Useful food during pregnancy. Useful products for pregnant women: What is there is a future mom. Additional vitamin and mineral supplements are needed

Useful food during pregnancy. Useful products for pregnant women: What is there is a future mom. Additional vitamin and mineral supplements are needed
Useful food during pregnancy. Useful products for pregnant women: What is there is a future mom. Additional vitamin and mineral supplements are needed

Feed the child The woman begins not after delivery, but at the stage of pregnancy. If earlier it was possible to afford a lot of all extra or in excessive quantities, then during pregnancy, the diet should be revised. Now the woman should evaluate not only the taste of food and calorie dishes, and first of all it is confident that this food is useful to her and the child. Elle made a list of necessary products for future mothers.

The question is that you can eat pregnant, and what can not, occurs already a couple of minutes after happy news that you will be my mother. From this second, everything you do is invariably accompanied by thoughts, whether it is useful to the baby. The starting point is the revision of the diet. Doctors do not recommend a sharp refusal of the usual menu, but the products rich in vitamins and minerals will definitely have to prevail in it. Useful food for pregnant women is not much different from a standard balanced diet with protein, fats, carbohydrates.

Eggs, fish, lean meat, pasteurized dairy products, vegetables and fruits - that's what you can eat pregnant in moderate quantity without fear about the set excess weight. But each product group has its own constraints that will not affect the development of the child, but they can cause discomfort from the mother. In most cases, this is an individual reaction of the body, which did not occur to pregnancy and, most likely, will not happen after the birth of the child.

Proteins of animal origin play a crucial role in the development of the fetus and must be in the daily menu of pregnant. On the day you need to eat at least 200 g of low-fat meat, preferably boiled. The choice is varied - beef, pork, lamb, poultry meat without skin. In red meat, the high content of cholesterol and harmful fats, so that its use is better minimized. For breakfast, it is recommended to eat 2 eggs: boiled or fried.

Types of fish as salmon, sardines, mackerel, trout, herring, contain fatty omega-3 acids, protein and phosphorus, which are necessary for the development of the cerebral baby.

In second place in terms of efficiency, carbohydrates that are necessary for the formation of organs and muscles of the future child. A pregnant woman is better to give preference to "long" carbohydrates - pasta, rice, bread, potatoes. Sweets and snobs are saturated with the body, but quickly cause a feeling of hunger, besides, they lead to the appearance of excess weight.

Fats are necessary for better absorption of vitamins of groups A, D, E, K. The safest and useful fats Add to food from oils. Use them as salad dressings, combining the favor of vegetables and oils. The most useful vegetable oils are rapeseed, flax, corn, sunflower.

For the formation of bones and teeth of the future child, as well as maintaining their own hair health, skin and nails, a pregnant woman needs to increase the share of high-calcium products. Daily rate Calcium during pregnancy increases to 1200 mg. Calcium source - dairy products. Pregnant women in the early deadlines must eat cottage cheese, yogurts, solid cheese varieties.

Folic acid is responsible for cellular growth and cell regeneration. It is prescribed from the first trimester and often for the lactation period. In addition to tablets foliic acid You can get from green herbs and vegetables. High folic acid content in spinach, greenery, cabbage, rope, avocado, broccoli. Beans and legumes are characterized by a high content of folic acid, but can cause meteorism. A small bowl of any type of lentil is equivalent to a full-folic acid daily rate.

For the snack you can choose nuts and seeds. Raw and germinated pumpkin seeds, sesame, sunflower or flax, almonds, peanuts also enrich the body of a future mother with folic acid.

Vitamin D helps assimilate calcium, it is always in vitamin prenatal complexes. In a small amount of food, it can be obtained in fatty varieties of fish, eggs or dairy products. Vitamin D is produced by the skin under the action of sunlight, so it is so important every day to take walks in the fresh air.

Food for pregnant women must include iron. Iron deficiency in the mother's body leads to anemia. Safe iron source - whole beef, liver.

In the breakfast menu, you need to include porridge from wholegrain croup, especially useful buckwheat, millet and unlightened rice, as these cereals are maximally full of filling.

Apples will have invaluable help to organize. These fruits contribute to the normalization of the gastrointestinal operation, increase the selection of gastric juice, help to fight nausea. There are many iron, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium in apples, which contribute to the proper development of the fetus.

Seasonal berries (strawberries, blackberry, raspberries) contains the minerals and vitamins necessary for the development of the fetus. They are recommended to use daily to increase the child's immunity.

Proper nutrition during pregnancy - the guarantee of the health of the woman and the correct development of the baby. Blood of the future mother is a power source for a child, so you should carefully consider what you eat and how you live, because the wrong food during pregnancy threatens ::

  1. threats of premature births;
  2. forming failures nervous system kid;
  3. anemia;
  4. late toxicosis;
  5. problems with teeth;
  6. allergic reactions;
  7. obesity;
  8. problems with loss of extra kilograms after childbirth.

Therefore, it is comfortable and carefully read that it is useful to eat during pregnancy.

