How folic acid affects the ability to become pregnant. Folic acid when planning pregnancy. Folic acid for conception. Is it worth taking folic acid if the complex of polyvitamins has already been appointed pregnant

How folic acid affects the ability to become pregnant. Folic acid when planning pregnancy. Folic acid for conception. Is it worth taking folic acid if the complex of polyvitamins has already been appointed pregnant
How folic acid affects the ability to become pregnant. Folic acid when planning pregnancy. Folic acid for conception. Is it worth taking folic acid if the complex of polyvitamins has already been appointed pregnant

Specialists recommend future parents to think about the state of their health even during pregnancy planning. What is it for? The lack of useful compounds in the body is reflected in the intrauterine development of the embryo. In particular, folic acid deficiency negatively affects the formation of organs and important fetal systems.

To carry out a kind of body preparation for conception, both parents need to take folic acid (other names - folacine or vitamin B9) in the recommended dose. The use of folic acid helps to get pregnant faster, and also makes it possible to make a healthy child without pathologies.

Why do you need to take folic acid before conception?

Folic acid participates in many functions and processes of the human body. With her help:

  • cell division occurs, as well as the synthesis of DNA and RNA;
  • the functioning of the digestive system improves;
  • supports sufficient level of hemoglobin;
  • vessels become more elastic;
  • the hormonal background comes to normal;
  • the protective functions of the body are enhanced;
  • other nutrients and vitamins are properly absorbed;
  • normalizes psycho-emotional state;
  • the reproductive function improves, which allows you to get pregnant.

It is better to take vitamin B9 to both partners, because when conceived cells with male and female chromosomes merge, the embryo receives a basic foundation for its further development. Studies have proven that folic acid when planning pregnancy a few dozen times reduces the risks of the occurrence:

  • pairing placenta;
  • miscarriage;
  • deviations for the formation of nerve cells;
  • ferry;
  • oxygen starvation;
  • other anomalies of development.

How long does the body need to prepare for pregnancy? Start regular folic acid intake follows 90 days before conception.

So that the woman can become pregnant without the development of complications in the future, you need to drink folic acid systematically. The sufficient level of folacine contributes to the normal development of an egg. The substance also helps to increase the penetrating ability of spermatozoa.

Indications for receiving folic acid are:

  • anemia;
  • postoperative period;
  • defective nutrition;
  • prevention of abnormal abnormalities for the development of the fetus.

Products containing folic acid

Folic acid for conception may not be needed, provided that future parents adhere to the foundations of a healthy lifestyle. Fill stock nutrients Suitable diet will help. What food is suitable for people planning pregnancy? B9 is contained in such products as:

  • spinach, parsley, mint, lettuce leaves;
  • beans and peas;
  • milk, cottage cheese, solid cheese;
  • eggs;
  • trout, perch;
  • pork, lamb, bird;
  • kidneys, liver;
  • nuts (walnuts, almond, forest).

In addition to greenery and cereals, B9 is in the Kurage, Melon, Beckla, Mushrooms, Pumpkin, Grapefruit, Rep, Bananas. For example, a plate of buckwheat cereal with fresh milk or 200 ml of natural juice from orange or grapefruit makes half the necessary daily dose of matter. In disruption of the gastrointestinal tract in the body lacks folic acid, therefore, in such situations, doctors prescribe additional reception of pharmacy vitamins.

At the planning stage, the kid specialists, as a rule, prescribe a future mother and dad receive folic acid in its pure form or in a complex with other vitamins. The pharmaceutical market presents a wide selection of such drugs, which differ from the manufacturer, composition and concentration of active substances.

Some types of folic acid preparations are described in Table:

NameForm releaseStructureFolic acid content, μg
Folic acidpillsVitamin B9.1000
FoliopillsVitamin B9, iodine400
Apot-folicpillsFolic acid5000
Vitrum PrenatalPolyvitamin complexVitamins: B1, B2, B6, B9, B12, A, E, D, C and Microelements: Zinc, Nicotinamide, Calcium, Iron800
PrognavitSoft capsules9 important vitamins and 4 microelements, including folic acid750
MantnaTablets in the shellZinc, retinol, folic acid, iodine, tocopherol, thiamine, nicotinamide, biotin, copper, iron, molybdenum, pantoten, manganese, cyanocobalamin, pyridoxine, riboflafin, secopalcyferol, calcium, manganese1000
Multi-Tab PerinalCapsulesVitamins: D, E, A, B12, B1, B2, B6, Folic, Ascorbic and Pantothenic Acid, Nicotinamide and 9 more important trace elements400
Eleute Pronatol (see also :)Soft shell covered tabletsMicroelements: phosphorus, calcium, folic acid, magnesium, zinc, manganese, copper, iron, biotin, nicotinamide, 7 types of vitamins800

