Decorative composition for walls. How is the plaster for interior wall decoration. Types of plastecrops

Decorative composition for walls. How is the plaster for interior wall decoration. Types of plastecrops
Decorative composition for walls. How is the plaster for interior wall decoration. Types of plastecrops

Currently, decorative plaster quite often replaces other finishing materials for the premises. She easily bypass wallpaper, paint or ceramic tiles. There are many combinations of texture and color, therefore decorative plaster for internal work It can be used in rooms with any lighting and with any sizes.

If the gypsum walls and ceilings are in good condition - not cracked, do not flake or not fall apart - you do not need to do anything but paint. If there are holes for nails or a few cracks, the artist can easily fix them. The plaster cannot be deleted and replaced by plasterboard or cover with plasterboard. The coating makes the space less and destroys appearance adjacent details, such as moldings and door and window shells.

Types of plastering mixes

If you appreciate your plaster and original details, do not squeeze. There is any intestine repair and when required. The intestinal reconstruction means the removal of everything to the studs, including plaster and lathe. Unfortunately, this will mean the loss of all moldings - from plinths to roofing brass products - except for, possibly window and door boxes. It looks unsightly in the old house, and the plasterboard that replaces the plaster, will also differ from the gypsum walls.

Types of plasters for interior decoration

First you need to decide which end result you expect. In many ways it will depend on the texture of the surface. There are several types of plasters for interior decoration.

  1. For decoration of economic premises, staircases or corridors, a structural look is perfect. This is the easiest option, it does not need to have any knowledge in the field of construction. But any creative moments are excluded here.
  2. The most commonly found is a factory appearance. The undoubted advantage is the ability to hide any irregularities of the wall. Special construction tools are used to apply. With their help, a characteristic drawing is created. Among the frequently used drawings, the "Coroed", "rain", "lameas" and "orange crust" can be noted.
  3. Of all the decorative plasters for interior trim, Venetian gives the effect of marble and covers the entire wall with a smooth mirror film. Such an effect is achieved by mixing the base with a small crumb of marble, onyx, malachite and other valuable rocks. Acrylic resins and polymers are also used, so that the surface is really high quality. Among the others, this species is characterized by the ability to skip the sun rays, which gives the effect of depth. You can always repair a small segment of the wall.
  4. Internal flocks differ from the remaining appliance technique. At first, the surface is covered with special glue, then a dry mixture is thrown over and a layer of varnish is applied from above.
  5. If you want with plaster Create indoors the feeling of ancient, you will fit special view With the effect of the cracked surface. The wall is like a ravage of time. The main component is paint based on latex, so that such a plaster can be embedded by desire and crack.
  6. To achieve a stone cutoff effect, use the decorative plaster for the internal work of the Tadact. This is a traditional marocan plaster, which has increased resistance to moisture, has disinfectant properties. It can be boldly to apply in the kitchen or in the bathroom. It is also suitable for coating a fireplace or oven.
  7. Among the types of plasters for interior decoration there is a special modeling. If you need to simulate the slope or wall thickness, even very strong defects are without any problems.

Decorative plaster for interior decoration - Coloring process

After applying the mixture and its final hardening, you can proceed to staining the wall. There are some in different ways. Quite often use a dry roller or a wide brush. You first fully dip this brush in the bath with paint, then carefully remove it about the sides of the bath. Before applying again, wipe the brush about the cardboard sheet. During its work, it should be kept in parallel with the wall and barely concerned in different directions.

Types of plaster according to the method of applying

The contractor can cut the selective holes and channels in the walls of plaster to change the mechanical elements in places, then fill the holes with plaster or combination of plasterboard and plaster. Electricians, for example, usually use plaster specialists to close the walls after the modernization of electrical equipment in the house. The causes of the full or partial intestine may include water damage, extensive structural repair, reuse of tiles in baths or kitchens or moving walls to change the floor plan.

A more complex, but the spectacular coloring method is paint blur. First you apply a layer of paint on the wall. Then, after a while, wash it off with a damp cloth: recesses are obtained darker than bulges, and a feeling of texture is created.

Almost no repairs in an apartment or house costs without stuck. With it, you can not only align the walls, but also create a truly original and unique interior of the dwelling. For these purposes, various types of plastering for interior decorations are used, which differ in composition, viscosity, color and structure. About what plaster are, it will be discussed below.

Part of the ceiling descended by opening the base lathe. The screemer leaves the plaster on the spot, but smoothes the surface of the walls and ceilings with three or thinner layer of plaster. Prices differ significantly, but usually start up with the fact that you pay for extensive paint work and go from there.

