How to water orchid. Care for orchids in a pot at home. Basic problems in the cultivation of orchids

How to water orchid. Care for orchids in a pot at home. Basic problems in the cultivation of orchids
How to water orchid. Care for orchids in a pot at home. Basic problems in the cultivation of orchids

This question does not have an unequivocal response, since the air temperature in the room, and humidity, and the time of year affect the watering of this tropical plant, depending on which the flower needs more or less moisture, and the composition of the substrate, and even the pot value. You can definitely say one thing - orchid is better to water rarely, but abundantly. Roots of the plant should not be in a wet environment constantly, from the unindicted watering they will begin to get started and the plant will die.

Considering that in the natural orchid environment, there are comfortable and bloom, clinging to the roots behind the bark of trees, and heavy rains, changing with hot dry weather for them are the ideal environment, you need to try to bring their room to familiar to the usual. For example, a widespread error among orchid lovers is wrong watering. Orchids can not be watered often. The substrate in the pot must be absolutely dried. If for several days the substrate does not dry, it must be replaced with a larger, so that the roots are better to be ventilated.

How to find out what time to water orchid

In order for the tropical plant comfortably felt in the room environment, you need to learn how to correctly and promptly recognize the state of the soil. For this there are several signs:

  • if the pot seems heavy for several days, it means that the substrate is raw and watering is not required;

  • if you unprove the contents of the pot with your finger, you can feel the moisture content of the soil and determine the need for watering;

  • wooden toothpick, stuck in the substrate, truthfully signals the need for watering - if the dry wand extracted from the soil, it means that orchid needs to be watering;

  • the fact that the plant is needed by watering, says the color of the substrate and the roots of the orchid - the wet substrate is always darker than dry, and the dry roots of orchids are not green, but light gray.

Perfect watering orchids

All orchids like watering by lowering the pot in the pelvis with water. Such "baths" well and evenly moisturize the substrate, give plenty of water to the roots of water. A pot with a plant must be immersed in a pelvis with water and leave for 15-20 minutes. In the cold season, such a procedure should not exceed 10 minutes. At the end, the pot is removed from the water and leave another 20-30 minutes in a suspended state to give a track of water.

At night, the orchids "sleep", so watering the plant is better in the morning hours so that during the day of her roots wept moisture, and the substrate.

What water to water orchid

From how water is water, its health depends on. Ideally, water orchid is better than rainwater, but if there is no possibility to collect moisture after the rain, and the usual, from the water pipeline is suitable. Water for watering should be defined for 3-4 days. When irrigating orchids, it should also be remembered that the plant does not like different impurities in the form of salts and lime, only soft and clean water is suitable for irrigation orchids. On the presence of a large number of impurities can be judged by the cluster of scale in the kettle: if it appears quickly and in large quantities, it means that the water is not suitable for irrigation orchids, and it is necessary to defend and boil. The most suitable option is to add distilled in proportions 1: 1 distilled in proportions.

Shower for orchid

It is believed that the hot shower has a beneficial effect on orchid and stimulates her bloom. Perhaps this is the case, but you should not water orchid boiling water, water should be not hot than 38 degrees. In addition, not to injure the plant, the shower jet should be as much as possible. And yet, after such a way of watering orchids, it is necessary to dry out all the hard-to-reach sinuses of the plants. You can do this with a paper towel or napkin.

Contrary to the opinion that the orchid capriciousness requires special care, a gorgeous plant can be raised, observing uncomplicated irrigation rules. And remember that orchid is better to forget to pour than "drink" once again.

Plants in pots refresh the interior of the apartment or at home. It is difficult to present housing without small islets of greenery on the windowsill. Especially please the eyes of exotic flowers that resemble hot countries. Caring for orchid at home requires special skills, since it is rather capric. However, the result will exceed all the expectations and will pay off their efforts - the plant blooms for a long time and at that moment resembles a refined bouquet.

Features of the vital activity of orchids in the natural habitat

Orchids are growing at all continents, except for the snow-covered Arctic and Antarctic. The greatest number of their varieties is found in the tropics. These flowers love heat and moisture.