In addition to the pill and capsules, vitamin is also produced as a powder and injection injections. In order to prevent the prevention of vitamin B9 deficiency in the body, a substance is usually recommended in the form of tablets and capsules. In case of acute lack of element, experts can assign injection injection or a reception of a 5 mg dosage.

Instructions for use before conception

Many are interested, why make folic acid before conception and how many pills should be drunk in one reception? The daily dosage of the folacine is 0.4 mg. It is considered preventive, not therapeutic and adjusted by the doctor individually. During pregnancy or any diseases, the daily dose of substance is usually increasing.

Specialists advise you to start receiving vitamin B9 for three to four months before conception. This will help the body of a woman to accumulate a sufficient amount of substance that in the future will have a positive effect on the process of fertilization of the egg and to wear the child.

It is most convenient to take the drug in the prescribed dosage doctor, although capsules containing 1 mg of the active substance can be easily divided into two receptions. The overdose of folic acid is unlikely, because the excess amount of the substance is derived from the body along with the urine. Take pills need after eating, one or twice a day.

If you drink folic acid before eating, the acidity of the stomach increases and it irritates its mucous membrane. The reception of folacine, along with food, does not produce in the best way on the process of assimilation of nutrients. This occurs due to the fact that vitamin B9 forms an insoluble compound, including zinc.

Contraindications for reception

In each instruction to preparations containing folic acid, contraindications are listed. The latter include:

  • individual intolerance to the substance;
  • malignant tumors;
  • impairment of iron metabolism (hemochromatosis);
  • pernicious anemia (problems with the absorption of vitamin B12);
  • shortage in the body of kobalamin;
  • childhood;
  • hemosiderosis (excess accumulation of iron in tissues);
  • allergic reaction.

In some cases, the body may not absorb folacine. Often it happens if a woman:

  • smokes;
  • consumes alcoholic beverages;
  • not falling out;
  • often resides in stressful situations;
  • takes drugs containing hormones.

Also contraindicated simultaneous use of certain drugs and folic acid, as this contributes to the rapid removal of vitamin from the body. These medications include:

  • anesthetics;
  • antibiotics;
  • antacids;
  • cytostatic means;
  • cholestyramine;
  • anticonvulsants;
  • acetylsalicylic acid;
  • contraceptives;
  • glucocorticoids;
  • nitrofurans.

Vitamin B9 does not have toxic impact on human body. With violations of the prescribed dosage or long-term reception of the drug, side reactions are possible:

  • rash;
  • allergies;
  • hyperthermia;
  • disorders of the digestive tract;
  • imbalance in the work of the kidneys;
  • anemia;
  • increased excitability;
  • spasm bronchi.

Why a man should also take folic acid?

Folic acid is important not only for women, it is helpful and men. The lack of vitamin B9 in the men's body provokes the development of anemia megaloblastic type and infertility. With an insufficient level of the substance, the mobility of spermatozoa and their total amount is reduced.

Flavin deficiency does not actually affect the structure of male seed. Sperm cells may differ in the wrong set of chromosomes, which entails an abnormal development of the fetus during pregnancy. They can be unnatural, short tail or without it.

The shortage of vitamin B9 in men provokes the development of the fetus of hereditary pathologies:

  • down syndrome;
  • epilepsy;
  • schizophrenia.

Future dads must be aware of the fact that pregnancy planning is an important stage to which you need to take seriously. The health of the future child depends on this, so if the doctor recommends the use of vitamins, it needs to be performed. The reception of folic acid before conception contributes:

  • increase the likelihood to conceive a healthy child;
  • reducing the emergence of fetal mutations at the gene level;
  • an increase in the mobility of sperm;
  • reduction of the number of male seed with defects of the structure.

