Unofficial, he is a civil marriage - pros and cons of the cohabitation. Legal advantages of official marriage for a man in what the pros of marriage for a woman

Unofficial, he is a civil marriage - pros and cons of the cohabitation. Legal advantages of official marriage for a man in what the pros of marriage for a woman
Unofficial, he is a civil marriage - pros and cons of the cohabitation. Legal advantages of official marriage for a man in what the pros of marriage for a woman

Idle men should think over the proposal, and married to rejoice. Marriage is that it may not only be nice, but also useful.

Many happiness

Australian scientists guarantee this. And they call a record figure in 135% - precisely so much, according to their data, a married man is happier than undue. Scientists themselves explain this more relaxed life and care that the lucky man periodically feels on the part of its second half.

High salary

University of Virginia in touch: The local researchers calculated that married men earn 22% more of their idle colleagues. Another American study (whose respondents, by the way, were fleet officers) showed: the presence of his wife is a weighty argument for the boss to promote a man up the service staircase. So: Want to make a career - I urgently conclude a fictitious marriage.

Less problems

The US Department of Justice collected statistics on street crimes. And there was a surprise on the chair: at idle men is four times the likelihood of becoming victims of murder, robbery and rape. On married street Schapan, for some reason, will not dare; Perhaps afraid of retaliation.

Regular sex

In 2006, British researchers conducted a survey of men from 38 countries. The data everywhere are the same: married men around the world overtake unmarried in the number of sex. About the quality of sex The British is silent, but we know: in skillful hands, any woman instantly reaches the condition.

Photo: Carlosmendoza

Life without dependencies

A happy marriage helps to also protect you from alcohol and nicotine dependency: the American Center for Control and Preventing Diseases made precisely such conclusions: Men alcoholics and smokers most often turn out to be unmarried.

Less likely to get cancer

Another, quite a tangible plus marriage - divorced and idle men die from cancer, respectively, at 11 and 16 times more often married. Proven by Norwegian scientists in 2007. And in general, with a lifespan of living in legitimate marriage, all is well - specialists of the University of California studied experimental men for eight years. And they concluded that non-nicknamed men had a great chance to die during this period (approximately 88%).

No heart problems

As it turns out, the marriage carries only the pros for health - but only a happy marriage. Scientists from Utah (USA) found out that people who married love had the perfect blood pressure level. And on the contrary, the worst testimony was near the couples unfortunately in marriage. It even reached the fact that the doctors have forced particularly unhealthy patients to divorce something to anything left.

Marriage - Pros and Cons

Have you ever thought about what gave you or the opposite took away your family life? And about what advantages and disadvantages brought you the status of a married lady? Well, or at the worst end of the positive and negative parties of the official marriage?

Not? Occasionally? Or every half an hour? - The right answer to emphasize.

Well, in any case you will be interested. Today, the female site is beautiful and successful argues about the pros and cons of marriage.

Marriage: Sober Side View

No, we will not explore the disadvantages and advantages of marriage as such, because for someone family life honey to the dressing with gingerbread and pistachio ice cream, and for someone - the claw on the neck and shackles for hands and legs. And these two can live on one territory and be associated with the overall seal :)

We are all different. We all have their own concepts, priorities and requirements. Someone give coffee to bed, someone Pink Ferrari, someone rejoices a freshly free service for the removal of garbage in the art of her husband, and someone will be sad because of the advice of annoying mother-in-law, well, and some are just happy in marriage - serene and It is in good way to be happy (every day in independence from the weather and the pleasure of the spouse).

We will consider an example of an ideal family (wife - caring, loving and economic, husband - non-drinking, earning and true) in the conditions of an ideal vacuum (apartment, cottage, work, relatives in another country), which married by mutual desire (their own Not daddy-mother-neighbor) and do not even think about leviac and divorce.

So, we meet the pros and cons of marriage from an unbiased and objective judge

Pluses of marriage:

1. From now on, two of you, and two heads, as you know, will be useful in the farm. Yes, and "we", agree, it sounds much stronger and solid than just "I". My husband and I make repairs, we are loved by a picnic, we are a family (and let all unmarried girlfriends emerge their elbows to bloody corns).

