How to germinate green buckwheat at home and what is the benefit for our body? How to germinate green buckwheat? Detailed instructions with photos How to stretch buckwheat do you need to sterilize

How to germinate green buckwheat at home and what is the benefit for our body? How to germinate green buckwheat? Detailed instructions with photos How to stretch buckwheat do you need to sterilize
How to germinate green buckwheat at home and what is the benefit for our body? How to germinate green buckwheat? Detailed instructions with photos How to stretch buckwheat do you need to sterilize

It was fashionable to eat germinated seeds, because health in our time is a trend. Today, I want to tell you how to germinate green buckwheat at home for food.

In my articles about the seedlings I wrote already. Return to buckwheat.

It is good for meals not only in the morning for breakfast, but also at lunch, and in the afternooner, and in all the snacks. It is not necessary to eat it only for dinner, because it contains a sufficiently large amount of carbohydrates.

It is probably difficult to call her green, because the color of her and beige and greenish, and brownish. Better look at the photo yourself, what the seeds of buckwheel look like and what color is it.

Green buckwheat for germination is now sold in all health stores, even some supermarkets have it on their shelves. But if you do not have it then look for it in online stores.

First, the croup should be poured with water for 5-6 hours, because soaking removes the phytic acid, which is harmful to our health.

Then rinse a thoroughly from the mucus, elected during the location of the clouded buckwater in the water.

Throw off on the siter, give water thoroughly.

Now we put it in the container in which it will germinate and cover the film.

If you first poured the crude green buckwheat in the morning, in the evening she moved away and placing her under the film, in the morning of the next day, you will have seedlings or sprouts.

You can make ready-made groceable buckwheat with cold water to give her a drain and eat. And the rest is sent to the refrigerator. There she can be stored 5-7 days.

Calorie: 155 kcal

Proteins - 6.3; Fats - 1.6; Carbohydrates - 3.

To reduce the caloric content of green buckwheat, it is possible to give her to germinate for another 12-24 hours, then its weight will increase, in the amount of calories it will decrease.

Recipes with green buckwheat:

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Buckwheat is considered one of the most useful croup on Earth. It is characterized not only by high taste, but also rich in vitamin and mineral composition. In it, in sufficient quantities, iron, calcium, copper, phosphorus, cobalt and zinc, group vitamins B, PP, E. However, in the process of thermal processing, a large proportion disappears without a trace, and the benefits of such cereals will not be so much.

People who adhere to the principles of raw food, know that it is much more useful instead of boiled cereals to eat germinated grain greenery, which has not been thermal processing. About how to germinate buckwheat for food at home, tell us in our article. Here we will offer a simple recipe for delicious salad from germinated grain.

How to choose buckwheat for germination

The usual buckwheat, which is widely represented on store shelves and from which everything is used to cooking porridge, after harvesting is subject to temperature treated with steam and roasting. After that, it acquires a familiar brown color and becomes ready for subsequent preparation and eating. Meanwhile, such buckwheat is unsuitable for germination, since the heat treatment makes the grain "non-living".

Unlike brown, green buckwheat is not subject to heat treatment, so that there is a living germ and ability to germinate. In addition, it retains its natural natural color, delicate taste and aroma.

You can buy green buckwheat in most major supermarkets. Choosing a croup, pay attention to the presence of Organic designation on the packaging, which indicates that the grain was grown in environmentally friendly zones and not processed by chemicals. Only such a cereal of products is ideal for germination and can bring the body exclusively.

Green buckwheat: how to use

From green buckwheat, you can cook porridges and side dishes that are superior to the food value of brown cereals. To cook a useful porridge, grain must be pre-soaked in clean water for 6-8 hours. After the specified time, it is thoroughly washed, poured with clean water, salted, and send a saucepan on fire. Next green buckwheat must be brought to a boil and cook for about 10 minutes. But the maximum benefit is able to bring only germinated grain. It is added to salads, they are prepared on its basis nutrient cocktails and smoothies, etc.

Meanwhile, many people lazy to do this or simply do not know how to germinate buckwheat. Raw foods remains complex science for them, although in fact everything is much easier than it seems. Especially if you consider, what benefit is the bustle of buckwheat.


People who adhere to the principles of healthy nutrition have long been known about the unique vitamin and mineral composition of the germinated green buckwheat. In 100 grams of the "living" grain contains 67% of the thymine daily norm (vitamin B1), 82% vitamin E, 80% zinc and many other important vitamins and trace elements.