Folic acid (other names - Vitamin B9, Flavin) plays a very important role at the stage of pregnancy planning. It affects the productivity of conception and on the full heating of a strong, healthy kid without deviations and pathologies.

If there is a shortage of this vital substance in the body of future parents, there may be problems in the future, which will be quite difficult to solve. Therefore, folic acid when planning pregnancy is the foundation for the health of the future kid who laid young people who want to become in a challenge parents.

The reception of this vitamin causes quite a lot of questions for which it is better to get answers from specialists.

To begin with, future parents should understand why drink folic acid when planning pregnancy - with not only women, but also to men. Firstly, this vitamin will prepare an organism to the full conception of the baby, and both spouses participate in this process. Folic acid:

  • activates the assimilation and disintegration of proteins;
  • needed for cell division;
  • promotes normal blood formation;
  • contributes to improving appetite;
  • helps to absorb amino acids and sugar;
  • it is important in the formation of DNA and RNA, which are involved in the direct transmission of hereditary signs;
  • prevents the development of atherosclerosis;
  • protects against food poisoning;
  • supports immunity;
  • improves the operation of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • it helps to assimilate to other vitamins necessary for the normal conception and tooling the child.

Secondly, folic acid is very important when planning pregnancy for women, because when it is short, there may begin serious problems during the babies tooling:

  • the pathology of the egg, which cannot be fertilized at all (i.e., the conception will not occur), or will not guarantee the formation of a healthy fetus;
  • pairing placenta (both partial and absolute);
  • spontaneous abortion (miscarriage);
  • congenital defects at the child: anencephalia, defect of the nervous tube, hypotrophy, hunger lip, mental delay;
  • anemia that can lead to;
  • loss of appetite, and therefore a child in the womb will not receive a sufficient amount of nutrients necessary for him for full development;
  • irritability and increased fatigue, as a result of which the kid can be born nervous and capricious.

Future fathers should know that no less important is folic acid when planning pregnancy for men, since when it is short enough, conception may not happen at all. Vitamin B9 for anyone who dreams to become dad is simply necessary because:

  • reduces the number of defective, low-quality spermatozoa, which initially carry the wrong set of chromosomes (in the future it may be expressed in serious pathologies of the fetus);
  • increases several times the chances of conceiving a strong, healthy, full-fledged baby;
  • increases the mobility and penetrating ability of sperm.

Now it becomes clear why folic acid when planning pregnancy is so needed both men and women. Very often, conception does not occur precisely because someone from the spouses (or at once both at both) is found in the lack of vitamin B9. And 80% of the pathologies of the nervous system in newborns are due to the same reason.

In order not to encounter such serious problems, it is necessary to make a long time to begin to replenish the deficiency of the folacine in the body. This can be done with drugs and food products with a rich content of folic acid.

Also, do not forget that our health and inner flora is very dependent on external affecting factors, especially from personal hygiene. How often do you pay attention to the composition of detergent cosmetics, which you use? Hakes for the soul, gels for washing, shampoos, any products that fall into open areas of the skin affects the inner flora of the body.

To the selection cosmetics It is worth more careful, especially during the period of conception and further pregnancy. Avoid funds in which silicones and parabens are present, as well as incomprehensible abbreviations Dea, MEA, TEA. Such chemicals have a detrimental effect on the body, falling through the pores into the blood and settled on the organs. Pay attention to the expiration date. When using this natural components The shelf life cannot exceed one year.

Food rich in vitamin B9

If both parents before the pregnancy planning lead a healthy lifestyle, they do not suffer from any chronic diseases and eat well, they may not be prescribed folic acid as a separate drug. However, future parents must include in their daily diet rich in folic acid. These include:

  • sheet greens: sorrel, dill, spinach, kinza, parsley, salad;
  • legumes, beans, green peas;
  • citrus, watermelon, peaches;
  • oatmeal, buckwheat, rice cereals, coarse flour;
  • almonds, walnuts;
  • products of animal origin: liver, meat, kidney;
  • sea \u200b\u200bfish;
  • cheese, milk, cream, kefir, cottage cheese;
  • swabs, cabbage, onions, carrots, potatoes, pumpkin, melon, cucumber;
  • chicken eggs.