Myths about food pregnant women

Myth number 1. Pregnant should have "for two", and the more calorie will be food, the healthier will be the baby.

Myth number 2. During pregnancy, you should limit yourself in food to facilitate childbirth and keep the figure after them.

Truth, as always, somewhere in the middle. Balance and diversity in nutrition - the key to success!

Your weight over forty-week increases by about 10-14 kilograms. All this happens, first of all, due to the growth of the baby, increasing the breast and produce a larger amount of blood, and only in the last place is a clean increase in fat (2-4 kilos). So it is better to eat during pregnancy?

Basics of proper nutrition during pregnancy

The main thing during pregnancy is your calm and comfort. Therefore, it is not necessary to punish yourself for one unnecessary bun, but take care of your diet (and therefore, about the health of the child you carry under your heart) and to maximize the aforementioned recommendations - this is your duty as a future mother.

Often during the first 3 months of pregnancy, a woman faces such a problem as toxicosis. If you are sick in the morning, it is necessary to eat something as quickly as possible, without getting out of bed: you can drink a glass of milk with a cookie. Good with nausea help:

  • ginger;
  • mint;
  • citrus.

They can be used in the form of lollipops, mint or ginger tea, orange or grapefruit juice.

Eat in small portions during the day every 2-3 hours. It will not only facilitate your well-being, but also help not to gain a lot of extra kilograms.

Also do not forget that the use of food and beverages must be separated. It is advisable to drink no earlier than 30-40 minutes after meals.

What you need to eat pregnant women in trimesters: video

Why pregnant women score their head with different rules on the topic that you can eat, and what is it impossible? Yes, then, so that your negligence does not make a healthy child (fetus) - a disabled person. After all, if during pregnancy, there is no folic acid contained in large quantities in fresh greenery (parsley, dill, onions, salad), then the baby can then be problems with the spine, and if there is no meat and eggs during the last trimester, then There are problems with the development of the brain.

But not only the health of the future heir suffers from improper nutrition: the course of pregnancy in this case is often accompanied by various complications up to premature genera or even miscarriage.

If a woman is powered by the rules, but with a loaf to his own organism, it is unlikely to develop anemia and sharply falls eyesight, it most likely will not be cramps in the legs and will not fall out of the teeth due to calcium deficiency, it will feel cheerful And he does not know what vomiting and nausea, constipation, it will not have premature birth and it will be happy and calm, and after the birth of a child will rather come to a good physical form.

What do you need to know?

If you do not have problems with weightless weight and you do not need to urgently gain weight in front of childbirth, before putting one or another piece of food to my mouth, be sure to ask yourself a question - "What will my baby get from this food? Will it be useful for him? "

The fact is that not all calories are equally useful and equal.

If you dig 100 grams / calories of chips, it will be empty and even harmful calories, since there are a lot of preservatives and other chemistry in chips - such food will be harmful to your baby. But if you are taking 100 grams / apple calories, then let's go to him, since this beautiful fruit contains many types of vitamins and minerals for the development of the organism.

Say no!" Post during pregnancy!

Especially - in late terms. If, of course, you do not want to give birth ahead of the sick child.

Eat regularly.

When the baby is born, you will be regularly feeding it to breast milk or artificial nutrition, right? So why do you think you have the right to sneak your own child's own child in your womb?

Never, never - never skip meals! The baby needs at least 3-time nutrition, and normally - 4-6 times a day. Do not make your child in your belly to know what is a real hunger.

Lit fats to a minimum.

Fats are solid calories, these are solid carbohydrates. Therefore, buy low-fat meat, it is best to buy a chicken, better baked dishes in the oven than the burning of them, for the preparation of food use fat or vegetable oil all the spoon, and not half a cup.

Useful food products during pregnancy:

Attention! The fact that they are useful does not mean that they need to eat cars! Everything should be in reasonable proportions, approximately 30-60 grams at a time.

  1. nuts and seeds;
  2. broccoli cabbage, sea cabbage, ordinary cabbage, young peas, bean dishes (but not on the last trimester - so that there is no bloating, gases);
  3. milk and kefir, cottage cheese and rippy, cheese solid;
  4. chicken, low-fat beef and pork, liver - buy them fresh and prepare itself;
  5. eggs;
  6. fresh berries, fruits and vegetables - apples, peaches, apricots, pears, grapes (carefully!), watermelon, melon, cranberries, strawberry, raspberry, currant, pepper, tomatoes, cucumbers, potatoes (in small quantities), zucchini, pumpkin, Eggplant ...
  7. Vegetables are best prepared for a couple or carcasses under the lid for a short time. Try every day to eat a little fresh vegetables and fruits, greenery. If the case is winter - then buy frozen fruits and berries;
  8. greens - parsley, dill, onions;
  9. dried apricots;
  10. fish is especially red - trout, salmon, as well as karasi, pike perch, flounder and others. - Again: buy fish as much and fresh, and prepare myself;
  11. complex unrefined carbohydrates - buckwheat, brown rice, black or gray bread, whole cereal bread, boiled potatoes in uniform (in the peel), boa peas and beans, vegetables and fruits - suppliers of fiber, vitamins of group B, proteins and minerals;
  12. natural juices from fruit, but divorced at least 50% by 50% with water;
  13. honey - literally 1-2 spoons per day, no more;
  14. clean water, better - purified by filter - 2 liters per day at least during the first two trimesters and 1-1.5 liters per day in the third trimester;
  15. creamy and vegetable oil (approximately 30 g in total per day), olive oil.