Mention of orchids can be found:

  • in ancient Greek scientists who considered the plant to therapeutic;
  • in the Indians, cooked from their pestle, fragrant drinks;
  • the peoples of Southeast Asia who distinguished them from their help from the housing of evil spirits.

There are more than 35,000 types of orchids. Color color varies from white to purple and black.

Also, orchids are divided into groups:

  • land plants;
  • underground;
  • living on the branches of trees.

The most popular in Falenopsis Orchid flower shops. In the wild, it grows in China, Malaysia, Philippines, in the foothills of Himalayas and even in Australia.

It refers to a group of plants living on trees. Most of their roots are chopping in the air, getting moisture out of it. Sometimes thickens are formed, resembling tubers in which nutrients accumulate.

Flower care rules at home

It should be remembered that Phalaenopsis is brought from warm countries, in connection with which it requires heat and well-humidized air. This orchid clings for trees and grow up in the shadow of their crown hiding the leaves of the plant from direct sunlight.

In a pot, it is necessary to plug a strong long stick that will serve as a support. It is impossible to use the usual land for cultivation of orchid. Special soil for this flower is sold in stores.

Proper care for orchids at home is easy, you only need to follow the basic rules.

Proper lighting

As already mentioned, in the summer, the flower is better not to put the flower. It will fall out gentle leaves. The light should be scattered, so for the plant it is better to choose window sills that are east or west.

In winter and in the fall, when the day is short and outside the window it darkens, a special backlight is needed, otherwise the flower leaves will begin shirt, and the buds do not dissolve.

The tropical day lasts more than half of the day, so you need to think about how to reimburse the shortage of sunlight. For one flower there is a sufficiently included light bulb in 40 W, installed so that enough light falls on the leaves and inflorescences.


Houses Care for orchids is simple in terms of compliance with temperature. The apartment is always warm enough, however there are two dangerous factors.

  1. . It dramatically dries air and after its use you need to additionally spray the plant. In no case can not put orchid under the jet of the working air conditioner.
  2. Draft. The flower does not like the supercooling, so the plant should be removed from the windowsill at the time of air ventilation.

If orchid ceases to bloom, it takes a small stress. By reducing the daily temperature to +12 ° C, and the night lowered by a couple of degrees, you can achieve a kidney laying. Noticing them, one should not sharply interrupt the former regime.

It is necessary to switch to a regular room temperature gradually so that the kidneys fasten and soon turned into buds.

Air humidity

The tropical climate is characterized by high levels of humidity. The usual indicator is from 60 to 70%. In apartments and houses, it is much lower, especially in the heating season.

Save the microclimate suitable for orchid will help frequent spraying from the sprayer. Moreover, water should be room temperature and well-defined. Moisturize leaves and stem, avoiding inflorescences, should not be 3-4 times a week.

If the air is too rehensited, you can buy a moisturizer and put it in the room where the plant is located. The device will benefit not only to him, but also living in the apartment people.

Regularity of watering

Caring for orchids at home provides for a number of tricks. The flower can not be planted in a standard clay pot, but in a transparent plastic, through the walls of which the root system is visible. It is easy to make a few slots and not water the soil from above, but to put it for 5 minutes in a waters. So the roots absorb the required amount of moisture, and it will not be created surplus.

If the walls of the pot are opaque, watering orchid relies as soon as the top layer of the earth will seem dry. It is important not to pour flower. In the natural environment, the roots take the necessary amount of moisture from the bark of trees when it rains.

If there is too much water in the pot, the roots of the flower begin to rot, which leads to the yellowing of the leaves and the appeal of flowers.

Many get to fight this problem quite successfully. Orchid needs to be carefully removed from the ground, inspect the root system and sliced \u200b\u200bfiddling parts. It is better to replace the soil to a new one, because the old remains unnecessary wet and is able to reduce all the efforts to treat the flower.

In the cold season, watering orchids need to be reduced, and in the summer, on the contrary, more often check the condition of the soil. If the orchid lacks moisture, all of its leaves will swell, and the lower yellow will yellow and dismiss. When recovering the mode, it will quickly revive, but it is better to prevent such a situation.