What is useful to germinated buckwheat:

  • It is appreciated by the high content of protein balanced in the amino acid composition - almost 20% of the daily norm (for comparison, only 7% of the protein norm is located in rice grain);
  • the absence of gluten, thanks to which the grooved grain of buckwheat can consume even people who adhere to a gluten-free diet;
  • in the "live" cereal contains 4 times more flavonoids than in the "dead", due to which the high anti-cancer effect is achieved;
  • despite the high calorieness, it helps reduce weight and is part of balanced diets;
  • contains more fiber than in other gentle crowns, which contributes to excellent digestion;
  • rich in various amino acids;
  • does not accumulate harmful substances from fertilizers and is considered an environmentally friendly product.

When germing a grain at home, a number of rules should be followed:

  1. Before soaking, grain sorting occurs. If agreen buckwheat has an unhealthy look and damage on the surface, in the future it is not worth using such a croup.
  2. For germination, the container of glass or ceramics is suitable. Aluminum dishes use not allowed.
  3. Before the start of the grain, is washed in a large amount of water. The pop-up buckwheat is cleaned, because it does not contain a "living" embryo.
  4. In the process of germination, the grain is thoroughly washed with water, which allows you to prevent the appearance of mold and fungi on them.
  5. The optimal length of the sprouts on buckwheat suitable for eating is 1-2 mm. Groats with too long seedlings for food is not suitable because it becomes harmful to the body.

Easy way to germinate buckwheat

This method of extensive buckwheat with the help of gauze allows you to get a useful grain after a day from the moment of its soaking. It requires a minimum of effort and very little patience.

How to exist buckwheat in a simple way with gauze:

  1. Prepare a barrel to germination: rinse it thoroughly under running water and remove the pop-up grains.
  2. A colander to store gauze into one layer and pour out the prepared croup into it. Top to close the grains of gauze folded in two layers again. Substitute colander under the flow water to moisten the gauze with a cereal. When water stalks, leave the colander on the table at room temperature for 8 hours.
  3. After the specified time, gauze with a cereal in colander must once again moisten and retain on 8 hours.
  4. Repeat similar to the previous step of action and leave buckwheat for 6 hours.
  5. After the time expires, the Cropa is thoroughly washed and used for eating or cooking dishes. In the refrigerator, it can be stored until 3 days.

How to germinate buckwheat

Another way to germinate buckwheat is to put the grain in a glass jar at night, and in the morning, for breakfast, enjoy the taste of a useful product. The main condition is the bank not to cover the dense cover, since air access is required to form sprouts.

How to germinate buckwheat at home in a jar:

  1. Rinse the croup under running water, remove the pop-up grain.
  2. Wet buckwheat to lithuania and, without covering the lid, leave on the table at room temperature for 2 hours.
  3. After the specified time, rinse the croup, shock again to the jar, now the covering of it with a lid made of gauze and gum.
  4. Put the jar into a dark cabinet for 10 hours, but not to the bottom, but slightly tilting it on one side.
  5. In the morning, the buckwheat will need to rinse once again, and you can serve it to the table.

Delicious salad of germinated buckwheat

Of the germinated buckwheat, it turns out a very tasty and useful raw food salad. For its preparation it is necessary to cut into small cubes of fresh cucumber, carrots, sweet red pepper and celery stem. Fold all the ingredients in the bowl and mix. Add a cereal with sprouts with a length of 1-2 mm. How,how to germinate buckwheat for food, not so important because it does not affect the benefit of the grain.

In a bowl with a salad, add a glass of germinated buckwheat, fill with flax oil (3 tbsp. Spoons), salt to taste, add black pepper and parsley greens. Further, the salad must be mixed again and you can serve it to the table.

How to store germinated grain

The usual storage period of germinated grain is 3 days. If you prepared too many cereals, it is already not in the refrigerator, but in the dried form.

Regardless of how to germinate, you decide to dry it only in a special electric dryer at a temperature of 40-42 degrees. For this, buckwheat is laid out on a special pallet and include a device for 6-8 hours. Dried cereals to taste resembles small nuts. It can be added to the dishes right in this form or prepare powder from it, wip the buckwheat in the coffee grinder.

Today, you can still hear the so-called super-foods, among them - germinated buckwheat. Are the properties of such cereals, as the media, the Internet and "advanced" nutritionists say about this?