What can not eat pregnant?

It is impossible - the concept of a condition that means - undesirable in large quantities and especially every day, but if very, very much, it is possible, but as a one-time exclusion. So, not recommended:

  1. chips, bread crumbs from the store in packs, salt squids and their rings, salt nuts, coupled to beer or vodka;
  2. alcohol is impossible! - beer, vodka, etc., alcoholic beverages Type Burn, REDBULL energy, wine ...;
  3. coffee;
  4. black and green tea (in limited quantities and very rarely - it is possible);
  5. chocolate bars, cakes, pastries in large quantities;
  6. white rice (provokes constipation);
  7. white bread (useless calories + constipation possible);
  8. sugar, sweet and flour, sugar substitutes;
  9. any canned food - canned corn, fish and canned meat;
  10. salt - salty fish (low-voltage and fairly fresh - it is possible), preserves, meat balis;
  11. sausages, fat, sausages, minced meals;
  12. smoked smoked fish, meat, chicken - can not;
  13. acute, with many strong seasonings, with garlic and onions, Korean salads;
  14. fried pies, Chebureks, kebabs;
  15. chocolate, chocolate cakes and cookies, ice cream;
  16. mayonnaise;
  17. margarine;
  18. fatty food;
  19. acute ketchup - adjika, horseradish, vinegar, red hot chili pepper, mustard, ketchup industrial.

Remember the main rule: buy fresh food And cook dishes from them themselves.

Do not overeat! There are two, it means that the calories must have enough of your adult organism and the other - a tiny, more germin. Therefore, your portion and portion of the growing baby in their proportions are incompatible!

Those. Power in pregnant should consist of a regular dose of food for her + 300 calories per day from above - for her baby. And during the first trimester you will need even fewer foods, because The fruit is still completely small.

  1. if you lead a passive lifestyle, mostly - you sit, - Multiply your weight for 24 and get the number of you need and your child on the day of calories;
  2. if you are active in moderation - Multiply your entire 30;
  3. if you are very active - multiply your weight by 40.
  4. if you have too much weight, you must consult with a doctor about to reduce the number of calories consumed in food;
  5. if you do not have one child, then add 300 calories to your diet of 300 calories on top of each kid;
  6. if you are too young and grow (age until 18-25 years), you may need to eat a little more;
  7. if you have a weight deficit, you need to eat more to gain his right amount, - during pregnancy for thinness it is from 12 to 17 kg.

Women in risk area:

If you do not have problems with weight, it is normal, it will be fine, if for the pregnancy you will recover by 8-12 kg.

Why can not eat too much?

Because as a result, the child will break the metabolism and it will become too large for natural childbirth - it may even have to make caesarean sections to get this "hero" from you.

Even if you do not even resort to Cesarev, and the baby will still weigh more than 4 kg, then the risk of difficult natural labor, you can "break away", and the child will eventually suffer from birth from overweight, he will not have muscles, and Only fat, its body can be unevenly developed.

It is also fraught with premature childbirth and even miscarriage. Therefore, pregnant women need to eat for two enough, not, sorry, eat for two adults.

Food in the first half of pregnancy.

Go on to eat, as before, but find the strength to throw drinking alcohol and smoke cigarettes, hookahs, if you do not want to give birth to a baby with defects or then cry for miscarriage. Immediately decide what is more important for you: short-term pleasure from the next tightening or a healthy baby.

Put on greens - cucumbers, peppers, especially fresh parsley and dill, green onions, because they contain folic acid in large doses, so the necessary fruit is at this stage of development. Those. Try more to eat salads from fresh vegetables and fruits, if you have the opportunity - then every day use them into food.

It is advisable to 4 meals a day: a dense breakfast, a light lunch, a rich lunch, a light dinner and a glass of kefir or ripples 2 hours before sleep.

Food in the second half of pregnancy.

Now you need to eat from the second trimester a little more - but only a little bit. The main focus is on dairy and meat non-fat products. We must try to drink daily or milk or kefir, or rippy, or eat yogurt, or cottage cheese, or cheese.

Jarbed chicken, low-fat stew beef and pork, liver, butter anyone (preferably - unrefined, if we are talking about vegetable), boiled eggs, fish, baked in a foil in the oven, buckwheat, barley croup, gray or black bread, bread with cereals, fresh Vegetables and fruits, greens, - all must be present in your weekly diet.

Try now less to eat sweet and more drink clean water without gas. But from the third trimester it is necessary to drink less and eating carbohydrates - also less, but focus on proteins - meat, dairy products, nuts.