All about decorative plaster

When removing the coating, a stucco specialist can provide a thin, smooth, smooth and durable finish that will easily take paint or wallpaper. After completing any repair, plaster usually begin with applying a thin layer of a binder material, such as plaster with pink color, and then on a layer of fiberglass mesh, followed by three or more thin coating layers for plaster. The mesh layer ensures that the plaster will not crack in a few months.

According to this principle, plastering for internal works are divided into two main types: for starting work (usually alignment of walls) and finishing.

The first type of material is used to finish the "naked" walls with a variety of defects, for example, chosel, chipping, cracks, influx, and so on. To remove these defects, large-dispersed mixtures based on sand and cement or hazed lime are used. There are other mixture options: acrylic, silicone, silicate and polymeric. They differ from previous presence of additional components that increase the operational qualities of the coating, as well as higher cost.

Methods of painting "Coroed"

Pink layer - plaster. Patch of large holes with plasterboard, covered with a thin layer of plating plaster to mix repairs with the rest of the plaster. Alternatively, a stucco specialist can choose to fill the hole with an underlying base, such as a lathe, followed by a layer of stucco scratches and a few more subtle layers of plaster.

Repeated creation of missing plaster parts. When part of plaster is separated from the base turning machineBut otherwise untouched, the stucco specialist can consolidate the plaster with plastering pins, and then remove the coat over the pins so that they are not visible. If the separation occurs on the ceiling, you must immediately eliminate the problem to prevent a dangerous collapse.

At the second stage, the so-called coherent plaster is applied, the types of plaster of this type in most cases are more expensive than draft. Usually they are made on the basis of gypsum. They serve as the basis for a tile, paint, decorative plaster or wallpaper. IN gypsum plaster Additional substances can also add. Usually they are used to reduce the intensity of moisture effects and increase the drying time of the solution.

These ceiling caves can be prevented before they become a potentially dangerous problem with the help of a procedure called "consolidation," said Jason K. "Pinging is an important technology of preservation, thanks to which the plaster is attached to the ceiling bass."

Repair of damaged plaster parts

The manufacture of the ceiling is perfectly smooth and stable is one of the most qualified and expensive types of plaster. If Details decorative plaster brooms, missing or melted, the plaster expert can reproduce them accurately using forms, shapes or handwritten methods. Such work requires advanced skills and can be more expensive than covering skim.

The finish mixtures are the most expensive, but with their help create decorative coatings. These solutions in turn are divided into structural, textured, and the Venetian plaster is considered a separate species. When choosing such mixtures, it is recommended to focus on the medium-value category. So you can avoid the risk of acquiring fake or poor-quality goods, but also do not overpay.

Improved ceiling is restored. Stucco specialist can create perfectly smooth, smooth and durable surfaces that will easily use paint or wallpaper. The transition to adjacent surfaces, such as moldings, will be suitable and attractive. Specialists in the plaster will not need to twace and create less dust than other workers.

They have specialized materials and equipment, including extra-fat paper from rosin and modular inner forests to protect at home and speed up their work. On the other hand, someone owning only plasterboard can damage at home with walls that are not straight or cracks for six months.

Gypsum mixtures are very plastic and easy to handle, therefore usually apply for finishing finish

On a note! Different types of plastering solutions are customary to use for certain purposes, but there are also universal mixtures that allow you to finish faster and cheaper.

Decorative plaster in the apartment

Modern and creative wall design can completely change the room. With a special game between patterns associated with color or light, you can create something extraordinary. In the design of the walls, the imagination has no boundaries. We have to look for only an elegant style, and especially it is perfectly combined with the style of the room. Colors and wall coating materials should harmonize with a common view of the room. There are many ways we can decorate the walls with a good taste.

Decorative Walls, Yellow

Materials are varieties, wood, stone, plaster, paint, wallpaper or decorative panels for walls. In our examples today we have several images with these options. Because of its availability and convenience of assembly, we will see a little closer wallpaper and vinyl stickers. We will include those models and motives that meet our individuality.

Wall Decoration, Natural Motives

Expressive wall with multiple contrasts or multiple color patterns that can be achieved with some large vinyls.

Varieties of plasters by type of binder

This substance is basic because it fastens dispersed components of the material (sand, quartz, stone flour and so on). The life and properties of the coating depends on its type and quality.

Mineral cement-based plaster

This is the most common type of material for interior decoration. Such plaster is supplied in a dry powder form, so before applying it must be diluted with water. Cement formulations are suitable for any type of surface. The main advantages are vapor permeability and non-aging. Most often used cement-sand and cement-lime mixtures. Due to the simplicity of the composition, solutions are easy to prepare themselves.