Protected buckwheat properties

Buckwheat is distinguished by an abundance of useful substances in the composition, however, during heat treatment, some of them are destroyed. When germination, it is possible to preserve the chemical composition of the cereals and even enrich it. For these purposes, exclusively green buckwheat is suitable (normal when trying to germinate usually molds and does not allow green shoots). The green is called a cereal, not subjected to the processing of ferry and grinding in production. It is under the influence of these procedures, the croup acquires a characteristic shade.

The healing properties of green buckwheat are due to the features of its composition. It contains a large amount of protein, which in its properties is similar to beef protein, but having vegetable origin, it is easier to absorb. In the composition of the protein - replaceable and indispensable amino acids, in which gluten, often causing allergies, is absent in the crumple. In addition, there are fatty omega-3 acids, without which protein synthesis in the body is impossible.

Groats occupies a leading position on the content of iron, folic acid, potassium. It is also contained in green grains of magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, selenium, calcium, tocopherol, vitamins of group B, nicotinic acid. It is not surprising that such a rich vitamin-mineral composition provides tonic, strengthening and immunostimulating the properties of buckwheat with sprouts. It is in a green embodiment of a lot of flavonoids, which are biologically active compounds. Among them - Rutin, Vitexin, etc. They are responsible for the development of enzymes and warn the development of cancer. Finally, there are quite a few fiber and starch, there are organic acids.

The germ allows you to increase the content of vitamins and minerals 2 times, in addition, green "feathers" contain a large amount of ascorbic acid, which is not observed until the moment of germination in buckwheat. Gestroinated grains demonstrate high activity when the starch is cleavage on sugar, the conversion of fat into fatty acids, proteins in amino acids. .

In other words, all metabolic processes in the body in the use of germinated grains proceed faster and better

Sundered buckwheat demonstrates a pronounced antioxidant effect, since the amount of flavonoids in it increases 4 times. It provides anti-cancer and anti-aging properties of green sprouts. Regular use of their use allows to get rid of toxins, keep tightened skin and clarity of thought. Unlike other germinated cereals, buckwheat has more fiber. It has a positive effect on the state of the digestive system. The intestinal motor is improved, metabolism is accelerated, toxins and slags are derived.

Sprouts for 2-4 days of germination brought the greatest benefit. However, depending on the time of the extension, the various properties of buckwheat appear to a greater extent. For example, the maximum concentration of routine, which has a pronounced anti-cancer effect, is observed on the seventh day of the germ. Its concentration during this period reaches 90% (for comparison - in a thermally treated croup, it is only 17%), after seven days it begins to decline dramatically.

The sprouts of 2-3 days "excerpts" are especially rich in ascorbic acid. She is the first assistant in strengthening immunity and combating colds. It is impossible to allow the seedlings to acquire a pronounced green color ("normal" their condition - white with a greenish tint), since in this case they accumulate toxic compounds. Deadline when you can eat sprouts without harm to health - the seventh day of germ.

They are especially useful for people suffering from endocrine disorders, sick diabetes, obesity, anemia. The consumption of this super-food is worth thinking about the one who suffers from the indentation of the stomach, frequent colds and infectious diseases.

In order to cover the daily need of the body in the gland and folic acid, you need to eat up to 100 g of the product.

Extension at home

Preparation of grains to germination should be started with sorting and washing the raw materials. You can use only one-piece grains having a green-beige coloring. When sorting, unauthorized impurities should be separated, the grains, unevenly painted, as well as damaged. Wash the croup is needed in several waters until the liquid becomes completely transparent and clean. You can rinse buckwheat in a bowl or lay it out into a sieve and send to a messenger jet of water. If the perforations of the dishes are too large, you can be folded in 2 layers of gauze and pre-sieve it.

In any case, for the first time you need to pour the barbell with water in the bowl and leave for a minute. Perhaps some grains will pop up to the surface. They need to be thrown out, because these are empty nuclei, they do not contain a green embryo. Wash the croup in cool water, after which it should be poured with water and leave for 10-12 hours.

It is impossible to use water from the tap or boiled, the bottled, filtering or spring is optimally suitable. The ratio of grains and water looks like 1: 3.

