How long does it take for Sustanon 250 to take effect? ​​Pharmacology - testosterone composites on the Russian market. The concept of a course with the use of steroids

How long does it take for Sustanon 250 to take effect? ​​Pharmacology - testosterone composites on the Russian market. The concept of a course with the use of steroids

Glad to welcome you Dear friends, this is Alexander Bely. In my sports blog sportivs today I have to consider a topic called Sustanon 250 course on the mass. Surely you have seen large and pumped-up bodybuilders, 10 percent of them are engaged without anabolic steroids, the rest repeatedly sit on the course. We will consider what is included in the basis of the course, how it affects the recruitment muscle mass, let's talk about dosages, side effects and how to get rid of them.

Key Features

Sustanon 250 itself is a combined composition of 4 testosterone esters. It is based on testosterone propionate, phenylpropionate, decanoate - these esters are absorbed into the bloodstream from different speed, which provides a uniform effect and gain. Sustanon maintains a high concentration of the hormone.

I will not describe in what order testosterone begins to work in the body, since it is necessary for a more in-depth study and is needed exclusively by professionals. For beginners, it is enough to use anabolic steroids under the supervision of an experienced athlete with knowledge of pharmacology, strictly observe sterility and dosages, do not miss the PCT, and of course follow the analyzes.

During the use of the sustanon course, the blood level rises gradually, so the side effects do not appear so quickly. If you begin to notice side effects, for example, acne, water flooding, gynecomastia, then it is recommended to use an estrogen blocker - anapolon, we will talk about this a little later.

What effects does

Thanks to the Sustanon course, you can do it well. Due to the high concentration of testosterone, appetite is improved. Also, the pluses include healthy sleep, good recovery. One of the most important effects is an increase in strength and muscle volume, in fact, it is for this that sustanon is taken. Because of the artificial testosterone that enters the body, libido and sex drive are improved.

You can use Sustanon 250 in solo, but in bodybuilding in order to achieve the best results, combined courses are used. Now I would like to consider the varieties of mass courses with the participation of Sustanon 250. We will talk about the various combinations, how to take and of course after the course of therapy.

What is combined with

1. Sustanon goes well with both strength or danabol, to which, ideally, you need to add anapolon - with this you can start the first course. The course with the participation of these drugs should last no more than 6-7 weeks. Sustanon injections should be given once a week with a dosage of one ampoule. Oral drug Anapolon take 2 tablets per day for 2-3 weeks. At the end of this period, you can safely start taking methane with dosages of 40 mg per day.

This course is characterized by the fact that Anapolon will give a very strong effect, even after the end of the admission. Therefore, you need to start taking methane, which will help unload hormones. This course provides a quick set of muscle mass, so those who want abs and relief - this course is not for you. Post-cycle therapy for this course should begin 10 days after the last injection. For PCT, use Clomid, you can buy it at the pharmacy, the duration of admission is 10-14 days.

2. Another type of sustanon course is a combination with stanazolol, danabol and deca. This course is designed for a professional - it will help build muscle mass, and stanazolol will help burn fat, great, right? However, this course is not suitable for beginners, since it contains a large amount of anabolic steroids, and the hormonal background can be severely affected. But for those who have been using pharmacology for a long time, this is an ideal course that is practically harmless.

The duration of this course is 6 weeks. Deca needs to be put in the amount of 200 mg per week. Sustanon is injected into the body according to the following scheme - every three days, with a dosage of 250 mg. Too much testosterone can begin to be converted into estrogen, in which case it is recommended to use anastrozole - it is an estrogen blocker.

The dosage of anastrozole is 0.5-1 tablet every 1-2 days. Take methane for the first 25 days, 40 mg per day. In the next 15 days, to start burning fat, use stanazolol 40 mg per day.

PCT begins after a week break after the last injection of the soundboard. For the first 3-5 days, take Clomid 4 tablets per day, then reduce the dosage to half a tablet per day. The duration of the PCT is 3 weeks.

