Who brought, made damage: how to find out? How to find out, understand whether you have a damage or a declamation at home yourself? Damage: how to find out who did on the egg? How to find out if there is a damage on a person: three ways available at home damage or

Who brought, made damage: how to find out? How to find out, understand whether you have a damage or a declamation at home yourself? Damage: how to find out who did on the egg? How to find out if there is a damage on a person: three ways available at home damage or
Who brought, made damage: how to find out? How to find out, understand whether you have a damage or a declamation at home yourself? Damage: how to find out who did on the egg? How to find out if there is a damage on a person: three ways available at home damage or

How to determine the evil eye or damage yourself ...
Take a plain glass glass, pour into it water from the crane (cold), put the glass on my head. Here you need small help from the side - someone takes an ordinary egg (it must be fresh), carefully split it over a glass with water, and the egg falls into the water. The most important thing is not to keep the egg in half a knife, but only to apply a crack and, breaking, pour into the water.
Hold the glass with the egg on the head half a minute, and better 2 minutes, and look at the glass, on the light. Damage or evil eye visible immediately. If they are not, then the water is completely transparent, and the yolk lies at the bottom of the squirrel. If, from the protein (yolk lies in itself) go to the surface of the thread, similar to the tentacles of jellyfish and the view of them of milk color, as the buddy cooked - something is not in order. It all depends on what the picture of the threads. There may be several types of them, some end with bubbles, then damage is serious. If the threads are thin or alone, then this is the evil eye. Sometimes it happens that after some time the threads fall at the bottom of the glass - it means that your enemy does not want you to know about it, that is, the exposure is afraid.

You learned that you have damage. Do not panic, do not cry. What was in the first defining glass should be poured into the toilet and say: "Let them return to who does it ..." further purchase 8 fresh eggs. Each evening before bedtime, eight days in a row pour into a glass of water, but do not put it on your head, and break the egg gently into the glass. Then put this glass with an egg in the headboard, so that the egg is opposite your head. The backs of the bed or sofa should not be between your head and egg in the glass. If it does not work, then it is better to sleep on the floor or the bed across the bed.

All 8 days the egg will clean you. It may be nausea, vomiting, temperature rise, dizziness - do not be afraid, it will pass. Tablets and doctors will not help you, so do not take anything. Each morning the picture in the glass will change. Pour the contents in the toilet with the words: "Let them return to who does it ...".

Depending on how much exposure to you, the result will be visible. This opaire must be done all 8 nights.

If after 8 night threads will still be visible in a glass, then damage to you is strong. In this case, it is better to contact a specialist.

However, before you go to anyone, make yourself a special driver, it also helps in removing damage.

Pour into a glass of water, throw a chinful salt there. Light a match and cross the water three times. Three times at the same time saying: "In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen". The burned match should be broken into three parts and throw in the water. If at least one of the three parts drowned, then it is very bad. Then you need to read 9 times over this water. The glass must be kept in your left hand and read so that the breath concerned the water (went ripple on the water during reading).

"In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Clean blood and heaven! Save and save the slave (y) of God (God) from any evil eye, from a bad hour, from female, from male, from children, from joyful, from hateful, from the conspiracy, from the negotiation! "

Then spray this water of the person who helps, or yourself. The remaining water needs to drink over the top three days. You need to drink on an empty stomach and in the morning.

This is one of the ways to determine the evil eye and damage yourself, as well as one way to help yourself in this situation, if you cannot immediately find someone who can help you.

Many people are confident that the surrounding health problems, in relations and affairs, is the result of a foreign negative impact. Schalza, and in more complex cases of damage, adult people with weakened their own energy, as well as children. A negative impact can be made not only on the part of ill-wishers, but also unconsciously from loved ones. There are many ways to find out if there is a damage on a person. Some of them are quite feasible at home, without help from the side.

The most common signs of damage are undefree headaches, a sharp deterioration in state of health and mood, which are interested in conflicts with others, frequent failures.

In critical cases, the harmful habits are aggravated by a spoiled person, diseases are exacerbated, relationships are crumbling and goes out of interest in life. To avoid bitter consequences, you should diagnose the energy impact with malicious intent and seek help from appropriate practices.