Source requirements

If the room orchid belongs to the group of land plants, such as a cymbidium, then the care of it at home will be somewhat different than for phalaenopsis. The composition of the soil for different types of these plants is noticeably different.

Flowers growing on trees, no soil containing nutrients, but the Earth should allow excessive moisture to evaporate quickly.

The best option is to buy a soil for orchids in the store and add several components to it:

  • pieces of clay or foam;
  • moss sphagnum;
  • oak or pine bark;
  • husks from seeds;
  • charcoal;
  • perlite.

All these elements will allow breaking the soil and increase the inflow of air to the roots, which is of great importance for phalaenopsis. It should not be thoughtlessly mix all the components in the hope that the orchid will immediately begin to bloom.

The main secret of the selection of suitable soil is experimenting with different proportions of additives. A healthy view of the flower will show that the correct composition is chosen.

Elements require careful water and thermal cleansing. First, they are washed, and the moss is soaked on the day to get rid of insects. Then additives allowing treatment at high temperatures are dried in the oven. These actions will get rid of the roots of the plant from the fungus, which multiplies in the wet soil.

Cymbidium, living on Earth, will require nutritious additives in addition to the usual soil. In this capacity, the leaves of non-separated plants are suitable and a mixture of peat with charcoal.

Feeding and making fertilizers

The cultivation of orchid at home in a limited volume of soil implies special care. Cimbidium follows from time to time to feed to create comfortable conditions for growth.

Standard nutritional additives for indoor plants Orchids are not suitable. They need soluble mineral fertilizers containing phosphorus, nitrogen and iron. They contribute to the growth of leaves and flowering, and also give the plant immunity against pests.

Some orchid owners use organic additives, such as slices of a banana skirt. However, it is difficult to calculate the required amount of such feeding. Its excess causes the process of rotting the root system of the plant.

It is safer to dwell on finished fertilizers, among which is in demand and has positive feedback wand for orchids. It, impregnated with mineral supplements, is inserted between the soil and the pot of the pot. When watering gradually dissolves, fueling the flower.

Transplantation Plants

Any orchid requires a transplant every two years. During this period, the components are part of the soil collapse, making it difficult to ventilation of the roots. In addition, the plant can grow up its pot, and then its roots will begin to speak out. This leads to a shortage of mineral salts even with regular soil feeding.

Orchid carefully get out of the pot, shaking the roots from the stuffed lumps of soil. The flowering plant to transplant undesirable, but the process will not make much harm. Next, the flower is moved to a larger pot with freshly moistened soil.

Basic problems in the cultivation of orchids

The plant may be sick even with accurate observance of the conditions for its cultivation. Care of orchids for newbies must necessarily include the study of benefits and instructions. They contain recommendations of experienced florists and information about the features of the flower.

As already mentioned, the bay of the roots leads to their damage and falling out the leaves. The appearance of yellow spots can provoke direct sun rays on the greenery. In the improper treatment of the components of the soil, it develops a fungus that leads to the destruction of the root system. The sluggish leaves talk about the lack of moisture and too dry air.

Orchids are rather unpretentious, care for them is easy, if you know the basic rules and take into account the specifics of the climate in which these flowers grow in nature.


Scientists conducting experiments to study the life of flowers believe that they communicate with each other with impulses and feel the thoughts of the owner.

It sounds a little fantastic, although how otherwise explain the reason why the flowering plant is rarely blossoming on his owner's birthday or another memorable date? It, like any living being, feels the love directed at him and tries to please the people who care about him with a juicy greens of leaves and bright inflorescences.

Well-groomed orchids growing on the windowsill demonstrate the attentiveness and responsibility of the owner and decorate any room.

My name is Julia Jenny Norman, I am the author of articles and books. I cooperate with the publishing houses "Alma-Press" and "AST", as well as with glossy magazines. Currently, help promote virtual reality projects. I have European roots, but I spent most of my life in Moscow. There are many museums and exhibitions that charge positive and give inspiration. In my free time I study French medieval dances. I am interested in any information about the epoch. I offer you articles capable of captivate a new hobby or just give pleasant moments. You need to dream of beautiful, then it will come true!