Preferably 6 meals a day: good tomorrow, lunch, powerful lunch, light dinner, evening light lunch, glass of yogurt or kefir

Useful vitamins and minerals. Pregnant need:

  1. iron for blood building and development respiratory systems Baby is apples, eggs, liver, buckwheat, oatmeal, greens, dr. Fruits;
  2. vitamins of group B for muscle growth - in cereals, not white bread, porridge - brown rice, oatmeal, buckwheat, in cabbage;
  3. vitamin D for bones, teeth, from anemia - in a fat fish like salmon and trout, carp, cambals, short tan in the sun;
  4. vitamin A for bones, eyes, leather-liver, yellow vegetables and fruits - carrots, pepper, apricots;
  5. folic acid in the first three months of pregnancy - greens, yellow fruits and vegetables;
  6. vitamin C for the formation of a skeleton of a child, its immunity, muscles of the uterus - oranges, currants, lemon (lemon - in small quantities), ascorbic acid;
  7. iodine for thyroid and brain - sea cabbage, peaches, young walnuts, oranges;
  8. vitamin E for the heart and health of the circulatory system - eggs, vegetable oils - sunflower, olive, etc., liver, cereal, salad latobe;
  9. RR or B3 - barley, kidneys, meat, liver, buckwheat, mushrooms, yeast, oats, gentle wheat, kefir, rippy;
  10. calcium for teeth and bones - dairy products. If you want to gnaw the walls and there are chalk, just more drink milk, make milkshakes, eat cheese.

Best fish and meat dishes do not combine with porridges, but with fresh vegetables and little lemon juicewhich can be watered.

All vitamins and trace elements are desirable to consume in reasonable quantities - gradually, otherwise complications may occur. Remember the Golden Middle Rule.

If you are some kind of product known - do not eat it, trust your body. Some pregnant women are generally refused to shop and industrial delicacies like sausages, meatballs, cheeses, cookies and go to natural products from the village. This is normal.

Sometimes you can arrange yourself unloading DaysIf you suffer from heartburn and after consulting with your doctor, - only no more than 1 time per week, for example, eat only cottage cheese or only peaches, only apples or only rippy.


Pregnancy is definitely one of the finest moments in the life of a woman, but also one of the most responsible. Is it possible to fly on the plane, what physical activity is allowed during pregnancy, is it worth sex? These questions are interested in almost all women who have seen two cherished stripes on the test ...

Well, it's time to figure it out: what is really categorically impossible to do during pregnancy, and what will go to the baby and the future mother only benefit?

Alcohol and smoking - during pregnancy. No compromise!

No matter how many of your friends or acquaintances from the forums do not convince you in challenge a pair of glasses of red wine or beer, the doctors of the whole world unanimously: even small doses of alcohol can harm the child and the future mother - cause severe malformations of intrauterine development, premature and often difficult labor, provoke miscarriage . Especially toxic "degree" in the early periods of pregnancy - on and to the end of everything when a very important process is occurring organogenesis, during which the embryo is only formed, "bookmark" of all internal organs and systems of the child occurs. It is undesirable to take alcohol and during conception, and, with both future parents! As for smoking, scientists have long proved that kids, whose moms smoked being pregnant, are born with the finished dependence on nicotine, they have been imminent immunity and often underdeveloped lungs. They also more often than other children suffer from asthma and other ailments of the pulmonary system. Therefore, if you found out that you will have a baby, throw smoking immediately! In general, it is necessary to do it even at the stage - 2-3 months before the abandonment of contraception.

Sport during pregnancy

Often, women are interested, is it possible, waiting for the child to do sports? In this matter, as often happens, the Golden Middle is important. Now, no one is waiting for the Olympic records from you, so you should not stand and sweat a few hours a day in the gym. But also to completely deprive itself of physical activity and conduct a sedentary lifestyle is also impossible - such inaction can lead to a set of excess weight, the development of edema, problems with vessels, an increase in blood pressure. Such complications have adversely affect the course of pregnancy and the development of the fetus.

So, what physical activity to choose? Many options: yoga, fitness, gymnastics for pregnant women, swimming (or aqua aerobic), hiking in a measured pace in the fresh air - such loads help improve the work of the lungs, maintain in good tone of leg muscles and backs, prevent the appearance and varicose veins, allow Fighting with venous stagnation in the field of small pelvis. Very useful for the future mother and baby popular now Nordiis Walking - Scandinavian walking with trekking or ski sticks. During such training, the bloodstream is improved, the state of blood vessels and hearts, the body is saturated with oxygen. The kid also gets more oxygen and nutrients.

But from bicycle walks it is better to refuse - they are considered an extreme sport for pregnant women. Under the unconditional prohibition, alone skiing, snowboarding, rollers, martial arts are also falling - in a word, all too active and traumatic sports. In any case, in order not to harm the fetus, you need to consult with your gynecologist, what kind of sports load should be selected for pregnancy. The doctor must exclude the states in which exercise stress contraindicated or significantly limited.