Symptoms and symptoms damage on a person

Most often, suspicion of damage arise if a healthy person has a sharply deteriorating well-being, and these sudden changes can not be logically associated with his lifestyle. In such cases, they remember whether there were no reasons for the enemies, if a person had provoked conflicts with unfriendly people, did the enemies appeared. One hundred percent sign of damage is the presence of in the house or at the work of losages with land, needles, hair, eggs and others. The relationship of bad relationships and ailments arising is one of the signs of evil magical impact. At the level of the physical body, the damage is immediately manifested by the following symptoms:

  • malaise, weakness;
  • headache;
  • sleep disorders;
  • lack of appetite;
  • aggravation of chronic diseases;
  • the emergence of new diseases and injuries.

These signals of the body are not eliminated, and require a special approach to non-traditional treatments. The next step of action is deterioration of psychological and peaceful health. It is given such signs:

  • despondency, apathy, depression;
  • nausea and yawning in the church;
  • feelings of loneliness, resentment, anxiety;
  • suicidal desires;
  • aggravation of phobias;
  • aggravation of dependencies;
  • conflict.

Spoiled people, more often than usual, break and lose their personal belongings. They are more others susceptible to hazards in connection with accidents, fires and accidents.

Each is useful to know not only signs of negative magical impact, but household ways to determine whether it is on a person. Verified by any generation methods of diagnosing damage and the evil eye helps to learn about their availability in time and take appropriate measures.

The most popular is to use candles, water and eggs for this purpose, but there are many others. The following describes simple and efficient household ways to find out if there is a damage on a person.

Diagnostics with a candle

  1. Grilled church candle put in a glass with grain or salt. Between the glass and man put it with any personal thing (wallet, decoration, etc.). Watching the candle burns. If her flame is smooth, then with the victim everything is in order. The soon improving the well-being and state of affairs says fire with sparks. But the weak tongue of the flame indicates the presence of a non-coil evil eye or damage. If the candle smokes is a sign that the damage is damaged.
  2. There is another way to diagnose someone else's negative impact with a candle. Around yourself or a person who helps, water the lit church candles. Smooth burning of the candle - it good sign, and crash, smoke and extinction are fascinated. Probably on the affected damage.

Definition of damage to wax

  1. Over the head of a person hold an empty plate, and pour into her melted natural wax. When it freezes, characterize the resulting image. Smooth figures are formed if the person is healthy and energetically strong. Pumps and lumps indicate the presence of a declamation or damage. Strong negative intervention is issued wax, which froze the slide, and the long-standing and outdated magic effects - pores and holes in the figure.
  2. Abstramed, a container with melted wax holds over the head of the victim. Then it is poured with a thin flowing into the water. According to the resulting rinks, they will find out, there are signs of damage on a person. If it turned out even damn, figures with rounded shapes, you can calm down. The curve drawing, the presence of bubbles and convexities indicates the presence of intentional evil intervention.

How to find out if there is a damage with water and milk

  1. A man breathes into a glass with water. After that, he is hiding in a dark cool place until the next day. Clean water in a glass means everything is in order. Linked or spoiled - there is an evil magical effect.
  2. In the bucket of milk, the knife dropped on fire and read a plot: "The demon himself and the spirit itself in the house are sitting on the courtyard. And if they are sitting, then I will release them, outstanding. As the knife in the water will enter, so everything will disappear. Amen". For several hours are observed for milk. If it curled or skis, then damage is made.

Two ways to diagnose damage with eggs

  1. Fresh egg Break into a glass with water. It is not long held on the theme, after which they consider the contents. If the egg is integer, the water is clean, then there is no impact. If bubbles appeared in the glass, and the egg was tightened, that is, the evil eye or damage. This means bubbles, as if the egg is boiled. If the protein rose by pillars, then done on personal and family life. If there is a black point in the egg, then illness is hunt.
  2. Broken the fresh egg into a glass with holy water and put it in bed. Nutro check what has changed. If anything, everything with a man is normal. If the contents of the glass dried and darkened, that is, damage.

Gold ring for rapid detection

Since childhood, some know that mom or grandmother, if the child is unexpectedly falling and capricious, spend the wedding ring on his cheeks. This is one of the express ways, how to determine the damage.

To make it yourself, just wash your face and hands, and then spend the cheek or wrist the edge of the Golden Ring. The remaining dark mark on the skin is a sign of damage.