It should be noted here that thermal processing Folic acid loses its beneficial features. Therefore, if possible, these products are better to eat either in a fresh form (sheet greens, for example), or cook for a pair (meat and fish).

Even with daily use of a sufficient amount of these products, the lack of vitamin B9 is very often detected. In this case, the future parents are appointed by one of the medical drugs containing foliaic acid.

Drugs with folic acid

Regular use of folic acid when planning pregnancy is the key to a successful conception and tooling a full-fledged baby. Therefore, future parents are very often prescribed medications With its content.

  • Tablets "Folic acid"

One of the most optimal options for admission of folic acid when planning pregnancy. This medication can be noted such advantages as the price (very inexpensive) and quality. Usually dosage in tablets (one contains 1 mg of vitamin B9) when planning pregnancy is indicated in the instructions and is 1 tablet per day.

  • Tablets "FOLASIN", "APO-FOLIK"

These drugs are also presented in the form of tablets, but they already contain each 5 mg of vitamin B, while the daily dose of folic acid when planning pregnancy is 800 μg (for women). Therefore, the data medicinal products Appointed only in cases where one of the spouses (pairs) detects the sharp shortage of this substance. There will be no harm to the organism from the overabundance of a folacine in this case, since all the excess of it simply will bring out. These drugs are not recommended to be taken independently, without appointing a doctor, as they are considered therapeutic, and not preventive.

  • Tablets "Folio"

Highly good drugSince it contains at once two elements necessary for a full conception and a safe to wear a child in the future. Contains 400 μg of vitamin B9, while daily rate Folic acid for women is 800 μg (i.e. it will be necessary to drink 2 tablets per day), dosage for men - 400 μg (there will be 1 tablet per day), and 200 μg iodine. Dose of active substance in this medicine prophylactic, i.e. covers the needs female organism In the absence of a folacine deficiency.

Folic acid is also contained in all vitamin complexes specially designed for those who are planning pregnancy. This is "Mantna", "Elevit", "Vitruum Prenatal", "Vitruum Prenatal Forte", "Multi-Tabs Perinal", "Prognavit". The instruction is attached to all these complexes, in which the content of folic acid in them is indicated. It usually varies from 400 to 1 000 μg, which is a preventive dosage at this stage for young parents.

Drugs are quite a lot, but they cause enough issues from future parents: how to make folic acid when planning pregnancy - a separate medicine or in a complex with other vitamins, which dosage and for what time. This information should be announced by the doctor after examination, or, in the extreme case, it can be found from the instructions for the designated drugs.

If there are any doubts if the daily dosage of folic acid is chosen correctly when pregnancy planning and for what time you need to start taking it to conception, somewhat simple, but very useful Soviets Will help you solve them. A peculiar universal instruction for all drugs containing vitamin B9 will prevent possible errors.

  1. How to use?

If, during the examination, a significant deficiency of folic acid was revealed in the body of a future mother or father, they are prescribed drugs containing directly folacine directly. If there are no problems with a shortage of this substance, the doctor may advise the vitamin complexes and food with rich in vitamin B9 content.

  1. What should be the dosage?

Highly important question - How many drinking folic acid when planning pregnancy men and women. Since the body of the future mother will need to give a sufficiently large number of pholyna a child for the full formation of its nervous system and brain, it will need a daily dose of 800 μg. The future fathers for the usefulness, health and mobility of the spermatozoa necessary for a prosperous conception, there will be a dosage of 400 μg of folic acid. However, these figures concern only those who lead a healthy lifestyle and does not suffer with a catastrophic deficiency of vitamin B9. Otherwise, the dosage is incremented by a doctor, depending on the individual characteristics of the body.

  1. When to start drinking?

The complexity is that Vitamin B9 does not have the properties to accumulate in the body: it is very active in it spent, and all excess constantly output from it. So that the conception has passed successfully, doctors recommend starting to drink preparations with folic acid 3 months before the cherished date.

  1. What affects the absorption of folic acid by the body?

Very often, despite the fact that future parents have been actively and started to take folic acid in time when planning pregnancy, the fetal subsequently still discovered the pathology of the nervous system associated with the disadvantage of this vitamin. This is because they, taking the right drug, did nothing to be absorbed in full.

