Female alcoholism consequences. External signs of alcoholism in women. Female alcoholism: Stages

Female alcoholism consequences. External signs of alcoholism in women. Female alcoholism: Stages
Female alcoholism consequences. External signs of alcoholism in women. Female alcoholism: Stages


Alcohol rivers overpowered modern society. Unhealthy addiction destroys people's lives. Female alcoholism is especially dangerous, because the health of the beautiful half of the population needs to be preserved.

Periodic use of alcoholic beverages does not benefit, but not too dangerous. This problem is systematic boys. A constant increase in dose causes persistent alcoholism in women, to get rid of which each day is more complicated.

What is female alcoholism?

Alcohol addiction in women is a disease of psycho-drug treatment. Excessive use of alcohol leads to the affix of the tissues of the brain and internal organs.

Note. Our body needs a small amount of alcohol to regulate metabolic processes. A safe dose is 50 ml of a strong drink. The liver is able to cope with such an ethanol without consequences. However, constant use of even such a small amount of alcohol guaranteed will lead to the formation of an unhealthy habit.

Progression alcohol addiction accompanied by an increase in the daily dose. Internal organs do not have time to "neutralize" alcohol, so the accumulation of toxins arises. Negative effects applies to liver, kidney, heart and brain cells. Violated work nervous system.

Features of female alcoholism

Statistics show that over the past 10 years, women's alcohol addiction is gaining the pace. Approximately 16% of women in our country suffer from this disease. At the same time, the average age varies from 20 to 25 years.

Unlike male, female alcoholism is less pronounced. The problem is rather psychological character. Women are experiencing emotionally to respond to any situations that often leads to the emergence of neurotic states.

Attempts to overcome depression with alcohol, do not end in any good: control over the amount of drunk, hangover is enhanced, the ruses occur more and more often. In parallel, social degradation and impaired psyche are observed.

Specialists argue that women are increasing faster to alcohol. However, this does not mean that personal degradation also comes faster. The reason for this is a deterrent factor. So, a man can visit the middle itself, but at some point he can take himself in hand, stop drinking and quickly get rid of any signs of the feed. An excellent half of humanity such volitional efforts are much harder.

True, some features of female alcoholism do not differ from male addiction to alcohol. For example, excuses and justification. Everyone has a denial of all, like the phrase: "I have no problems with alcohol." From drinking women You can also hear empty promises to quit or encoded - a visit to the doctor is constantly postponed.

Causes of female alcoholism

Wine and low-alcohol cocktails are the main reason that the woman and alcohol become inseparable. Excessive drinks do not cause strong intoxication, so those surrounding do not immediately notice the problem.

It should be started to fight alcoholism as soon as possible, but due to the lack of external critics, it is very difficult to realize the problem. Alone to cope with the disease, few people succeed, but to turn to the narcologist scary - the fear of public censure does not allow to consult a doctor.

Women get used to alcohol faster

In Western countries, the experience of emotional difficulties in a specialist's office is quite common practice. We also have suffering from alcohol addiction, a woman will hide the problem until the last moment. In the meantime, the ability to quickly overcome alcoholism will be given.

Unique patterns of disease development

Nature so ordered that the female organism is more susceptible to some diseases, and a thrust for alcohol is one of them.

  • Psycho-emotional instability. In the work of the female brain, intuitive thinking prevails. This explains the increased emotionality and tendency to depressions. Accordingly, stressful situations adversely affect the processes occurring in the highest sections of the CNS.
  • Liver sensitivity. The toxic effect of alcohol on the fabric of the internal organs is exacerbated by the inability of enzyme systems to cope with the processing of ethanol. Such physiological features explain why even small doses of alcohol can have a strong effect on the female organism. For the same reason, the destruction of the liver in women is faster transformed into cirrhosis.
  • Fragile nervous system. Substances with an active action, including alcohol, are able to damage the neural bonds of the female brain. So, in the first stages of addiction, a slowdown in the transfer of nerve pulses is observed.
  • Slow metabolism. This feature of the female body explains slow blood circulation and a weak excretory function. Alcohol processing products do not have time to be excreted and accumulated in the body.
  • Large volume of venous vessels. For this reason, the impact on organ-tanks (spleen, liver and leather) is the strongest.
  • Undustable BC. The barrier between the blood and nervous systems responsible for maintaining the homeostasis of the brain is practically absent. This membrane should prevent the propagation of toxins by nervous tissues through blood vessels. Since neurons are practically not protected, alcohol penetrates them without obstacles.

There is a different cause of female alcoholism. For example, the incompatibility of the spree of ethanol and sex hormones. All these factors involuntarily form a detrimental habit.

Stages of alcoholism in women

The problem is developing quickly and unnoticed. First decreases self-criticism, then negation comes. Any comments from friends and relatives are simply ignored. Moving all the stages of female alcoholism, the disease acquires a heavy form: dysfunction of most organs and resistant abstinence syndrome.

The decrease in the vomit reflex is the most important symptom indicating the development of alcoholism. Due to the toxins accumulating in the body, the excitability of the department in the brain responsible for the vomiting function is reduced.

Doctors advise watching symptoms, since they will help you to diagnose the problem on time. Depending on the stage of alcoholism, the manifestation of the disease may vary.

The first stage - the beginning of the dependence

At this stage an abnormal addiction to alcoholic beverages is formed. Faced with any difficulties, in a family or at work, an irresistible desire to console yourself with drinking will appear.

Every time a woman succumb to this desire, the habit of drinking is strengthened. All protective mechanisms built on logic are disconnected. Thus, alcoholism flows into a more stable shape.

Second stage - the appearance of abstineent syndrome

At this stage, the symptoms indicate that a persistent dependence has been developed. If you do not drink, irritation of opioid receptors occurs. The structure of neurons is not yet affected, however, the psychological need for alcohol has already appeared.