The importance of post cycle therapy

Since anabolic steroids affect hormonal levels, post-cycle therapy cannot be ignored. If any side effects begin, all this can be prevented with the help of PCT.
Correct PCT, adherence to all instructions, as well as dosages will contribute to an excellent result.

Dear friends, this article comes to an end, we talked about what Sustanon 250 is, how to take it correctly, what it is combined with, how to cleanse the body. Remember - steroids are very dangerous, so you need to take it with full responsibility, you need to understand that, as well as the most important thing for what you need it. Recommend to watch interesting video... Good luck, good summer days to you!


According to the research carried out, I responsibly declare that the actual operation of these broadcasts is up to 10 days. Already on the ninth day, the level of testosterone in the blood is very close to the upper reference values. The experiment was carried out on a person who had never previously used steroids and other anabolic hormones. The only thing he has been doing for two years now is taking cabergoline at a dosage of 0.5 mg regularly, once a week. This is done to reduce prolactin. This approach works great for straight people as well. even the reference prolactin is not needed and even interferes with the life of a man. Let me remind you that the physical decrease in testicles and gynecomastia are directly proportional to the high level of prolactin in the blood. So, we get its constant values ​​in the range of 50-60, which can be clearly seen from the analyzes. Let's go back to testosterone esters. As we can see, before the injection of one ampoule of Omnadren-250, a normal testosterone value of 14.63 is observed. After the injection on the 15th, after 3 hours, the total testosterone shows a value of 47.3. Exactly one day later, the total testosterone stopped at the level of more than 52.05. Above, this meter simply does not show. In the instructions for Omnadren-250 it is said that one ampoule gives a maximum peak of testosterone in the amount of 70 in 24-48 hours after administration. Analyzes confirm this. Already 8 days after the injection, we see that the testosterone level began to decline and gave a value of 44.51. After 11 days, the analysis showed 19.47. After 14 days - 15.46. From this we conclude that no matter what single dosage you had, after 14 days nothing will remain of it. Unless the last value will not be 15, but let's say 22-23 simply because of the work of the decanoate. In fact, sustanon / omnadren should be considered a fast ether with a long tail of 100 mg of decanoate unnecessary for strength training, which is only able to give out a maximum of the top of the reference. The effective frequency of taking this drug is every other day. I will add that although estradiol does not affect gynecomastia and testicles, its excessively high level makes life less bright. In particular, this applies to libido and general vitality. On a constant testosterone cycle, taking anastrozole at a dosage of 0.5 mg (half a tablet) every other day will give us the desired level of 160-200 estradiol. Empirically, it was determined that driving estradiol in 30-40 we feel worse. As well as leaving it without any correction at an average level of 600-700.

Therefore, it does not matter how much you put it, the main thing is a constant even background, just put it every other day and that's it, if ENTANATE or CIPIONATE is another matter completely

In this article, you can read the instructions for use medicinal product Sustanon 250... The reviews of site visitors - consumers of this medicine, as well as opinions of doctors of specialists on the use of Sustanon 250 in their practice are presented. A big request to more actively add your reviews about the drug: did the medicine help or did not help get rid of the disease, what complications and side effects were observed that may not have been declared by the manufacturer in the annotation. Analogs of Sustanon 250 in the presence of existing structural analogs. Use for the treatment of impotence, osteoporosis and other manifestations of androgen hormone deficiency in men. Composition of the preparation.

Sustanon 250- leads to a clinically significant increase in the concentrations of testosterone, dihydrotestosterone, estradiol and androstenedione in plasma, as well as to a decrease in the level of SHBG (globulin that binds sex hormones); Luteinizing hormone (LT) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) levels are restored to normal.