As a screen on one wall, as we will see today in the gallery of images. The decoration of walls and creativity is today's offer, focus on the wall that transforms space. Processing and maintenance of walls will always be mandatory in our homes. As can be seen, the picture is the first resource to which we resorted.

Decoration style that we say today uses smooth walls And is a very effective method for achieving personal design, as we said earlier. If we are talking about decorative walls and many other things, the smoothing process may be perhaps the most expensive if you hire work. On the other hand, we can take care of yourself. Apply abundantly on the wall and clean the spatula. After the completion of this, Aguaplace applies and matches with homogeneous grinding. After the wall is smooth, it moves to the applying of wallpaper.

Cement-based plaster can be used for wet premises and facade works.

As it is clear from the title, this material is made on the basis of gypsum. It can be used for both black finish and finishing work. Gypsum compositions are suitable only for room with a normal level of humidity, so they cannot be used in bathrooms or kitchens. Also there are plaster mixtures with special additives that withstand the prolonged exposure of moisture, but their cost is unreasonably high.

When to use decorative plaster?

The first step is to measure the size of the wall. Then go to the cutting paper and leave the field of about five centimeters. As soon as it is done, apply glue on the wall evenly, ideally and use the roller. The paper is then placed, excluding possible air pockets that can appear during the assembly. Finally, the edges are revised to provide good adhesion. Obviously, if we talk about the decoration of the walls and the transformation, this is an unmistakable method. This is a quick and inexpensive way to radically convert the room.

Gypsum composition can not be used in premises with high humidity

Sticker based on acrylic resins (polymeric material)

The main distinguishing feature of this material is the fact that it is supplied in the form of a finished mixture, which does not require dilution with water. Such solutions can be applied directly onto the walls or on the starting layer of plaster. As for ventilation and vapor permeability, such a type of plaster loses mineral, but is distinguished by higher strength indicators. Due to relatively high cost, it is recommended to use as coating mixtures. The main advantage is the wide range of colors.

We saved yourself to invest furniture or in some kind of work project. This is an option that can convert space to a more dynamic way than drawing. Add texture and depth with different parameters. If we think about models, then options are limited. Especially in terms of patterns and colors. In this case, we continue to add a new concept, decorative walls and vinyls. They are easy to use and their prices are quite accessible. Another advantage is a wide catalog of opportunities existing in the field of colors and structures.

Acrylic mixture is most often used for decorative work.

Such plaster is made on the basis of potash glass. It can also be applied to the "naked" walls or on the prepared surface. Silicate plasters Well passes air, so moisture will not accumulate under the coating. This material can be applied only after the preliminary processing of the walls of the primer. In addition, partial repairs can be carried out only by means of similar plasters.

Models are available for each place in the house. With motives that can be placed in the kitchen, living room even in the bathroom. Its durability depends largely on the proper installation. It is advisable to remove it from the package before leaving it and leave on the smooth surface. The assembly will be done the next day, as it should be done with the motive completely smooth. First, the protective paper is produced gradually until the vinyl glues.

Finishing plaster for internal works: the right choice

Background effect in black and white. Then press wet fabric to remove air bubbles that were created. It should always be made from the center to the contours. After a few hours, we must control if it took some kind of zone, and we will look at it again with some kind of piece of fabric. If we want to make some wall remodeling in the future, it is very simple to remove it. Undoubtedly, decorative walls and vinyl are trinical, which bring greater freshness and difference in space.

It is produced using silicone resins. The main advantage of this material is a long service life. Parry permeability and water repellent properties are the highest of all listed materials, but the cost is also quite high. This type of material is applied to any surfaces with preliminary preparation Or without it.

Plaster Coroede. Types of mixes

Stimulus on the wall, which would probably not stay unnoticed by any visitor. With the designs of excellent texture and elegance, in which even wooden panels. Or options with concrete to achieve the best texture or plaster to achieve also very detailed and original finishes.

Let's enjoy these suggestions that will undoubtedly give us some idea of \u200b\u200bour projects.

Vertical striped shades of green. Those who drew a house know that there are several types of paints, and each of them has a specific function to complete the walls of the house.

Types of plaster according to the method of applying

Not so long ago, plaster solutions were applied only with the help of manual tools, for example, spatulas, Kelm, workshops, and so on. At the present time, special machines appeared to speed up this process, so now there is a separation of materials on manual and for machine application.

In the first case, we are talking about materials with various fillers and knitting substanceswhich differ in thick consistency. They are applied using painting beacons, align and grind manually. The average rate of application is 10 square meters For an hour, but it all depends on the qualification of the wizard.