Folic acid in the body is consumed several times more, if a person is actively smoking, abuses alcohol, it is not regularly poured, it is in a state of constant depression, for a long time takes antibiotics or hormonal preparations, has problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, both parents are strongly recommended before conception to quit all the bad habits, to start conducting a healthy lifestyle, how little medications can be taken as possible, restore its nervous system And to undergo the treatment of all chronic diseases.

  1. Is there an overdose of folic acid possible?

Vitamin B9 is good because it is actively excreted from the body, if not spent all. So do not be afraid to poison this drug or experience unpleasant side effects From him. However, this does not mean that the pills of the folacine can be used in an unlimited quantity, and you will not have anything from this. You need to stick to the dosages appointed by the doctor and specified in the instructions. Only then the drug applied will benefit.

Now you know why folic acid is so necessary when planning pregnancy and men, and women. With its deficiency in the body, even the conception may not be able due to the low mobility or the backupy of spermatozoa or inferiority of the egg.

The safe tooling the child is also impossible without need quantity Flacin in the mother's body: it threatens serious, irreversible pathologies for the fetus and fraught with miscarriage. Therefore, those who plan in the near future to conceive the baby, it is worth paying special attention to Vitamin B9 so that no problems have arisen in such an important and responsible matter.

Folic acid refers to the vitamins of a group in having a feature in a small amount of water to dissolve. This drug is necessary for the body throughout the entire period of pregnancy, as well as at the stage of its planning. The remedy does not have the accumulator property in the body, and in connection with this it is extremely important to replenish its reserves. Foliatic acid for conception is in such products as buckwheat porridge, cottage cheese, nuts and citrus. In a minor volume, this vitamin is produced in a colon, but for coating daily need This preparation is not enough.

Folic acid at the pregnancy planning stage

This vitamin is needed with conscious planning, since the lack of this substance is celebrated by each second woman. Timely reception facilitates the correct conception, prevents damage to the future kid and besides this, responsible for the development of the placenta, which is very important when entering the fetus. Vitamin B9 is also very important for male, its disadvantage is affected by the quality of sperm. That is why it is also necessary.

The value of the drug during the conception of the child

Studies have proven that women who take this vitamin every day significantly increase their chances to conceive a child, because this substance forms positive conditions for conception, and also increases fertility. In addition, folic acid for conception is responsible for the ripening of the nervous tube of the fetus, the violation of which can cause a vice in the development of the future kid. The disadvantage of this component may affect the mental and physical formation of the fetus. For how much before conception to drink folic acid - you will tell you the doctor, you must consult with him on this issue, since everything is individually.

How to use folic acid properly

With conscious planning, a specialist, when passing a survey, appoints the use of folic acid in two or three months before conception. A very important factor is the failure of a couple of smoking, as nicotine contained in cigarettes contributes to the destruction of this vitamin. The excess of the dosage set by the doctor may lead to hypervitaminosis that is not very worse than the lack of vitamins. Use or not to consume folic acid is definitely a personal matter of parents. But as experience shows - this is not only harmful, but also the baby.

Folic acid reception doses

How much to take folic acid before conception, what should be the dosage? Different couples can take absolutely. Men are needed a smaller dose (0.4 mg per day), as it is only responsible for the process and the fact of conception. Planning a child, that is, before conception, a woman should consume this drug at least 0.8 mg every day, regardless of the diet. Women who suffer from epilepsy or diabetes need to increase the dose of reception. In the case when there were cases of congenital pathological diseases in the family (the holy lip, wolf fall, etc.), then in this case, the dose increases to 2 g per day. This drug is produced in the form of tablets, which encloses 1 g of vitamin. It is more correct to use after meals, drinking with a small amount of water. It is not recommended to take a tool simultaneously with antibiotics.

Folic acid contributes to the conception of twins

After conducting research, experts found that folic acid consumption adds chances to the appearance of twins. The Australian study found out that future mothers who drank this substance at the pregnancy planning stage increased the probability of twins to 40%. Swedish experts determined that folic acid contributes to the birth of twins, doubles this probability. Part of Western studies did not lead to such rainbow results, so it is impossible to say with confidence that this vitamin really affects the conception of the twins. But even if you have conceived one, not two children, it will not be harmful to the drug from taking the drug.

Thus, it is necessary to take folic acid to conceive both women and men. It has very important.