The characteristic feature is frequent rips. The body gradually collapsing, premature signs of aging appear.

According to statistics, the majority of women suffering from alcoholism are at this stage of the disease.

Third stage - irreversible consequences

The most launched and difficult stage of the disease. Degenerative changes occur in the body: the structure of the brain tissues is disturbed, the internal organs suffer, the operation of receptors are suppressed.

At the third stage of alcoholism alcohol becomes a way of life. Because of the impaired psyche and diseases of the organs, the woman is constantly in stressful situation, so drinks increasingly.

To withdraw an alcoholic from this state is very difficult. Doctors note frequent recurrences, and in some cases, the fatal outcome.

In the third stage of alcoholism alcohol becomes a way of life

Symptoms and signs of alcoholism in women

Due to progressive dependence, it is very difficult to observe yourself how the disease is manifested. At this point, the responsibility for the cure to go to friends and relatives (especially those who lead a healthy lifestyle).

Incessant drunkenness leads to the fact that people who are not drawn into this dangerous habit are gradually disappeared from the environment. It is not necessary to hope for the help of "comrades" by misfortune. Therefore, it is important to diagnose alcoholism at the stage of its formation.

The first signs of alcoholism in women

Narcologists advise paying attention to the following symptoms and signs. They can manifest themselves both individually and groups, at the same time.

  • Inspection in drinks. A thrust appears to alcohol, and everything is used in a row. A beginner alcoholic comes up with various reasons to drink.
  • Negation of the problem. Criticism from the side is perceived negatively. Any comments on the possible formation of dependencies are ignored.
  • Increased dose. To achieve the desired stage of intoxication, every time you need to drink more and more. It is very important to notice the first signs of alcoholism in women, because while the amount of daily drinking alcohol is small, get rid of the problem easier.
  • Loss of appetite. Alcohol dulls the feeling of hunger. Over time, the woman ceases to eat even strong drinks.
  • Change interests. If earlier there were some hobbies, now their place has completely taken alcohol.
  • Unimportant. The addiction to alcohol can be expressed in closets. Communication occurs only in the circle of the same people, which leads to the loss of basic values.
  • Irritability. Inadequate behavior is the usual manifestation of alcohol addiction. A woman begins to reveal more and sad.
  • Intellectual degradation. Due to the fact that the alcohol takes everything free time, the woman ceases to develop the mind and reduces the level of self-criticism.
  • Irresponsibility. Emergency attitude to work and financial condition as a whole appears. Any free funds go to buying a drink.

The state worsens at the same time progressing the disease. Symptoms are layered alone on another, make it difficult to diagnose.

Launched case

Late signs of female alcoholism when dependence reached its peak, have a more expressive character.

For example, a face swelling appears, and the skin acquires a blue shade. Due to the destruction of the liver and the development of the stomach cirrhosis begins to grow. The dysfunction of the nervous system leads to shallow tremors in hand and legs.

The effect of alcohol on the appearance of a woman

Have you ever thought about what female alcoholism leads to? First of all, the dependence is affected by the person - the characteristic "alcohol appearance" appears.

First, external changes are insignificant: subtime and inflamed eyes. If there was a short, these symptoms will disappear independently.

When the problem becomes chronic, but still moderate, women on the face appear early wrinkles. Alcohol addiction also leads to a set excess weight and deterioration of hair.

Unlike men, the external signs of alcoholism in women appear rapidly. Lovers to drink should be prepared for certain transformations of their appearance:

  • extension of pores, flaws the skin as a whole;
  • the red face resembles the attack of fever;
  • the place of deaths becomes dry and flabby;
  • facials loses clarity, face as if "flows";
  • mimic wrinkles and folds are becoming deep;
  • dark circles are formed around the eye;
  • there is a deformation of lips and nose;
  • the hair becomes dull, thin and begin to fall out;
  • the posture and coordination of movements in general is disturbed.

Accelerated old age - this is how alcohol affects female appearance.

Treatment of female alcoholism

Despite the widespread opinion, as if female alcoholism is incurable, it is possible to get rid of dependence. The first step towards health - recognition of the existence of the problem. As long as a woman does not understand that he has lost control, even the most expensive drugs will be powerless.

As soon as the psychological barrier will be overcome, it is necessary to contact drug Dispensary. The staff of the medical center will help determine the stage of the disease, after which they will make an individual program.

In modern medicine, the following methods of treating female alcoholism are used:

  • psychological advice, assistance of a psychotherapist;
  • procedures detoxification of the body;
  • the formation of disgust to alcohol with medicines;
  • injections for blocking opioid receptors;
  • hypnosis, psychotherapy and other coding methods;
  • fighting the pathological problems of internal organs.

As a supplement you can use folk methods. Home recipes well help cope with a hangover and eliminate the external signs of the feed. Read more about each of the methods, read in the article treatment of female alcoholism on our website.

Consequences and complications of alcoholism

Like any form of addiction, addiction to alcohol leads to irreversible consequences. Education of children, care for husband, career growth - all this becomes impossible.

Social consequences

Alcohol abuse is able to destroy the family. Gentle feelings are hiding under swollen face and dirty clothing. Natives can no longer tolerate drunkenness, neighbors look with condemnation and even the rate in the courtyard runs away in fear.

Statistics show that children drinking mothers are more susceptible to the same disease than their peers from healthy families.

Consequences for the woman herself

Alcohol destroys everything: both psyche and internal organs. In medical practice, there are cases when the dependence has become the cause of death.

Alcoholism patients are more likely to suffer from degenerative brain diseases. The level of intelligence is noticeably reduced, the reaction deteriorates and mental deviations appear.

Conclusion and output

Expensive procedures and medicines cannot completely eliminate the effects of alcoholism in women. The final recovery continues and after the rehabilitation course in the clinic.