2. You will never be boring, because now you have a partner at a regular basis for talking on souls, quarrels, food and bodily condition :)

Note: We specifically do not remove the "bed" and all connected with this exciting activity in a separate point. We are all adult girls and understand what it means permanent, legitimate and not burdened by the sad consequences of sex for the female soul, skin and moral satisfaction.

3. Being for her husband, you can always count on his participation, love and support. From now on, such concepts like mountain, joy, debts, peace, friendship, chewing, - general and separable. And her husband is a gorgeous vest, which not only hearse, will sympathize and regret, but also sticks, make a massage and runs up in the store for red wine and chocolate (this is if you have PMS).

4. Responsibility for your life, stomach and wallet now lies immediately on the two shoulders (well, or four, if you consider left and right :)), which means that in your life, finally, there will be stability confidence in tomorrow. Is it not happiness?

5. Marriage in our country suggests some social security: after all, before that, you were just two lovers (none of each other from the point of view of the state), and now the next relatives, i.e. People with the common last name, testimony and property.

So, you personally have the right to:

· on his car, yacht and credit card,

· be the first to be encomposed in intensive care if it (God forbid) is enough to hit from the scratch seen on the beloved Porsche (as you left, by the way).

· for alimony in case of divorce (even at ideal people, even in ideal conditions, alas, not everything is cloudless and smooth).

6. Visa (especially Schengen) you like a married lady get more and more likely.

7. Scheduled, it is possible, finally, to officially change the surname, and with it citizenship and photography in the passport.

8. Now you do not need to make the wonders of acrobatics in bed, scratching his back, to fuck and fuel to the loss of the pulse, i.e. In every way to portray myself ready for any sex fee the mistress, cumming up from one male look. After all, now he is yours, yours for eyelids - with all the grooves, cockroaches and room slippers. 9. Now you can just make love - as you love it, see and deserve.

10. Wedding ring as nothing else disrupts unwanted fans and workers.

11. Well, the most important thing now you have with whom to wake up every day, raise children and die one day.

Disadvantages of marriage:

1. Marriage implies a refusal of many established and beloved habits (albeit harmful, even if one, from those, justice, it is worth noting, it's time to get rid of it). As it: to sleep before dinner, scatter things at secluded corners, eat alone sandwiches and pizza. Everything, Basta, carefree times ringed in the fly.

2. Marriage not only gives rights, but also duties. And it is washing, and cooking, and cleaning with ironing. So daily cooking breakfast, lunch, dinner and still snack couples from now on your fragile shoulders.

3. In addition to her husband, you get his surname, to give up which, alas, not easy (offended). So, from now on, you are not a great-grandfather of Count Orlova, but a simple peasant girl from the average family of petty.

4. With the advent of printing in the passport, the number of coping anniversaries / ill / requiring attention / giving advice to relatives will increase. Hence: Additional cash spending, nerves and headache.

5. The presence of a husband and marriage certificate provides for the generality of not only his property, but also yours too. Now in the two-room apartment presented by your parents in the city center for one owner more.

6. Family life significantly narrows the circle of communication. You will not have time to look around, as Methodically, and purposefully maternity from home "badly affecting" girlfriends and friends.

7. Ulyasy does not ring every half hour and not a silent / funny / lover SMS. He no longer needs to conquer you with expensive gifts, wide gestures, male deeds. After all, now you are entirely and fully belonged to him, he is alone.

8. From the point of view of her husband, the fact that before marriage was "good" and "great", after becoming wrong and not so necessary. Previously, did you have dinner in restaurants? Now it is "expensive and not very tasty." Previously you bought fur coats and diamonds? Now we give up the saucepans and stands for flowers. Previously, you spent all your salary on shoes, cosmetics and clothes? Now you are reported for each spent penny and live in saving mode (even if the money in the chicken family does not peck). Such is married life.

