, remembering who you truly are under your current earthly personality.

Your Souls launch this deep “Soul song” into each other as a key to a long-lost lock.

Twin Flames are cut from the same cloth

Twin Flames have a lot in common with biological twins in that they are always connected to each other and share certain similarities no matter how much time they spend without each other.

To illustrate this, we could metaphysically say that Twin Flames are “born from the same divided cell of consciousness” or they are “cut from the same cloth” – in truth, they have the same energetic frequency.

The term Twin Flames comes from the visual perception of energetic consciousness, which often appears as flames or streams of fire. From this perspective, Twin Flames appear as two identical petals of flame burning side by side from the same original source of fire.

Twin Flames are more than just a romantic term for two people who are deeply in love or deeply attracted to each other, although more often than not there is such a strong romantic aspect to the Twin Flame connection.

Twin Flames are here to elevate the concept of Love, to evolve the perception of Oneness

This resonance of the same frequency of core energy is the reason why the Twin Flame connection is so deeply felt on a physical and metaphysical level, and why Twin Flames are so attuned to each other both emotionally and energetically.

This is most often described as a deep feeling of "coming home" to your other self or "belonging" with each other. Mirror Souls.

Most Twin Flames see repeating numbers of 11:11 in the lead up to their initial meeting.

Twin Flames are forever connected Heart to Heart

Twin Flames are always connected to each other by an energetic thread that connects their hearts, no matter what. It can never be broken.

This is why many Geminis feel each other's emotions and dream about each other, even if they have been separated for a long time or have never met in this current life.

When you clear yourself of all the negative and congested energy that is keeping you in a low vibration, you can clear the path that opens to your Twin Flame - as well as rise in the vibration of Love, joy, peace and come into alignment with a happy relationship with your Twin Flame .

Or, you can try a free energy clearing tool that has worked wonders for so many Twin Couples!

Every week I hear from someone that a "runaway Gemini" has come back into contact after they used this guided meditation.

Why Twin Flames Are Really Here

Twin Flames are a true metaphysical connection that many people experience first hand in the modern world.

Many Souls have separated into Twin Flames to go through lessons about Love and to help the higher evolution of society on Earth - from a consciousness of separation based on conflicts to a consciousness of Unity based on Love.

More and more Twin Flames are awakening to their connection every day, and as you probably already know, there is a special purpose for this.

When Twin Flames remove the negative baggage of conflict, pain and the "dividing mentality" of a person's historical relationship paradigms and reunite in a space of Unconditional Love - their Love positively affects the space around them.

Thus, they form a “portal” of high vibration energies on the earthly plane. Lifting, healing, harmonizing everything and everyone around you.

How to Avoid the Scary Twin Flame Battle

Energy healing is critical to the smooth unfolding of the Twin Flame journey - as negativity that rises to the surface to be worked through can cause "running away", breaking up and other expressions of energetic repulsion between the couple.

The scary factor between Twin Flames is that the two share interconnected energy and karmic fields where both in the pair influence each other. This is often called the Twin Flame Mirror.

Essentially, your Twin's life experiences and your own experiences will influence each other as you are the same energetic frequency and are two aspects of the same original Soul.

As humans on Earth, you may be in physically separate bodies, but behind the scenes you are always connected. The illusion of separation is the main and final lesson that many Twin Flames are forced to learn in this life.

The benefit of this deep connection is that on the energetic planes, Twin Flames can interact without any restrictions - this often happens through dreams, telepathy, feeling and sensing each other's emotions, distance communication and the like.

The Past and Its Role in the Twin Flame Journey

Karma is an important part of a Twin Flame connection. Twin Flames share a karmic field and a collective energy field.

Many Twin Flames for this reason live as if developing parallel to each other, with common traits and reflections of the same experiences as they influence each other karmically and energetically.

Since you and your Twin Flame may have experienced shared pain on Earth in the past, there is also the possibility that you are energetically connected to each other on a lower vibration.

This is something that would be helpful for you to deal with and clean up. We provide clearing of karmic wounds, old attachments to past lovers, outdated Soul contracts and much more in the Vibrational Alignment Program for Twin Flames.

For example, if you had a life in which one of you was forced to leave the other, or you were close and one of you died before the other - you may have threads of fears stretched between you, threads of connection associated with the fear of being abandoned and fear of separation.

These negative threads will still be there even if you have not experienced such a situation in your current life.

Negative connections like this need to be cleared in order for the two of you to rise to higher energetic vibrations and experience increased harmony, and this is absolutely necessary in preparation for the Twin Flame merger.

If these are not cleared, it is very likely that repeated cycles of “running away” and breaking up will occur as your Souls insist on resolving these triggers.

What is the difference between Twin Flames and Soul Mates?

Bottom line, we all have many Soul Mates, but only one Twin Flame. Your Twin Flame or Twin Soul is your identical energetic other half or identical mirror Soul. One who shares your exact core identity as consciousness.

This means that on the energetic plane you are in perfect alignment at the deepest inner level - you may live in two human bodies, but your Souls are two parts of the same Whole.

Soul Mates are those who share a similar energetic resonance with us. We often “sign up” for meetings with our Soul Mates in order to learn from each other and grow as Souls. However, our Twin Flame is the only other being in the Universe that shares the same frequency as us.

This is why energy management is critical to achieving Twin Soul Reunion - a return to our core frequency where we effortlessly connect in harmony. With our Twin Flame we are in an accelerated learning experience centered around Love. We are always influencing each other, “automatically” pushing each other to learn, heal old wounds and solve internal problems.

Because Twin Flame energies are of the same frequency, all of our “issues” and inner shadows tend to play out intensely in the Twin Flame relationship dynamic. You could almost call it the ping-pong effect with which each Gemini's inner fears influence the other.

This occurs in the couple's attempt to learn the spiritual lesson that all fears are based on illusions and that Love is the only truth... To awaken to "illumination" while still in the physical body, to become "enlightened" through Love.

Go here for more information about the Twin Flame Connection and the path to Reunion.

Until next time, I am sending you Love and Light for your journey ahead!