It is important to surround a woman care and support it. Let it be engaged in a favorite thing and does not contact with alcohol. It is necessary to complete the restoration of the psyche so that life comes to normal. Therefore, in addition to the attention of relatives, it is recommended to observe the psychotherapist.

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About feminine alcoholism speak much less frequently than about male. Often the idea that a beautiful sex representative may be susceptible to such a detrimental preference, simply does not fit in the head. Wife, mother, custodian of a family hearth - can she drown their problems in a bottle of alcohol? Alas, life examples often prove to us that this trouble can overtake any person, regardless of gender.

The first signs of female alcoholism

Alcoholic with experience recognize is easy - in appearance, behavior, habits. But the success of treatment is higher, if you apply for medical care at the first signs of alcoholism, and it is much more difficult to notice them. The problem is that women alcohol dependence is formed faster than a strong floor. This is due to the fact that the female organism is more sensitive to alcoholic beverages, as it is less enzymes that contribute to the splitting of alcohol.

This explains the fact that for the occurrence of intoxication, a woman needs not so much alcohol. And if men have a persistent dependence on an average of 7-10 years after systematic admission of alcohol, then weak women for this is enough for 3-5 years. And throughout these years, neither their relatives nor loved ones may not guess a detrimental habit.

Unlike men, the women are at first trying to hide from those surrounding addiction to alcohol. They manage to work correctly, do household goods, and never appear in humans in a state of severe alcoholic intoxication. But "Green Zmiy" is already starting his destructive work, and attentive, loving man It may well see the first signs of emerging alcoholism.

  • No reason not to drink

The first step towards the development of alcoholism becomes regular gatherings with alcohol according to the most different occasions - getting a premium, vacation care, holidays. For a woman who starts to produce a habit of alcohol, these reasons will eventually become enough. The need for daily drinking alcohol is gradually formed, a woman gladly grabs for any reason to drink. At the same time, it justifies such a desire to relieve stress, note the weekend, in general, finds a lot of reasons.

  • The result is obscured

Addiction to alcohol is often manifested in the literal sense of the word on the face of a woman. Alcoholic dependence contributes to the appearance of premature signs of aging: the skin becomes dry, wrinkles are formed on it, bags appear under the eyes, the face swells, becomes an outdated. Affect dull hair, brittle nails, yellowish tint of leather, pronounced capillary mesh on face. A woman is either trying to persistently hide the traces of yesterday's clocks, putting on the face of a cosmetics kilograms, or, on the contrary, begins to follow himself.

  • Nerves to the limit

One of the first signs of developing female alcoholism is constant nervousness. A drinking woman often dwells in the depressed mood, especially if it does not have the opportunity to drink. She is unwinding unfortunately, can not restrain his emotions, breaks down on loved ones. A woman has such character traits such as selfishness, increased aggressiveness, rudeness. And the stronger the dependence on alcohol, the stronger the pronounced degradation of the personality becomes.

How to help?

The main problem is that it is possible to help a woman suffering from alcohol addiction, if it wants it myself. But many simply do not want to recognize that the addiction to the spirits became a disease that must be treated. A woman is afraid of condemnation from the surrounding and believes in what can "tie" at any moment - it is worth only to want. That's just a minute it usually does not occur ...

In such a situation, much depends on their relatives and close people. Do not blame the woman, throw it with charges with accusations. Your care and attention are capable of making much more - to return the faith in yourself and the hope that everything else can change for the better.

Greetings to you, dear readers! I have long wanted, but finally, I decided to voice this problem - female alcoholism. Alcoholism, especially female, has now acquired a national disaster. Statistics argue that the average age of women - Alcoholic - 35 years, although many of the first acquaintance with alcohol takes place under the age of 18. And how many women suffer in our time like a disease? And why does this happen? What makes them divide the company with a wine glass? Let's talk today on this topic. Perhaps someone will read and think ...

If you or your loved ones have encountered the problem of female alcoholism, do not despair, there is a great solution - http://www.woman-alcoholism.ru/

I recently learned the unpleasant news: one of my friend went into the world of other, being not at all old. I always liked this woman: a pretty, well-groomed, clever. And suddenly such a finale. It turns out that lately she was so fascinated with alcohol that in the end it was the cause of death.

Women are the future of our nation. Nature is intended to continue the human race. Will such women give birth to a healthy child? It is proved that in 40% of cases, regular drinking children with various mental disabilities or physical defects of development are born.

They counted that alcohol 26% of women systematically consume. Of these, 43% live with ferrous periods, 4% use alcohol not regularly, and 27% - alternate daily use and periods of abstinence from alcohol. And these data change annually, and for the worse.

A man, every day by drinking alcohol, is addressed after 2-3 years. In a woman, this period is shortened to 6 months, sometimes for this there is enough two months.

The first acquaintance with the alcohol girl takes place in the family, where the child sees the drinking drinks by parents, without having reached the age of majority.

Alcohol abuse leads to premature old age. Drinking 30-year-old woman looks 10-15 years older, and 40-year-old - turn into an old woman.

The life expectancy of women - alcoholic in short on 15-20 years old and the cause of death is, acute cardiovascular failure, poisoning of alcohol and sycid surrogates.

Causes of female alcoholism

How does the thrust be starting to alcohol? As a rule, drunkenness begins to stroke their spiritual wounds after strong emotional stress, which are associated with loneliness, lack of work, loss close man, betrayal.

Women who have low social status, lack of profession, parents of parents are most often susceptible to drunkenness. The latter can be explained by the still genetic predisposition and household rules, when the child as a child saw only drunk parents. It is such a way of life that the girl considers the norm in his future life.

Often, the dependence is formed as a result of frequent use of alcohol for appetite, to remove fatigue, and sometimes to fill its leisure "from nothing to do".