Two ways with salt find damage

  1. They sew a small bag of natural fabric and fill its ordinary salt. This sachet is put on the bed for three days. If, after such a term, salt remained, as it was, then everything is fine with a person. If she crumpled, hardened or darkened, that is, the evil eye or damage.
  2. Three tablespoons of salt on a hot frying pan are poured. They read a short conspiracy: "Salt earth, road dust. Gorge, damage, fire. Amen". If there is a damage, salt will darken.

Three match diagnostic methods

There are several ways to determine the symptoms of damage with matches.

  1. Take two matches and put a glass of water in front of them. Mentally ask whether there is a damage or evil eye on the person. Then, lifting one match above the glass and repeating the question, without looking throwing it into the water. The same is repeated with the second. According to the position of matches in the glass, the presence of foreign negative intervention is determined:
  • If they lie separately, do not come into contact, then everything is in order.
  • If the matches somehow touch each other, that is, the evil eye.
  • Intersecting matches indicate the presence of damage.
  1. In the hands of a glass of water. Then put it in front of them. They light the match and, the maximum of its opaliv, thrown into the water. All is well, if the glass is not sinking. If he went to the bottom, it indicates a damage made.
  2. Mentally ask whether there is a negative impact on a person and throw an arbitrary number of matches into any capacity with water. According to their position, the answer to the assigned question is learned:
  • If they do not intersect, they are free - no damage.
  • Contacts, tilted to the bottom - there is a evil eye.
  • Potted - hooks damage.

Other methods

There are many other ways to diagnose damage at home. For example, with the help of a mirror, cats, coffee, etc. if necessary, their descriptions can be found independently. To identify magical intervention, you should use one or more of the most convenient ways in a particular case.

The occurrence of spontaneous diseases and unfortunate failures in life can be the result of a negative magical impact - damage. It is necessary to carry out the rapid diagnosis of the energy of the affected person if suspicions of this kind of influence appear.

Many ways to check whether there is a damage, allow you to do it yourself at home, but it is recommended to refer to the appropriate specialists in difficulties.

Knowledge of the main symptoms and signs of deliberately causing evil provide a quick response to the problem, and as a result, its timely decision.

Is it possible to independently determine the negative impact on yourself and how to determine the evil eye or damage? You can not always appeal for diagnostics to the signs and sorcerers, as finding qualified assistance. Since ancient times, our ancestors have determined magical impacts with the help of improvised drugs and knew how to provide themselves and native help. Consider the methods of self-diagnosis of the evil eye and damage.

Many people are interested in: how to find out yourself, is there damage or evil eye on me? Usually, such a question is beginning to be interested in the sudden decline of forces, renewal of cured diseases or with constant bad luck. If the decline is impossible to explain the seasonal shortage of vitamins, it is necessary to diagnose for negative energy In the field of a person.

If the cured diseases suddenly appear or the temperature rises, it is necessary to immediately find out what state is the power. The infinite series of failures cannot be considered a normal phenomenon: this always indicates the introduction of alien energies in the man's biofield.

Simple methods of diagnosis of the evil eye

With black bread You can reveal the presence of a evil eye on a person. From the evening, put a glass with water in the room next to you. In the morning, take a piece of black bread into the right hand and keep a couple of minutes in your hand. At this time, it is impossible to concentrate thoughts on ritual, it is better to remove it from everything. Put a piece into a glass: if he goes to the bottom in a minute, you have been smoothed. If it floats on the surface for a long time, the energy is in order.

Same rites can be held with a match. Google the match and keep it until it burns more than half. Then throw a match into a glass with water. If you drown in a minute, you have been smoothed. If it holds on the surface for a long time, there is no evil eye.

Easily on overaves and amulets. If you have a protective amulet, when attacking alien energy, it deforms: crawl, it will take it, it will break or get lost. Magages advise everyone to have coated items to protect against accidental or directional energy.

Detection of the unlocked coal

Three coal (or completely burned matches) will help to identify the evil eye on a person. If all the coals drowned, there is a evil eye on the man. Negative can be immediately if we wash the face of the patient with this water and drink.

Before the rite should cross the glass with water and herself, saying: "Lord, Homes." When you lower the coal, tell me:

Carms can drown for two reasons: due to human disease and due to the evil eye. However, if a person is not smoothed, he will not react to the rite. If the patient was smoothed, after drowning the coals, he will yawny, squeeze or experience the attack of nausea. Then you should read a special conspiracy on the water and wash the patient, and also give to drink from the glass.