Testosterone is the main endogenous hormone indispensable for the normal growth and development of male genital organs and male secondary sex characteristics. Throughout life in adult men, testosterone is indispensable for the functioning of the testes and related structures, as well as for maintaining libido, wellness, erectile potency and for the function of the prostate and seminal vesicles.

Treatment with Sustanon-250 leads to a decrease in the symptoms of testosterone deficiency. In addition, the mineral density bones and muscle mass, in obese patients there is a decrease in body weight. In the course of treatment, sexual functions are normalized, including erectile function and libido. When using the drug, the concentration in the blood serum of HDL (high density lipoprotein), LHNP (low density lipoprotein) and triglycerides decreases, the concentration of hemoglobin and hematocrit increases, while there is no clinically significant change in the level of liver enzymes and PSA (prostate specific antigen). The drug can cause an increase in the size of the prostate gland, while functional changes are not observed. In hypogonadal men with diabetes mellitus, androgen administration improves insulin sensitivity and / or decreases plasma glucose levels.

In boys with delayed growth and puberty, the use of androgens accelerates growth, stimulates the development of secondary sexual characteristics.

Treatment of transgender women with androgens, like Sustanon 250, promotes virilization.


Testosterone propionate + Testosterone phenylpropionate + Testosterone isocapronate + Testosterone decanoate + excipients.


Sustanon 250 contains a number of testosterone esters with varying duration of action. Once in the circulating blood, these esters are immediately hydrolyzed into the natural hormone testosterone. A single dose of the drug leads to an increase in total plasma testosterone. In men, testosterone levels return to the lower normal range after about 21 days. The tests show a high degree of non-specific binding to plasma proteins of testosterone (more than 97%) and SHBG. Testosterone is metabolized naturally to DHT and estriol. It is excreted mainly in the urine in the form of etiocholanolone and androsterone conjugates.


  • post-castration syndrome;
  • eunuchoidism;
  • hypopituitarism;
  • endocrine impotence;
  • climacteric disorders in men (including decreased libido, mental and physical activity);
  • osteoporosis due to androgen deficiency.

Forms of issue

Oily solution for intramuscular injection (injections in ampoules for injection).

There are no other dosage forms, be it tablets or capsules.

Instructions for use and course of admission

Intramuscularly, deep into the muscle. The dosage regimen is selected in accordance with the individual response; as a rule, 1 ml once every 3 weeks.

Side effect

  • prostate cancer (or worsening of diagnosed prostate cancer);
  • polycythemia;
  • fluid retention (edema);
  • depression;
  • increased nervous irritability;
  • change in mood;
  • increased or decreased libido;
  • myalgia;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • nausea;
  • acne;
  • gynecomastia;
  • oligospermia;
  • decrease in ejaculate volume;
  • priapism;
  • functional disorders of the prostate gland (hypertrophy);
  • impaired liver function;
  • hypercalcemia.

After the abolition of Sustanon, side effects persist for a certain time.

Injections can cause a local reaction at the injection site (pain, itching, flushing).


  • established or suspected prostate or breast cancer;
  • hypersensitivity to any component of the drug;
  • children under 3 years of age (due to the content of benzyl alcohol in the preparation).

Application during pregnancy and lactation

This drug is contraindicated during pregnancy.

There is insufficient data on the application of this medicinal product while breastfeeding.

Application in children

It is contraindicated to prescribe this drug to children under 3 years of age.

Use this drug with caution in children over 3 years of age.

With caution: in boys in the prepubertal period in order to avoid premature closure of the pineal glands and premature puberty.

special instructions

Use Sustanon 250 with caution in prepubertal boys in order to avoid premature closure of the pineal glands and premature puberty; chronic heart failure, renal and / or hepatic failure to avoid the development of edema; diabetes; hypertrophy of the prostate gland with symptoms of urinary retention; sleep apnea, as well as risk factors such as obesity and chronic lung disease; childhood.

Patients receiving Sustanon 250 should be monitored before treatment and quarterly for 12 months and thereafter once a year.