Understanding that society negatively refers to her lifestyle, many of them begin to eat alcohol home, alone. The feeling of loneliness further aggravates its situation, the amount of drinking alcohol is increasing every time. The absence of some hobby in life, laziness, the feelings of the need for someone's women are being built with drinking.

Men tend to drink in the company, women prefer to drink alone so that no one knows, did not affect.

From a physiological point of view, a quick dependence on the alcohol occurs for the following reasons:

  • As a rule, a woman is less thanks and weight than a man. Its organism contains less water. It means that the mass of its weight is accounted for aboutthere is a concentration and amount of alcohol, so the degree of intoxication will be greater than that of a man, even if they drank the same amount.
  • Hormonal features of the female organism contribute to the rapid suction of alcohol into the blood.
  • Pathological attraction to alcohol is more enhanced against the background of premenstrual syndrome.
  • Woman longer than a man keeps monitoring the situation and therefore she thinks he can always quit drinking.
  • The consequences (pumling syndrome) proceeds much softer than in men, and is formed later.

Features of the Personal Woman

The following warehouse women are predisposed to chronic alcoholism:

  • inclined to depressions, with an unstable psyche, dependent on the circumstances, suffering from neurotic disorders, hysteria and insomnia;
  • sexually concerned or having problems in the intimate sphere;
  • infantile women;
  • the following professions: saleswoman in open markets (to warm in winter), women - builders, catering workers.

Stages of chronic alcoholism

  • Initial stage it is characterized by constant consumption of alcohol and increasing the amount of drunk and tight to the new portion. In this stage there are already episodes of the failure of memory. As a rule, the initial signs of the disease can not be noticed - women try to hide the fact of use so that it is not borne by it.
  • Deployed stage. The pathological thrust for alcohol increases even more, and the dose of drinks dose due to the tolerance to the alcohol. A hangover appears - by an abstineent syndrome, which is manifested by the appearance of headaches, tremble in all body, feeling thirst, heat or chills, mood drops.

In this stage, personal and emotional changes appear, irritability, closure, federation, egoism in relation to others appear, disappears a sense of responsibility. She may already not fulfill his maternal and family responsibilities, loses interest in work. Over time, this can lead to loss of family, work, deprivation of motherhood. Woman begins to lead a dependent lifestyle. The appearance of it becomes untidy, the skin of the face becomes wrinkled, the hair is sad, the teeth crumble. There is an organic disorder of personality.

  • End stage Characterized by a complete loss of control over the situation, and more and more often amnesia arise. The intellect is reduced, the woman, except for alcohol, absolutely nothing interests. Develop various diseases Internal organs, most often on the side of the liver arises, various injuries are possible, psychomotor disorders may appear.

The symptoms of psychomotor disorders can be expressed in difficulty, slowing the implementation of motor acts (hypokinesia), complete immobility (acinezia), as well as polarly opposite manifestations - motor excitation or inadequate movements and actions.

It is very scary when a woman in a state of intoxication comes accidents or criminal offenses.


Excessive and regular use of alcoholic beverages in women leads to premature old age, the emergence of various somatic diseases and often to disabilities as a result of injuries. Often it becomes caused by death.

The following diseases are most common:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver -, cirrhosis and liver cancer, Mulldari - Weise syndrome (surface breaks of the mucous membrane of the abdominal esophagus and the cardiac stomach department, accompanied by recurrent vomiting and bleeding);
  • and thrombophlebitis;
  • alcohol dementia (dementia);
  • alcoholic polyneuropathy, at which the function of the plurality of peripheral nerves is simultaneously disturbed;
  • atrophic processes in the cerebellum;
  • violations in the work of the cardiovascular system;
  • diseases of kidney alcohol etiology, chronic bronchitis and protracted pneumonia, etc.

Do you cure female alcoholism?

It is believed that alcoholism is incurable. But with this you can argue. To cure alcoholism, it is necessary to maintain the main and important condition: the woman itself should want to free themselves from this dependence. But for this, support for loved ones and strong motivation is essential.

How to treat, where to start? First you need to withdraw from the bang. How to do it correctly, doctors will help you - narcologists. It is necessary to consult with them. It is not necessary to make a reception with a drunken man. You can consult about treatment without its knowledge to the closest relatives or other interested parties.

Further therapy is a treatment with drugs that form disgust for alcohol. Infancy will help to help drugs medicinal herbal:, St. John's wort, Ivan tea (), cheerful water, amateur root, etc. There will be another article about the treatment of alcohol grasses so as not to skip it, subscribe to blog updates.

The next step is needed psychotherapy. Its task is to change the attitude towards its state and to the reason that led a woman to alcohol addiction. There is also extremely necessary tactfulness and support for loved ones.

Of course, to put a psychological barrier from alcohol, sometimes it is necessary to coding with hypnosis and psychotherapy, a mixing of alcoholism. And in parallel, the treatment of the pathology of the internal organs is required.

Alcoholism is a chronic incurable disease that has a remission. How much can it continue depends on the patient himself, his relationship to his illness. Remission can last a month, a year, a few years, and maybe the rest of life. It all depends directly from the woman itself.

Time to read the article: 9 minutes

Stages of alcoholism in women

Woman - Foundation of society. It is she who builds a family, raising children and remains the founder of relations. Understanding this fact leads to a serious public resonance, which causes female alcoholism.

Statistics confirms that last years The spread of this disease among the weak half of humanity has reached frightening scale. The problem of female alcoholism is complicated by the fact that most of the representatives of society consider such a contribution to the shameful. If a man still turns treatment under the pressure of close and relatives, the representatives of the fine floor are forced to hide their illness for a long time.

Thus, feminine alcoholism hides under the mask of external well-being because of public censures. Relatives and close patients rarely appeal to doctors, trying to hide the shameful truth. This leads to deposits.

Timely detection and determination of the stage of female alcoholism followed by treatment is the key to recovery and return to normal life. This should be remembered when the first symptoms of the disease.