Sex and taboo

To impose a veto to your sex life during this period can only very serious medical testimony.

For example, if there is a pregnancy (especially in the first trimester), if you are waiting for a twin (multiple pregnancy is usually heavier than one-lodge), you had a miscarriage or premature childbirth, the previous pregnancy proceeded with the threat of miscarriage or analyzes revealed any infection . In addition, the doctor may prescribe a temporary abstinence with a loosely closed neck of the uterus, full (the placenta is completely overlapped by the inner uterine zev) or the edge of the placenta prelation (the lower edge of the placenta is at the level of the edge of the inner session). When discovery requires regular medical observation, since there is a danger and uterine bleeding. Also, depending on the location of the placenta, the method of delivery will be determined. Thus, during the edge or lateral preview, the possibility of natural childbirth is not excluded, and the cesarean section is prescribed with complete preview.

If pregnancy proceeds without complications, and you feel great, there are no contraindications for making love. Moreover, sex at this point is very important! It allows spouses to experience completely new sensations, contributes to even greater emotional rapprochement of the pair, has a beneficial effect on the woman's nervous system, which is very important for the normal development of the child. Of course, in such a period, do not forget about caution: choose still less bold positions than before, or try alternative forms of intimacy.

But in recent weeks, sex is even shown in the therapeutic purposes: the prostaglandins contained in sperm prepare the cervix for childbirth and help to avoid breaks.


There is such an opinion that airfares and a sharp climate change do not most effect on pregnancy. Indeed, after the seventh month of pregnancy, it is not recommended to fly by plane - the threat of premature birth is strong. As for flights in general, everything is very individual here - much depends on the course of pregnancy and health of a woman. If mommy does not complain about anything and with her future kid everything is in order, then there are no special contraindications for trips. If a pregnant woman has a weakened organism, it suffers in high pressure or she has a big risk of miscarriage, then in this case it is better to abandon movements by air.

As for visiting the exotic corners of the world or places where it is too hot, then it should be remembered here that when entering many Asian, African and Latin American countries, it is necessary to make vaccination from a number of infections, and this is a very large threat to the future kid. It is also not known how your body will react to a sharp change of climate and on high temperaturesSo doctors recommend to refrain from such extremes and choose more traditional tourism. But no matter how you feel, before going to travel, you must have to visit your pregnancy of the gynecologist.

Forbidden food

Speaking about the prohibitions of an interesting situation, it is worth mentioning the choice of products. So, making up a list of permissible products for this period, it is worth abandoning very fat, salted, fried, sharp dishes and smoked - they "overload" liver and gall-bubble, increase the burden on the kidneys, can cause heartburn, aggravation of gastritis. Not the best way to affect the body of pregnant women, as part of which a lot of chemical additives, especially dyes and taste amplifiers (nitrites, sodium glutamate) and seasonings: chips, all sorts of crackers, ready-made sauces, crab sticks, food fast cooking, soda, many sweets. Do not run on some seafood (tuna, sword, shrimp), chocolate, strawberries and exotic fruits - they can cause allergies. For the same reason, refrain from the frequent use of vegetables and fruits with orange pigment (citruses, carrots, pumpkin, drill), but not excluding quite out of your diet - there are many useful vitamins and trace elements. By the way, it is believed that foods such as red fish and meat are dangerous during pregnancy is not true. On the contrary: Squirrels, fatty acids omega-3 and folic acid contained in such a meal are simply necessary for pregnant women. In addition, meat serves as excellent prevention of iron deficiency anemia, often emerging during pregnancy. Best of all, if the diet will select the attending physician, based on these analyzes and anamnesis.

Not all the chases are equally useful.

During pregnancy, some women face such a problem as swelling. As a result, wanting to drive out an excess liquid from the body, future moms begin to drink various diuretic tea, herbal fees or infusions of berries and herbs. Without consultation, the doctor does not strictly do this, because many drinks due to their composition are medicinal, as they contain chemical components with various medical properties. Therefore, they may not in the best way to influence the body of a pregnant woman and the state of the fetus. So, drinks based on sage, parsley, ginseng, valerians, daisies often increase and increase blood pressure.

For these same reasons, it is better to refuse from coffee. Scientists have confirmed the fact that the daily use of this drink (more than 3 cups per day) increases the risk of miscarriage 2 times, especially in the first 12 weeks! Also coffee increases pressure, causes insomnia, removes useful trace elements and vitamins necessary for the normal development of the child from the body. The disastrous effect has both freshly brewed and soluble drink. In addition, doctors strongly advise on pregnancy time to exclude from their diet and other liquids containing caffeine - cola, power engineers, strong green and black teas.

But mint, ginger, white tea and vintage made of rosehip are extremely helpful. Mint calms, relieves nausea, ginger has antibacterial properties and irreplaceable during colds and ARVI, rosehip is rich in vitamins C, B, PR and iron, and white tea does not contain caffeine, normalizes pressure, promotes the elasticity of vessels and strengthens the dental enamel, which is very relevant While tooling the crumbs.