Many girls during the planning period doctors advise to take certain vitamins, especially folic acid. Consider whether folic acid helps to get pregnant and feeding moms who took it.

Vitamin B9: features and functions

To understand whether folic acid helps to become pregnant, it is enough to study its features, the effect on the body and processes flowing in it. It is a vitamin B-group - B9. It is necessary for the development of blood and immune system. Contains mainly B. levels of plants, some vegetables, nuts and fruits. The amount of vitamin in them may differ significantly.

Vitamin Products

For example, in 100 g of the product is:

  • Beans: 300 μg of acid;
  • brussels Cabbage, Walnuts: 130-150 μg;
  • melon, Broccoli, Forest Nuts: 100-110 μg;
  • strawberry: 60 μg;
  • grapes, oranges: 30-40 μg.

  • improves the assimilation by the body of proteins;
  • contributes to the assimilation of sugars and amino acids;
  • contributes to cell division;
  • provides normal blood formation (promotes the formation of leukocytes, platelets, erythrocytes);
  • participates in the formation of DNA and RNA, which carry inheritance information;
  • prevents the development of atherosclerosis;
  • improves the work of the food tract;
  • lowering the opportunity food poisoning, improves appetite.

Using whether it is possible to get pregnant from folic acid, the answer is unequivocal. It has nothing to do with fertilization. That is, with problems with conception, it will not be able to help in the problem of infertility or the absence of ovulation. It is prescribed to strengthen the body and prepare it to such a complex tooling process when the energy reserves of the mother are spent on the development of the baby.

Whether folic acid helps become pregnant

Some believe that folic acid helps become pregnant and precisely because it is prescribed to almost all girls who want to conceive the baby. But by contacting the doctor, you can get a comprehensive answer.

Vitamin is prescribed to strengthen the immune system and the overall improvement of the body so that the future kid does not have congenital defects due to the unfavorable influence of the ecology, the lifestyle of parents and similar problems.

Folic acid when planning pregnancy

Vitamin B9 prevents the development of anemia, which was detected almost a hundred years ago. After conducting some studies, a decrease in the risk of diseases of the nervous tube of the fetus is 70% when taking folic acid. And due to the lack of development of certain dangerous diseaseswhich are not compatible with the vital activity of embryos, Vitamin helped to significantly reduce the number of miscarriages.

Complications in the absence of folic acid in pregnant

For the correct course of pregnancy and the development of the fetus, the girl should receive all types of vitamin in normal quantities, incl. and folic acid. Is it possible to get pregnant with its disadvantage, not a question. Of course, it is quite a frequent phenomenon. But with a shortage of this vitamin, the risk of some hazardous states is significantly increasing:

  • miscarriage at low deadlines;
  • frozen pregnancy;
  • pairing placenta;
  • education in the embryo of congenital vices.

It is an increase in the risk of the occurrence of defects in the embryo and requires reception of folic acid to get pregnant, to endure and give birth to a healthy baby. From the most frequent problems of the newborn can be called:

  • nervous tube defect;
  • anencephalia;
  • hypotrophy;
  • delay in development (mental and physical).

Of course, it does not even indicate that with the lack and absence of folic acid in the diet, you can get pregnant and get a lot of problems. Everything is quite individually. Just with a small amount of vitamin in the body, the risk of data of defects increases.

Considering how to take folic acid to get pregnant, it is worth remembering the individuality of each organism. The level of immunity, the normal development of processes, the production of blood bodies, the features of digestion are very different from each girl. Therefore, the development of the fetus and the possibility of problems is also individual. As far as we remember, even with a lack of vitamin, give birth to a completely healthy baby possible. If there is a desire to reduce the risk of the above defects, then the acid is accepted. It is confirmed by specialists that in the consumption of pill, problems with the development of the fetus are not observed.

Vitamin reception dosage

It is best to clarify your doctor how to drink folic acid to get pregnant and give birth to a healthy baby. He will prescribe an individual dose. If the girl independently decided to take pills, it is worth familiar with the instruction and choose the optimal scheme. Usually, the norm is considered to be 0.4 mg per day. Often, the doctor can increase this standard, almost twice, after a successful conception.