Features of female alcoholism

This disease is accompanied by:

  • anomalous addiction to alcohol;
  • systematic drinking alcohol;
  • subsequent damage to brain tissues and internal organs.

Periodic use of alcohol is not considered a disease. The problem occurs when the thrust to the alcohol comes out of control - the woman begins to abuse such drinks.

Female alcoholism It has several stages. The initial course of the disease is unnoticed for the patient and surrounding. The relatively safe dosage of alcohol for a woman is 50 ml of a 40-50% alcohol solution. Such a number of liver recycles without consequences. However, with a systematic admission to the blood of this dose of alcohol, its small part penetrates into the brain. Alcohol causes irritation of opioid receptors, which leads to the formation of dependence.

The main danger of the disease lies in the fact that it develops gradually. It is not always possible to determine where the norm ends and a pathological disorder begins.

The transition to new stages of female alcoholism is accompanied by an increase in the amount of alcohol consumed. Toxic lesion of the liver, brain, kidneys, heart leads to irreversible structural changes and enhanced intoxication.

Causes of the formation of addiction

The causes of female alcoholism are divided into two large groups: psychological and physical. The first to determine the addiction to alcohol, the development of dependence and its large-scale character. The second are the basis for the rapid formation of the disease.

TO psychological reasons Excessive alcohol use by women:

  • High degree of importance of society and social factors. A modern woman has to fit his role. It often leads to excessive load. Today, it is considered wrong to show its weakness, so the fair sex is forced to look for light paths of relaxation.
  • Condemnation and dislike from society to drinking women. Unlike men, ladies do not get sympathy and support. In most cases, they must hide their destructive addiction and drink alcohol is secretive. The course of the disease is exacerbated by the need to store a mystery. Under the influence of stress, feminine alcoholism goes into a more serious stage with a large amount of alcohol.
  • Emotional features. A woman is generally more prone to stress. In addition, the ladies are genetically programmed to remove the voltage without the involvement of foreign. The consequence of these features is the development of female alcoholism.

The physical reasons for disorders include:

  • little muscle massas a result, a big degree of intoxication;
  • low water content in the body, respectively, the increased concentration of alcohol in the blood;
  • features hormonal backgroundresulting in accelerated ethanol absorption;
  • achieve an antidepressant effect with a smaller number of alcohol.

Symptoms and signs of alcoholism in women

  • Increased interest in alcohol, strong desire to drink regardless of the presence of a reason.
  • The categorical denial of the fact of abuse of alcohol. Any comments from the surrounding are perceived hostile.
  • An increase in the amount of alcohol consumed. Gradually, the body loses the ability to be aware of intoxication. Due to the destruction of brain tissues, certain stages of female alcoholism are characterized by the inability to achieve the state of the euphoria with the same dose of alcohol.
  • Loss of appetite, refusal to snack during drinking.
  • Lack of interest in past hobbies.
  • Closedness, preferred communication with alcoholics.
  • Change behavior. At the launched stages, female alcoholism is accompanied by the appearance of rudeness, the abuse of obscene abdomen, hysteria.
  • Reducing intellectual abilities and self-critics.
  • Irresponsibility, loss of interest in work, waste all means for alcoholic beverages.
  • Drunkenness alone.
  • The appearance of swelling and the change in the color of the face.
  • An increase in the abdominal cavity due to the liver cirrhosis and its growth.
  • Tremor limbs.

The main stages of female alcoholism

  • The first stage of female alcoholism is the formation of addiction. During this period, opioid receptors are getting used to ethanol decay products. The first stage is the basis for psychological dependence and persistent desire to drink. During this period, a woman is looking for motivation to eat alcohol, justifies himself with poor well-being, fatigue at work and other reasons. It is possible to determine the presence of the first stage of female alcoholism by the following signs: loss of vomiting reflex, intoxication from a smaller dose, consumption alcoholic beverages two or three times a week.
  • The second stage is characterized by a sense of discomfort in the absence of alcohol. Opioid receptors cause irritation in the brain, which indicates the presence of mental dependence. There are no structural changes in tissues. Female alcoholism at this stage is characterized by a permanent method of alcoholic or blind, the resistance to the spirits increases six to ten times, insomnia and failures appear in memory.
  • The third stage of female alcoholism is irreversible structural changes in opioid receptors, brain, internal organs. The persistent dependence is manifested by filling the life of alcohol. There is organ dysfunction.

Consequences of alcoholism for women

The stages of female alcoholism transfers one to another with a huge speed. The persistent dependence is formed almost lightning. This leads to serious consequences, in particular, damage to internal organs or complete degradation.

Among the main risks of female alcoholism:

  • alcoholic toxic encephalopathy with brain damage;
  • damage to the nervous system (polyneuropathy), changing the structure and disruption of the function of peripheral nerves;
  • delirium tremens;
  • critical reduction in intellectual abilities, the presence of mental abnormalities;
  • toxic hepatitis, subsequent development of liver cirrhosis, portal hypertension and ascites;
  • renal failure;
  • irreversible damage to the pancreas, up to the development of pancreatitis and pancreonecrose;
  • overdose and poisoning of ethanol decomposition or surrogates;
  • the compression of the limbs as a result of the loss of the ability to feel the body (circulatory disorder leads to the necrosis of fabrics and the need for amputation);
  • increased risk of heart attack and stroke.

Is it possible to cure female alcoholism?

Alcoholism is heal only if the patient himself decided to return to normal life. Often, under pressure from relatives, dependent people seek a doctor, but treatment in this case does not give any result.

Since the disease is based on mental dependence, an important healing factor is the desire of the alcoholic itself to abandon the harmful habit. Pressure and threats will not help, you need to be patient and help your girlfriend, mother, sister, wife to realize their problem.