After the specified time, buckwheat is washed again and discarded on the sieve to the glasses excess moisture. Next, the croup in one layer is laid out on a large flat dish and covered with a dense cotton cloth. It should be tightened so that it does not lie on buckwheat. In this form, the croup should be left for 10-12 hours, periodically splashing from the sprayer. Crup should always be moistened, but there should be no climbing water.

You do not need to open the cloth all the time to check if there are no grains in watering.Came up time, which requires repeated moisturizing and focus on it in the future. During the specified time, buckwheat will let the sprouts, and when they reach 2-3 mm, you can start tasting.

The proposed way to germinate buckwheat for food is not the only one. You can get green shoots using gauze. Crupe first need to prepare, as in the past recipe. Then take a colander and fasten it with gauze, put the buckwheat on top of it in one layer and close another gauze piece. The latter needs to be collapsed in 2 layers. Under running water, hold the colander so that all the marry turns out to be wetting, give the water to the water for 8 hours.

After this time, the procedure must be repeated - it is ridiculously moistened and leave for 8 hours a colander in room conditions to glass liquid. The next step is to wet me again, but leave for 6 hours. Sproved grains rinse with water.

You can quickly germinate grain in the bank. To do this, the rinsed croup must be put in the glass jar and leave in the room for 2 hours. Lid do not block. After that, rinse the croup once again, folded again in the bank and this time to close the "lid" from gauze and gum. Remove the container for 10 hours into a dark cabinet, while put it so that the bank is inclined. Before use, the germinated croup must be washed under the jet of water. Receive the useful product as a result of the extension allows compliance with uncomplicated recommendations.

  • At one time, no more than 2 glasses of buckwheat should be extended. The amount of finished germinated product increases by about 1.5 times compared with the volume of dry raw materials.
  • It is impossible to neglect a thorough washing of cereals, because otherwise the mucus will be formed on its surface during germination.
  • It is important to monitor the level of fluid, because with a lack of water, the grains are dried, when re-equipment - will be charged. Water should be pouring into small portions as needed.
  • Regardless of the selected technique of germination, it is important to provide oxygen access to the grains, since only in this case the embryo "wakes up" and goes into growth. With a lack of fresh air, a lot of mucus is formed on buckwheat and it acquires a rotten smell.

Subtleties of use

Salad with green buckwheat

To achieve a positive effect, all the more - in medicinal purposes, the germinated crush must be used regularly. Recommended daily dose - 50 g per day, which can be eaten at once or distributed to several techniques. Spring buckwheat can be used in raw form, however, it is a little like in this form. But if you add grains with sprouts in a salad, it acquires an interesting taste. Usually, germinated buckwheat performs an addition to vegetable salads.

Recipes such dishes may include cucumbers, tomatoes, bell peppers, broccoli, celery, sour apple, radishes, greens. Choose those vegetables whose combination of which you like more, cut them with arbitrary pieces and add 1-2 tablespoons of sprouts on a salad bowl. As a refueling, natural yogurt, sour cream, vegetable or olive oil, lemon juice can be used.


If you do not taste raw grains, you can cook on their basis porridge. For this buckwheat to pour water (usually 1 or 1.5 parts of the water takes 1 or 1.5 parts of the grains), bring to a boil, to write 7-10 minutes and remove from the fire. Hold 5 minutes with a closed saucepan, shook with a towel. This method, despite the gentle thermal impact, still leads to the destruction of some useful elements of the separated product.

Green cocktail

It is much more efficient to "hide" the taste of buckwheat with sprouts, without detraining their advantages in cocktails, frisses and smoothies. Try to make a green cocktail from celery, cucumbers and greenery and add grocessed buckwheat to them. The mixture will be concentrated, so it is better to dilute with water. Clasting grains in kefir or other fermented fatty foods are low. When avitaminosis, it is recommended to combine sprouts with celery juice and a small amount of freshly squeezed bulb juice. Breed a drink with water.


Based on grains, it is possible to prepare a detox-makeup, shredding rye loaf and mixing them with grocessed buckwheat. The composition will turn out to be dry, so you need to add a bit of olive oil. For spices you can make greens, spices (cinnamon, ginger, red ground pepper). From the resulting "test" roll balls that can be used during the day. You can apply them to meat, salads.

How to store?

Spring buckwheat can be stored in the refrigerator no more than 3 days, so it is not necessary to prepare it in large quantities. If this nevertheless happened, you should leak in the electric grid, setting the temperature of 40-45 C. Drying time - 5-6 hours. You can keep dry grains up to a month - one and a half, after which they cease to bear the body's benefit. Dried grains are kept in a glass or ceramic container with a lid. To taste, buckwheat resembles nuts.