Pregnancy: myths and superstition

With the advent of two strips on the dough any woman (at least two or three higher Education) Begins to give an excessive meaning and believing. Meanwhile, many of them only spoil the life of the future mother. Here is some of them:

Myth. During pregnancy, you can not cut and paint hair.

In reality: During pregnancy, the structure of the hair often changes: they become more brittle and lifeless. It is precisely because it looks good, you need to regularly cut or at least pick the tips. As for staining, modern non-ammatic paints are quite safe for the future mother, and for the baby. A competent hairdresser will surely tested the paint on one strand, and will determine how hair perceive one or another color.

Where did you come from: From biblical times, the hair was considered a symbol of life (remember the tragic history of Samson and Dalili). Apparently, so our ancestors were so afraid to stand during pregnancy.

Myth. You can not tell anyone about pregnancy until your interesting position becomes apparent.

In reality: This is extremely your personal matter. Someone shares joy literally from the first days, someone hides her pregnancy almost to childbirth.

Where did you come from: Our ancestors were very afraid of the evil eye. And the "silence" method of happiness was considered one of the most effective in the fight against the evil eye. Believe or not in this accept - your personal business. However, it has nothing to do with medicine.

Myth. During pregnancy, it is impossible to raise your hands upwards, otherwise the umbilical cord will be tuned by the knot and the child will fall into the womb.

In reality: Medical statistics have not been proven by the relationship between any gestures of the mother and umbilical cord: from the fact that you make lingerie, nothing happens to your child!

Where did you come from: Most absurd superstitions are based on elementary ignorance of physiology. In a different way, this myth cannot be explained.

The 1-12th week of pregnancy is the period of bookmarking and differentiation of all future organs and systems, so the first trimester is important and responsible for the development of the baby. The rational food of a pregnant woman is the first step towards the health of the future child, which will allow his small body to cope with infections, prevent the appearance, have strong bones, good learning abilities at any age.

Of all factors external environment Food is playing main role. The incorrect and insufficient flow of nutrients during pregnancy can cause miscarriage, innate defects, lagging in development. And the lack of individual vitamins, micro and macroelements can affect both the development of the fetus and the further health of the child.

Features of the diet of a pregnant woman

In the first trimester, the nature of nutrition and lifestyle is not much different from the one to which the woman is used to pregnancy. When the fruit is still small, it is most sensitive to the lack of food substances and nutrients, so it is important that the pregnant in the first trimester eat is most diverse, including as many different products as possible, using daily sources of natural vitamins and minerals:, necessarily greens, seafood, nuts, seeds, fermented milk products.

Energy value of food should be increased only at 100 kcal, i.e. 2200-2700 kcal / day, distributed as follows: Carbohydrates - 55%, fats - 30%, proteins - 15%.


Protein must be present in the diet of a pregnant woman. It is necessary for the growth of the uterus and the proper development of the fetus.

The protein is necessary for the growth of the fetus, uterus and placenta, amniotic fluid, increasing the volume of the circulating blood of a woman. From the first months of pregnancy, an increased need of proteins appears, 1.5 g per 1 kg of mass of pregnant per day, this is approximately 60-90. The value has not only their quantity, but also quality. The diet should have 50% of the protein vegetable origin, 50% - on animal origin (of which 25% - meat and fish, 20%-temperature products and 5% - eggs). Remote consequences for a child as a result of non-sufficient protein intake - the risk of development sugar diabetes, arterial hypertension.


Fats as sources of polyunsaturated fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins provide normal brain development, visual apparatus, intellectual abilities. Fats should flow as vegetable oilsBut barnies, pork and beef need to be minimized. On a day, the fats can be eaten to 80 g, 25 g of them can be butter.


Carbohydrates is the main source of energy, moreover, their regular use will save pregnant from such a problem as constipation. Carbohydrates relies 500 g / day, but with initially excess body weight, 300-350 g / day should be limited. They should come with a cereal (buckwheat, oat, rice), fresh vegetables, fruit (per day it is recommended to eat the fruit of six different colors), bread (1-2 pieces per day).

Interesting to know! Scientists from New Zealand (University of Southampton) proved that a low-sugar diet and starch in early pregnancy can change the DNA of the future child. Subsequently, these children may have problems with weight (by 7-9 years), the risk of developing and cardiovascular diseases increases.


In the early period of pregnancy, the amount of liquid drunk can not be limited. Together with soups and porridge, it should come about 2 liters. When choosing drinks, stop on, compotes from fresh fruits, plates, natural juices. Juices better drink freshly squeezed from domestic fruits and vegetables.