The method of treatment and its focus depends on the stage of female alcoholism. As a rule, the patient is placed in a drug hospital, where comprehensive measures are taken.

Any treatment is based on psychological support and psychotherapeutic assistance. It is important to find the true cause of addiction and solve the problem. Otherwise the patient with large probability Return to a detrimental habit.

Among the common medical methods:

  • detoxification therapy;
  • coding;
  • bug;
  • formation of disgust to alcohol with special preparations;
  • treatment of pathologies of internal organs.

An efficient and reliable auxiliary means for the formation of motivation and getting rid of dependence is the book of Allen Carr "Easy way to throw a drink". This bestseller helps to realize the need for treatment, replaces the psychotherapist and opens a new way to solve the problem.

Want to know how to treat white hot? See here!

Information on how to get rid of hangover - we have on the site.

Stages of female alcoholism

Female alcoholism is a common disease, difficult to treat. Dependence on alcoholic beverages from fine sex representatives is developing faster than in men, and negatively affects the condition of the body and psyche. Experts allocate 4 stages of alcoholism in women, each of which has specific features and symptoms.

Female alcoholism is a common disease, difficult to treat.

Zero, or a long degree (household alcoholism), is characterized by the lack of addiction to alcohol. In this phase, the use of hot drinks rarely occurs, after intoxication, the headache appears and weakness is felt. The next day, a woman suffers like a hangover, but there is no desire to drink again. At this stage, a person cannot consume a lot of alcohol, because There is a vomit reflex. Therefore, the drinking of alcohol does not lead to long-term stuff.

At the zero stage, the cure occurs quickly and does not require access to doctors. It is enough to cope with hangover syndromes and with the help of various home tools and folk methods Remove intoxication of the body.

The first stage of female alcoholism is the period of appearance of addiction to alcohol-containing drinks. The use of alcohol acquires a regular character, gradually falls the vomit reflex, and a woman for intoxication is quite a small amount of alcohol. When this phase is reached, psychological dependence on alcohol begins to form, the brain ceases to resist the desire to drink, and the person is in constant search for reasons and reasons for drinking alcohol products.

Dependence on alcoholic beverages from fine sex representatives is developing faster than in men, and negatively affects the condition of the body and psyche.

At this stage, the following symptoms of the disease are manifested:

  • nervous breakdowns, depression, uncontrolled flashes of aggression, anxiety, increased irritability and anxiety;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • chronic headaches;
  • fatigue and decay of forces;
  • jumping blood pressure;
  • reduced or loss of sexual activity.

In addition, there is often a violation of the labor regime, misunderstandings in the family and problems in the team appear.

In the second stage of alcoholism, women arises physiological dependence on alcohol, there is a transition to stronger drinks. During this period, regular winding conditions are observed, the resistance of the body to alcohol increases.

In case of physical traction to alcohol-containing products, a fair floor representative cannot resist the desire to drink and constantly find the causes for the use of hot drinks.

Symptoms characteristic of this stage of alcoholism:

  • disorders in the work of the cardiovascular system and the gastrointestinal tract;
  • severe non-coming headaches;
  • fainting and short-term loss of consciousness;
  • rare failures in memory;
  • frequent insomnia;
  • tremor limbs;
  • aggressive behavior;
  • hypertension.

Four stages of chronic alcoholism in women

The female organism is more resistant to alcohol dependence than male, but at the same time is attempting to one hundred percent and extremely sustainable addiction. Already long ago, female alcoholism is considered incurable. Alcoholism is not just a detrimental habit, it is a serious illness, fraught with serious consequences for the female organism and mental state.

45% of women are drinking in Russia every day, and 22% drinks with blinds. This is terrible statistics. But the most difficult thing is that about 80% of drinkers do not want to recognize this and begin treatment. Often, assistance comes with a delay, since feminine alcoholism flows in hidden forms. Consider in detail four stages of chronic alcoholism in women.

Beer alcoholism

It is with the use of beer that the process of addiction of a female organism to alcohol begins. The fermentation products contained in beer turn into alcohols that are known to us as "sigh oil". The main component of beer - hop is a relative of hemp, prohibited in all developed drug countries.

The use of beer stimulates the increase in women's body Estrogen leading to strong sexual activation. The consequences of beer alcoholism is breast cancer and a genitourinary system.

Women's beer alcoholism is very difficult to treat.

Symptoms of female alcoholism

Stages of the disease

Initially, everything looks innocently. A mug of beer or a glass of vodka, sincere conversation with girlfriends, causing the condition of joy and freedom. This is the progress stage of alcoholism, for the transition to the first stage, just one month is enough.

The first stage of alcoholism is characterized by daily use of alcohol-containing beverages. While little, but with enviable regularity. As a result of taking alcohol, depression increases, irritability increases. The woman is constantly in the search state of the reason for drinking. Reflex is consolidated, associated with a rapid achievement of positive sensations. There is no awareness of its own illness.

The second stage of alcoholism in women is characterized by a significant increase in alcohol thrust. A woman goes to stronger drinks, the development of strong abstinence syndrome occurs. The patient begins to lie with his native, the physical condition is noticeably deteriorating. Non-coming headaches begin. A woman at this stage of alcoholism does not eat well. Progres the degradation of personality.

The third stage of alcoholism is already associated with regular filings. A woman loses the opportunity to control himself and her body. The amount of daily alcohol consumed increases. At this stage of alcoholism, a woman begins to drink, which falls on hand: cognac, vodka, alcohol, cologne, wiper. Those women who reached 3 stages become practically incurable.

The fourth stage of alcoholism is characterized by the beginning of alcohol derilia, or white hot. The body and psyche of women undergo irreversible changes. Most patients are forever incentives in establishments for the treatment of alcoholism, as they are dangerous to surrounding people.