You have long chose a plant in the store and finally, they choose on orchid. These are very beautiful flowers, but they are demanding in care. But if you care for them correctly, they will grow at home on the windowsill, and long please rejoice the hostess with their beautiful flowerflowers. Many are interested in: how is the care for orchid at home? Everything lies in the choice of proper soil, watering, lighting and humidity.

And so, you brought a beautiful orchid home. But what to take that the plant suffers stress with the smallest losses and perfectly adapted to new conditions and did not damage to other flowers that grow in your apartment? And how to care for the correct orchid, which you just brought home?

Quarantine and its duration

The very first thing is to provide orchid a kind of quarantine weeks for two. To do this, it must be put separately from other colors. If there is no place for it on the windowsill, you can put it on the bedside table or in some other place. But here you need to take into account the fact that the right-bought plant does not need straight sun rays, the flower should stand alone. Also, it is also not worth the fertilizers who often offer its fertilizers who are often offered when buying orchid sellers in a flower shop.

Watering orchids during the rest period is also undesirable, just constantly observe her leaves, as well as other parts. It is necessary for the timely detection of possible flower pests, so as not to give them the opportunity to multiply. After the end of the quarantine, gradually teach the flower to the sun on the window and, like the need, slightly water.

Transplant and other nuances

It is worth noting that the orchid transplant, which has recently been brought from the store, is not required. It is capable of growing in its substrate for two years. Immediate transplant is needed only if the flower in the store was planted in Moss Safagnum.

How to make a transplant:

No need to handle a new plant with some floral "anti-stresses", simply hold it in a dry state and it can cope with stress and adapts to new conditions. It is also not necessary to process the leaflets with drugs from insects, especially if there are no there. Why to grab orchid, which so moved the move? The plant left in dryness and peace activates its own means of protection, while perfectly adapts to new conditions.

Lighting, watering, fertilizer and much more

If you are interested in how to care for the orchids of the house, then you need to know that this plant is considered a capricious and gentle, so it requires creating conditions defined for it. But it's not difficult to care for a flower, the most important thing is to know exactly what and when to do.

This is the most important factor when caring for orchid, which determines whether the plant will bloom or not. After all, if the flower is enough light - bloom will be regular, and if it is not enough - the leaves will gradually begin to become a light green shade, then they will stretch and yellow.

When choosing lighting for your beauty in the following rules:

  • orchids love a lot of scattered light. The straight sun rays are not suitable for them, it is necessary to take into account when careing for orchid at home;
  • summer flower is preferably prefeed. Especially if there is a high probability of contact with direct sunlight sheets. A plastic or matte film is well suitable for blackout;
  • autumn blackout can not do. The intensity of sunlight decreases at this time and the orchid begins the state of rest - they ripen shoots, the flower shootings are launched. You need to take into account this moment when caring for room orchid;
  • the duration of the daylight is also important for the plant. A normal light day for this plant is considered to be the duration of it at 12 o'clock if the day day lasts less than 10 hours, then artificial lighting is needed for the flower. The care of the houses of the house involves using for these purposes lamps with luminescent bulbs.

Temperature mode

All orchids are divided into three groups of temperature regime:

  1. heat-loving flowers. These orchids come from tropical coastal forests and plains and here are the dendrobiuma, phalaenopsis and some varieties of Cutle. Such species need warm conditions of content, so day-to-day summer temperature should be from 15 to 32 degrees, and the night winter temperature is from 15 to 18 degrees. The daily drop should not be more than three or five degrees;
  2. medium temperature plants. Such varieties of orchids are growing in medium mountain belts of the tropics and they include miltonia and odontoglosums. For such orchids at home, care should be carried out in a cooler temperature mode. Daytime temperature in the summer for them ranges from 18 to 22 degrees, and the winter night - from 12 to 15 degrees;
  3. cold-tech flowers. These orchids come from areas with a subtropical climate or from the highlands, they include Australian dendrobiuma, many Lelia and most of the species of Pafiopyurians. The most optimal temperature for them will be day summer - 22 degrees, and the night winter - from 12 to 15 degrees.