  • There are freshly prepared homework.
  • So that food absorbed better, it is necessary to not be lazy and chew longer (up to 40 times one food lump), so, by the way, the saturation will come faster.
  • Do not combine and potatoes.
  • Filling salads, not mayonnaise or sour cream.
  • What you need to eat daily:
  1. Meat or fish - 150 g / day,
  2. Milk (kefir) - no more than 240 ml / day,
  3. Cottage cheese - 50 g,
  4. Bread - 150 g,
  5. Vegetables - up to 500 g,
  6. Fresh berries and fruits - up to 500 g / day.
  • It is advisable to have a full breakfast, lunch and dinner, distributing calories as follows: for breakfast 25-30%, the second breakfast is 10%, at lunch - 40%, afternooner - 10%, dinner - 10%. In the breaks to eat fruit or yogurt.
  • It is necessary for small portions.
  • The main meal (lunch) receives to 13:30.
  • And of course, it is not after 19:00, you can drink a glass of kefir before bedtime, our prokovashchi or eat a little cottage cheese.
  • In the summer period of fruit and greenery to use up to 60%, and 40% are vegetables, nuts, legumes. In winter - on the contrary.
  • Fruits and vegetables are recommended to use local, because they are less often cause allergies. There are seeds and nuts.
  • Include in the diet of food, enriched and pectin, it stimulates the intestinal work and warns constipation.

What vitamins and nutrients should be paid to the first trimester of pregnancy

In the first trimester of pregnancy, a woman is extremely important to obtain a sufficient amount of folic acid.

It is known that the embryo in the early stages is very sensitive to changing the number of vitamins and minerals. The deficit of various nutrients leads to congenital developmental vices in the fetus, unbeasting pregnancy, placental insufficiency, anemia, gestosis and other pregnancy complications. Vitamins provide normal pregnancy and intrauterine fetal development. With a diverse I. proper nutrition The pregnant woman has no need for taking vitamin preparations, only in the autumn-winter period, all pregnant women are recommended to take complex vitamin preparations, specialized products for pregnant women and.

On a note! It should be remembered: the longer the vegetable or fruit is stored, the less vitamins are preserved in it. When drying, freezing and heat treatment, products also lose a number of vitamins.

In heat treatment products:

  • Folic acid. She applies to. Folic acid deficiency in the early deadlines does not rarely lead to damage to the development of the nervous tube of the baby. The norm for a pregnant woman is at least 400 μg / day. It contains in the cabbage of broccoli, spinach, pepper (green), citrus. The long-term effects of lack of folic acid are neuropsychic disorders, cardiovascular diseases, so folic acid is appointed absolutely all women in the first trimester of pregnancy.
  • Vitamin A. is the only vitamin that requires special rigor during pregnancy. It is experimentally proven that with a shortage of vitamin A, various defects of the development of organs of vision, cardiovascular system, respiratory and urogenital fetal system may occur. But a slight increase in his dose can lead to serious problems from both the mother and the baby. Therefore, taking complex vitamins, you need to choose only designed for pregnant women with a content of vitamin A 1200-1400 μg (3900-4620 IU).
  • . It plays a very important role for the first time 14 weeks of pregnancy: ensures the normal work of the placenta, normalizes the bloodstream between the body of a woman and the fruit, contributes to a normal hormonal balance, thereby preserves pregnancy and warns the miscarriage, participates in the formation of bodies and warns intrauterine disorders of the fetal development, smoothes the harmful effects of the surrounding medium.
  • Iron. It is worth noting the iron: its drawback can cause premature birth, the development of anemia in the child born. Daily need - 15-20 mg.

From the practice of a plot pediatrician! Women with a normal level of hemoglobin and those that have anemia, but take iron preparations, more often give birth to children with a normal hemoglobin level. But in women who have a low hemoglobin level and refuse to take iron preparations, children are more often born with hemoglobin below the norm and to restore it up to the year, iron preparations are not always obtained from the first time.

  • Iodine. In case of insufficient admission, the miscarriage, disruption of intellectual, neuropsychic development, hypothyroidism can cause. Remote consequences - a violation of neuropsychic development, low-speed, germ delay, so there are seafood and walnuts. In iodhyatic areas, all pregnant women are appointed.
  • Calcium and phosphorus. Calcium requires 1 g / day, phosphorus - two times more. Calcium rich foods: cheese, yolks, milk.

On a note! 0.8-1.2 l of milk per day will fully ensure the body of pregnant in calcium and phosphorus.

Additional vitamin and mineral supplements are needed:

  • With insufficient volume and caloric content of nutrition - folic acid ,.
  • With multiple pregnancy - Vitamin C.
  • In the presence of bad habits - iron, zinc, copper, calcium.
  • Strict vegetarians - vitamin B12, vitamin D, calcium.
  • Residents of the northern regions -.

Weight gain

In the first half of the pregnancy, an insignificant weight gain - 1.5-2 kg, should not lose weight. And it would be nice to purchase outdoor scales.

Interesting to know! It turns out that if a pregnant woman lacks nutrition, the gene begins to work in the fetus, which contributes to the maximum absorption of nutrients from a limited amount of products. Then, when a child is born, it will start growing and developing, and food will come enough, it can develop, since the "included" in the intrauterine period of gene and further contributes to the maximum absorption of nutrients, as if they are still not enough.