Chronic alcoholism causes an irreparable impact throughout the body. First of all, it is painted with the human brain. Alcohol decay products are nervous cells. The woman who is already in the second stage is lost the ability to concentrate attention, memory failures are formed. It is threatened by intelligence. It is feminine alcoholism that most quickly destroys the bark of the brain. No less suffer kidney and liver. Multiple diseases, developing, lead to cirrhosis of the liver and chronic renal failure. Already at the first stage of chronic alcoholism, the cardiovascular system is subjected to harmful effects. The development of arterial hypertension begins. It is fraught with heart attacks or strokes leading to sudden death. Immunity decreases, multiple chronic diseases are developing.

Treatment of the disease

It is not necessary to believe the emerging opinion that alcoholism in women are incurable. It is only necessary, without delaying, contact specialized medical institutions.

With 1 degree of alcoholism, you can cope with the disease only by psychotherapeutic methods. You need to create a positive motivation. It is recommended to change the lifestyle - to do business that brings joy and satisfaction. It can be a sport, breeding plants, animals, any kind of creativity.

The treatment of alcoholism of 2 degree requires strong motivation. Here will help faith, love and clear statement of life goals. With the support of specialists and close women, the woman itself is able to give themselves the installation on lifestyle without alcohol. The drugs designated drugs will help the patient to overcome all the difficulties.

The treatment of alcoholism of 3 degrees is possible only in a specialized closed medical institution. Typically, the patients do not fall there in their will, but in a state of delirium or a deep hangover. The room in the clinic besides comprehensive treatment makes it possible to eliminate the further use of alcohol.

Coding is widely used as a method for treating alcoholism in women. There are both psychotherapeutic methods (dormantly, shychko) and drugs ("Torpedo", "Esparl"). Some resort to the hypnotic method of coding. The main thing is a voluntary arrival, otherwise therapy will not reach the desired effect.

Women suffering from alcoholism should know that exit from this vicious circle exists. It is necessary to realize its illness, and help will come.

Last update of article 18.07.2018

The problem of female alcoholism in recent decades is becoming increasingly relevant. It cannot be said that before women did not abuse with alcoholic beverages, but such cases were rare.

The reasons

Woman not allowed to drink. She must follow the house, children, get out, washed, kitchen. Many weak sex representatives are forced to work to support financial well-being in the family. Taking on more and more troubles, not female problemsThey have to bear a heavy psychological cargo.

However, no one has canceled the problems, life catastrophes. So they are trying some women to drown their problems in wine (and not only), making the first steps on the trail of chronic alcoholism.

Drinking women are unhappy women.

As a rule, women begin to abuse alcoholic beverages against the background of strong emotional stress. Provocate addiction to alcohol. Personal dramas - loneliness, parting with a loved one, divorce, betrayal, widowism, loss of a child. Women who have no stabilizing social ties are also in the risk group - there is no profession, work, husband, children, permanent residence.

The cause of early female alcoholism is most often low social and intellectual status, drunkenness of parents. Girls who have not seen anything else in life, except for a bottle of vodka or wine, especially in combination with a low intellectual level, consider such a lifestyle normal and from youth begin to be drunk.

Alcoholism together

Another reason for alcoholism in women can be a drinking husband or lover. Several glass to relax, remove the tension, raise the mood gradually enter the habit, and the drunk husband pulls his soul mate to the bottom.

However, in this case, the medal has 2 sides. According to the studies of the husband, 70% of alcoholic women are also abused with alcoholic beverages, and only 10% of men's alcoholics of his wife addicted to alcoholic beverages. So, if a woman loves to drink, then the likelihood that she will lead the bad habits to their chosen one.

Personal features of a drinking woman

The causes of chronic female alcoholism lies not only in external circumstances, have values \u200b\u200band personal qualities. Prepassed to the abuse of alcoholic beverages Women of the next warehouse:

  • hysterical (suffering), dependent () and unstable personalities (c);
  • inclined to depression, alcohol in this case is perceived as a way to raise the mood;
  • suffering from insomnia;
  • sexually defective or having intimate character problems;
  • suffering;
  • in which brain deficiency develops, an organic personality disorder can be determined, the signs of which are further enhanced against the background of chronic alcoholization;
  • emotionally unstable, as well as infantile women.

Some areas of activity due to working conditions, habits are predispose to alcoholism among women. So, many saleswomen in open markets in winter, especially if buyers are not much to warm up regularly use alcoholic beverages. Drinking is also common among women-builders, catering workers serving staff.


Pro Female alcoholism is always disapproving. If a man drinks in the family, then others can look for excuses for his destructive habit in anything: in material difficulties, in bad wife or heredity. If a woman drinks is always a shame. And understand such a woman, and even more so to look for an excuse for her behavior no one wants.

Men tend to drink in the company, women prefer to drink alone so that no one knows, did not affect.

One of the features of female alcoholism is a greater effect of the genetic factor than in men. If the woman's mother suffered from alcoholism, then the likelihood of alcoholism at his daughter is 3 times higher than that of the daughter of the nonbeid mother. If both parents abused with spirits, the probability of alcoholism is even higher - 4 times more often.

Portability of alcohol, the necessary dose for intoxication depends on the age of a woman. Young women systematically abusing with alcoholic drinks can use rather high doses of alcohol, normally carrying them. With age, the tolerance for alcohol is reduced: a smaller dose of alcohol is necessary to achieve a state of intoxication. However, this does not mean that alcoholism progresses, it is rather a feature of alcoholism in women.

Another feature of female alcoholism is a long-term preservation of situational control, much longer than men.

Women are trying not to drink "in the open", follow the fact that family members surrounding did not know about their harmful habit, eat alcohol alone or in a narrow company. Alcohol at the same time acts as a peculiar relaxation, the removal of stress.

Pathological attraction to alcohol may increase against the background of premenstrual syndrome (PMS).

The furious syndrome in women is formed much later than in men, it flows softer than that of strong sex.