Machine application plasters can be supplied in a dry powder form or ready for use. In connection with the peculiarities of application, such formulations should be more liquid than materials for handmade. Typically, two layers of such a solution are usually required. The automated application of plaster is beneficial only in cases where a large amount of work is planned or the application rate is a decisive factor.

Machine plastering mixtures are high-quality, so after drying, a perfectly smooth monolithic surface is obtained. Subject to the correct conduct of all stages of work, the coating does not crack and will last up to 20 years. Such solutions are suitable for walls, and for ceiling. The average rate of application is 60 square meters in 1 hour.

You should know! For normal repairs in the apartment, the acquisition of the plaster apparatus is unprofitable, so it is better to take it for short-term or one-time use.

Another species are universal plasters that can be used for both manual and for machine method of application.

Decorative plaster

These types of plasters are divided into many subspecies. But they are united by one - all of them are used to create the finish decorative coating. Such mixtures are most supplied in finished videoBut there are cheaper - powdered.


Such plaster is usually made on the basis of acrylic resins, which add quartz sand and dye of a certain shade. The material is supplied in the form of ready-made mixtures in plastic containers of various volumes. Smooth mixtures are often used for designing door and window openings. Structural options, for example, lamb or coroede, are more suitable for the main surfaces. The main advantage is the lack of the need for subsequent finishing works. From disadvantages can only be called cost.


All of the above-mentioned substances can be used as binding components, but the filler is usually crumb or flour from marble, granite, malachite and other natural stones. The plaster is most often used for the design of the arches and columns, but if the owner of the room likes an antique style, then it is permissible to separate the entire room in this material. The process of placing the coating is as follows:

  • The first thing is to mark the laying of stone rows on a predetermined and dried surface.
  • After that, there are location of the seams between the stones.
  • The material is then applied as an ordinary plastering composition.
  • At the end, the surface is cut into fragments on the applied markup and the remnants of the material are cut.


Terrazite plastering mixes Used to create a coating that imitating a natural stone. This material weighs quite a lot, therefore requires special preparatory measures. Freshly improving surface make relief pattern. To do this, you can use the usual painting brush and handle the wall with wave-like movements. If the mixture is applied to the starting layer, it is recommended to apply a relief with the help of hammer and chisel.

The terrazite plaster is made on the basis of cement, hated lime or limestone test, as well as mica. As a filler use quartz sand, stone flour or crumb. Before applying such solutions, the surface must be moistened with a pulverizer or a conventional kitchen sponge. This material is also applied in two layers. The first layer should be thin, after half an hour after it is applied the wall is processed again. After drying the coating, the wall is subjected to cyclishing (like parquet). This is done to get a perfectly smooth wall. To create the effect of the knee, the chisel is used, which is driven into the dried mortar in arbitrary places. At the very end of the wall is treated with sandblasting machine.

This is the name of a special type of plaster, which, after drying, forms a relief coating with a specific ornament. The application technology lies in the fact that the material is applied in several layers, each of which is tinted with a certain color, after which some parts of the coating are removed. Thus, the selected drawing is formed. Usually no more than 6 layers are applied, aligning each of them. After drying the material, the silhouette of the pattern is applied to the surface, and at the end simply cut the material layer behind the layer.


Venetian plaster is a special finishing materialWith which the coating is made by imitating natural marble. Such material is perfect for the interior in the classic or antique style. Most often in its composition there are marble flour or crumb, acrylic resins or lime. To reduce the mixture, a little granite is added instead of marble. The resulting coatings are distinguished by deep color and metal glitter, where the lower layers are shifted, creating a special visual effect.

The application procedure is rather complicated, and the material itself is more expensive than any other, so the final price of the finished coating will be very high. This is the only drawback of this type of plaster.

What to pay attention to the selection of plaster solutions

An unambiguous answer to the question of which plaster to choose, no. Choosing materials, it is necessary to immediately decide where and for what purposes they will be used. For example, to finish wet premises to apply to cement basedAnd in the residential rooms it will be better to look a gypsum coating.

Before you choose a plaster, you should decide on the budget if it allows you to afford color acrylic plasters with a variety of shades, but if the owner is not ready to spend a significant amount, it is better to stay on conventional plasterwhich can be subsequently painted or separated by tiles.

In addition, it is important to combine the styles and materials correctly. Expensive Venetian coating is unlikely to be able to raise the same visual effect in a small apartment as in the spacious lobby. It is also very important to take into account the color gamut in which the room will be issued. It all depends on the very owner of the dwelling, but it is better to ask for help to designer.

As you can see, a variety of plasters on the modern construction market is really great. In order not to be confused in the assortment and purchase suitable, and most importantly, high-quality materials, it is better to immediately ask for help to professionals and entrust the choice of plaster them.