About how to germinate buckwheat, see the next video.

I have already told about how easy it is. Today I will tell you how to germinate Green buckwheat quickly and just at home, buckwheat is happening without mucus, and it can be used immediately into the food or for the preparation of other dishes.

We are washed buckwheat we pour clean filtered or good drinking water, depending on your capabilities. The time for soaking is only 1 hour, but nothing terrible will happen if a lot of time passes.

After soaking the buckwheat, it is necessary to drain all the water, be sure to leave all, do not leave anything! You can hold your hand itself buckwheat and drain the remaining droplets.

During this time, buckwheat was filled with water and ready to germination, it is now important to provide her "normal breathing", for this we distribute a wet buckwheat throughout the container for germination, it sticks well to the walls of the dishes, but despite this, choose better dishes with more flat And wide edges - it will facilitate the distribution of buckwheat. Now that our buckwheat is distributed by a thin layer, we cover it with breathable cloth - it can be a march or cotton towel.

After that, we remove the buckwheat into a warm dark place, excluding drafts, for example, to the kitchen cabinet. And wait. I don't need to mix anything or additionally, buckwheat germinates well. According to this method, it should germinate during the day, but it happens much earlier. After about 12 hours, buckwheat germinates.

Grocessed buckwheat is obtained without mucus, you can additionally rinse it, and it is ready for use. If you do not intend to eat it in the near future, it is better to remove it into the refrigerator, there are processes of further growth slow down.

The fact that buckwheat is very nutritious, you know, probably everything, and most are far from being too bad. But, except that it is nutritious, it is also very helpful. Many are accustomed to eat buckwheat in the form of a side dish or porridge. But to get useful substances from it to the maximum, you need not only to eat various dishes from this cereals, but also regularly use the seedlings of green buckwheat. Vitamins in them, as they say, "at times" more, and besides vitamins, there are various useful trace elements (and macroelements), as well as some enzymes. In general, the benefit brings not only germinated buckwheat, but many other cultures. This is oats, and nuts, and other cereals. Why germinated grain is much more useful for our body, let's figure out today on the example of buckwheat, and find out how to properly germinate.

Dust green buckwheat. What is it useful, and how to use it better?

Let's start with any germinated cereal. Here is the principle common for any culture. When grain begins to grow, then all the power that is in the bud at the moment is as much as possible. When using such grains, they give our body much more vitamins and various minerals than the grain in a dry state.

In addition, the seedlings have a large margin of vitamin C. A, it allows them to effectively treat us in various diseases, strengthen, plus to this, our immunity, and relieve from many viral infections. Young seedlings are still very rich in protein - per 100 grams of proteined protein grains account for 15 grams. All these beneficial properties of such "living" grains are well cleaned by our body and rejuvenate it. And, we give extra forces and energy.

Use of germinated buckwheat

As for Bucking, it is also very multifaceted in their useful qualities. Sundered buckwheat helps in the treatment of many bowel and stomach diseases. It is capable of clearing not only the stomach (eliminating us from constipation), but still well strengthens the vessels, and increases the elasticity of their walls. All these tasks solves such a substance as Rutin, which in such buckwheat is abused.

Green buckwheat is actively involved in blood formation. It makes our eyesight more acute, and the metabolism is more active.

How to germinate buckwheat without mucus?

Such a problem exists when a lot of unpleasant mucus is formed with improper germination. We will minimize its number, and exist the buckwheat correctly. To do this, take green buckwheat (300 grams), and 100 milliliters of water.

Buckle will first need to rinse, then fall asleep into the appropriate dishes. It is better if it is glass or ceramic. In form, you can take a bowl, or a pot. In the dishes, buckwheat pour uniformly with water, mix it and cover it with a loosely lid (can be put on a saucer). It is not necessary to endure buckwheat, let him stand in the room.

All water gradually absorbed into the grain, and they will begin to highlight the mucus, remove or flushing that is not needed. And so that the seedlings can freely breathe through this mucus, you need to help them, that is, mix them. During the day we do this time 2 or 3.

It will pass the day, buckwheat will wondering, he will germinate and can be eaten it. So that the sprouts are not spoiled in the future, place them in the refrigerator. There they will continue to grow, but will do it more slowly.