Diagnosis of stones

How to determine the evil eye and damage using conventional stones? To do this, hold 3 pebbles in your hands. Stones do not have information about the human aure and give a sign. Shipping the table with a clean tablecloth (it must be done, even if you never have a tablecloth on the table), put the container with water and lower the stones in turn. It should be said like this:

"The first stone from God,
Second from wind
The third of people. "

If the first stone in the water is in the water, it means that you have done God - blame only yourself in punishment. If the second stone is notched, you smoothed a random person. The third stone will tell about a person from a close environment that envies you and secretly wishes evil.

What should I do if any stone slaughter in the water? We need to go out and pour water with stones on the left side of yourself. At the same time, such words should be said:

Signs of damage

The damage is a dangerous negative program that destroys the human biopol and can lead to serious illness or death. Plow must be removed to save a patient from a difficult fate. The damage will never leave the challenge of this magic program - to destroy a person. How to find out if you have a damage or evil eye, and what to do?

You can talk about damage if:

  • a man refuses to wear a native cross - he became unpleasant for him;
  • a person does not make a church atmosphere, although he was happy to visit the temple with pleasure;
  • a person can not look into his pupils in the mirror - does not endow her own sight;
  • the girl or young man cannot find his soul mate - the relationship does not fold;
  • the man is thinning the day from day day under normal nutrition;
  • a man is rapidly gaining weight with a small amount of food per day;
  • you found strange items, water or land under the door;
  • cool candles in the church are not lit or immediately fucked - this is damage to death.

Also signs of damage are the following deviations:

  • insomnia and nightmares;
  • daily bouts of headaches;
  • feeling of hopelessness and fear;
  • invasion into the house of mice, cockroaches or ants;
  • lack of desire to do something, constant decay of forces;
  • the man feels sick, and the diagnoses in the clinic is normal.

Also a sign of damage is unpleasant feeling in the spine, especially in the field of blades. This suggests that damage began its destructive action.

Church candle definition

How to determine the damage or evil eye? There are several ways to identify negative impacts with the help of church candle. Most. simple method Is meditation to a candle. Put the candlestick in the candlestick, the table is copied with a clean tablecloth or make a cut of white fabric. Install the candle at a distance of 25-30 cm from myself and look at the flame.

  • If the flame candle is clean, burns smoothly, there are no negative programs on the person.
  • If the flame is smooth, but dim, aura is amazed by a slogony.
  • If the flame is smooth, but rises high, and the candle of cracks and the wax swells with dirty drops, there is a damage, but so far does not show itself.
  • If the candle smokes, the damage has broken in the aura and began to destroy the person.

You can determine availability of damage on a person by photography. For diagnostics, a recent shot is suitable where a person is depicted one. The photo of the hands / legs should not be crossed - it disrupts the stream of energy in the body. Capture the image from left to right and read ours "Father". Watch the candle behavior: are described above.

Method with black cloth

How to determine damage and evil eye yourself? To diagnose, you need to take a black handkerchief without patterns or a cut of black fabric. A person should sit on a chair with a straight back, you need to throw the material on my head. Another person lights a church candle, keeps her in right hand And reads "Our Father" 9 times. If the diagnostic becomes bad, it means that there is a damage.

Method with a gold ring

Intenit face with soap so that the traces of cosmetics remain. Swipe the wedding ring on the cheeks. If a dark trail remained on the skin, there is a damage.

Method with egg

How to determine the evil eye and damage with the help of an egg? Need to pour into a faceted glass clean water, cover with cloth and put in a dark place at 3-4. Next, it should be carefully broken into the water a raw egg and drive a glass over the topic, reading "Our Father". Hand movement - right, clockwise. Then look at the contents of the glass: if white threads stretch from the egg, it means that there is a damage.

A few more ways to determine and remove the curse, see in the video:

The main sign that damage was made on you - a cardinal change in mood, constant irritability, quick temper, aggression to others. A person can laugh and immediately cry. Simultaneously with impaired psyche, changes are occurring in the surrounding environment. For example, when the betrayal, disappointment, quarrels and scandals become permanent guests on your vitality.

A black cat is considered a symbol of failure. However, the owners of such pets are never terrible, neither the evil eye or damage. Animals masterfully distinguish all the unclean power from their owner.

Often damage or accompanied by a sharp deterioration of well-being. Frequent colds, heart disease, eye, dizziness, nausea or general sluggish condition can also be signs of bad effect.