In general, it can be noted that almost all types of orchids that grow at your home will feel good at a temperature of 18-27 degrees during the day and from 13 to 24 degrees at night.

How to water orchid

If you are interested in how to care for orchids, you should be interested in how to water it. It is worth noting that in nature most of these plants in the water is never found, since their roots do not wear moisture stagnation. But each type of orchids is distinguished by its painting feature. For example, Pafiopedilium and Phalaenopsis love moist ground all the time, and the dendrobium and oncidium need a dry substrate and it is necessary to water them only when the soil is dry.

But, in general, all orchids are more patient to dryness than to overcoat. In reinforced watering, orchid needs only during the period of active growth, flowering and emissions of flowerons. If there is a lack of moisture, you will definitely learn about it: the plants will cry the pseudobulb and leaves. If the water is an oversufficient, then the leaves will yellow and splash, and the roots will begin to rotate.

In winter, when little light and cool, it is not necessary to water the flower, too, the plant does not need a large amount of moisture after flowering during the rest period.

Proper care for room orchid lies in watering plants with soft water. Very well suited for this Talaya, saturated rainwater. You can also pour a flower with ordinary boiled water. In the summer, water it two or three times a week after drying out the outer layer of the soil, and in the winter watering twist to a minimum - one or twice a week. See, whether the pseudobulb is not wrung if such a phenomenon is present - the plant asks water.

Watering the plant is to put an orchid in a pot into the container with a warm water of minutes for ten or intensively pour it with water from the shower. In the latter case, the soil wakes completely, while water will go out of drainage holes. After irrigation, hold the flower on a special lattice, then all the water stalks, and then put it in a decorative pot.

Fertilizer and subordinate

You want to know how to properly care for orchids, but in doubt - you need to fertilize it or not and when to do it. The plant needs feeding only during its growth, fertilize the flower is recommended no more than once every three or two weeks. This uses special fertilizers - GreenWorld, Pocon or Bon Forte.

The most important thing is not to rearrange and comply with the specified proportions on the package.

Orchids do not like the concentration of mineral salts in the soil and may not be taken out. Therefore, it follows during the fertilizer period to wash the substrate with clean water, alternate feeding and watering every week. Never buy fertilizers intended for other flowers, do not feed the plant during peace and winter.

Many specialists oppose frequent feeding of orchids. They proved that frequent fertilizer reduces the flower immunity, so it is more subjected to different diseases. Therefore, Ideally, it is not necessary to fertilize this flower at all, so all the necessary nutrients it receives from the substrate, but this rule is valid only if the substrate is updated once every two years. Here you learned another answer on the care of home care for orchids.

Places for proper trimming orchids

How Orchid breeds

If you know the main features of the care of this flower, you can easily multiply the required instance. Orchid reproduction is carried out in different ways, consider each of them more details.

The reproduction of "kids" (solely siblings)

"Baby" are small new plants that can form new orchid varieties. Such side shoots usually appear in those plants that have increased nitrogen content. If you saw the "kids", then try to spray orchid very often and wait for them to grow up and release roots. Now you can separate the new plant, treat it with a powder of charcoal and plant separately.

This method of reproduction of orchid is to use the tanks, such decodes are at sympodial orchids. Air offspring are very often formed at the shoots that have extended or cylindrical thickened shoots.

In this case, it will take a small greenhouse over a fitted part of the stem. It can be made of plastic small capacitance and to do a slot. Now start moisturizing moss and wait for sleeping kidneys.

A leafless escape that is in a greenhouse in a horizontal position need to heat and regularly moisturize. About a month, sleeping kidneys will break on, and of them will grow young plants with leaves and roots.

After rooting, small orchids need to be carefully separated from the maternal escape, then process, you can also conduct an orchid transplant in a small pot. Some time, hold them back in the greenhouse.

Vegetative reproduction

In this method, it is convenient to reproduce almost all varieties of orchids. Rhizome colors will need to be simply divided, while leaving two or three pseudo-bulbs on each defense. But this method of breeding is suitable only if the orchid is large enough.

Take out the flower from the pot, then carefully separate the ground from the roots. Cut the root of the garden scissors through, two or three bleb should remain on each separated part. Put sections with charcoal, each fragment of the plant is planted separately.