9. Sex after marriage, though constant, but very monotonous. With the method of trial and errors, you found poses that satisfy both, you no longer need to hit each other's imagination, you just make love. No experiments and bursts, only one quiet and grace, which in bed are sometimes puffed up asking.

10. Yesterday, the admirer attempting to you by compliments today is brings another girl (unmarried), and for some reason the selling of the grocery store does not make such crazy discounts, as before, and it is not caused to convey the bags before the entrance. And all because now on your nameless finger there is a symbol of loyalty to another man - a wedding ring.

We tried to highlight the most basic advantages and cons of marriage. Someone they will seem funny and far-fetched, someone will open their eyes to the real state of things, well, and someone will just smile.

We wish you a healthy relationship to marriage, mutual love and perfect husband! :)


Preface : Everything is described anno applies only to women and does not claim to understand the male half. Although men will be very useful for further research on the theme and developing a model of an ideal marriage.

The reason for the writing of this post was a sense of the author, which is not very different from the majority of challenges in marriage. It turns out much easier to marry than to keep this marriage in the pristine attractiveness as he looked at the very beginning.
Also, the author has confidence that marriage, like any self-developing process, can be studied in order to optimize it and create a certain perfect marriage model. Analysis method used in this study is an analysis of a plurality of private opinions on this matter, as well as many private marriage development cases at all stages.
The author considers the Marriage Institute very important and the basis for the leaking of society as a whole. Marriage is like a part of a holographic model of a society.
The author does not claim to be unshakable the results of its research.

Chapter first.
Analysis of the source data. Do I need a marriage. The ratio of advantages and repulsive properties ..

1.1. Benefits

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1. A permanent sexual partner, acquiring a permanent feeling that you are the desired woman.
2. Caring for the mining of money for accommodation is distributed between two adults, Ideally, this headache disappears - where to take money.
3. The opportunity to have children and the opportunity to educate them in a full family, when children feel both male and women's influence, see the model of human behavior, women and the model of their interaction with each other.
4. The ability to divide the responsibility for making decisions.
5. The sense of security, a strong shoulder and the acquisition of the possibility of feeling weak.
6. Harvesting the feeling of family, ideally good communication relatives on both sides.
7. Part of household duties, which is traditionally better, it turns out in men, you can remove from our fragile shoulders.
8. Holidays and weekends pass in a family circle.
9. The ability to love the soot of your own man and take care of him.
10. Unlimited access to the resources of male logic and male thinking.
11. Increase the number of friends at the expense of her husband's friends.
11.Ualculate a lot of new things that I did not know before, but what does your husband know and tells you to this.
12.The go to some common goal is easier than going there one.
13. Possibility to delegate conversations with outsiders to her husband so that they can talk on their "male" language.

________________________________________ ________________________________________ __________________________

Repulsive properties:

1. A sharp change in the arguing routine of life. Starting from the schedule of getting-wake-up-facing food and ending with a temporary regulation of communication with familiar, close, Internet.
2. A sharp change in lifestyle will lead to the fact that things that have turned out to be easily more easily obtained, because It will be disturbed by the above-mentioned algorithm for their solutions. And to blame for the fact that now something fastened to turn out the second half, because Because of her appearance in life, all these metamorphoses have happened.
3. Increase the number of homework. For example, food needs to be prepared much more, because The man cannot be fed by one banana and the leaf of salad, they eat many more women; increase the number of washing-ironing, including clothing and bed linen; It is impossible to keep home the mess for a long time in order to support the creative mood.
4. Need to accept with the advent of new things that will take a significant place in the house.
5. Often it will be necessary to collect scattered around the apartment not only their own socks, shirts, and also more often twist the toothpaste and shampoo.
6. To have sex even if you do not want it, but you want your husband and get pleasure from sex.
7. Praise will need not only
8. Recognize that you are not the smartest and you do not know everything in the world is best, but to accept someone else's opinion
9. To share responsibility for solving problems that were not
10.Money about another person is more than about himself, feeling what he wants and try to give him it
11. The man's sense of belonging, confidence that you belong only to him
12. Stop meet and flirt with other beautiful men
13. look harsh even at home.
14. Be able to remove yourself before a man to give him the opportunity to be giving.
15. Start the necessary man to understand that you are the best gift in his life (first you need to understand how to do it)
16. To be able to agree with another opinion or at least hear it even if you categorically disagree with him
17. Meeting with his relatives and friends.
18 You are deprived of the opportunity to be alone with you for a long time, as well as the opportunity to "score at all and everything" when you want it.