How to determine the damage or evil eye

Install the fact of the presence of a declamation or damage can be several ways. Very often you can hear the Council - spend the golden decoration on the cheek and in the presence of a black band you can be sure that you are damaged. Damage skin may indicate some diseases, but not. To trust such a method is not worth it.

You can smooth out a person without evil intent, so never let it look for yourself or your child. Tell yourself at such moments - "Take yourself, what you want."

Another popular method is damage or evil eye with a raw egg. This option is most effective. Often, damage to a person with the help of these products. Hold the raw egg in the palms, spend them on your face and body, and then scatter. If the mixture has spoiled, then you are damped or evil eye. A similar method can be determined a bad effect on another person. Only the procedure must be carried out while he sleeps.

Plug and church candles against damage and evil eye

Determine the damage or evil eye can be using a conventional pin. Print it on the inside of your clothes and wear a few days. If a rust appeared on the gland, then someone very much wants you evil.

Be sure to inspect your apartment and try to remember everyone who has been in it lately. The fact is that the most common methods of pointing the damage is to throw up some objects. Serious concerns you have to cause old things, earth, salt, dry grass or incomprehensible items resembling garbage. When discovering such traces, you need to get rid of them right away.

Buy a few candles in the church. Light them, putting at different angles in the apartment. One candle is burning and come around with it all the rooms. At the same time, you can read the prayer "Our Father". Follow the flame. If it smokes, worries or constantly goes out, then there was a detractor in your house. Pay attention to the places of "special danger". It is likely that the assessed items are located there.

It is believed that the St. John's wort is a real protector from the evil eye or damage. Decorations are recommended to drink both as prevention and with obvious symptoms of bad impact.


Most people in the event of suspicion or damage, immediately hurry to fortune tellands, clairvoyant or magicians. It is necessary to do this only in extreme cases. Go to the church, repent of sins, wish happiness to your friends and even unfintellers. Light your apartment and buy a native cross. Such methods will be more efficient than the likelihood of getting to the charlatan.

The life of a modern person consists of black and white stripes. And this is quite normal, because around us in society there may be a huge number of events that somehow affect the life line. Most of us relate to this alternation completely in the event that good luck and bad luck can be logically explained. But the protracted black band, which be destructive, always suggests the idea of \u200b\u200bnegative sidelines. Therefore, it is important to know how to determine the damage.

Before learning how to determine the damage on a person, you should know how signs can be suspected of a negative impact. First, it is important to listen to your intuition, it usually rarely deceives.

And if there is a solid internal belief, you should pay attention to the following external symptoms:

    Fast fatigue; insomnia; the emergence of suicide thoughts; the appearance of thrust to alcohol or drugs; the appearance of internal fear, the development of phobias.

To confirm suspicion, baptized people need to go to the temple. As a rule, people are under the influence of negative external influence in the church, discomfort comes, and they cannot stand near the images and look at the flames of burning candles.

Having wondered how to determine the damage, you can pay attention to other signs. It:

    Frequent quarrels with others and the emergence of feelings that no one understands you; permanent financial losses; problems with the continuation of the genus with an absolutely healthy body approving physicians; the emergence of internal hostility towards its appearance.

Close people can determine damage along the running look and the appearance of habits often sigh. In addition, a depressive state should be alert, which is always a negative impact satellite.

The first thing that damage is affected is the emotional state of a person. And if it is very difficult for him to suspect something wrong, then loved ones must necessarily pay attention to the change in its nature for the worse. As a rule, the person who has a negative program is induced. Irritate on trifles, which was not noticed for him earlier. An explicit symptom of external negative impact is inexplicable mood differences.

Since under the influence of negative, the victim begins to see the world In dark colors, then people who are damaged by damage are in constant depression. Against the background of this, they begin to think about suicide. Since the damage leads to the fact that the endless band of failures and bad luck comes, then it is systematically bringing a person to the awareness of the meaninglessness of life. It is necessary, first of all, to understand that some negative programs are directed precisely to bring a person to suicide. Sometimes it is achieved by the fact that the victim hears the voices calling for suicide, or any hallucinations of the same orientation may appear.

The victim of damage, they can often pursue obsessive ideas. This may indicate that they are manipulated with the help of magic. If you strong man, In the event of any strange insurmountable desires that are shocking others, you should think about your ideas.