If the question arises, how to care for orchids in this case, then everything is simple. Pour new flowers a little, spray them every day until new shoots or leaves appear. This confirms that orchid began.

Care for orchid during flowering and after it

Many are interested in what should be the care of the house for orchid during her flowering. Features of flower care at this time are the following:

  • flowering Plant Reinforced Watering. It is recommended to water it under the warm shower, and the water temperature should be 35 degrees, after irrigation, remove moisture from the point of growth, otherwise it swings;
  • it is recommended to raise the night temperature. for a plant for five degrees;
  • during flowering, it is impossible to transplant orchid, Otherwise, it will reset all the boutons and flowers;
  • during this period, the flower requires feeding. To do this, use a special fertilizer intended for these colors, but it is impossible to overflow the plant.

If you want orchid blooming as long as possible - do not rear it from place to place.

How to care for a plant after flowering

Proper care for orchids after flowering is also a very important point. The field of how blossom is completed, and the flower-free reference and blackened, it needs to be trimmed under the very base and delete. After flowering, feeding the plants decreases. In winter, watering should be reduced to once a month, it is desirable to spray the plant several times with water.

It is worth noting that if the flower needs a transplant, then it will not bloom and so that it blokes again - change the location of the pot, put it on another place.

If during the care of the orchids after flowering you noticed that the flower wishes and wrinkled leaves, and he does not release a bloomon - also stop the pot to another place. Then he will bloom regularly.

We hope that all the above information was useful to you, and you now know how to care for orchids and if the care is correct, this beautiful plant will regularly please the colors of all residents of the house. After all, bloom is the most favorite period in the life of every amateur of flowers.

To an exotic and gentle plant pleased with his own and well raised the leaf mass and the root system, behind him It is worth organizing the right.

If he does not have any conditions or requirements, he can From incorrect content. So that it does not happen, you need to know the main moments of care for orchid.

Let's look more in more detail, what care for orchids at home is necessary. Natural conditions for the plant - this warm tropicsWhere:

At the same time, the air is almost always wet, as the flower grows on a small height of tremendous crowns of trees. Therefore, the lighting for orchids it should be lightBut with scattered sunshine. Direct Sun can burn.

Diseases and pests of orchids

Sometimes on the plant can be detected:

  • Different insects;
  • Or bacterial.

It is not necessary to get upset we must start treating.

Harmful insects

Whatever insects were found on the flower, he is assigned to quarantine And they are tremendous to the accomplicity, so that there is no chance to survive.

If pests are found, orchid must be placed in quarantine.

The interval between treatments is 5-6 days.

Infectious diseases

Noticing an infectious disease, necessary:

  • Flower set out separately from others;
  • And treat phytodeterm.

Processing spend twice And there is still some time so that the disease does not appear.

Rotary and fungi

To get rid of rot from rot and fungi, which sometimes appear on the root system due to a flower overflow, it is necessary:

  • Crop all black places;
  • And treat cuts by fungicide.

Care for a beautiful exotic plant under the name of Orchid is not such a difficult thing. The main thing is to catch the moment when you need to water And give the plant the necessary soil, and then the flower for care will be called beautiful blossom.

Useful video

Find out on video how to care for orchid in a pot at home:

Interesting facts on video, what errors are allowed when leaving for orchid:

Look at the video how to water orchid:

Find out on video, what pests and orchid diseases are:

In contact with

Orchids have long ceased to be perceived as exotic plants and are found in most apartments, houses, offices and solemn rooms. They fit perfectly in any interior, create an atmosphere of solemnity and elegance at the same time. For those who practice their cultivation, it is no secret that these plants are pretty capricious, require clear conditions of growth and reluctantly go on compromises that these conditions concern. One of the items that should be given to considerable attention is irrigated by orchids, so we will try to figure out how often you need to water orchid, which amount of water and exactly what water is better to water orchid. We define the seasonal features of watering.