======================================== ======================================== ===========================
Now I'm thinking after reading all the pros and cons on which side will it turn off the scale of the scales? For or against?
And maybe I forgot some of the main argument that would be decisive?
Or maybe led some extra?

You may need to still expand and refine this "list of internal issues before making a decision," but in any case I consider it useful, before marriage. In order not to rush into it as an adventure with the intention "maybe everything will turn out" (the business we do not do this, although it affects our life much less than marriage), but to weigh everything for and against and understand at least approximately you need It is and what resources are you ready to invest in it, and which is not, as well as it is ready to invest your partner in your fancy company to build a happy life for both of both.
It is necessary to work with profit, otherwise someone from the partners will surely want to blame.

The joint residence of men and women without registration in the registry office has long ceased to surprise anyone or cause a shower of condemnation. Official statistics for such unions are not conducted.

But the prevalence in 2020 a phenomenon of cohabitation and a positive attitude towards young people give rise to sharp discussions, and also forces seriously analyze everything for both civil marriage.

After all, life in the "family" without commitment affects all its members, including children.

Living with a civilian spouse, most women consider themselves married, and men, on the contrary, idle.

But if it was previously believed that the girl always seeks to create a family more, and representatives of the strong half of humanity are acutely desired as long as possible to avoid the shackles of marriage, now the situation is not so unequivocal.

In the modern world, the beautiful sex is often too looked at its independence, career and ambitions. Consequently, girls are often putting off the wedding.

But if we talk about the advantages and cons of civil marriage for a woman, then negative will still be more.

If the girl really dreams of a wedding dress, then the absence of it for a long time rings on the finger becomes the cause of stress.

And that's why:

  • lack of feeling of stability, security and confidence in the partner,
  • the inability to realize yourself as a mother, and the years go and "biological oats tick",
  • development of insecurity and an inferiority complex ("All girlfriends are married, and I'm not," or "I don't like it enough to him, so he does not marry),
  • pressure from parents and other relatives,
  • fear that the partner is parallel to another girl.

Permanent internal stress leads to scandals on the domestic and sexual level. And this, in turn, becomes the reason for the breaking of the relationship.

When analyzing the advantages and cons of civil marriage for a man, the scales bowl is inclined in the opposite direction.

A civil husband retains his freedom, but at the same time "fed, manifested and has a dozen rendered shirts."

In addition, the girl, afraid to lose his lover, continues to carefully care for appearance and demonstrate its talents in cooking and doing household.

Of course, strong and independent representatives of humanity are like this.

Civil marriage has both positive and negative sides. Let's start with the arguments that most often lead people who positively belong to this social phenomenon:

But, unfortunately, the cohabitation can cause sufficiently serious problems whose severity will force all the above-listed advantages.

The feeling of instability, which often places women living in a civil marriage, can be in reality with something big than just fear:

If the cohabitation lasts sufficiently long, partners inevitably appear jointly progressive property.

This may be something relatively minor and inexpensive, such as household appliances, furniture. But it may be more substantial - the car, apartment, land.

From the point of view of the lawyer, the division of property between civilian spouses cannot be implemented if it is recorded on one of the cohabitants. That is, everything will get the one whose name is indicated in official papers.

If you are bought only one apartment, in any case it will have to write down on someone. Difficulties may also occur if relations are rupture in the process of loan or mortgage.

In court practice, however, there is a way to separate the jointly acquired property.

For this you need to make a claim in which:

Video: Pros and cons of civil marriage for men and women. Marriage agreement in civil marriage

Speaking about the minuses and advantages of the birth of a child in a civil marriage, it is worth noting that there is a good thing in this situation that sometimes the appearance of a baby can force partners to register their relations officially.