Very often, people with well developed natural intuition are experiencing bad premonitions. In addition, they have a decrease in self-esteem. For example, a person may be unhappy with his image in the mirror, although close people tell him about what he looks good.

To the question of how to determine whether there is a damage, to answer absolutely simple. There is a huge number of different ways. But it is possible to suspect damage immediately after the loss of a native cross or other an important amulet for you, and sometimes just dear decorations for you. In addition, it testifies to the energy attack and the fact that the person becomes unpleasant to touch the sanctified water and other church attributes. Also it becomes difficult to enter the temple. But such signs can only manifest themselves from sincerely believers.

For example, you can use magical and healing properties Herbal grass. It needs to be twisted in the house at the corners of the residential premises. If the grass in your bedroom dries faster than in other rooms, then you have a slogony or damage. The thing is that during sleeping is a splash of human energy, and if it is negative, then St. John's wort, trying to look at it, quickly faded.

Determine the damage or evil eye will help, also, pets. Especially sensitive to the cat's negative. They cease to come to contact with the owner at which damage is damaged or the evil eye and do not allow himself to iron. And with a strong negative, a gentle animal, becoming aggressive and may even attack.

It is possible to determine the presence of damage or evil eye with a pair of fresh chicken eggs. To do this, you need to put a cup that is filled with cold water and gently split two eggs from homemade chicken into it. Of course, such a ritual is independently quite difficult, so the assistant will need.

After that, it is necessary to sit within a couple of minutes, and then consider the state of the eggs:

    If the yolk is in protein and the broken egg itself has stored an oval shape, then the damage is not, and poor well-being or bad luck is not caused by an external negative; if the yolk separated, and threaded structures appeared in the protein, it means that you are not a strong damage or evil eye. Moreover, if the threads relate to the day of the bowl, then this is damage; the bubbleness of the protein is evidenced about serious negative effects.

Similar information about the presence of damage or evil eye can be obtained, if you carefully break a homemade chicken egg into a jar with water and put it on the night of the head of the head.

Various church attributes may indicate the presence of damage. For believers, the most suitable rite is a ritual with candles. For diagnosis, three church candles should be purchased. Candles brought from the temple must be lit, retaining in a separate room. It is necessary to distract from all household problems, focusing on the desire to find out if you are damaged. When you realize that you have it, you should start reading the prayers that you know. It is advisable to start reading the prayer with the "Our Father". Also, an effective prayer for this case is the prayer of the Most Holy Mother of God. It is allowed to use in ritual and any other prayers, but it is important to pre-learn them by heart and pronounce phrases, not stamped.

When reading a prayer, you need, without breaking, look at the flame of one of the candles. At the end, it is necessary to stand up with a procession three times. If, during such a rite, the candle was buried brightly, and the flame was even, then you have no negative program. Your poor well-being can be explained by some other reasons, and sometimes with a light domestic evil eye. In this case, it is not necessary to conduct a rite of damage to damage, it is enough to carry out the ceremony of cleansing and put protection.

If the candles during the reading of prayers began to smoke, and their flames began to sway in different directions, then the person has a negative program. In this case, you should not spend time to find out who brought damage to you, and you need to take it.

There is a very demonstrative sign of damage or a strong evil eye. The person who imposes a negative program cannot cross the threshold of the Church. Sometimes, to determine the damage of the magicians, the burning church candle to the chakras area is observing the flames behave. But this method requires a professional approach and not suitable for self-use.

To determine the damage, believers can do the following:

    Buy three church candles; retarding, to light the candles; read all the well-known prayers of "Our Father" and "God will resurrect"; prayed in his words to the Most Holy Virgin; three times to put himself with a cross.

After that, you need to pay attention to the flames of candles. If it starts to sneak strongly, as if from the blow of the wind, and it means that it is damaged by damage.

Diagnosis with wax

Also, often the presence of a negative impact is determined by natural wax. To do this, it is necessary to hold a ritual in which the assistance of another person will need. Of course, it should be a close relative or a friend to whom you completely trust.

In order to determine the damage, the following steps must be performed:

    Melt a few waxes church candles On the steam bath; pour the melted wax into the bowl of water to the bowl with water, which you need to keep over your head, who has suspicion of damage; in the process of pouring the wax to pronounce such magic words:

    "I am not waving wax, but damage to the slave (s) of God (s) (human name). I appeal to the Most Holy Theotokos with a request to collect all the heavenly patrons and help the slave (s) of God (s) (human name). Amen".