To the question of how to drink folic acid to get pregnant, doctors answer that the recommended reception rate of 0.4 mg tablets per day

It is worth remembering that excess reception does not give a positive result. In particular, it is not recommended to take more than 0.8 mg per day. But the absorption of vitamin does not occur by 100%, and therefore it is extremely different and not turned out.

How much to drink folic acid to get pregnant with a healthy baby depends on the instructions of the doctor. But this vitamin does not apply to accumulated. If you stop it, the content of it in the body will decrease.

It is recommended to start drinking it 3 months before the expected conception time. But pairs do not always be pregnant in a short time. In this case, the girl's tablets continue to be conceived and after. But if the fertilization is delayed, the dose is usually reduced. The main thing is to ensure sufficient content of vitamin.

If there is no desire to drink pills for so long, it is quite possible to do without them. Vitamin can be obtained from products and vegetables in which it is contained. The effectiveness of the acid is hard to confirm, because to know, could have emerged from a newborn defect, if the mother did not receive vitamin simply impossible. But it is known that folic acid helps to become pregnant (feedback from girls confirm) and reproduce healthy kids on time.

Doctors prescribe folic acid techniques to become pregnant with a healthy baby, it is women, but men often advise her to take it. This is explained simple enough. The lack of vitamin in the men's body has an impact on mobility, quality and amount of spermatozoa. Men are prescribed tablets, of course, only if such problems are found. But if you wish, you can drink tablets during the planning period.

Do not forget about the deterioration of ecology, not always a healthy lifestyle, problems with the stomach or intestines, congenital diseases. All this can lead to problems when conception.

At the stage of pregnancy planning and immediately after conception, doctors recommend to take folic acid. This appointment was widely distributed not so long ago, as a result of which women are often doubted by appropriateness. They explain it by famous excuses: "Our moms and grandmothers gave birth without all additives, and everything was fine." But they do not take into account that the same grandmothers grew in different conditions, but in modern world For a number of reasons, the risk of all kinds of congenital diseases increases.

What is folic acid?

Folic acid, which is also called is necessary for the development of the immune and circulatory system. The name "Folia" occurred from the Latin word "Folium" (in the translation of the "leaflet"), as vitamin is contained in salads, spinach, beets, sunflower seeds, beans, and so on.

First received distribution in 1931, when it was proven that it was prevented by women. Only at that time did not take tablets, but a yeast extract. Later, another important fact was clarified. The fact is that thanks to the vitamin the risk of developing diseases of the nervous tube of the fetus is reduced by 70%. Moreover, and at all reduced cases of miscarriage, as it does not allow to develop dangerous states, which are not compatible with the life of embryos.

In most cases, doctors recommend taking folic acid to 0.4 mg per day. This dosage is suitable for women who did not have previously frozen pregnancies or the birth cases of a child with vices of the nervous tube. If this situation happened, the dosage increases, but a certain amount is established by a doctor, since excessive use of vitamin does not benefit.

Is foliage acid necessary for conception?

Immediately note that this vitamin does not affect the effectiveness of fertilization. His goal is to reduce the risk of developing several diseases.

As a rule, folic acid for conception is already part of the vitamin complexes for pregnancy planning. Reviews about such preparations are positive, as they contain all the necessary trace elements.

Many women believe that take the remedy is only after conception. But everyone knows that vitamins in the body accumulate, and time is necessary for their action. That is, if you wish to get the maximum benefit from the drug, then it is worth it to start about three months before the alleged conception. By the end of the first trimester, it is possible to cancel the drug, as comprehensive multivitamins are assigned, in which this vitamin is present.

Is it worth taking folic acid if the polyvitamin complex has already been appointed pregnant?

The benefits of receiving folic acid for pregnant women is proven repeatedly. In most cases, doctors prescribe vitamin complexes, which already enters folic acid. At the same time, the dosages of this vitamin is enough to prevent the development of nervous tube defects. Additional reception of the drug is justified only by strict indications.

Folic acid content in products

Beans: 300 μg per 100 g

Walnuts: 155 μg per 100 g

Brussels Cabbage: 132 μg per 100 g

Forest nuts: 113 μg per 100 g.

Broccoli: 110 μg per 100 g

Melon: 100 μg per 100 g

Strawberry: 62 μg per 100 g.

Grapes: 43 μg per 100 g.