Nutrition with toxicosis of the first half of pregnancy

It is regarded as a complication of pregnancy. The reason for this state is unknown, but pleases the fact that by the 12-14th week it passes. The toxicosis is manifested by nausea and vomiting in the morning clock, intolerance of odors.
Tips to help cope with toxicosis:

  • With nausea, you need to eat small portions.
  • Exclude sweet (when used sweet, the level of blood sugar changes dramatically, which can provoke vomiting), high-calorie and oily food.
  • Abandon products that cause nausea.
  • There is a warm meal and in any case not hot.
  • Do not make sharp movements, they can provoke vomiting.
  • Refuse smoking, nicotine enhances the secretion of gastric juice, which can cause vomiting;
  • With a thrust vomiting, drink at least 2 liters of fluid per day;
  • With toxicosis, there are more products rich in vitamins C and group V.
  • Lemon helps to cope with the attacks of vomiting sauerkraut, Kuraga, Ginger, decoction of dill seeds, herbs ragners (mint, valerian root, calendula, yarrow leaves). Taking herbs champs, it is necessary to keep in mind that their influence on the fruit is not studied!

Anemia during pregnancy

To prevent the development of anemia, a woman needs to eat food rich in food.

The reduction of hemoglobin during pregnancy is no exception and happens almost at half of women. The anemia is manifested by a decrease in hemoglobin in the blood test, fatigue, pallor of skin and mucous membranes, flickering "flies" before the eyes. With hemoglobin values, less than 100, you need to contact the gynecologist for the choice of iron-containing drug.

To retain hemoglobin within normal values \u200b\u200b(not lower than 120), meat and vegetable dishes should be included in the diet. Among the meat products, the leader in the content of iron is beef (pork is inferior, the poultry meat is not considered iron-containing), a little losing beef liver, kidney and heart. Among the products of plant origin are apples, grenades, peaches, tomatoes, greens, buckwheat.

With anemia, it is desirable to reduce the amount of dairy and carbohydrate dishes, eliminate black tea and coffee (they violate the absorption of iron in the digestive organs). But the products are rich in vitamin C and copper it is necessary to have sure, they, on the contrary, help the gland to be assisted in the body.

Take iron-containing drugs and comply with the diet follows and after restoring the level of hemoglobin, because by the growth of the fetus, the load on the body increases, plus it is necessary to prepare for bloodstures in childbirth.

What products should be avoided in the first trimester of pregnancy?

  1. Alcohol. Alcohol is one of the most toxic substances that are dangerous for the baby, especially in the first trimester, when the child's bodies are just beginning to develop. Alcohol easily penetrates the placenta to the fetus, disrupts the process of blood circulation between the organism of the mother and the child, as a result nutrients Do not fall to the child in full. It is important to know that the use of alcohol can cause congenital defects, more often the nervous system, insufficient weight gain.
  2. Caffeine. Along with alcohol is a dangerous product during the bookmark of the kid organs. These include: tea (black and green), natural coffee, energy drinks, cola. From these drinks it is desirable to refuse to completely or at least limit the reception. Caffeine easily penetrates the placenta and can affect the work of the heart and the child's breathing organs. Consequences: miscarriages, sudden infant death syndrome, low weight, besides, high doses of caffeine can cause congenital anomalies.
  3. Medicines. To date, the influence of drugs on the body of the future child is not enough. Therefore, it is recommended to independently not accept any drugs, and in case of any complaints to contact the gynecologist, since he, having experience, can pick up if necessary, the necessary drug and in the desired dosage and only if their use exceeds the harm for the child and Mother. And in the first trimester, because there is a laying of organs, any drugs are contraindicated. Gynecologist will prescribe to take folic acid, vitamin E, possibly iron and iodine - these harmless and very necessary medications The future mother should be drinking necessarily and conscientiously.
  4. Vitamin A. It is necessary for the body of a pregnant woman, it is impossible to take it above the allowable dosage and should limit the use of products with its high content. For this reason, it should be avoided in the diet of the liver dishes.
  5. And of course, it should be remembered that fried, smoked, fast food, sweets and snobs, food, stuffed with chemical additives, will not benefit neither mother nor her future child.

Special diets

  • Vegetarianism.

Women-vegetarian and during pregnancy it is possible to keep your lifestyle. It is necessary to eat vegetable protein, additional reception of iron preparations, vitamins B12, D.

  • Lactose intolerance.

Dairy products are a source of calcium, but some people have discomfort after their use: bloating, lightness or fixing chair, rumbling, gas formation are signs of lactase deficiency, that is, the intolerance of milk and products from it. During pregnancy, these symptoms decrease slightly, but if all the same discomfort makes the woman to refuse them, then there are more products rich in calcium (cheese, salmon, cabbage (especially broccoli), spinach, almonds, figs, beans).

Healthy and balanced food of a pregnant woman is the most efficient and natural method of preventing diseases of the future kid. Guided by simple rules, a woman can and must give the world of beautiful stronger.