    It is necessary to give wax to cool and at this time continuously read the prayer "Father our".

The resulting wax figure you need to carefully consider:

    If it is smooth with small waves, there are no damages; if it has pronounced flaws, a person is under negative impact and it is urgent to get rid of it.

Methods for diagnosis for which an egg is used since ancient times. The advantages of such methods are that the egg is a living structure, and therefore it partially pulls the negative energy already at the time of its definition.

For diagnostics it is better to use fresh egg from homemade chicken. It has a greater energy force, so it can be detected even a minimum negative program.

Initially, you need to take an egg and imitate some time in his palms, filling the natural attribute of its own energy. Then you need to start driving the egg along the whole body. Such a process should last at least five minutes. After that, the egg should be divided into a pre-prepared liter can with clean water.

It is possible to prevent or the absence of a negative program as an egg in a bank:

    If yolk broke, then there is a gap in biofield - it means that you are convicted strong damagePerhaps death. If you see that the protein is muddy, it means that damage began to work actively and serious diseases develop in your body. The more in white threads, web-like formations in protein, the worse the state of your health and should urgently remove the damage. If the protein is transparent and there is a small amount of web in it, it indicates a light damage, induced non-professional, that is, it is not difficult It will get rid of themselves. If there is a large number of air bubbles on the entire surface of the egg, then it indicates that there are holes in biofield, and most likely the reason for this is the household damage or the evil eye. If the protein looks well, but the protein is clean, This indicates that the negative program is aimed at limiting a person, that is, the victim always feels dependent and not free. But if there are bubbles in the foaming yolk in protein, it testifies to damage on the torment, which is very dangerous and almost always leads to a fatal outcome. The surrounding yolk and muddy protein indicate a damage to death, which has already started actively working.

In addition, there are more simple ways Definitions of damage by eggs. For one of them, a jar with water must hold over a few minutes over a person's head, and then split the egg prepared egg into it. For another way, you need to break the jar fresh egg, and then put it from the head of the night. In the morning, as a state of the egg, it will be possible to draw conclusions about the absence and availability of damage.

Help detect damage can a black cat. If you do not have an animal of such a color, then you need to bring from the street. Within a few days, the animal should be mastered in your housing. After that, you should take a cat that has already become accustomed to you. If the animal starts to break down, it indicates a strong deterioration. If the black cat lives in your home, then its behavior will change much after the owner will be subjected to an energy attack. An animal will begin to behave very restlessly, the cat will not be able to sit for a long time in one place and it will begin to rush along the premises. There is an old way to determine damage with matches. To do this, you will need to use new boxes of matches and water tank. First, you should get three matches and squeeze them in your hand, thus transmitting your energy. After that, you need to reveal the palm and arbitrarily contact them with a request to promptly, if you have a negative program. Then the matches alone are ignited and rushed into the water. The decoding is performed as follows:
    If all matches do not sink and at the same time float on the surface, without intersecting, this indicates that the damage is missing; if the matches crossed and lean down, then, most likely, you were smoothed; if the matches dropped inside the water, then this indicates On damage.
Determine the damage will also help the nettle, the color of the linden and the oregano. These plants must be collected on the edge of the forest. Herbs need to be pre-grinding and dried. After that, it is necessary to add them to the container and pour boiling water. Above that infusion it is necessary to read the prayer "Our Father". After the decoction is imagining it, you need to drink yourself together with the members of my family. If, after that, someone has sharp headaches, it means that there is a damage on this person. We can also determine damage with the help of the Hypericum. His twigs should be twisted at all corners of the rooms of their home. The strongest smell will be in the premises, where the most time is spent on a person who is damaged. Like the method is the definition of damage with the help of a gold ring. It is pre-rinsed it three times under running water using soap. In addition, you need to care thoroughly. This is performed in order to remove all cosmetics. After that, the ring need to spend on the cheek and pay attention to whether any trace remains. If it is, it means that there is a damage on a person. If you suspected what someone tried to harm or discovered some signs that talk about possible damage, then it should be diagnosed as soon as possible. Such an approach is a guarantee of timely assistance and preventing the body's destruction. Upgrade damage is very important, as it guarantees the timely removal of the negative and minimizing the damage to the protective energy field of the person.