The following studies should be carried out:

  • digital rectal examination (DRE) to exclude benign prostatic hyperplasia (see the same sentence) and determination of prostate specific antigen (PSA) to exclude subclinical prostate cancer.
  • measurement of hematocrit and hemoglobin to exclude polycythemia.

In patients with preexisting heart, kidney, or liver disease, androgen treatment can cause complications characterized by edema with or without acute heart failure.

In the event of adverse reactions associated with the use of androgens, treatment with Sustanon 250 should be temporarily interrupted, and after the disappearance of symptoms, resume at a lower dose.

The use of androgens off-label, but to enhance endurance in athletes, poses serious health risks. The use of androgens, including Sustanon 250, in elderly patients increases the likelihood of developing prostate hypertrophy or cancer.

Many young people use the drug as a doping for increasing muscle mass in bodybuilding and exercising in gym... However, the possible occurrence of side effects with such a reception calls into question the advisability of using the drug Sustanon 250 in healthy people.

Influence on the ability to drive vehicles and use mechanisms

So far, no effect has been reported on concentration of attention and speed of psychomotor reactions when using Sustanon 250.

Drug interactions

Medicines causing the induction or inhibition of enzymes can accordingly decrease or increase the concentration of testosterone. Therefore, it may be necessary to adjust the dose and / or the interval between injections.

Androgens can increase glucose tolerance and reduce the need for insulin or other hypoglycemic drugs in people with diabetes.

High doses of androgens can potentiate the action of coumarin-type anticoagulants, thus reducing the dose of these drugs.

Analogues of the drug Sustanon 250

Structural analogues for the active substance:

  • Andriol;
  • Androgel;
  • Nebido;
  • Omnadren 250;
  • Testosterone Propionate;
  • Testanate for injection 10%.

Pharmacological group analogs (androgens and antiandrogens):

  • Avodart;
  • Alfinal;
  • Anandron;
  • Andriol;
  • Androblock;
  • Androgel;
  • Androkur;
  • Androkur Depot;
  • Balutar;
  • Bellune 35;
  • Bicalutamide;
  • Bicalutera;
  • Bikana;
  • Bikaprost;
  • Bilumid;
  • Zerlon;
  • Casodex;
  • Nebido;
  • Nonmestran;
  • Omnadren 250;
  • Penester;
  • Proviron;
  • Proscar;
  • Proteride;
  • Testosterone Propionate;
  • Testanate for injection 10%;
  • Urofin;
  • Finast;
  • Finasteride;
  • Financialpros;
  • Flutacan;
  • Flutamide;
  • Flutaplex;
  • Chloe;
  • Cyproterone;
  • Erica 35.

In the absence of analogues of the drug for the active substance, you can follow the links below to the diseases for which the corresponding drug helps, and see the available analogues for the therapeutic effect.

Sustanon("sust") is a mixture of different forms of testosterone. The first company to issue Sustanon 250, was the American Organon. The hormone mix was an exclusively therapeutic agent and was used in case of insufficient production of its own testosterone by the body. Today, the steroid is widely used in sports pharmacology.

The drug consists of four testosterone esters: propionate, phenylpropionate, isocarpoan and decanoate... They are all absorbed into the bloodstream at different rates. In fact, this determines the characteristics and characteristics of the steroid. Sustanon 250 is able to maintain a high concentration of the hormone for a month. The sequence of the substance entering the blood is as follows: propionate begins to act first, followed by phenylpropionate, then isocarpoate, and decanoate is the last to split. Sustanon is very convenient, because it does not require frequent injections, and at the same time, in terms of effectiveness, it is in no way inferior to individual forms of testosterone. True, the price of the mixture is usually higher.

  • Anabolic activity - 100% of testosterone.
  • Androgenic activity - 100% of testosterone.
  • Suppression of the hypothalamus-pituitary-testes axis is pronounced.
  • There is no effect on the liver.
  • The detection time for doping control is up to 3 months.
  • Release form - injections.