Part of the women against the background of alcoholism develops not so much personality degradation (it occurs later), how much is a psychopath-like type of personality change. The forefront comes to the fore, sexual displacement, impulsiveness. At the same time, women are much deeper than men feel their moral drop and suffer from it.


A woman who systematically drinking alcoholic beverages is fairly easy to determine and not only in a characteristic smell, there are also external signs of alcoholism in women.

The face of an oxane woman blushes, eyes begin to glisten. In this state, the weak floor representative is paying less attention to its appearance, so quite often it may not look completely neat, even slightly, the hair is swollen.

Another external sign of female alcoholism (or intoxication) may be behavior. Such a woman can start talking loudly, obscene to express, gesticulate. Even if it was restrained and modest before that, then under the action of alcohol, it may become cynical, jalled, such changes are also external signs of female alcoholism.

Against the background of alcoholic intoxication, mood oscillations may arise. To change the loudness laughter, it may come to cry, cry, accusing others in his failures or silence, closure.

Development Stages

initial stage

The initial stage of female alcoholism occurs when regular use of alcoholic beverages. Increases the amount of discharge, exactly as increasing the thrust for alcohol. This stage is characterized by episodic amnesia (in memory failures) arising against the background of intoxication.

The first signs of female alcoholism is not so easy to see, because most are aware of the disapproving attitude of society to female drinking, so they try to children (husband, employees, parents) do not know about their frequent use of alcoholic beverages.

Deployed stage

Pathological attraction to alcohol at this stage of alcoholism in women is even more enhanced. The dose required to achieve the state of intoxication increases (tolerance to alcohol increases).

Begins to bother the hang ham syndrome (abstineent). It is characterized by vegetative violations arising from intoxication. The most typical is a feeling of heat or, on the contrary, chills, trembling in the whole body, thirst, headache. Repelling may also occur for bad behavior, a bad example for children, family problems. There may be mood swings: replacing the depression, sadness suddenly comes.

This stage is characterized by the occurrence of personal and emotional changes. There are such features such as closure, irritability, selfishness, federation, more often attacks the attacks of a bad mood. Loses interest in life.

As the disease progresses, the woman ceases to hide his indulged habit, loses responsible attitude to work, ceases to fulfill his maternal duties. As a result, she can lose work, family, lead a dependent lifestyle. May develop.

Against the background of systematic drunkenness, various somatic violations arise (they will stop in detail later). Worsen appearance: fall out, the hair is seed early, the face fades, the teeth will crumble, nails.

End stage

For the third stage, the loss of quantitative and situational control is characteristic, alcohol tolerance decreases, there are total amnesia when a person does not remember what happened during a long time.

Characteristic symptoms are the cloak of psyche, a decrease in intelligence, reduced memory. Such women are not interested in anything other than alcohol. Inxication occurs even from small doses of alcohol. Psychotic disorders may appear (). Various diseases from the internal organs develop and progress.


The consequences of female alcoholism can be diverse. The life expectancy of women suffering from drunkenness for 15-20 years is shorter than the average. The systematic use of alcoholic beverages leads to premature old age, disabled.

Most often, alcoholism in women leads to such somatic pathologies:

  • diseases of the digestive system and liver (liver, hepatitis, cirrhosis, liver cancer, mellore-weiss syndrome);
  • vessel pathology (thrombophlebitis, varicose veins);
  • damage to the nervous system - alcohol dementia, alcoholic polyneuropathy, Korsakovsky psychosis, atrophic processes in the cerebellar;
  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system (blood blocks, ions, hypertensive disease, heart failure);
  • the damage to respiratory and endocrine systems (chronic bronchitis, frequent pneumonia with a protracted flow, pulmonary tuberculosis, alcohol toxic nephropathy, alcohol glomerulonephritis), etc.

Alcohol fruit syndrome

A woman in nature is given to bed and give birth to children. And alcohol in this case is the greatest evil. Women who systematically drinking alcoholic beverages during pregnancy, harm not only to themselves, but also the body of the kid. A child born from such a mother has a risk of developing such a state as an alcoholic fetal syndrome.

At the same time, the newborn can determine various deviations from the norm:

  • the physical and psychological development of the baby slows down, both in the womb (such children are born with low weight, immature) and in the postpartum period;
  • card-facial anomalies can be determined - underdevelopment of the upper lip with thin red border, narrow eye cracks, in the future, the person acquires an extended shape;
  • in such newborns, deviations from the central nervous system can be determined - they are distinguished by increased excitability, federation, can occur, the development of coordination lags behind healthy children;
  • there can be various defects on the part of the internal organs - the abnormalities of the joints and limbs, heart disease, defects on the side of the genital organs, liver fibrosis.

Even if a child, whose mother during pregnancy periodically drank, and was not diagnosed with alcohol fetal syndrome, in the future the pathological addiction of the mother may have its consequences. Often such children are lagging behind mental development (up to oligophrenia), they can be detected by stuttering, urinary incontinence, convulsive syndrome. There may be reduced resistance to infectious diseases.

Often, in the future, they have an abnormal thrust to drink alcoholic beverages.

How to deal with female alcoholism

It is the opinion that female alcoholism is incurable. But this is far from that. It all depends on the desire of a woman, the presence of support for loved ones and motivation to overcome the harmful addiction.

How to treat female alcoholism? The ideal option is a combination of medication therapy with psychotherapy. Quite often, it is necessary to first withdraw a person from the binge, to carry out disinfection, and only after that it is necessary to move to convention and reflex therapy, sensitizing therapy or treatment of psychotropic drugs.

The task of psychotherapy is to change attitudes towards my own state, to help overcome the psychological component of alcohol addiction.

Do you cure female alcoholism? The answer to this question is affirmative. Of course, there may be many difficulties on the way to cure, but not worth it.