Registration of a newborn, which appeared outside of marriage, does not cause difficulties, provided that the dad agrees to confirm fatherhood.

Otherwise, the kid is deprived of the right to alimony, the rights to inherit property (if his name is not mentioned in the testament), the opportunity to take the surname of the father, etc.

In adolescence, the child can psychologically coal the status of illegitimate.

In addition, children persistently react to family problems. Adult, can start worrying, learning that parents are not officially married. It can push them to the idea that their family can fall apart at any time.

As a result, the feeling of stability is lost, and such conditions adversely act on the formation of the psyche of the younger man.

Having brought up in civil marriage, the teenagers will subsequently refer to the possibility of living together without obligations as for something of granted.

Many are solved on the creation of a family when they think about children. In contrast, civil marriage is perceived as an opportunity to live for himself, without any obligations to the partner.

This position leads to the following consequences:

All this poorly affects the demographic situation.. Especially strong negative phenomena are traced now, when the childbearing age has reached the generation of the 90s (remember that a sharp decline in fertility in the country corresponded to the past period in the past).

Summing up under the foregoing, we note that civil marriage is a very ambiguous phenomenon. It has both positive and negative sides.

Considering that such a cohabitation often confronts the risk of partners, as well as their children, should be treated with caution.

Being, in fact, out of law, this type of family relationship is not regulated by any legal acts.

But on the other hand, no one can deprive a person of the right to choose a civil marriage for themselves as the norm, as no one can protect him choose from possible consequences.

Details Alexander Biryukov Useful for men May 11, 2018.

I wrote about legislative discrimination in family law a few years ago and constantly put up updates in the course of the emergence of legislative novel.

For justice, I consider it necessary to list and the legal advantages of the official marriage for a man, since there are such objectively. And deny the reality is stupid.

Immediately warn that my task here is not to agitate for marriage or against him, do not deal with some kind of propaganda, not to impose your opinion, but to give information. And so, it will prefer each of the readers, which challenges will be omitted - to solve him and only to him. Especially in different situations, different resons have a different weight. And we do not judge that more than a specific person in this situation.

1. In resuscitation and junction as a visitor, only a close relative is allowed. If a man and woman are not officially registered, then one will not be allowed to another;

2. The biological father of the child, married with his mother, it is easier to become a father official. It will be fit automatically. If the parents are not married, then he will have the process of adoption;

3. Given apartments, cars, securities between spouses takes place without paying 13% of the tax, which is obligatory when receiving a gift from someone else's person. That is, you can rewrite machine-apartments for each other every day without paying tax;

4. If a criminal case is headed for one of the spouses, then the second has the right not to give testimony against him. For persons who are not official relatives, this right is not provided. In addition, the relatives do not apply to the liability for the monitoring;

5. Inheritance. Here is a whole battery of advantages:
5.1. In the event of the death of one of the actual spouses, the collaborated property will receive another spouse, and not relatives from the wife / husband. And the branch of the "husband" property from the property of "wife" with actually other people's people (mother-in-law, a fever-devil, etc.), who want to pick it up with you - this is a twist of delegation when divorced. And all this against the background of the tragedy is the loss of the spouse / spouse, when the strength to sound and so no. Is that all purchases make it only on yourself (and this is sometimes not very convenient for a number of reasons). In this embodiment, in the event of a man's death, the wife remains at the broken trough, which is also not very fair;
5.2. Even if the testament is left, the second unofficial spouse will have to pay a tax at 13% when entering into the inheritance, since it is not a close relative;

6. If the pair is married and both work, it is easier to get a mortgage or another credit, as their salary are folded.

In the spring of the State Duma, a bill was made to ban registration in the Kvariter of persons, if there are not enough square meters. Close relatives are not concerned. The law has not yet been accepted, so I did not turn it on the list.

If you forgot something, write in the comments. To add here only what approved legislatively.

Alexander Biryukov