So that the plant felt comfortable, actively grew, not and also bloomed, it is necessary to create conditions to him as close as possible to natural. In nature, orchids are almost never growing in water, so stagnation of moisture in the pot will be absolutely inappropriate. The watering time is determined by checking the state and taking into account the type of orchid. For example, if phalaenopsis, odontoglosum, cymbididium is grown, the substrate should not rehabilitate, it is good to grow in a slightly moistened soil, but not in a pot with stagnant water, but oncidium, the dendrobium and cattleia love watering only under the condition of soil drying. This is important, so when buying a plant, it is necessary to specify the name of the plant variety.

Watering methods orchid

Orchid watered the most diverse ways, and under the crane, and under the shower, and bathing them in the water completely, but the most optimal option is the premises of a pot with drainage holes in another, greater and watering from above. Thus, the orchid drinks inserted, evenly moistened to the whole bark, the plant is not at risk of drying, and water is not stirred. This method is called the attack.

Looking at it is the way of immersion, when a smaller pot is put into greater, already filled with water. The attack can be called an improved option, so the water is poured on top and the bark faster wetting, it takes more time when diving.

You can water orchids under the shower, but this method, to put it mildly, is uneconomical, since for good wetting of the bark water should continuously flow about 30-40 minutes. (By the way for avid gardeners, watering orchids may be at least a fascinating activity than say the game in the volcano Casino Ukraine for some kind of gameman).

Watering orchids during flowering

Many are also interested in whether it is possible to water orchid during flowering, we will focus on this in detail. Water, definitely, it is necessary and watering during this period has certain features. If the flowering falls for the summer, it is watering strengthened and occurs every three days if the buds are blown in winter, the moisturization of the substrate is not more common than twice a week.

In the interruptions between irrigation it is necessary to give the crust the opportunity to dry, excessive moisturizing will be inappropriate. And another very important rule is the temperature of the water, it is in no case should be cold, warm stretched water will be the best option.

If the orchid pleased with his color, then you should not neglect these rules. She, we remind, the capricious and can quickly lose the flowers and get sick due to improper moisture.

How to water orchids in winter and summer

The question is as follows: how often to water orchid in winter, whether watering is more intense in the summer and whether spraying is needed. The frequency of irrigation orchids in the winter and summer period is actually different, the plant slows down in winter, and the gaps between the irrigation become big. It is very important to ensure that it does not remain in the outlet, so after watering it can be merged, carefully lowering the plant, or just soak out the napkin.

Water for winter irrigation should be warm, slightly above room temperature. Under the pots standing on the windowsill, it is desirable to put the foam if the root temperature drops below 14 s, the plant will suffer.

With the onset of spring and in the summer, all physiological processes in orchids are accelerated and watering needs to be done more abundant, with a lack of water, the plant will flush its leaves and will require measures. The temperature of the water should be no lower room, the water is good to defend.

Determine whether the time has come to restore the amount of water, checking the condition of the roots and the walls of the pot. If the condensate from the walls disappeared, and the roots became silver, the pot is easy - it's time to water. It is for such checks that the orchids are grown in transparent pots.

Watering orchids after purchase

So, orchid found her happy owner, moved to new housing. When to water orchid after the purchase and do she need some time on adaptation and addictive to the new place? Of course. For a few weeks, it should be placed in a shaded place, away from other indoor plants. It is impossible to expose it to direct sunlight. Water and "feed" fertilizers who have recommended when purchasing it is not worth it, the plant is still experiencing stress, however, it is still worth navigating the state of the plant, especially leaves and make decisions based on their condition. Usually, several weekly orchid quarantine is well tolerated without watering and any other interventions.

To remove the plant from such a state follows moderate irrigation, which over time is made more intense and gradually addictive to the Sun.

Watering orchids after transplant

And last, on what focusing attention, whether to water orchid after the transplant. If the plant bought in the store does not grow in Moss Sfagnum, the transplant is not needed, and it can be in the native substrate for several years until the need to change the pot.

If there is still a need and a plant transplantation has been implemented, then after it needs to be hidden abundantly. While the substrate is not yet tumped, it is good for 5-7 minutes to pour a plant under the shower, and then 30 minutes to immerse in the water container.

The first 7-10 days after the orchid transplantation should be in a shaded place, watering occurs with the usual way.