Sustanon 250 action

  • Significant gain in muscle mass. The solo course allows you to gain up to 6 kilograms.
  • Increase in strength indicators.
  • Suppression of catabolic processes.
  • Stimulation of hematopoiesis. Taking Sustanon 250 increases the red blood cell mass, which helps to improve endurance.
  • Increased libido, increased sex drive.
  • Increased appetite.

Sustanon Solo Course

The use of a steroid is not recommended for minors and those who have at least some contraindications. The average duration of a Sustanon 250 solo course varies from 6 to 8 weeks... For a longer period, it is worth additionally including. To maintain a constantly high concentration of the hormone in the blood, injections are performed weekly. The dosage is 250 to 500 milligrams.

Reception starts from the second week of the course and ends 1–2 weeks after its completion. About 3 weeks after the withdrawal of sustanon, PCT begins to restore normal testosterone production by the body. The hormone level returns to its usual level about a month after taking the boosters. Specialized sports nutrition and an appropriate diet helps to achieve the best results.

As for how to take Sustanon in combination with other AAS, the best combination for gaining muscle mass is inclusion, for relief and "drying" -. The correct combination of steroids provides a better effect than that which can be obtained by using the drugs alone (the so-called synergy). Moreover, the likelihood of negative reactions is also reduced.

Side effects from Sustanon

Sustanon is no different from other forms of testosterone, and therefore exhibits estrogenic activity in the same way. Perhaps development of edema, suppression of its own hormonal background, excessive accumulation of fat... Such reactions are eliminated by timely intake of antiestrogens, best of all - aromatase inhibitors. As for other selective estrogen receptor modulators, they are used only in post-cycle therapy. The hardest side effect from Sustanon 250 is the development of testicular atrophy. To prevent it, the duration of the course is limited to two months (or gonadotropin is administered in parallel) and, of course, antiestrogens are taken. Most often, the instructions for use contain all the necessary instructions to ensure the optimal effect and minimize negative manifestations.

The most famous and demanded drug in the world steroids is an sustanon-250... This drug appeared a long time ago, but despite this, it is still very popular among beginners and professional bodybuilders. Sustanon Is a mixture of four testosterone, which, due to a certain structure, have a synergistic effect. This characteristic brings with it two positive qualities of interest to athletes.

Components of Sustanon-250:

  1. testosterone propionate
  2. testosterone phenylporopionate
  3. testosterone isocaproate
  4. testosterone decanoate

The main positive properties of sustanon

Based on the special interaction of active chemicals Sustanon milligram by milligram has a better effect than testosterone enanthate, cypionate and propionate. In addition, the effect of these chemicals is also temporarily one after the other, so that Sustanon begins to act quickly and at the same time remains effective in the body for several weeks, thanks to the propionate contained in Sustanon.

Sustanon has an effect on the body in a day and continues to be active in it for 3 - 4 weeks thanks to the added decanoate. Sustanon has a pronounced androgenic effect, which is combined with a strong anabolic effect. That's why it is well suited for building strength and muscle mass... There is a strong increase in bodily strength with a simultaneous increase in body weight.

Athletes using Sustanon report solid gains in muscle mass, because it collects significantly less water and not so strongly aromatized like testosterone enanthate and testosterone cypionate. Practically many bodybuilding athletes who have problems with other testosterones with significant water retention and high estrogen levels prefer Sustanon to other long acting testosterones.

It is striking that Sustanon works well even for highly advanced athletes and in relatively small doses. It is interesting that Sustanon gives the same good results in athletes who have already used Sustanon more than once, as in the subsequent period of admission. Sustanon is injected most often once a week, while the interval between injections can be up to 10 days.

The dosage in bodybuilding and triathlon ranges from 250 mg every 14 days to 1000 mg or more per day. Because such high dosages should not be advised and, fortunately, in most cases they are not practiced, they usually take 250 - 1000 mg per week.