Oranges: 30 μg per 100 g

What is needed folic acid?

This substance is necessary for:

Assimilation and decay of proteins in the body;

Cell division;

Supporting normal blood formation: platelet formation, leukocytes, red blood cells;

Assimilation of sugar and amino acids;

Participation in the formation of DNA and RNA, which are responsible for the transfer of hereditary signs;

Prevention of atherosclerosis development;

Reducing the risk of manifestation of food poisoning;

Improving appetite and the work of the food tract.

Feeding folic acid before pregnancy

Each of us is known that pregnancy for a woman is not only a joyful wait, but also the emergence of a number of problems. The body spends all the forces on the development of a new life, as a result of which vitamins, useful trace elements are spent on a child. The future mother remains only what was not used on the kid. Unfortunately, it is not always there to stay. For this reason, folic acid is necessary for conception. To be more accurate, the reception is desirable and to prevent many troubles associated with the deficit. useful substances. If we talk about folic acid, then its drawback can provoke a number of problems:

  • the formation of congenital defects in the defect of the nervous tube, the delay of mental and physical development, Ancensephaliya);
  • miscarriage in the early time;
  • partial or absolute placental detachment;
  • measuring pregnancy.

Of course, this does not mean that without taking this vitamin, you will definitely come across the problems listed above. You only increase the risk, and nothing more. A detailed picture can show only blood test, as well as inspection by a doctor.

It is worth noting the erroneous opinion that folic acid contributes to conception. Vitamin does not affect these processes.

How long should the folic acid

Not all married couples will get pregnant in the first months of planning. For this reason, many women are asked about how long folic acid is accepted before conception. The fact is that this vitamin does not have accumulative properties. This means that the body requires its constant reception. Of course, the dosage should be small to maintain the acid content in the body at the proper level. If you do not want to take tablets, then limit the use of those products that contain folic acid. Reviews about preparations are different, but there are actually no negative estimates. Allergic and other unwanted reactions is not observed, but a positive impact is difficult to judge. After all, we do not see whether the drug prevented in a certain case the development of the disease. But the main thing is that kids whose mothers have taken folic acid, born on time without the defects mentioned above.

Multiple pregnancy

As statistics showed, folic acid to conceive twins is really used. Of course, this does not mean that you will definitely deal with twins, but the chances are increased by 40%. Unfortunately, none of the doctors say, what dosage is needed for this. Each organism is individual, but even if you become pregnant with one, and not two kids, it will not be harmful from receiving vitamin anyway.

Foliatic acid for men

Everyone constantly indicate the fact that take vitamins, including folic acid, it is necessary for women. At the same time, few people know that men should take care of their health. In addition, the lack of vitamin negatively affects the state of spermatozoa, their mobility and quality. So it is desirable that folic acid for conception is taken not only by future mothers.

But the drug is prescribed, as a rule, only after identifying problems. Up to this point, a man is extremely rarely received by vitamins. Despite the comprehensive development of medicine and wide access to information, many men mistakenly believe that the efficiency of conception depends solely from a woman. Also, the whole responsibility for the health of the future kid is shifted to the mother.

Studies showed a different picture. Incorrect meals, unhealthy lifestyle, congenital diseasesThe problems with the gastrointestinal tract increase the risk of problems with conception. If fertilization occurred, pathology and fetal defects may develop. It is possible to reduce the likelihood of such problems if folic acid be accepted on time. The price of such a drug varies and can be both 100 and 300 rubles. It all depends on the manufacturer, dosage, packing and pills, of course. In any case, the cost is quite acceptable, especially if we take into account the positive qualities of this vitamin.

How is folic acid adopted for conception?

Certain dosage is most often appointed by a doctor. If you independently decide to start receiving the drug, then use the instruction. Depending on the concentration of vitamin in one tablet, the reception diagram differs. In most cases, 0.4 mg per day is sufficient for pregnancy planning. After conception, the dosage is doubled. Excessive diligence in this case is not welcome, so more than 0.8 mg per day without appointing a doctor to take an undesirable. Excess of vitamins in the body often leads to serious problems, and concerns this substance.

Be that as it may, overdo it, with the dosage of this drug, it is difficult, because even the daily rate is absorbed only partially. For this reason, you can safely take vitamins during pregnancy planning, as well as after conception.