For most, a dose of 500 mg per week is sufficient, which is often reduced to as little as 250 mg of Sustanon per week and combined with some kind of oral steroid. In treatment, Sustanon is very well suited as a basic steroid that promotes regeneration, gives the athlete sufficient impetus for intense workouts and, along with the already discussed advantages - a quick increase in strength and a solid increase in muscle mass, stands out for its good tolerance.

For fast muscle building, Sustanon is often combined with Deca-Durabolin, or Anadrol, while athletes who pay more attention to quality combine it rather with Parabolone, Winstrol, Oxandrolone or even Primobolan.

Although Sustanon in reasonable doses does not aromatize strongly, many still take an additional antiestrogen, so that, with the help of Nolvadex and / or Proviron, for example, to nullify estrogen-related side effects... Because Sustanon suppresses its own testosterone production, at the end of treatment or after about 6 weeks from the start of its administration, taking HCG and Dinerik should be taken into account. Women should not take long-acting testosterones, since otherwise the level of androgens in the blood rises greatly and, as a result, virilization phenomena may occur.

And yet it is not uncommon when female athletes, primarily from big sports and especially from higher weight categories, take testosterone, since it helps to be “out of competition”. Women who take the "dough" or want to ever try it will do well, limiting themselves only to testosterone propionate, or injecting themselves with Sustanon at a maximum dose of only 250 mg of the drug every 10-14 days, and for no more than 6 weeks. We would like to reiterate that steroid newbies should stay away from all testosterones as in this period of work on themselves they are simply completely unnecessary.

Side effects of Sustanon

The side effects of Sustanon are similar to those of testosterone enanthate, except that they are less frequent and less severe. Depending on the time of administration and doses, the user of Sustanon may experience the usual androgen-related side effects: such as acne, aggressiveness, sexual superstimulation, oily skin, accelerated hair loss, decreased production of sex hormones. Accumulation of water and gynecomastia with Sustanons are within the normal range, or do not appear as often as with Enanthate and Cypionate.

Liver damage is not possible with Sustanon, and yet, at very high doses, an increase in liver parameters may occur, which, as the drug is discontinued, will normalize again.

How not to fall for a fake

Sustanon is widely available on the black market and is easy to buy. Unfortunately, most of these drugs are more or less well-made fakes. If you are offered ampoules without a paper label, but simply with an imprint, most often in red, these are definitely fakes. Most often we are talking here about Omnadren, where the corresponding inscription is erased and replaced with an imprint - "Sustanon".

The original Sustanon, which is almost exclusively produced by Organon, always has a paper label. The original Sustanon is now more and more difficult to find, it is found less and less. On the black market, most often only the Portuguese Sustanon 250, the Dutch Sustanon 250 and especially the Russian, as well as the Indian Sustanon 250 are found.

All three drugs are from Organon, with a paper label on ampoules. Recently, on the black market, one can increasingly find the Russian Sustanon 250, which is produced in Calcutta (India) by the "Organon" company and is officially intended only for export to Russia.

Yet large quantities of this original Sustanon 250 are smuggled into Germany via Czechoslovakia. It seems to be a high quality drug because those using it speak of positive results and good tolerance, so that untidiness in its manufacture is excluded.

Russian Sustanon 250 is sold in plastic packaging, on the back of which the name of the drug, the name of the manufacturer and the chemicals contained are written in blue. The text is written either on silver foil or on white paper. 5 ampoules are arranged together in a row, and each ampoule is additionally packed separately

Sustanon trade names

  • Durandron 250 mg / ml: Organon Spain.
  • Sustanon 250 mg / ml: Ravasini Italy.
  • Sustanon 250 250 mg / ml: Organon UK, Holland, Finland, India, Russia.
  • Sustanon 250 250 mg / ml: Organon Portugal.